Backstage Heat on Mickie James?


Getting Noticed By Management
I am reading now that there are some heat on Mickie James related to what she wrote on twitter about The Rock's return to WWE.

one prominent TNA wrestler said "We're having a hard enough time keeping anyone's attention during Wrestlemania season.we have Kurt Angle's entire personal life, including his relationship with his children, playing out on TV to get a .1 boost in the numbers. Mickie should be a locker room leader, and should know better. Instead, she just makes it seem like she's longing to go to back to WWE"

Lets go back to when we all witness that Fourtune turn baby-face. one of the reasons i think the rating went up was because the fans wanted to see where were they going with the storyline. Right after Fourtune turn baby-face, TNA went to the same format, they were still doing the whole Kurt Angle and Jarrett storyline. was it enough to keep the fans interesting??

I am not trying to say, because of The Rock's return to WWE, the fans are paying less attention to TNA. My question is with everything that's been going on with TNA, what are they doing wrong??
First of all, I want to point out that I find this to be stupid. Mickie James should be able to express herself on Twitter. She was excited that The Rock returned and now she has heat on her from the locker room? The morale in the TNA Locker Room has always been abysmal from what I've read, but what is the cause of this? Is it due to poor management over at TNA or is it because they realize they'll never catch up to the WWE? I'm not sure, but Mickie James shouldn't be treated like a traitor for a simple tweet.

If your roster can't concentrate in your promotion during a different promotion's big event, then you have a problem and need to fix it. Do you think RoH is having this problem? I don't think so. It's TNA only. But again, why?

I think I know why. The former WWE wrestlers are starting to realize that WrestleMania is something you dream to achieve to be apart of. TNA doesn't have that. They have Bound for Glory, but it isn't as important to wrestlers and fans alike like WrestleMania is. Maybe Mickie James does long to be apart of WWE again. I once read that Bubba Ray and Devon wanted to go back too. I know I'm probably rambling, but when you have members of you roster wanting to go back to their previous employer, then that isn't saying anything good about the promotion they are in now.
Its just silly so what Mickie commented on The Rock is a legend and its no different from last year Dixe Carter her self commenting on HBK on her twitter. This Prominent TNA Wrestler as with TNA management is just pissed that they have spent loads and still struggle to pull in ratings. They are just blaming everything but what is to blame which is the Management of TNA . Also couple weeks ago they commented on Nash & Booker going back north

Every couple of months u hear of tension in TNA and then all of a sudden its ok . You hear people say TNA is better then WWE but you hear so much about Tension in TNA and a fair few wrestlers left due to the tension or have nearly left .
First off you can't blame the Rock or WWE at all for TNA's ratings because its not like the Monday night wars, they go completely unopposed by WWE, it makes more sense to blame the Big Bang Theory than it does to blame WWE.

TNA's biggest issue is that there is no reason to care for TNA and TNA programming, there is just not any superstar or storyline going on there that is "Must See" TV. The ratings they get every week are from the same bunch of people who are big TNA fans, really its their group of hardcore fans that makes that 1.0 every week and a lot of them watch just because its wrestling, not because they like TNA (in all fairness the same can be said for WWE) but they just want to see some wrestling.

TNA programming for me seems like a constant Black Hole and its never anything new. Lets be honest here the Immortal storyline has been done in TNA plenty of times, its nothing new their really isn't much of a difference between Immortals and the MEM, its really the same thing, a group of guys taking over the entire show, same thing with Planet Jarrett, its nothing new.

They also constantly try to incorporate real life situations into their programming because its alot easier, instead of writing a storyline they just use something happening in real life and that's a mistake, it doesn't really work especially with Angle and Jarrett because any animosity Angle had to Jeff or Karen is gone and that's what makes a good, realistic storyline, without that its pointless.Not only that why should someone care that Angle has to walk Karen down to the ring to get her vows renewed, there is no reason to.

Wrestling booking isn't as difficult as most would think, it can actually be very easy as long as you do a few things, push the right guys, keep it logical, keep it simple and stay course, don't rush things unless its absolutely necessary (like ratings drop huge or a wrestler gets injured). Of course there is more to booking but those are good guidlines.

