TWITTER: @Son_Broku

I started a thread just like this back when Kane and Daniel Bryan were feuding, and I had an idea for them to team up. Well they ended up doing so.. and it's worked better than anyone probably thought it would. Two weeks ago on Impact when I saw Roode and Aries walking to the ring, bickering about their new t-shirts, agreeing and disagreeing back and forth I thought TNA potentially had their own little Team Hell No. This week while still agreeing and disagreeing about what to wear to object to the wedding and what not I thought they might actually give these guys a run as a team. Then of course later during their segment they ended up brawling with the Tag Team Champions. So it looks as if not only TNA IS going in this direction, but they're going straight to the top with it. And I for one, think it is a phenomenal idea!
TNA changing their PPV schedule drastically changes their company. Especially when it comes to booking. They have to be more creative and have to continue to evolve. There's not a pay off at the end of every month any more. Impact is no longer about selling PPV's, Impact has to stand on it's own as a product that people will want to continue to follow. The 3 big pay-per-views are now both TNA AND the fans payoff. So typically where teaming your two top heels wouldn't be such a good idea, now it's genius. After multiple losses to Jeff Hardy, there is no way to keep A Double and the It Factor in the title picture. Now they unite, form a pretty entertaining team both in and out of the ring (hopefully the comedy comes from their interactions, not their actions) and retain their position as cornerstones of Impact.
I just hope they don't stick together too long. They should hold the straps, get a PPV match or two.. but they're egomaniacs, and should eventually implode.
Here's my take. I'd have Aries and Roode take the straps off of Guerrero and Hernandez on one of the UK taped Impact's. I think that will go over well there. Unfortunately, TNA has NO face tag teams other than Chavo and Hernandez.. and that feud can only last so long. Their reign wouldn't bring new life to the tag team division, because TNA has no tag division. Hell they don't even have prospects. But the reign keeps the titles, Aries, and Roode relevant. I say their union leads to a big match at Slammiversary in June. Aries and Roode defend the tag team titles against Sting and Hulk Hogan. Sorry if that makes you groan, but it's probably the biggest tag team match TNA could create at the moment, and both Hogan and Sting are still way over with the Impact audience that actually attends the shows. Roode and Aries not being able to agree and who gets to be the one to pin Hogan eventually leads to their implosion. Sting and Hulk win the tag team titles that night, then on the next Impact announce they will be vacating the titles and a tournament to crown new champions begins. Aries and Roode are determined to get the straps back and make it to the finals where they fall to a new face team. Hopefully by this point we have a hopeful tag team division getting started, and the team of Aries and Roode can dissolve.
So what do you think?
Do you like the potential tag team of Austin Aries and Bobby Roode?
How would you use the team going forward?