Am I mean?

Sid, I love you, but it's funny you would call him out over being obsessed with you een though you've been gone for two months...yet you're still obsessed with this place despite being retired, as evidenced by your Facebook status updates. Just sayin.
Sid, I love you, but it's funny you would call him out over being obsessed with you een though you've been gone for two months...yet you're still obsessed with this place despite being retired, as evidenced by your Facebook status updates. Just sayin.

Did I ever indicate that I don't think about the place even though I've been gone? No hypocrisy there, as I never indicated that. I talk with several great people on the site away from this place and on Chat.

All I am saying is that you don't see me come here and start running down D-Man and especially discuss another situation that recently presented itself with another forum member here ... and air my grievances publicly on this forum. If I can manage that, I really don't see why it's so difficult for someone like D-Man to do the same. Admit that he and I have huge personality differences and differences with philosophies, and move on from it, instead of running his mouth about me 24/7 on this public forum.


BTW: I am noticing some responses from some posters who I either did not like or did not interact with frequently. If you wish to write stuff to me and ask questions in here, I have no desire to respond to you to be frank. Because essentially what you are looking to do is make a bigger deal out of this then it is intended to be and get yourselves some attention in the process. I have an issue with one person on this site, and it is because of his own actions and him running his mouth non-stop, frankly. And I addressed him and called him out on his bullshit.

So unless you are Staff, or someone who is actually friendly with me away from the site, I really have no desire to talk to you as it is none of your concern.
Oh, and you absolutely suck as a singer, too after someone passed along a live link to me of you singing "Foo Fighters- Defender". BTW, you don't have the voice for that ... I think I heard the dogs howling outside the bar you sang at.

Post link or GTFO.

I'd imagine you'd have to be trolling around here a bit to see any instance of anyone talking shit about you. Can't resist the urge to check on your legacy, eh? And really, who updates their facebook status with dumb shit about these forums anyway, besides Christian Battlez, the worst TWA Champion of all the times?

DirtyJose Status: Coco gave me my first red rep today. I'm going to go cut myself now, fuck him!

As I understand it, only the admins are paid, right? So why are you knocking D-Man for having a life and realistically putting a limit on the time he can devote to doing work here? Is it immature to know what you can contribute without thinning the quality of your work or without interfering with other obligations? I'd call that being pretty fucking responsible with his time.
Nope, although I'd pay people for the work they did if I owned the place. A base salary and then bonuses based on performance.
I knew I should have started at the beginning of the thread. I feel like I just opened a book and started reading the second-to-last-chapter.

Oh, and if The Lariat is scared, then I'm definitely scared.
BTW: I am noticing some responses from some posters who I either did not like or did not interact with frequently. If you wish to write stuff to me and ask questions in here, I have no desire to respond to you to be frank. Because essentially what you are looking to do is make a bigger deal out of this then it is intended to be and get yourselves some attention in the process. I have an issue with one person on this site, and it is because of his own actions and him running his mouth non-stop, frankly. And I addressed him and called him out on his bullshit.

So unless you are Staff, or someone who is actually friendly with me away from the site, I really have no desire to talk to you as it is none of your concern.

So you called him out in the Bar Room, and you expect no one else to mention it....

Well, if anybody here is looking to be rational and to openly and honestly discuss their differences with another member and wish things to be handled maturely, I'd suggest shooting a PM or a phone call or an email; something personal like that. Picking scabs here is no way to act like an adult, or expect to be treated like one.
It's sad. The guy is so full of himself that he actually thinks this all matters.

Incidentally, the Board Room has returned to being a MUCH happier place since Sid was demodded. It's like the teamwork is back.
It's sad. The guy is so full of himself that he actually thinks this all matters.

Incidentally, the Board Room has returned to being a MUCH happier place since Sid was demodded. It's like the teamwork is back.

But how can that be?, with my lack of Internet access and all ;)
It's sad. The guy is so full of himself that he actually thinks this all matters.

Incidentally, the Board Room has returned to being a MUCH happier place since Sid was demodded. It's like the teamwork is back.

Yes, that was really all that mattered to you, IC was just that everyone got along with one another. And I will tell you this much. If that is the mentality you have, and you wonder why you aren't getting promoted past a Recruiter position, you should re-examine your philosophies. Because life isn't about "everyone being a clique" and "getting along". Life is about productivity, and making the magic happen, one way or another.

Some people are cut out to be leaders, because they are organized, have clear objectives, and hold themselves and others accountable for their performances. Others like you, are laid back, have stopped caring, don't really do all that much work, if anything anymore, and let your workload go to others, because you have no motivation anymore.