As spock would put it: TNA programming is most illogical. A lot of it doesn't make sense, they don't build stars and it just feels rushed and convulted most of the time. When I watch TNA its like watching wrestling for the sake of watching wrestling, when I watch WWE its because I'm interested, like seeing who Taker faces at wrestlemania, what is the rock going to do, is Del Rio going to be champ at wrestlemania, I'm much more invested in WWE's product and actually care what's going to happen, I couldn't give 2 shits about what happens in TNA and thats what they need to do, get people more emotionally invested in their product. It takes time to do, but it can be achieved.

About Mickie, although its dumb to get mad at her for it I do agree with TNA backstage, Mickie's a TNA employee and that is where her loyalty should lie. Being so new with a company its just not smart talking about the competition in any way.
I agree with PinkFloyd's post. Wrestlemaina is the super bowl of wrestling. The only other pay per view that was close to that was Starcade. TNA doesn't have a event that is on that level (as of now, but it could change). Mickie was just being Mickie. What you can't tweet to someone who works at a different company? Will the WWE get mad at the Rock for responding? Of course not, because they know the company they have and know where they are. TNA knows what they are not, and they are taking it out on her.
I think it will blow over once wrestlemania is over. LOL.
Its just silly so what Mickie commented on The Rock is a legend and its no different from last year Dixe Carter her self commenting on HBK on her twitter. This Prominent TNA Wrestler as with TNA management is just pissed that they have spent loads and still struggle to pull in ratings. They are just blaming everything but what is to blame which is the Management of TNA . Also couple weeks ago they commented on Nash & Booker going back north

Every couple of months u hear of tension in TNA and then all of a sudden its ok . You hear people say TNA is better then WWE but you hear so much about Tension in TNA and a fair few wrestlers left due to the tension or have nearly left .

even Dixie Carter is not offended by what Mickie James said like you said she commenting on HBK for being Hall of Fame. I remember try tried to blame it on Management but Management is saying it's the wrestler's fault, They act like they don't see what's the problem
Based on all the information that we know, including information revealed in an interview with Eric Bischoff, the consensus is that the Fourtune face turn was in fact Plan B. Though it was never officially stated, plan A was most likely the return of the Main Event Mafia with Kurt Angle at the forefront, Steiner as the "hired muscle", and (at least) Kevin Nash and Booker T as semi-prominent to prominent players.

Having said that, what TNA did "wrong" was two-fold. First, they did the old "counting your chickens before they've hatched" thing... again. Regardless of whether it was a good past working relationship, faulty assumption or an outright blunder on TNA's part, management/creative simply believed that Booker T was on-board before the contract was signed and delivered. Obviously he wasn't and the company (whether it was that they feel duped or simply just stupid) is a bit sore over the matter. Understandably so.

As for Nash, the second mistake they made was the same one that even Vince McMahon has made himself countless times. That is, they took somebody at their word. In my opinion, this is really no different in principal than when "Diesel" jumped ship for WCW when the Monday Night Wars were initially heating up. According to Jim Cornette, Nash had told Vince and Company that he was "with them" and instructed creative to "tell all the boys I'm with them." In the next breath, Nash began talking to others about all the money the other side (ie; WCW) was offering. I'm not sure if any paperwork was actually signed with WWF, but essentially Nash went back on his word and signed with WCW.

The only difference in the situation with TNA is that apparently there was an official contract signing between the company and Nash. For whatever reason, they let him out of it to (whether knowingly or unknowingly) go sign with WWE. Rumor states Nash had certain info on the company that would be too revealing or downright embarassing if it got out. As a condition of his release, Nash promised not to devulge said information. I take that assessment with a grain of salt, but I also believe that Nash had to have some sort of "leverage" to get out of a signed, legally binding contract seemingly so easily and without extensive (and public) litigation involved.

