Would You Want To See Aries/Roode Hold Every Title?


King Of The Wasteland
A few weeks ago Austin Aries and Bobby Roode said how they wanted to win every belt in TNA. They've just won the Tag Team titles. I'm asking would you want to see them hold every belt in TNA.

Personally I wouldn't mind, it would be an interesting take on a dysfunctional pairing winning titles together (heck helping each other do it). I could see them parading around with the
Tag titles and the X-Division and TV titles (Aries having one and Roode the other) and then implodng when it comes to who wins the World title. It would certainly be something interesting to see on television.
actually, yes.
even though i doubt they will, they at least should not sit on the tag belts, they should keep trying to get the other belts so it doesnt get that tagchamps-of-the-month feel.
i would have them spend a week or two trying to get HH to give them a KO title shot, and maybe challenging RVD or devon/the face who beats devon.
as long as they dont have all those belts you can explain why they arent in the main event at the moment, because they would go there last because they are smart cowardly heels.
I swear TNA has a large list of WCW and WWF storylines, that they are going through, one at a time.

I swear that the WWF and WCW had a large list of storylines from any number of promotions that existed prior to them that they ran through, one at a time.

As for the way the OP layed out this situation, I could see the scenario playing out very much the way described and I'd love to see it happen. I hope that it is truly TNA's plan to follow through on this storyline.

Also putting the TV title on Roode could do wonders for the perception of the belt.
YES! That would be awesome. As a fan of both men this would be great. It would be fun to watch and could lead to a great feud over the world title. They could exchange their single titles. Suddenly midcard titles seem important and it could finally give the TV title something important to do.
TNA's own Two Man Power Trip? Sounds beautiful to me! And there's no two better men to pull it off. Unfortunately I don't see them ever capturing the World Title. They got the Tag Titles. Aries reclaims the X-Division Title. Bobby snags the Television Title. Then their pursuit of the World Title would ultimately cost them everything! I'd love to see a Pay-Per-View where they are in every title match.

They defend then lose the tag team titles.
Aries defends and loses the X-Division title.
Roode defends and loses the Television title.
Then in the main event, they both fail to capture the World Title in a Triple Threat match.

That would be outstanding!
Would I like to see it? It depends I suppose. Right now, Aries & Roode feel a little bit too much like Team Hell No, but they're two guys with loads of talent so the idea of them capturing every title has some interest.

At the same time, I very much doubt that they'll capture the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. I don't look for TNA to take the title off of Jeff Hardy anytime soon. Whether you're a big fan of Hardy or you're not, the man generates a lot of interest from the TNA audience and he's probably the biggest money maker on the roster at this point. Hardy signed a new deal recently, an extended deal apparently, and I have to believe that TNA will do whatever they can to keep him happy. I'm going to guess that, in terms of stroke, Hardy is now probably on a similar level to Hogan & Sting.

Roode & Aries taking the X Division & Television Championships isn't out of the realm of possibility at all. Devon is just sitting on the Television Championship and RVD just comes off as someone holding onto the X Division Championship until TNA decides to give it to someone else. Since the mid-card title scene in TNA isn't exactly the stuff that dreams are made of, putting those two titles on the reigning tag champs, who happen to be the two most over heels on the TNA roster at this point in time, might be the best way to generate some degree of interest in the titles.

At the end of the day, I like the sounds of Roode & Aries holding all the titles significantly more than what's being done with them right now.
As much as storylines revolving power trips are awesome, I think the big payoff is the breakup.

my hopes for this story is that they end up fighting over who gets a shot at which titles and never actually capture all the gold. My main complaint about holding all the golds is that it devalues the lesser titles even further than when no-names hold them.

I guess what I'm getting at, is that any tag team title match we see with those 2 involved is going to be either the classic "heels cant get along with eachother" or "the breakup" (Granted tag team matches already have the issue that they're usually only scripted with a few finishes).

As far as the other titles, I think they need to keep the X-division title more midcard, dragging it into the main event (Like a power trip story would) simply leaves half the roster with nothing to fight for.

