WZ Tournament Ask A Question Thread

I asked once, and I'll ask again, because now it's actually done something (and it hasn't been answered). Why is it that Hulk Hogan is the only person handicapped here by the embarrassing picture in the OPs? Coupled with "drawing" Edge in a TLC Match in Calgary (none of which should matter, but fickle Edgeheads can't comprehend that Hogan is better then him), all it does is further cement that there could be a conspiracy theory against Hogan rightfully winning the tournament.

It's fucking sad, and really hurts the tournament.
I asked once, and I'll ask again, because now it's actually done something (and it hasn't been answered). Why is it that Hulk Hogan is the only person handicapped here by the embarrassing picture in the OPs? Coupled with "drawing" Edge in a TLC Match in Calgary (none of which should matter, but fickle Edgeheads can't comprehend that Hogan is better then him), all it does is further cement that there could be a conspiracy theory against Hogan rightfully winning the tournament.

It's fucking sad, and really hurts the tournament.

No, it really doesn't.

Well, I guess we have our answer to this question.

How are the stipulations decided?

The first set are the ones that I could come up with that keeps it around wrestling (as in nothing stupid like casket matches). The second are what i thought were the major gimmick matches. All are decided by random draw.
Ok then, since you failed to answer the question, I ask it again. Why the fucking picture?

Why not a stupid paparazzi-like pic for Edge? Or Chris Jericho? Or Brock Lesnar? Or Chris Benoit?
The matches and seeds were basically picked at random through a draw form the hat. KB, the admin, picked all of the superstars from a hat and the seeds were already in place to ensure that the "meatier matches" take place away from the first rounds.

So when the matches were picked out, the wrestlers were already assigned non randomized-seeds?
First question: As far as "regions" go, is it fair to assume that, as a resident of Saskatchewan, I fall into the Calgary region, or is the premise something completely different?

Second question: I saw that in the Calgary region, Lou Thesz was matched against Vader in a ... ladder match? Why? As a purist, I think Thesz would have had strong objections to appearing in any kind of specialty match, particularly one in which your opponent isn't being made to be pinned or submitted.

Not sure why I expect an answer for that second one...just something that's on my mind.
First question: As far as "regions" go, is it fair to assume that, as a resident of Saskatchewan, I fall into the Calgary region, or is the premise something completely different?

Second question: I saw that in the Calgary region, Lou Thesz was matched against Vader in a ... ladder match? Why? As a purist, I think Thesz would have had strong objections to appearing in any kind of specialty match, particularly one in which your opponent isn't being made to be pinned or submitted.

Not sure why I expect an answer for that second one...just something that's on my mind.

The regions are just so that we can separate the matches and so that no one has to look at a sub-forum with over 100 posts to find the match they want to comment on. No matter where you reside, you can vote and post on any of them. The regions are merely an organisational tool.

The reason that this match was set up was because this tournament is not done in real life. We like to add gimmicks to some matches throughout the tournament to add some spice to the affair. It is just part of the charm of the tournament.
In the Champion Of Champions match, only one of the pictures posted in the opening post is from before the turn of the century: Bret Hart's. Now we know that a lot of newer fans never saw Bret Hart in his prime. As such, that picture probably means nothing to people who became fans of wrestling after 2000. I think it's only fair that Bret's picture be changed to the following:


Give the vast majority of new school fans out there, many of whom have extremely short memories, a chance to see the Bret Hart they know in the opening post. To do anything other than that is to put Bret at an unfair disadvantage. As for old school fans, their memories are just fine. They don't need to see the picture of Bret in his prime to advertise that version of the Hitman to them. They remember 1994 like it was yesterday.

Good idea? Alternatively, you could put the other three man at a similar disadvantage to Bret by changing their pictures to something equally unappealing to new school fans. I suggest this:


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