The first mistake is undoubtedly something TNA has done before and should've known better. It wasn't that long ago (last summer) that Paul Heymans non-arrival was the big bust in TNA and EV2.0 (as presented) essentially became the "Plan B." Like with the recent situation with Booker T, management simply banked on the fact that the Heyman signing was a done deal and began a storyline/angle without this major player in place. The issue with Nash however isn't really attributable to something TNA did "wrong" per se. Even without Booker, the MEM resurgence angle still could've went off with nary a hitch. When you X out two prominent key players though, that's when things fall apart. MEM would've been too weak with just Angle and Steiner as the big players vs. Immortal. Any replacement from the roster in those predominant roles probably wouldn't have been believable.

As for the Mickie James thing, that's just a little more salt in the wound for TNA. On it's own, it's really not that big of a deal. Other folks from TNA commented in similar ways regarding the return of the Rock to WWE when it happened. I've found that in general, TNA is very leniant in its talent recognizing other happenings in the wrestling industry, particularly those in WWE and commenting accordingly (whether positively or negatively).

Coupled with the recent Nash and Booker issues, TNA is feeling the sting (no pun intended) a little more now. The Rock coming back is a big deal for a lot of people and certainly doesn't help in their constant uphill battle against WWE. A prominent star like Mickey James calling out what some might label a "coup de grace" in public just puts that much more pressure on TNA.
First time posting and I have to agree with PinkFloyd. Cant blame Mickie at all for reacting to what the WWE is doing. TNA will never be multimedia conglomerate that is the WWE. I hope she finds a way back home, as TNA is only burying her character further.
I think this is bs. Another fakeish but plausible story from a dirtsheet based solely on one anonymous source. Cross promoting with wrestlemania or the rock is exactly what TNA would love to do. The fact that the rock tweeted her back was a good thing for TNA considering the attention he is getting from wrestling fans right now. The two companies are not at war. TNA is not having a "hard time" contending with WWE right now because the two are not in actual contention and TNA is doing some of their best ratings ever presently. In fact you could make the argument that TNA benefits from the increased interest in wrestling this time of year. The ratings history seems to suggest this. Couple that with this hardly being the first time someone in TNA, including the president of the company, has made such a tweet I have a really hard time believing this is a major issue. Just like I have a hard time believing TNA cares that much about not bringing Booker T back.
I think this is bs. Another fakeish but plausible story from a dirtsheet based solely on one anonymous source. Cross promoting with wrestlemania or the rock is exactly what TNA would love to do. The fact that the rock tweeted her back was a good thing for TNA considering the attention he is getting from wrestling fans right now. The two companies are not at war. TNA is not having a "hard time" contending with WWE right now because the two are not in actual contention and TNA is doing some of their best ratings ever presently. In fact you could make the argument that TNA benefits from the increased interest in wrestling this time of year. The ratings history seems to suggest this. Couple that with this hardly being the first time someone in TNA, including the president of the company, has made such a tweet I have a really hard time believing this is a major issue. Just like I have a hard time believing TNA cares that much about not bringing Booker T back.

here the thing, last week, i watch Impact. I don't know what happen but they acted like they didn't care about the booking of the matches. Things look either slow or boring, didn't they get like 1.1 ratings from last week. weren't they gettin more than that two weeks ago?? They are trying to keep the fans interesting in Jarret and Angle feud, but some of us are having a hard time accepting the fact that Kurt Angle would allow himself to be in this Angle especially with his kids involved.

I am sure you read some articles about Eric Bischoff claiming that he excited with how things are going with TNA or plans that TNA are going with, don't you ever get the the feeling that he is either lying or just saying what we need to hear?
I really do not think of this as a big deal. Mickie probably shouldnt have commented on her Twitter about The Rock, but if people are angry at that then Dixie should not have mentioned HBK on HER Twitter. What example is that setting to your talent.

If Mickie wanted to congratulate The Rock she could have done it another way such as a text message or a phone call. You shouldn't be praising your competition (even though TNA are not really any kind of competition to the WWE) before their biggest show of the year, when you are one of the most experienced members of your company's roster.

However, it is only Mickie James. She is a big name in womens wrestling, but in the actual wrestling business as a whole she doesn't really affect the ratings. It isnt like Sting or AJ Styles coming out and praising The Rock. Mickie's comments will have little or no effect on anything, so it isnt really a big deal.

