Ask a Question Thread


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I think the title should sum this up but in case you're a bit on the slow side: use this thread to ask any questions you might have about the tournament. Spam is allowed here of course but please only use it for questions.
I might have missed the rules section somewhere, but is the purpose of this to vote for who we think would win if this were a real tournament? Or who we think is a better wrestler overall?

Sorry if this is a stupid question, cheers.

Basically it comes down to a combination of both. Now later on it's billed as a straight match with various gimmick rules so that would be more who wins that match. At the moment though, it's more about overall greatness. There isn't a set rule for it though.
Isn't an embarrassment match ended by hitting the opponents finisher - I.E. AJ vs. Rock, AJ would use the Rock Bottom and Rock the Styles Clash? If so, you've got the reverse in currently, so Rock needs to use the Rock Bottom and Styles the Clash.
Nah it's right. Rock's finisher is the Rock Bottom, which is what AJ would have to use on him and vice versa.
Question, how do determine the gimmick matches for round three? Is it choosen at random or preset prior to the commencement of the round?

Also, mad props for doing this every year, it's a ton of work and a lot of fun/frustration for all of us ��
I have a list of gimmick matches (the same every year unless someone suggests something otherwise) and a list of matches. I write both of them out on scraps of paper and put them in two piles. Shuffle each, pull one match and one gimmick.

Much appreciated.

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