AWESOME_MIZ officially thread of stuff

I hate it when guys come up to me at a bar and think I'm interested in being their lamb. Like go herd someone else, douchebag.
Stated in my profile and I have a picture of myself in the post your picture thread.

after hours of excavation I now know the truth about you and awesome_miz!

while you were undergoing procedures that effect that status of your gender while in the hospital you saw a little infant wearing pajamas with lambs on it! you thought it was cute and called him "sweet prince".

14 years later you guys have been reunited through the use of the internet and destiny became reality:)
Omar from The Wire is the new Biology teacher, Pierce has returned to the study group, Leonard wears prescription socks, Chang lives in the air vents of the school, the air conditioning program annex is badass
But why is Jeff not in the study group?

Pierce came back too late to get in Bio, instead of picking a new class Jeff convinced the group they're beyond needing to be in a study group since thery're already close friends. However, after Jeff got kicked out of Bio, Pierce took his place off of the waiting list, inso facto Jeff is out of the study group.
I'm stuck in bed with flu for the next week so which tv series should i start watching to pass the time 30 Rock, How i met your mother, Breaking bad or US office??

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