She probably shouldnt have done it, but it will have caused no harm in the end. Other TNA wrestlers should look at how this has annoyed people and avoid making the same mistake.
I really do not think of this as a big deal. Mickie probably shouldnt have commented on her Twitter about The Rock, but if people are angry at that then Dixie should not have mentioned HBK on HER Twitter. What example is that setting to your talent.

If Mickie wanted to congratulate The Rock she could have done it another way such as a text message or a phone call. You shouldn't be praising your competition (even though TNA are not really any kind of competition to the WWE) before their biggest show of the year, when you are one of the most experienced members of your company's roster.

However, it is only Mickie James. She is a big name in womens wrestling, but in the actual wrestling business as a whole she doesn't really affect the ratings. It isnt like Sting or AJ Styles coming out and praising The Rock. Mickie's comments will have little or no effect on anything, so it isnt really a big deal.

She probably shouldnt have done it, but it will have caused no harm in the end. Other TNA wrestlers should look at how this has annoyed people and avoid making the same mistake.

I am sure you remember about Ric Flair making a phone call to WWE to send two World Championship Belts to the Superbowl champions, and i am sure people were wondering, what's wrong with asking TNA to do that. Like you said what example setting for your talents. I think they just mad because they are not getting the attention they deserve when they have all kinds of feuds that's going on right now that either are boring or just waste of time and is not attracting a lot of the fans
This is hilarious. Your saying their not suppose to congradulate competition. Since when has tna been competition. And if Kevin Nash never signed with wwe but still wanted to be there for hbk's hall of fame, Would that be disrespecting tna? These people create friendships and tna should be happy about what she did. Its called respecting the wrestling business. The rock is a legend to many people so saying she is happy for him,I don't see the problem with it.
Well, a couple things.
First, while management needs to have a "plan B", maybe they shouldn't be using it ALL THE FREAKING TIME. If, IF, TNA management planned a bit more with WHAT THEY HAVE and a bit less with WHAT THEY WISH FOR, the product would make a LOT more sense. They could plan some GOOD storyline that actually get to USE, and not come off as whining about having to use plan B.
Second thing, various reports are saying that the WWE just paid the ROCK umpteen MILLION DOLLARS to show up and cut a promo or ten. If promos are worth a half million each, what is the value of a Twitter. If I was TNA management I would be creaming my shorts that the ROCK was smelling my pie, or tweeting my candy ass, or pimping my jabronis. Seriously, Mickie just got TNA a few hundred thousand dollars worth of press. USE HER! Use that rub. Is anybody else getting over based on REAL celebrity. Oh yeah, Robbie E.
The last bit of celebrity rub that TNA got was JWoww, for Chrissakes. If I were running TNA, I would look for anything I could find to subtly link Mickie to the Rock. I'd show her at catering eating some pie. I'd put her in candy striped shorts. I would milk that connection (weak, thin, slim connection that it is) dry. Because my only other Rub comes from Broken Hogan, Ric Flair, and JWoww. Freaking JWoww.
Was Danny Bonaducci busy?
Was Rob Terry afraid of the acting chops of "Screach"?
Me too i thinks this is fake. The reason is why would the TNA talent be so upset at Mickie James for talking about The Rock on Twitter, while Dixie Carter (The president of TNA by the way) talked about HBK and his Hall of fame induction? An argument could be made that you don't want to criticize your own boss but, even if it was true any publicity is good publicity because The Rock talked about Mikie James. And by the way, its her own Twitter account so she has the right to say what she wants on it doesn't she?
It's obvious bullshit. TNA has a hell of a lot bigger things to worry about than fucking Twitter. WWE wrestler's have praised TNA's work via Twitter on occasion, but you don't see WWE getting pissy about it. And that's WWE, remember? Militant strict WWE. This is just made up crap to get more hits on the site. In 2006, this site was hell bent on making you believe Hulk Hogan had signed with TNA then. But when he actually did, we all found out at the same time.