The World Title? Sure, toss it between those 2, I'd love to watch them feud over it again.

The Leg..... Glob... Television title? I had to actually look up who still has the worthless thing, don't really care about it, surprised they havent just threw it in the garbage yet.
I'm with Jack-Hammer on this one. They are booking them to be TNA's version of Team Hell No, which doesn't work because neither one has the track record of their WWE counterpart.

That being said Aries and Roode are probably the two most interesting things in TNA right now, and that's both good and bad. It's good because I'm betting as time goes on they'll mesh together pretty well, but it's bad because they're getting consolidated segments which means we're going to get MORE Hogan, the Titted Hogan, more bad stable play, and all the other mediocre nonsense that's plaguing TNA from becoming a decent company.

Aries and Roode deserve all the titles even if they don't get them because at the end of the day they're probably the two more reliable stars that TNA has to bring in new fans aside from Jeff Hardy(if you buy into his rehabilitation which sadly I do not.)

So really what do they have to lose? It made Lance Storm remotely interesting in WCW when he was capturing all the belts.
There is no comparing this team to Team Hell no. Aries is better than Daniels and left a bigger legacy in ROH and Roode is better than Kane on his best day, no disrespect intended to Kane but Bobby is that damn good.

They are dysfunctional because one is the longest reigning champion, the other is the man who ended that reign. It makes sense, isn't forced and they have a common enemy in Hogan. However that doesn't mean this needs to be an on screen feud, they have to get his attention first and he's too preoccupied with Aces and Eights. This leaves other people like Bad Influence to make it their business instead.
I'm with Jack-Hammer on this one. They are booking them to be TNA's version of Team Hell No, which doesn't work because neither one has the track record of their WWE counterpart.

That being said Aries and Roode are probably the two most interesting things in TNA right now, and that's both good and bad. It's good because I'm betting as time goes on they'll mesh together pretty well, but it's bad because they're getting consolidated segments which means we're going to get MORE Hogan, the Titted Hogan, more bad stable play, and all the other mediocre nonsense that's plaguing TNA from becoming a decent company.

Aries and Roode deserve all the titles even if they don't get them because at the end of the day they're probably the two more reliable stars that TNA has to bring in new fans aside from Jeff Hardy(if you buy into his rehabilitation which sadly I do not.)

So really what do they have to lose? It made Lance Storm remotely interesting in WCW when he was capturing all the belts.

What you do you mean when you say they're trying to make them another Team Hell No and it doesn't work cause they have their counterparts' track records?

Aries and Roode works as a team because they are considered by many to be the two best wrestlers of TNA. The same cannot be said about Kane and Danielson is not this big star.

As far holding all the titles, it would be neat although I would not mind of the two-men team expand and add other guys so they could go after Aces & 8s and become another dominant group.
It'll be a fuck of a lot better than what's being done with the TV and X Division titles right now. I say go for it. They're already saddled with the Tag Team titles and I'd really hate to see these two amazing main event talents TNA has produced going to waste for the next few months by having to babysit the Tag Team division.
Aries and Roode works as a team because they are considered by many to be the two best wrestlers of TNA. The same cannot be said about Kane and Danielson is not this big star.

Yeah, I call bullshit on this. Daniel Bryan went from a generic babyface in the end of 2011 to one of the most over wrestlers on the WWE roster. He draws a big response from audiences, he's been involved in some of the most memorable angles in WWE in 2012 and in some of the best wrestled matches. He spent the first half of 2012 either wrestling as a World Champion or wrestling to become a World Champion. He spent most of the second half helping to spearhead a revitalization of tag team wrestling in WWE where, again, he's one of the most over wrestlers on the WWE roster. If someone dislikes Bryan, which there are some I've no doubt, that's all well and good. But the facts speak for themselves. As far as Kane goes, he's someone that's been a regular fixture in WWE's upper mid-card, tag team & occasional forays into the main event scene for the past 15 years with numerous title runs and feuds with top stars to his credit. From the standpoint of a "big man", Kane is among the top guys of the past 20 years. When it comes to star power, Bryan is at the very, very least on the same level as Roode & Aries. It might piss some people off to acknowledge it but you can't deny what your eyes & ears tell you about the response he's gotten.
The problem with putting all the titles on any one, or any two in this case, is never with actually getting the titles on them. It's with getting the titles off them, because every single story in the company, for all intents and purposes, now runs through two men, and only two men.

