Backstage Heat on Mickie James?

From rondiesel:
My question is with everything that's been going on with TNA, what are they doing wrong??

Haha, I could write forever trying to answer that question!

from The Natural:
If Mickie wanted to congratulate The Rock she could have done it another way such as a text message or a phone call. You shouldn't be praising your competition (even though TNA are not really any kind of competition to the WWE) before their biggest show of the year, when you are one of the most experienced members of your company's roster.

Absolutely! I'm a fan of Mickie James, but she made a mistake. There's no doubt she should NOT be praising the efforts of a rival company on a public forum that millions of people have access to. She isn't a faceless member of the ring or production crew, she's a MAJOR representative of TNA. She's possibly the most popular female on the roster, and probably the highest paid, and she puts over WWE, in a public acknowledgement no less? It leads me to believe she isn't taking her position with TNA very seriously, as with many in TNA, which is another one of their many problems.

It isn't a big deal to you or I, as invested wrestling fans we enjoy hearing what the wrestlers have to say, however if I were working for TNA, busting my ass to get that company into a competitive position, I wouldn't be too happy. If I were the owner of TNA I'd be fining, suspending, and firing my employees who publicly and openly praise the efforts of my most successful rival.

To those who think TNA and WWE aren't in competition, I 100% disagree. Here's a few examples of how they are:

  • I don't want to spend 4-5 hours a week watching shitty pro wrestling, I choose what company I'm going to spend time watching.(and getting pissed about) Mickie James, one of the biggest stars in TNA, says RAW was spine chilling? Hmm, perhaps I should tune in next week...
  • I have $30 extra to spend out of my shitty paycheck, I want a rasslin' shirt or a collectible action figure or whatever, which company's product will I buy?
  • There's going to be a house show in my area, I get some friends together, make the arrangements for everyone cause they likely won't do it themselves, drive their lazy asses 2 hours to the venue, and put a lot of energy and effort into the whole ordeal. Which company am I willing to do that for to see live?
  • Whose ppv are you going to get this month? I'm poor as fuck and don't have cable so I'm only able to watch wrestling, as it airs, at a friends house, but if I had more money I'd try to get a ppv, but I damn sure wouldn't get both in the same month.
TNA isn't competitive with WWE, but they are in competition, TNA is just losing so badly they aren't, at this point, a threat (competitive), but that doesn't mean they can't be. And if their own talent is saying how great WWE is, that's not going to help them get on par. Dixie Carter does it so it must be okay, right? Wrong, she should be replaced. Lots of other TNA employees/wrestlers do it so that makes it okay, right? Wrong, they should be consequenced. We have freedom of speech in this country so people can say whatever the FUCK they want, right? Ehh, kind of, but use some common sense, at least when thousands if not millions of the Rock's fans...oh wait...potential TNA fans are going to read what you write. It really seems like many on the TNA roster have an apathetic attitude concerning the success of the company, and its become the norm for ex-WWE stars. And this company can't understand why they're so far behind?!

I know I've went a little overboard considering it was just a twitter, but it eludes to a larger problem--> That being lack of common sense from major players in the company. If TNA's own president (or whatever the fuck she does) and one of their main stars don't have sense enough to at least refrain from publicly advertising and praising the largest competitor in the market TNA is hoping to one day dominate, then what exactly does that say about this "company." And why should I give two shits about them? James is lucky The Rock responded to her in the same way, it would've looked even worse if he hadn't. If I were in charge, I'd promptly make Mickie strip down to the buff whilst I "punished" her for this insolence!
I see that Tara was Tweeting with and about Trish Stratus on her return to WWE. Will this give Tara heat backstage? If Mickie was receiving heat for Tweeting in regardfs to The Rock, would Tara have done the same thing? I say no to both

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