Yes, that was really all that mattered to you, IC was just that everyone got along with one another. And I will tell you this much. If that is the mentality you have, and you wonder why you aren't getting promoted past a Recruiter position, you should re-examine your philosophies. Because life isn't about "everyone being a clique" and "getting along". Life is about productivity, and making the magic happen, one way or another.
Some people are cut out to be leaders, because they are organized, have clear objectives, and hold themselves and others accountable for their performances. Others like you, are laid back, have stopped caring, don't really do all that much work, if anything anymore, and let your workload go to others, because you have no motivation anymore.
And you allow the ones that don't do any work at all, to have more of a say in what goes on, then the ones that worked their asses off. So the behind the scenes reality, since you want to get personal with all this, is that the site has potential and there are some particular rules in place that are good, and I am not denying that. However, on the execution front, since again, you want to get personal here and air everyone's dirty laundry about Board Room matters publicly, is that you are a very wish washy Admin who does nothing anymore, who has lost your motivation to actually contribute here anymore from a Staff standpoint. But you just don't want to give up your title just yet and would rather hold others down.
But hey, as long as in your little mind, everyone is friends ... that's all that matters, right? Keep that philosophy in life if you wish to pursue an HR path, Chris, and see how far that gets you.