Austin Aries and Bobby Roode


TWITTER: @Son_Broku

I started a thread just like this back when Kane and Daniel Bryan were feuding, and I had an idea for them to team up. Well they ended up doing so.. and it's worked better than anyone probably thought it would. Two weeks ago on Impact when I saw Roode and Aries walking to the ring, bickering about their new t-shirts, agreeing and disagreeing back and forth I thought TNA potentially had their own little Team Hell No. This week while still agreeing and disagreeing about what to wear to object to the wedding and what not I thought they might actually give these guys a run as a team. Then of course later during their segment they ended up brawling with the Tag Team Champions. So it looks as if not only TNA IS going in this direction, but they're going straight to the top with it. And I for one, think it is a phenomenal idea!

TNA changing their PPV schedule drastically changes their company. Especially when it comes to booking. They have to be more creative and have to continue to evolve. There's not a pay off at the end of every month any more. Impact is no longer about selling PPV's, Impact has to stand on it's own as a product that people will want to continue to follow. The 3 big pay-per-views are now both TNA AND the fans payoff. So typically where teaming your two top heels wouldn't be such a good idea, now it's genius. After multiple losses to Jeff Hardy, there is no way to keep A Double and the It Factor in the title picture. Now they unite, form a pretty entertaining team both in and out of the ring (hopefully the comedy comes from their interactions, not their actions) and retain their position as cornerstones of Impact.

I just hope they don't stick together too long. They should hold the straps, get a PPV match or two.. but they're egomaniacs, and should eventually implode.

Here's my take. I'd have Aries and Roode take the straps off of Guerrero and Hernandez on one of the UK taped Impact's. I think that will go over well there. Unfortunately, TNA has NO face tag teams other than Chavo and Hernandez.. and that feud can only last so long. Their reign wouldn't bring new life to the tag team division, because TNA has no tag division. Hell they don't even have prospects. But the reign keeps the titles, Aries, and Roode relevant. I say their union leads to a big match at Slammiversary in June. Aries and Roode defend the tag team titles against Sting and Hulk Hogan. Sorry if that makes you groan, but it's probably the biggest tag team match TNA could create at the moment, and both Hogan and Sting are still way over with the Impact audience that actually attends the shows. Roode and Aries not being able to agree and who gets to be the one to pin Hogan eventually leads to their implosion. Sting and Hulk win the tag team titles that night, then on the next Impact announce they will be vacating the titles and a tournament to crown new champions begins. Aries and Roode are determined to get the straps back and make it to the finals where they fall to a new face team. Hopefully by this point we have a hopeful tag team division getting started, and the team of Aries and Roode can dissolve.

So what do you think?
Do you like the potential tag team of Austin Aries and Bobby Roode?
How would you use the team going forward?
I hate you for making this thread. :p

I was actually going to post a poll today asking who people saw as the more entertaining duo, Bad Influence or Aries/Roode?

I think we are going to see Aries/Roode as tag champs, and last night set that into motion.

The promo they cut together prior to the wedding last night was spectacular television and the early leader in the clubhouse for promo of the year to me, outdoing Punk's pipebomb from Raw a couple episodes back.

The fact that I even think the case could already be made that they have arguably one-upped the entertainment value of Kaz/Daniels should show exactly how good they've been.

In fact I would be willing to go on record and say they are at this moment TNA's most entertaining heel twosome.

The mutual respect pairing of A-double and the It Factor is gold. Plain and simple.
I'm not all that wild about this paring to be perfectly honest. Aside from the now relatively minor whiff of dysfunction, Aries & Roode are behaving almost exactly like Daniels & Kazarian. To me, it looks like TNA is trying to make another tag team almost exactly like Daniels & Kazarian. One team like Daniels & Kazarian is different and innovative for the company. Two teams that are essentially the same just feels a little redundant.