This happened once already with Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle years ago:

I would love to see them rip apart the titles in TNA. BUT. It needs to happen after the A&E bullshit. It can't happen now is it will take the attention of A&E, which would be crap as TNA have been hyping A&E nearly for a year.
They both have star quality. They both are excellent on the mic and they can kick ass in the ring.
I loved the Two Man Power Trip. I loved Kurt Angle’s one month run as TNA’s Champion of Champions. By the way, I miss seeing Karen Angle on TV. I know I would love to see Bobby Roode and Austin Aries win every single TNA Title, similar to the Two Man Power Trip. I would, however, rather see a different spin to it. I want to see Roode win the X-Division Title and Aries win the Television Title. As for the World Title, I’d like to see them actually get a 3rd Star to join their quest, instead of one of them winning a second singles Title / third Title overall. The 3rd man should be A. J. Styles.
I would love to see them rip apart the titles in TNA. BUT. It needs to happen after the A&E bullshit. It can't happen now is it will take the attention of A&E, which would be crap as TNA have been hyping A&E nearly for a year.
They both have star quality. They both are excellent on the mic and they can kick ass in the ring.

Agreed. Roode and Aries winning all the titles now would be wrong place, wrong times. There's only room for one dominant heel team at a time and while I love Roode and Aries, the Aces needs to wrap up if the two want to start adding more gold.

I would, however, rather see a different spin to it. I want to see Roode win the X-Division Title and Aries win the Television Title.

And then have them beat each other in separate matches and thus have the titles swap over? That would be hilarious :lmao:
The problem with putting all the titles on any one, or any two in this case, is never with actually getting the titles on them. It's with getting the titles off them, because every single story in the company, for all intents and purposes, now runs through two men, and only two men.

This happened once already with Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle years ago:
That's not much of a problem when your TV Champion (Fuck Devon) doesn't do shit with the title and your X Division Champion gets token title defenses once a month. Back then there was no Television title and yeah, they did put a pause on Jay Lethal's push for the sake of this, but aside from him, no one was really affected long term. If this were applied, it would actually be an improvement seeing how these titles just do not get proper screen time.
Yeah, I call bullshit on this. Daniel Bryan went from a generic babyface in the end of 2011 to one of the most over wrestlers on the WWE roster. He draws a big response from audiences, he's been involved in some of the most memorable angles in WWE in 2012 and in some of the best wrestled matches. He spent the first half of 2012 either wrestling as a World Champion or wrestling to become a World Champion. He spent most of the second half helping to spearhead a revitalization of tag team wrestling in WWE where, again, he's one of the most over wrestlers on the WWE roster. If someone dislikes Bryan, which there are some I've no doubt, that's all well and good. But the facts speak for themselves. As far as Kane goes, he's someone that's been a regular fixture in WWE's upper mid-card, tag team & occasional forays into the main event scene for the past 15 years with numerous title runs and feuds with top stars to his credit. From the standpoint of a "big man", Kane is among the top guys of the past 20 years. When it comes to star power, Bryan is at the very, very least on the same level as Roode & Aries. It might piss some people off to acknowledge it but you can't deny what your eyes & ears tell you about the response he's gotten.

Only reason that knob Bryan even got over is because of the Idiocy that is WWE Fan. Yes, Yes, Yes, No,No,No, or whatever the fock that is one of the lamest gimmicks ever, and shows how unintelligent most E fans are. This is worst that Austin's "What?" which still seems to pop up now and again.

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