And you allow the ones that don't do any work at all, to have more of a say in what goes on, then the ones that worked their asses off. So the behind the scenes reality, since you want to get personal with all this, is that the site has potential and there are some particular rules in place that are good, and I am not denying that. However, on the execution front, since again, you want to get personal here and air everyone's dirty laundry about Board Room matters publicly, is that you are a very wish washy Admin who does nothing anymore, who has lost your motivation to actually contribute here anymore from a Staff standpoint. But you just don't want to give up your title just yet and would rather hold others down.

But hey, as long as in your little mind, everyone is friends ... that's all that matters, right? Keep that philosophy in life if you wish to pursue an HR path, Chris, and see how far that gets you.
But hey, as long as in your little mind, everyone is friends ... that's all that matters, right? Keep that philosophy in life if you wish to pursue an HR path, Chris, and see how far that gets you.

Dude, not cool. Not in the slightest.
Getting a little hot in here. I'll deflect the heat and head it in a different direction.

And no one's paid to do this. Not even Admin's. At least that's what we're told. :suspic:

Being admin paid for my first year of university, and the second and third in fact. As I'm technically on gardening leave.

It's sad. The guy is so full of himself that he actually thinks this all matters.

Incidentally, the Board Room has returned to being a MUCH happier place since Sid was demodded. It's like the teamwork is back.

A long drawn argument involving Sid, and erm, Sid, was the final straw in me stepping down, but now he's gone and in prison, so you can give me my job back.
Yes, that was really all that mattered to you, IC was just that everyone got along with one another. And I will tell you this much. If that is the mentality you have, and you wonder why you aren't getting promoted past a Recruiter position, you should re-examine your philosophies. Because life isn't about "everyone being a clique" and "getting along". Life is about productivity, and making the magic happen, one way or another.

Some people are cut out to be leaders, because they are organized, have clear objectives, and hold themselves and others accountable for their performances. Others like you, are laid back, have stopped caring, don't really do all that much work, if anything anymore, and let your workload go to others, because you have no motivation anymore.

And you allow the ones that don't do any work at all, to have more of a say in what goes on, then the ones that worked their asses off. So the behind the scenes reality, since you want to get personal with all this, is that the site has potential and there are some particular rules in place that are good, and I am not denying that. However, on the execution front, since again, you want to get personal here and air everyone's dirty laundry about Board Room matters publicly, is that you are a very wish washy Admin who does nothing anymore, who has lost your motivation to actually contribute here anymore from a Staff standpoint. But you just don't want to give up your title just yet and would rather hold others down.

But hey, as long as in your little mind, everyone is friends ... that's all that matters, right? Keep that philosophy in life if you wish to pursue an HR path, Chris, and see how far that gets you.

I'll respond to this now. At my company, recruiting is a lucrative career path. It's enabled me to buy a home, pay for a great wedding, and enjoy things in life that I love like sporting events and good wine without having to dread my credit card bill. How much I make, what I do, or how successful I am is really nobody's business but mine, but Sid shouldn't wory too much about me. I have a damn fine life.

And yes, team chemistry - on a pro wrestling discussion forum - is important. What is also important is not just that people get along, but that people know how to have conflicts like adults and not pissy litte children.

Sidious has to be the most miserable person I've ever "met" on a discussion board. And the best thing that's happened to NorCal since returning to the US was the food poisoning that forced him to miss the PPV with is not-so-secret admirer.

And for thos who didn't know, yes, my name is Chris. Only two people have ever used my real name on these forums like this, and Sid is the only one who's done it in a thread like this. Maybe he thinks it'll get my attenion or that it's insulting. Well, maybe it's a tad disrespectful, but it still missed its mark.

Sid has to be the biggest peice of trash in the history of these forums. He's self-righteous and manipulative, and everywhere he goes, the fun-factor of the forums dies behind a wave of bullshit vernacular and political positioning. I'm sick of him. He's the load that should have been swallowed. I'd give his mom's uterus a time out if I wasn't afraid it would bite me.
I'm thinking all bets are off as in what was in the BR about him is fair game minus one overly large thing that I believe you knwo what I mean.
I'm not familiar with the man, but I'm pretty sure there has never been a cool dude named Sid in the history of the name.
I'm not familiar with the man, but I'm pretty sure there has never been a cool dude named Sid in the history of the name.



IC has always had my support because he's the sort of guy I'd like to have a beer with.

Nevermind. Not really helpful.

Anway, I told y'all so.

Also not helpful.

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