Are you seriously gonna tell me that TNA is mad at Mickie James for talking with The Fucking Rock over Twitter while pandering idiots point it out to the masses? "Hey, The Rock said something nice about a TNA wrestler." And TNA get's pissy about compliments from The Great One? Quit making shit up, Nick Paglino.
Everything I was going to say has been said by others and better than I ever could. I just do not see how this can be a problem. I have seen many TNA stars talking about WWE stars and nobody says a word. But have Mickie James compliment The Rock and it is the end of the world. But I am a Mickie fan so maybe I am biased but when i saw her Tweet and then the 'outrage' I was shocked.
hmmm i don,t think its fake but i dnt think TNA Managment cares its just dumb knockouts who think it,ll reduce the ratings.. other than tht i agree with evryone else
I wouldnt believe any of the bullshit that gets posted. Most of them are WWE marks AND have no connections inside the industry.

Their reports are horribly constructed and look more fake then wrestling.
I agree with pretty much everyone else.

Mickie and The Rock are friends...if she wants to talk to him on her twitter page. That's her business. I follow a bunch of wrestlers on Twitter, and TNA and WWE talents interact with one another all the time.

Not to mention, TNA has ALWAYS made reference to the WWE on their shows. I'm sure that Mickle tweeting about the Rock didn't all of a sudden make people aware of the fact that the Rock is back. It's the hottest news in the industry right now. It's WrestleMania time.

That's like getting pissed off that people are watching the World Series, instead of a Little League game.

And someone else on here said it....When HBK retired, Dixie tweeted about it. Isn't it a million times worse to have the owner of the company putting over the competition, than to have one of your talents congratulate their friend on a successful comeback?
If TNA has to have backstage tension with someone or something, have it with something better then Mickie James and The Rock giving each other compliments on twitter.

I would be more concerned about Ric Flair blowing up on tour. Or How to get a bigger market for TNA. Instead... They are bitching about how Kurt Angle's personal life angle is on TV.

I got news for that wrestler who made that comment. No one cares about it, that's why. IF they wanted to do that angle, they should of done it a couple months after it happen. Instead of waiting 2 years.

Mickie James is a good talent. She may not sell out big arenas, but she help's the knockouts.
Either way i don't think its really a problem. So what if Mickie James talked about The Rock, or if wrestlers talk to eachother? They are friends in real life even if they are in different companies. Lol some of them probably went to the same high school or kindergaden when they were young. As for Dixie Carter tweeting about HBK after he retired being a problem, well why not she probably grew up idolizing him when she was little so why would it be a problem apart for talking about WWE instead of concentrating on TNA? Anyways like i said in an earlier post, its their Twitter account they can say what they want on it except threatening to kill someone.
First off you can't blame the Rock or WWE at all for TNA's ratings because its not like the Monday night wars, they go completely unopposed by WWE, it makes more sense to blame the Big Bang Theory than it does to blame WWE.

Great point.

I don't think it's fair to put any heat on her considering others have talked about WWE during an in-ring promo. Those were not praising WWE, but still mention it. Also, many people talk about how TNA is more free than WWE because the superstars can write whatever they want on their twitter accounts, and now Mickie James is catching shit for it. This is also a consequence of signing talent from WWE as opposed to bringing up young talent.
Great point.

I don't think it's fair to put any heat on her considering others have talked about WWE during an in-ring promo. Those were not praising WWE, but still mention it. Also, many people talk about how TNA is more free than WWE because the superstars can write whatever they want on their twitter accounts, and now Mickie James is catching shit for it. This is also a consequence of signing talent from WWE as opposed to bringing up young talent.

As you said its not fair to put heat on her for what she did, as everybody mentionned WWE before her. As for what you said about the consequences of hiring talent from the WWE instead of bringing up young talent, well it could be true but its been said countless times before that every company hire wrestlers from any other companies that are in existence why would TNA be any different?
While I understand why Mickie James would react, -- and she certainly has a right to react any way she so desires -- I get what TNA could be feeling.

In a business/team sense, you have to feel that you're number one. You have to talk about yourself. Hype yourself up.

Business-wise, this is what happened. TNA is doing all these new storylines and one of their own wrestlers would rather tweet about The Rock in WWE. That doesn't look good to the general public. Once again, I understand why she would do it and that she has the right to do it.

However, I think getting a company successful is a team effort. A team needs to stick together and focus on only themselves.

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