I admit that I also sensed/wondered if TNA was trying for their own version of Team Hell No. If TNA is ultimately able to pull it off, then great but I don't think it's going to be that easy. The entire angle of Kane & Bryan could easily have been a flop but the two of them just have that very unusual chemistry with each other. They meshed incredibly well together despite the fact they were two very, very different wrestlers with two very, very different styles.

I personally prefer Aries & Roode as opponents rather than allies, but I'm all for it if TNA were to somehow use this team to spearhead a revival of their tag team division as WWE has done with Team Hell No.
I'm gonna be lazy and quote my reply to this kind of question from another forum:

I like them together, though R Double seems much more awkward in his role. He didn't stand out to be someone who could get a laugh out of me, but I think he and A Double play off each other pretty well. Kinda in a silly way, but still. I'm glad neither is above that, or at least they don't seem to be. I don't look at it as a step down for them when I think of how Daniels tagging with Kazarian was like a step up - now look where he is. Their teaming up made them more relevant than they were, and popular consensus seems to be that they're great together. I'm not so much into them though I like the way they work in the ring together, and Daniels had me cracking up when he mocked James Storm in that backstage segment, "I just wanna tell my fans I'm sorry about my damn luck." Good stuff.

I think A Double R teaming up would be a good way to keep them prominent like Kaz and Daniels and not give us Hardy vs Whoever over and over, which, let's face it, people would complain about. Kaz and Daniels are doing a little something for the tag division but aren't there, like, only three teams? I like the idea of teammates who hate each other, then grow to respect each other and put aside their differences, scheming together, until they get another title shot and then all bets are off. And they can help make the tag division more important because to fans, they're important. AA said himself that a title is only as important as the person who holds it. I’m sorry, but I don’t think Chavo/Hernandez or Morgan/Joey Ryan are there. Either that, or get more tag teams and give AA/RR killer storylines in other directions. And I like the idea of breaking up Chavo and Hernandez because I think race-based tag teams/stables are beyond passe. Chavo might be able to do something in the X-Division. Hernandez...:confused:

I've seen the comparison before, but I might add that I don't see them as a version of Team Hell No at all. Just like I didn't see Lay-Cool (stupidest tag name ever) as a version of The Beautiful People. But that's my perception based on blah-blah reasons. Odd couples in general are common enough. The thing I hate about comparisons is the allegations of copying that often come next. Frankly, I see A Double R as something more organic despite Roode's awkwardness, but that's just me. Team Hell No 2.0? Hell no. I don't see them similarly to Kaz and Daniels either. The only commonality is comedy. But comedy and wrestling are frequent bedfellows.
I've seen the comparison before, but I might add that I don't see them as a version of Team Hell No at all. Just like I didn't see Lay-Cool (stupidest tag name ever) as a version of The Beautiful People. But that's my perception based on blah-blah reasons. Odd couples in general are common enough. The thing I hate about comparisons is the allegations of copying that often come next. Frankly, I see A Double R as something more organic despite Roode's awkwardness, but that's just me. Team Hell No 2.0? Hell no. I don't see them similarly to Kaz and Daniels either. The only commonality is comedy. But comedy and wrestling are frequent bedfellows.

