Who's the Next in Line for a World Title Shot (After Aries/Roode)?

The Extract

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On IMPACT! Wrestling last night, we saw during the Aries and Roode contract signing that no matter who wins, we will not be seeing Aries vs. Roode at No Surrender. This isn't a very good idea to me! No disrespect to Sting, but I would much rather watch Aries vs. Roode III than say Sting vs. Roode/Aries.

But other than Sting, nobody else would be a very plausable threat to the title that isn't in the BFG series! So my questions to you are Who will be the next challenger to the World Title? Or will Roode/Aries find a way back into the title picture?
Well, there's the possibility- I'd say even probability- of some kind of Dusty finish, where there isn't a clear winner and an excuse is given for some kind of "winner-take-all, must-be-a-winner" match. It seems that whenever a company announces a "no second chances" match, it leads directly to a second chance.

I do think we'll see Aries/Roode at No Surrender. People are nowhere near sick of this feud yet. Having this feud end now leaves either Aries or Roode without much to do until Bound For Glory, which seems kind of silly right now as they are the two best things TNA/IW has going for it right now.
I believe it should be Hulk Hogan if health permits.

Bobby Roode re-gains the title at No Surrender and says he wants a piece of Hogan. All other options are involved in the BFG series, so there are limited options.

Ace's and eights screw hogan just when he is about to win, leading to roode vs storm at BFG and ace's and eights vs sting and hogan

or double countout at the ppv leading to no winner when a no dq no countout match at no surrender
I think it's either gonna have to be Roode one more time or Aries goes without a challenger at next month's PPV and maybe he gets involved in a tag match main event or something. So many people are involved in the BFG Series that it wouldn't make sense to throw in a one-month filler opponent for Aries before the road to BFG kicks off. My thought is that Aries will retain this Sunday and at No Surrender (if he defends) and then faces Samoa Joe at BFG after he wins the series. Roode vs. Storm will still happen at BFG, but not for the championship.
Stings probably going to be a "biased prick" and wave off the "no rematch" stip if Roode screws Austin. Basing that on their contract signing. We'll most likely get a 3rd installment of their feud or a filler/non-title match at No Surrender. Every other possible challenger has been taken by the BFG Series. Unless we get Sting/Roode III, which would be annoying.
your rigth if you take the bound for glory guys out the picture then there really is nobody else to face the champion if roode wins then there would be sting but i don't see aries dropping the belt. i think the only possible angle would be a member of aces and eights taking on aries for the title but that would mean them unmasking before bound for glory. you could have a masked member of aces and eights challenge but that in my opinion would mean aries dropping the title to them. even if this happened they would have to bring in a big name to be the one unmasked as the new champion. and the worrying thing there would be you might end up with jerrett as champion. but then again they could do something really cool like have it be john morrison.
Well if the BFG series is gonna end at No Surrender with 3 or 4 guys (I assume) then you don't need the rest of the guys in the BFG series, so they would be free to challenge Roode and what I would do is have a Battle Royal on Impact featuring all the guys that came behind the 4 front runners and I'd have Angle win, if Roode wins the belt that is, so Roode can get his victory over Angle for last years BFG and it would be a much interesting match this time around, what with Roode being the heel now and Angle the face and Roode coming far as main eventer. If not Angle then Anderson since Roode hasn't faced him on PPV either. If Aries still holds the belt, I'd have AJ win the Battle Royal then face Aries at No Surrender but I would honestly prefer Roode win the belt back and face Angle or Anderson at No Surrender to add them to the list of estabilished main eventers he's beaten this year.
well I see them building up Bully Ray for a brief heel run with the TNA World Title. He will bag 20 points ahve push him right up the ladder at Hardcore Justice, im sure of that. With the recent Storm vs Bully storyline, Im thinking Storm vs Bully Ray is where TNA are going with their top 2. Samoa Joe will miss out on the top spot right at the end, turning him heel and returning to the submission machine, dominating. Angle, RVD, Hrady, Anderson have all had runs with the belt and are there for name value, AJ Styles has had enough runs, Daniels will never get the top spot, hes had enough chances. I say Bully Ray, as much as I despise the prick, but he wouyld make a credible World Champ, and has no problems playing the cowardice heel to perfection and whomever gets the belt from him will be knocking off a good scalp. I see the belt going to Bully from Aries down the track, the James Storm
If it were up to me it would either be Kurt Angle or Samoa Joe. Kurt Angle going over Aries would be HUGE and people would take him seriously. I know Samoa Joe isn't the best names out there right now but with his current run and the fact he can always put great matches would attract the fans.
If Roode regains the title his opponant going into BFG will be Storm. What's interesting is what will happen after BFG.
I don't think last night is the end of Roode and Aries. Even though they both agreed that there wouldn't be a rematch, there are any number of ways to conveniently get around that.

The match had some controversy, which I'm sure Roode will be harping about come Thursday and I'm sure any one of the dozen or so TNA authority figures running around will have something to say about it.

I look for the ruling to be upheld, but I also look for a new #1 contender to be named with Roode managing to win the match or battle royal or tournament or whatever they have planned to be named that #1 contender. So he won't be getting his "rematch", he'll be getting a brand new match after earning the #1 contender spot once more.

As of right now, in all honesty, who else can it be but Roode? He's the only player in TNA that's not currently embroiled in the BFG Series right now. Just taking someone that's competing in the BFG Series at this time and making them #1 contender for Aries' title defeats the point of them being in the BFG Series in the first place. You could go with the idea of taking a BFG participant that's got little chance of winning and making him the #1 contender, but how would that look? If you're sucking hind tit in the BFG Series, you're gonna get your shot at being TNA WHC anyway?

As of right now, Roode is all they've got for Aries and there's nobody else on the roster outside of the BFG Series that's got the juice.

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