All you need to know about how poor of a choice it was to keep the titles on Chavo and Hernandez as long as they were is that the UK crowd turned on them the entire match. They booed Chavo regularly, especially when he went for the Three Amigos suplexes, and they popped hard when Aries and Roode (who were the clear heels in the match) won.
This is a fantastic move to put the titles on a duo who are gaining a ton of steam. They'd probably have had a better pay off having this happen on PPV, but with Lockdown still a month away, it makes sense to build toward a match now.
It seems to me that if Hernandez and Chavo are such an uninspiring tag team as all that, this was the right move. Why would there be a better payoff on PPV if the fans cannot get excited about the champs enough to care? Better to do it on television, so that everyone knows the titles are on a more exciting team, one that will make folks want to buy the PPV.
I have always liked Hernandez in a team, and I am a Chavo fan since the "Pepe days." I have not been excited about this team so far. I do not think they have found a niche yet, aside from LAX mark 3. Hernandez worked well in a team with homicide and also with Matt Morgan. I have seen him wrestle on the Indy circuit, and he has worked well with everyone I have seen him tag with (except that one guy...what was his name again? You know...the other half of "Mexican America? Ah, never mind. He was very forgettable.). I know these two guys can make a fabulous team. Chavo is amazing, and Hernandez can team well with nearly anyone. The fact that this team is sorta uninteresting so far is hardly insurmountable. Perhaps a program with Roode and Aries is exactly what they need to elevate the team.
Now on to Roode and Aries. Makings of a fantastic team, here. But they need a tag division that is up to the task, though. Aside from Chavo and Hernandez and Bad Influence, who is on that level? Who are even the other teams? The Robbies? Umm.....(well, kash and gunner are history, 3D is history, joe and Magnus history, the MMGs are gone. No more beer money. Looking kinda thin here) I guess Aces and Eights could get a team up. What is missing here, besides more teams? Faces. Chavo and Hernandez are the closest thing right now. This situation can last a few months at best. They need more teams, or we will be seeing a small group of teams passing the belt around for too long, especially since I see a looming breakup between the Robbies.
So I expect Chavo and Hernandez to get the belts back before too long. They can work Roode and Aries for what, six or eight weeks, tops? If there are no new teams to fill the void, we can expect rinse repeat with Bad Influence and....Garret and Wes? Gallows and Knox? Excuse me. I am getting bored just thinking about it. It doesn't SEEM that long since TNA had one of the best quality tag divisions I have ever seen, or at least the absolute best division in 21st century America. It is like what happened to the X division previously. Almost like some one looked at what was right about TNA and said "well, it is time to put an end to that."