Well I never meant to imply I saw them as a new Team Hell No, or copying Team Hell No. Just their bickering leading to unity was similar.
The issue I have with it is that I don't wat Roode to fall back into another long term tag team. Don't get me wrong, I thought Beer Money was one of the best teams TNA has ever had, and far better than anything in the E in the last 10 years. Their best of series with the Machineguns was some of the best matches TNA has ever produced. If Aries and Roode are a team for a while and we end up with a series of matches between them and Bad Influence, then I'm sold, BUT, the money to be made with these two is really as singles wrestlers.
This could be the biggest thing TNA has had fall in their lap since BEER MONEY if u ask me. the promo they cut show how much they have adapted to each other styles on the mic. IF TNA WAS SMART THEY WOULD make AR agree to work as a unit with one goal they both want to be champion and aires created the opportunity for both of the to hold the majority of the gold by the end of this year they are now on the verge to gain the WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS from Hernandez and Guerrero. if the mutally agree to let ROODE go after the TITLE and AIRES after the X division again(this would not b considered a downgrade for aires being as he is still top performing xdivision wrestler. they help each other retain the titles and then at DESTINATION X you have one of the greastest matches of all time with no screw jobs or interfences and if aires doesnt win they still stick together and ROODE helps him win back the xdivision title and they establish their pecking order if they still retain the the TTT at this point you then branch them out and bring in youth under their wings and form a major fourhorsemen type stable fortune was an exact duplicate if TNA plays their cards right they can recreate something with out mimicking it here
Not a fan of the pairing at all. Lets face it, these two are leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of the Tag Team division. They'll dominate fast. Why's that an issue? It can stop all the progression the two have done last year. They are 2 main event stars and some of TNA's best home grown talent. Now they'll end up babysitting the unbalanced Tag Team division. The messed up part about this is that they were swapped to this spot to allow Daniels, a tag team guy, into the main event.
Not a fan of the pairing at all. Lets face it, these two are leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of the Tag Team division. They'll dominate fast. Why's that an issue? It can stop all the progression the two have done last year. They are 2 main event stars and some of TNA's best home grown talent. Now they'll end up babysitting the unbalanced Tag Team division. The messed up part about this is that they were swapped to this spot to allow Daniels, a tag team guy, into the main event.

That isn't giving Daniels a fair shake at all. He's much more than just a "tag team guy" and his work has been fantastic for a long time, but in recent times he's been stuck behind Roode, Aries and Bubba in terms of heels at the top of the card. Daniels finally getting a shot at the top is more than well deserved.

I'd love hearing Aries and Roode cutting promos as a tag team with the straps week in and week out while Daniels and maybe Bully also get a turn as the heels at the top of the card going after Jeff. It gives Aries and Roode something to do in the meantime while they cycle those other two guys in to keep things fresh. The problem for me is something you've touched on though, they'll ascend to the top of that division and then what? there's no other tag teams that could touch them. Maybe AJ teams up with Storm and feuds with AA and Roode over the tag straps? that would make for some fantastic matches.

Also I don't want Kaz to get left out in the cold :(
What are they going to name this team? The hirsuite hotheads? Team

If TNA wants to rebuild the tag division, this isn't the way to go. There are enough guys on the payroll just floundering around. You don't have to sacrifice two of your top-tier heels to do this.

This'll still be entertaining, because it's Aries and Roode, but a Hell No-comparison is more than valid. Remember every time Hell No would face the PTP and you were on the edge of your seat, because the two teams were so evenly matched? You don't?? Really??? Wow, neither do I, because they reigned supreme and made the rest of the division look like shit.
What are they going to name this team? The hirsuite hotheads? Team

If TNA wants to rebuild the tag division, this isn't the way to go. There are enough guys on the payroll just floundering around. You don't have to sacrifice two of your top-tier heels to do this.

This'll still be entertaining, because it's Aries and Roode, but a Hell No-comparison is more than valid. Remember every time Hell No would face the PTP and you were on the edge of your seat, because the two teams were so evenly matched? You don't?? Really??? Wow, neither do I, because they reigned supreme and made the rest of the division look like shit.

I agree.

Whenever you take two former world heavyweight/main-event wrestlers and place them in a tag team, were their main competion is Chavo & Hernandez, they are going to be expected to dominate. If they don't, they'll look weak. If they look weak, how are people supposed to take Roode & Aries as credible threats to Hardy, Storm etc.???
TNA has a problem right now with talent position...

Angle, Joe, Anderson and Ray are involved in storylines that are keeping them firmly in the upper mid-card. Styles is out of the picture for a while. Half the damn roster are potential main eventers. That's without including potential interactions with other mid-card talent (Daniels, Crimson upon his retun maybe,) as well as RVD slipping back into the main event whenever needed, and Joseph Park of course...

