Attention Americans


Shawn Michaels ❤
Can anyone help me in telling me about the health service in America? I've PM'd a few people who have been really helpful, I was just wondering if anyone else could also explain? Obviously the more people I have with information, the better it should be.

Thanks :)
Any reason?

Lets see. It costs too much, poor can't afford it to the point they go to lowclass clinics and get 2nd rate care. Thats one reason, I am poor so if I get sick I won't be able to afford good health care and will most likely die or drive up bills so high I could go bankrupt. Cost and availability are problems here.
Basically it works like this. If you don't have a good job with benefits or enough money for private coverage, you're going to die. This story should explain things. One of my professor's sons cut his finger in a simple accident. THey couldn't get the bleeding to stop, so they took him to an emergency room. In 15 minutes, he saw a nurse, got bandaged and went home. No doctor, no stitches nothing. Cost: $1200. Due to my professor's insurance, $50. America's system is screwed up, as all doctors have to do is stabalize you and you're gone. The problem is people go to the emergency room for reasons they shouldn't and it drives costs through the roof and insurance is so expensive because of it. Hope that helps.
Basically it works like this. If you don't have a good job with benefits or enough money for private coverage, you're going to die. This story should explain things. One of my professor's sons cut his finger in a simple accident. THey couldn't get the bleeding to stop, so they took him to an emergency room. In 15 minutes, he saw a nurse, got bandaged and went home. No doctor, no stitches nothing. Cost: $1200. Due to my professor's insurance, $50. America's system is screwed up, as all doctors have to do is stabalize you and you're gone. The problem is people go to the emergency room for reasons they shouldn't and it drives costs through the roof and insurance is so expensive because of it. Hope that helps.

Reminds me of my grandmother, got a colonoscopy that ruptured something inside her. That happenes to people who are not rich or with great benefits, you end up getting stuck with 2nd rate care.
Thanks. So, cost and availability. That's it?
Any positives to it?

We don't get free Health Care like Canada. So until we get it for free somehow, then no, there aren't any positives.

The only thing I can think of, is if you're so poor you can get on Title 19, or Medicaid/Medicare and thats a version of free insurance. When we first had Gabrielle, all of us were placed on it until she turned like 19 monthes, or some oddball number.

Thankfully when I was hospitalized, I was on that type of insurance, so it was covered. Had it not of been, the billed for 1 weekend's stay in the hospital, went well over $2,000.00.
We have the best hospitals and care in the world IF you can pay for it. If you can't your fucked.

Agreed. Our Hospitals and Doctors are the best you can find anywhere. Which is likely the very reason it costs. Other countries give out free health care because their best doctors likely couldn't touch our shittiest ones.
As far as positives go, as someone else said, our care is miles ahead of anyone else's, but its so have or have not its terrifying.
Okay, thanks everyone you've been a really big help. Thread up tomorrow; make sure you post what you think.
The postivies are that if you can afford it, you don't have to be put on a waiting list for a year to get a checkup, like the countries that have NHS.

People bitch about our health care, but they'll be bitching more when half of your pay check is gone before you see it.
See, I agree with Shockey. I'll bitch till the end about how expensive it is to get insurance, but the fact is...

Just because you have to pay out the ass for Doctor visits, it doesn't mean you'll get turned down to get seen. Sadly, I have a nice chunk of hospital bills that I'm paying on. They likely won't get paid off anytime soon.. but I've remained alive thanks to still being seen by the best doctor's around, without being turned away due to lack of insurance, or money.
The postivies are that if you can afford it, you don't have to be put on a waiting list for a year to get a checkup, like the countries that have NHS.

People bitch about our health care, but they'll be bitching more when half of your pay check is gone before you see it.

*cough*Obama*cough* :icon_smile:

There needs to be a change, millions of americans shouldn't be afraid to get a cold because they can't afford health care.
*cough*Obama*cough* :icon_smile:

There needs to be a change, millions of americans shouldn't be afraid to get a cold because they can't afford health care.

agreed. Insurance companies are being a little too liberal when it comes to rising health care, but the whole system is screwed up. Thank frivoulous lawsuits because doctor's are human and make mistakes, yet get sued out of their ass. Thank those frivolous law suits and idiotic judges that reward assholes millions of dollars for something that should have received maybe, maybe 100,000 dollars or so.

There is a big problem with the way it is run. the insurance companies control way too much and are way to influental. However, do you want second rate service or having to wait a year in line to see a doctor? Also, do you want the government to assign a doctor to you.

there are postives and negatives to both sides. When you take into account how much money goes into research, creating new technology to save more lives, and paying a doctor that is in the best case scenario, at least 100,000 dollars in debt after medical school for tuition, are the bills really that high? The alternative is, get a better job with better insurance.

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