Questions based on nationality

Like I already said once, you need to spend a little less time on WZ and YouPorn, and use the internet for educational purposes...

1.) I no longer view Porn. It disgusts me that I ever have.

2.) Find me one normal kid that uses his free time to read an encyclopedia or articles on National Geographic dot com? I'm gonna spend my summer swimming, thanks.

Maybe you have stupid friends.

A lot of my friends are very bright, both in the public and private schools I've attended. History simply is pushed aside and not acknowledged like it should be.
Firstly, the Czech Republic was in Czaechoslovakia not the USSR. Secondly, I think that Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are happier with their human rights, stable currency and independence than they were in 1989. Thirdly, just about the only countries worse thanks to the fall of the USSR are those in Asia.

I'll bow out of this one Tasty. I'll blame my poor argument on lack of sleep, and preoccupation at work. As for your first point, I knew that, and worded my sentence horribly. as for your second, I'm sure you're right. Human rights are far more important, but it does not mean the country as a whole is better off. And for the third, I really wasn't separating Eastern Europe from the Asian countries that were a part of USSR. My general argument was about the area as a whole, and I didn't put my arguments together well :(
1.) I no longer view Porn. It disgusts me that I ever have.

We'll save this argument for when you're 18.

2.) Find me one normal kid that uses his free time to read an encyclopedia or articles on National Geographic dot com? I'm gonna spend my summer swimming, thanks.

Great. So, when you're flipping burgers, and having a grand old time in the pool, all the lame kids that spent an hour or two a week reading out of an encyclopedia will be getting degrees, and swimming in a pool they own, not their mom's.

A lot of my friends are very bright, both in the public and private schools I've attended. History simply is pushed aside and not acknowledged like it should be.

And, this goes back to taking education outside of the classroom...
You spend your time on a wrestling forum, your not exactly Miles Davis in the cool stakes are you? When I'm on here, if I'm not working, I'll see something I'm not sure about and look it up. Wikipedia is a wonderful thing. Just ask Milenko.
You spend your time on a wrestling forum, your not exactly Miles Davis in the cool stakes are you? When I'm on here, if I'm not working, I'll see something I'm not sure about and look it up. Wikipedia is a wonderful thing. Just ask Milenko.

I don't get why so many people slam Wiki. I get that it can be edited by anyone, at any time, but most of what I've ever read on there has been pretty accurate. Just because you can edit it, doesn't mean facts won't be checked, and it won't be fixed...
Great. So, when you're flipping burgers, and having a grand old time in the pool, all the lame kids that spent an hour or two a week reading out of an encyclopedia will be getting degrees, and swimming in a pool they own, not their mom's.

I'm not saying they're lame for spending time reading an encyclopedia, I'm just saying that it doesn't appeal to me at all. I have more interesting things to do with my time, such as being a kid and having fun.

As for the prospect of me flipping burgers: not likely. I intend to join the NROTC program and go to the University of Oregon. I'll graduate a Second Lieutenant in the Marine Corps.
I don't get why so many people slam Wiki. I get that it can be edited by anyone, at any time, but most of what I've ever read on there has been pretty accurate. Just because you can edit it, doesn't mean facts won't be checked, and it won't be fixed...

This is exactly right. I hate it when people say "98%" of Wikipedia is not true. Some teenagers just come along and change it. Well for one, there are moderators that constantly check the database for faulty information and two, who the fuck would bother to change a paragraph telling me that

"Miles Davis was born on May 26, 1926, to a relatively affluent family in Alton, Illinois. His father, Dr. Miles Henry Davis, was a dentist. In 1927, the family moved to East St. Louis. They also owned a substantial ranch in northern Arkansas, where Davis learned to ride horses as a boy

I hate Wikipedia Nazis. It aint right.
I don't get why so many people slam Wiki. I get that it can be edited by anyone, at any time, but most of what I've ever read on there has been pretty accurate. Just because you can edit it, doesn't mean facts won't be checked, and it won't be fixed...

Exactly. I use it loads for my research job and it hasn't failed me yet. People don't put wrong information on there that looks true, they just put stuff like "Barack Obama takes it like a bitch", which is pretty easy to notice.
I'm not saying they're lame for spending time reading an encyclopedia, I'm just saying that it doesn't appeal to me at all. I have more interesting things to do with my time, such as being a kid and having fun.

As for the prospect of me flipping burgers: not likely. I intend to join the NROTC program and go to the University of Oregon. I'll graduate a Second Lieutenant in the Marine Corps.

In case NSL missed this one.
I edited Vader's article during the tourney to read "VADER SUCKS".

And, I'm fairly sure it's been fixed since then.

Exactly. I use it loads for my research job and it hasn't failed me yet. People don't put wrong information on there that looks true, they just put stuff like "Barack Obama takes it like a bitch", which is pretty easy to notice.

This is also true. The only time I ever heard of a Wiki edit being somewhat important, is when Benoit's death was reported before he was found.
It's funny, the other day I wanted to see how fast things are changed when you edit something with wrong information, so I edited something saying "Fuck!" and in less than a minute, I got a message saying that it had been taken out.

Wiki really isn't bad as long as you are able to tell when something is wrong or right. If something seems wrong then I just google it to make sure it isn't.
Kind of my point, you guys just kind of say it, so you all think its true, nobody seems to have an actual reason.

Well, no offense but American's don't need a reason to consider America "great" or "the greatest". Look around..

How many other Countries do you see that have immigrants flocking to it, to live in? If we aren't suppose to be "the greatest" then why the fuck is everyone else swimming, and dying to get in?

I'm not saying that to be a cocky American. Fuck, go read MY post in that thread and you'll see I'm anything but. However, I'm also not stupid nor blind. America offers its citizens more qualities over punishments than any other Country it seems. Not to mention, opportunities and benefits. What those would be, you got me, but its clearly enough to make everyone from as far away as Japan & further, to as close as Mexico.. clamoring to get in.

So why ask Americans? Why not ask everyone thats not.

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