So that leaves you with 2 full time tag Teams, 7 or 8 active X-guys and a few people TNA is ignoring this week.

Roode's been fueding over the belt for AGES. Kayfab wise, these guys think they're the best wrestlers in TNA, Why not hav them go for the Tag Belts? Why does the tag division have to be seen as 'lower' than the heavyweight belt?

Someone at creative is doing a GREAT job right now. Joseph Park is entertaining, one of the highlights of Genesis... Kaz and Daniels are good TV, Hell, Hogan and Ray are pulling off a TERRIBLE wedding angle and making it watchable... (Brooke Hogan in Aces and Eights I reckon...) and now Roode and Aries' interactions...

I don't understand, or agree, that it's a 'sacrifice' of top talent.

Roode & Aries as an unstoppable tag team has huge potential. Give them the belts and have them beat EVERY team thrown at them. Until it's a huge storyline to beat the "Greatest men in the World". Reform old teams, put together odd combintions... Rebuild TNA's Tag Division...
I think alot of people are getting a little carried away with the direction that TNA will take with this union.

Yes I think it is amazing and a great choice by management.

Yes I think we will see some bond continue over the next few weeks of TV.

Yes I think they will win the Tag title and keep them for a (very) short run.

No. This is absolutley not a longterm thing. They will not be a team by the time Lockdown arrives. One of them (heavily likely to be Aries) will be Hardy's opponent at Lockdown.

Putting these two together is a fun way to further both characters and makes great television. This is a nice little filler move to create interest in the tag division while continuing to heavily feature Aries/Roode during the prolonged gap until Lockdown. What it is not is a new permanent tag team that will last into the spring and beyond.

Roode has done way too well as a main eventer for the company to just reinsert him as an almost exclusive tag team wrestler. And Aries is way too big of a draw for the company. Outside of the Impact zone he is arguably the most over member of the full time roster, even moreso than Hardy(remember the crowd split at BFG that was undeniably in Aries' favor? Also remember that was in Arizona, both a non-ROH area and a place where Aries has no personal ties that should have artificially endeared him to the crowd?).

This is a great temporary move, but both men have made it clear that their number one objective is to be world champion and be recognized as TNA's top guy. That is not going to change. This "team" will have imploded by the time April rolls around.

Now back to the opinions...
The only chance I can see for Roode and Aries to still be around as a team by the time Lockdown comes is if they become champions and James Storm is able to find an equally impressive tag partner over the course of the next few weeks to pair with him to challenge for the belts inside the cage. But I have no clue who that would be(hopefully not the "wildcat" though, he looked horrible last time TNA brought him in). But even that scenario seems farfetched as it leaves Hardy without a logical challenger big enough to build the main event at Lockdown around, especially since we know they can't go the route of a returning heel AJ because he's not eligible to get the title shot.
Papa Pillman, While I largely agree with you, TNA have, in the past had an obvious plot, going in a very obvious direction, and changed it very last minute. It's possible TNA will see what great chemistry they have and come up with someone else to challenge Hardy for a while. Daniels has a shot, and Kaz has a 'Manager's licence...' AJ styles in an Aces and Eight's mask... Hell, they could have a 4 way match for a number one contender and give someone else a shot.

I love Aries and Roode. But Roode's been sulking about the belt for ages and I frankly think Aries deserves a better showcase than taking 11 twists of fate a week.
The issue I have with it is that I don't wat Roode to fall back into another long term tag team. Don't get me wrong, I thought Beer Money was one of the best teams TNA has ever had, and far better than anything in the E in the last 10 years. Their best of series with the Machineguns was some of the best matches TNA has ever produced. If Aries and Roode are a team for a while and we end up with a series of matches between them and Bad Influence, then I'm sold, BUT, the money to be made with these two is really as singles wrestlers.

I agree with this. I like the idea of them tagging for a bit, but I also would hate to see Roode or Aries for that matter get stuck in a long term tag team. Beer Money was great, but Roode has been there done that. Aries is also too big of a star on his own to be in a team for too long. I would love to see them have a series of matches with Bad Influence, and then have them split and go on to face each other again. THen they can resume their time in the main event.
First thing I thought of when they were in the locker room was, make them a Tag Team. After the brawl with Guerrero and Hernandez I thought, this better be better than Rated RKO or Rated Y2J. I always wanted both Rated ??? teams to last longer than they did. I always enjoy two World Champions holding the Tag Titles.

I think the Tag Team Division could benefit from having these paired up Main Eventers at the top. The team to beat them will get a rub just from facing two former World Champions, one of whom is a 4 time Tag Team Champion.

Now let’s play Name That Team!!

Mr. It-Factors
The Greatest Stars Of The Selfish Generation
Main Event Mafia

First thing I thought of when they were in the locker room was, make them a Tag Team. After the brawl with Guerrero and Hernandez I thought, this better be better than Rated RKO or Rated Y2J. I always wanted both Rated ??? teams to last longer than they did. I always enjoy two World Champions holding the Tag Titles.

I think the Tag Team Division could benefit from having these paired up Main Eventers at the top. The team to beat them will get a rub just from facing two former World Champions, one of whom is a 4 time Tag Team Champion.

Now let’s play Name That Team!!

Mr. It-Factors
The Greatest Stars Of The Selfish Generation
Main Event Mafia


I like "A Double R" or "The Greatest Tag Team That Ever Lived" if that hasn't been used already. I just hope they don't go with "Team Wet Dream". :eek3: Sounds like that'd be the name of a tag team consisting of Tessmacher and Velvet Sky.
I think the Roode and Aries pairing is a good thing for TNA, gives the likes of Daniels, Bully even James Storm a shot at the title... As for Jeff (I know this is a bit unralted to the topic) isn't he not excluded from the UK tour? Which means Impact will be without a champion on TV for a good while so this leads me to believe that Jeff will lose the title to Daniels on Thursday (or on Sunday on UK TV).
They could make a great team. As for a name? The first thing that occured to me was "A and R."

I would just love to see them in a program vs bully and storm, but I know that is not going to happen. How about Samoa Joe and AJ Styles? Or maybe Pope and Kid Cash? Okay, that last one would never happen, but I think they would make a good team. They could call themselves "holy profit" or something.
I think the Roode and Aries pairing is a good thing for TNA, gives the likes of Daniels, Bully even James Storm a shot at the title... As for Jeff (I know this is a bit unralted to the topic) isn't he not excluded from the UK tour? Which means Impact will be without a champion on TV for a good while so this leads me to believe that Jeff will lose the title to Daniels on Thursday (or on Sunday on UK TV).

I wouldn't count on it.

If they were gonna have Jeff drop the belt it would've been to either Aries or Roode at Genesis.

They can easily write Jeff out for the four weeks of TV that will be in England. He would be off television for the majority of February, but with no PPV until mid-April that's not a problem. There will still be tons of time for them to put together a television build into Lockdown's main event.

It does tie nicely back to the topic though, because with no Hardy around it frees up Aries/Roode to play the tag team game. And it gives them a few weeks in the UK to win the belts and drop the belts before they come back to the states to start to set up their pre-Lockdown interaction with Hardy and figure out who's gonna get the title shot.

Most likely scenario that sets this all up... Aces & Eights will "injure" Hardy on Thursday long enough to keep him off TV until after the UK episodes air.
I wouldn't count on it. If they were gonna have Jeff drop the belt it would've been to either Aries or Roode at Genesis..

I don't see 'em putting the strap on Daniels... Perhaps (very unlikely) if Daniels was going to have a long reign, with the intention to drop the belt to AJ at BFG... But, overall I don't think that's likely.

It does tie nicely back to the topic though, because with no Hardy around it frees up Aries/Roode to play the tag team game. And it gives them a few weeks in the UK to win the belts and drop the belts before they come back to the states to start to set up their pre-Lockdown interaction with Hardy and figure out who's gonna get the title shot.

I could see them winning the tag belts on Thursday TBH. (Unless it's already been taped... I'm in the UK, so usually about 3-4 days behind...) After the wedding 'objection', I could see 'em Having the tag titles for a month or so before imploding...

Most likely scenario that sets this all up... Aces & Eights will "injure" Hardy on Thursday long enough to keep him off TV until after the UK episodes air.

News is reporting a Hardy injury already... But I reckon that is kayfabe reason for him being replaced on the UK tour by Sting a few days ago...
I'm frickin excited man. After what I saw on Impact this could turn out to be very interesting. There's only won world title, as it should be and there's only one person that can be the number 1 contender. So if the champion is Hardy and the number #1 contender is Daniels you have to find interesting and creative ways to keep the likes of Storm, Bully Ray, AJ Styles, Angle, Anderson, Aries and Roode busy without diminishing their star. I like this Aries and Roode superteam a lot. TNA Management has been rolling lately, the right guys are getting the ball and they have been scoring nicely in my opinion. They know the precious jewels of talent they have in Roode and Aries and they're not going to make them look weak by jobbing out to Hernandez and Chavo.

I agree with Straight-Edge, they have to dominate. They have to crush the competition. I can see why the initial comparison was made to team Hell No but when they got in the ring and started spouting off why they are so great I thought more on the lines of HHH/Steve Austin Two Man Power Trip. There have been dominant foursomes even threesomes in wrestling but I don't think the two man superstar tandem has been expressed enough and done like it could be. In 2001 Austin and HHH hooked up to win WWF's top two singles titles in the WWF Title and Intercontinental Title and simultaneouly head the tag team titles. That's a statement, a statement of greatness. For two men to do four guys usually do they gotta be amazing talents they gotta be special, they gotta be the best of the best. What makes sense to me is Aries and Roode beat Hernandez & Chavo and take their gold but Aries beats RVD and Roode beats Devon and takes their gold as well. They have to, if Hardy has The belt than they have to clean out the other divisions. And it's going to be damn entertaining to watch.
Armchair booking I know...

Hogan opens the show with various points to address, calls out Roode & Aries, tells 'em they've got Hernandaz an Chavo tonight. Roode tries to say no, Hernandez and Chavo come out and try to sweeten the deal by putting the belts on the line. Later on, A&R win CLEAN.

Hernandez & Chavo get a rematch, they lose.

Over the next month or 2 they take on all comers...

Briscoe & Bischoff (get 'em out of the way early...
Robbie E & somone (Robbie T, Jessie Godderz, whoever)
Gunner & Kid Kash
Bad Infuence a couple of matches, this could be used turn one of the teams face.
Morgan & Ryan
Angle & Samoa Joe (CLEAN... Clean wins against Angle are rare, but this'd cement A&R as a solid pairing.)
Aces & Eights masked team.
Doc & Devon

Then, have them mention they have beaten every team...

Out come Crimson & Amazing Red, A&R win, and then teams from TNA's past turn up to try every week... Ray & Spike, British Ivasion, Whoever TNA can grab for a one off...
I said it a few weeks ago when they were foreshadowing these two tagging up, and I'll say it again — TNA may have just found another Beer Money, Inc. with these two, even if they are only a tag team for a short time (which I doubt anyway considering the crowd in the main event at the moment).

These two are pulling in major heat in front of a real crowd and are finally making Mexican America/LAX 3.0 tolerable to watch.

This is classic booking anyway. When two main event guys have had a recent run for the big one and new blood is needed, the guys "on the outs" tend to be put into tag teams or stables so they don't completely deflate as they shift down a peg or two on the ladder.

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