I am not at all certain about how to quote passages from a post and respond to them in kind so I will just select some of your comments to address and put them in italics. But first let me say thank you for responding to my post, LSN!
Youre welcome chief. Allow me to address yours once again, if I may?
He may have been but, respectfully, I don't care what his definition of a Christian is and nor should anyone else replying to this thread. We all, believers or not, have our own perceptions of what a Christian is or should be and I feel it would benefit those who respond to provide their own personal definition when answering the question posed by the OP.
He called a Christian a "follower of Christ" You can look up what your definition of what a "Christian" is meant to be in this culture, or you can come to one on your one. Thats what I enjoy so much about these threads.
They often allow for those wonderful interpretations that allow us to have different views and beliefs. So to surmise, I agree here. Having your own definition is not only paramount to having th9is discussion, but also in how one defines their life, especially if they claim to be a Christian.
As for whether or not you care about his definition of a "Christian" is, he started the thread, so Id say his definition is very important in relation to this thread, my friend.
I may very well agree with you on this point. However, I ,and perhaps yourself, have no hope whatsoever that this country will ever adopt any such philosophies. For instance in Mark 10:25 Jesus famously says "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God." Jesus' thoughts regarding wealth are echoed in Matthew 6:19 "do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth," Matthew 6:24 "You cannot serve both God and Money," and most notably in Mark 10:21 when asked by a man what he must do to inherit eternal life Jesus responds "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor..." These passages hearken back to a thread I responded to once asking whether Jesus was a Socialist. I don't know. But it appears his teachings would interfere with our "American Dream" and be emphatically rejected by both believers and non-believers alike.
Honestly, most of this is for another thread, but Ill humor you here. The teachings of Jesus, which I should have been more specific to, is to how Jesus taught people to relate to others. John 13:34-35 " And this new commandment I give to you, Love Your neigbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment then this.
Or Matthew 5:39 " Do not resist an evil person. If someone slaps you on the cheek, turn the other one also."
Thats the Jesus that Im talking about that would be a great role model for people. And Jesus ideal in the passages you were discussing were to determine how serious people were about following him: he had a limited time on earth(33 years)and wanted only the most devout followers to spread his message.
I did not mean to imply that all Evangelicals wish to infringe on first amendment rights, in fact, I did not include all Evangelicals in my statement. You quoted me as saying "I realized that they were just as bad as the evangelicals who want to put dents in our 1st amendment rights." I intended my use of the word "The" to section off the group to which I was referring. I should probably have written "I realized they were just as bad as certain groups of Evangelicals who want to put dents in our 1st amendment rights." Apologies for any miscommunication.
Apology accepted. I still think this is more a political argument then a religious one, but to each their own.
I disagree. Religion did not commit these acts, people did. To blame religion is to take the onus off of the human perpetrators and place it on an idea. If you believe in the concept of free will, which it seems you do, then you might agree that people who commit heinous acts in the name of religion have a choice, to kill or not to kill, to explode or not to explode. I would rewrite your last sentence as "I'd be ignorant to blindly ignore the atrocities of the past and present that some religious people present."
Nah, because some religious passages directly command their followers to commit such attrocities. The Old Testament(which Jesus abolished, of his own admission) commanded people to be put to death for theft, infedility, disobedience to parents, etc. And then there's the Koran, which to this day allows for women to be beaten by their husbands and promises death for disobedience to any of their tenants. I dont blame religion alone, I believe its a combination of both religion and a flawed society(and people)!
Well I should have read further instead of addressing your post one bullet point at a time! I would argue that this contradicts your previous statement. I will add that it is interesting to read Dennett's book, whether you agree with him or not, and contemplate the idea of religion being an actual living, mutating thing. It's very science fictiony.
Religion is a choice. Whether it was forced down our throats by our parents or we stumbled upon it on our own, its a choice we make. Free will. I wasn't contradicting myself at all. And Ill pass on the book, science fictions not my thing.
A crutch is a bad thing, because we never learn to walk on our own. As Ive stated, I am a Christian, and it drives the decisions I make and who I am today. But religion as a crutch is like a junkie looking for his next fix: he's only good until it wears off. Id argue any type of long term crutch is a bad thing, but thats for another thread honestly. Christianity and religion provide a great source of comfort, support, and ideals to live by. Heck, its saved my life. But its also taught me how to be a Christian without needing to fall back upon religion for every decision I make. Im not being rude or ignorant here man, just stating what I believe to be fact. You wanted your thread commented on, you got your wish. Btw, it doesnt exactly behoove you to call people morons for putting out what they do or do not believe, especially people like Xemnas, Mathix, and PC who are very passionate about the subject. The topic wasnt necessarily a religious debate, it was simply asking if you were a Christian or not. How each person chooses to answer it is their choice, just like.....wait for it..... the ability to choose your religious belief!
Would you say a crutch is a bad thing for a man with a broken ankle? Is an emotional crutch a bad thing for a man with a broken heart?
I think you have me all wrong here, my friend. Not at all. But if one relies on those crutches FOREVER and doesnt learn how to independently get about(or think in this case), then yes, its a bad thing. The longer you use a crutch, the longer you become dependant on it. If you read my first post, Im an unashamed recovering drug addict. The longer I was on drugs, the more I needed. It was pain medicine. Would u argue that was a good thing?
You have crutches in your life and your faith is certainly one of them. We all have things we look to for propping up when life has gotten us down. One crutch we all appear to share is professional wrestling. If life sucks, your job sucks, your family sucks but you can't wait for Monday Nights because it's two hours of entertainment that boosts your spirits then you have a crutch. Of course this is my definition of a crutch, if anyone has a different definition I would enjoy reading it.
Religion isnt a crutch to me, thats the thing. My faith and belief in Chrust is one of freedom, and at times, reliance. But I also have strength, through Christ, to stand on my own. I dont consider myself to be religious whatsoever. I do have faith and use it to guide my life, but I dont view it as a crutch.
Long term crutches are great because they create stability in one's life. A constant bright spot in one's life certainly improves mental well-being.
You admit that Christianity provides "a great source of comfort, support, and ideals to live by." Right, I agree, it's a crutch. I just don't think crutches are a bad thing. After all, it saved your life.
Long term crutches are a TERRIBLE thing. They create dependency rather then independence. They create the blind following the blind rather then independent thinking. I am comforted by Christianity, and my faith. But its certainly not a crutch. It allows me the freedom to live my life, which crutches dont do. Jesus said he "Came to set the captives free", not provide crutches for them. I guess our definition of a crutch differs, and thats ok.
You write that "it's taught me how to be a Christian without needing to fall back upon religion for every decision I make." However a few sentences prior you say that "As I have stated, I am a Christian, and it drives the decisions I make and who I am today." I understand what you mean and empathize completely, but you seem to contradict yourself here.
No, not at all. You can have your life shaped by something, and as a result, progress as a person. At times, I do rely on my faith to make decisions. The words I use toward my wife. My morals. The way I treat others. But I also use common sense and logical thinking that I dont give two seconds of thought toward "What would Jesus Do?" in my day to day life.
Finally I called people morons to get noticed and thankfully it worked. I have no ill will toward anyone on this message board. It's just a message board and I don't know any one of you personally. Any thread however is the foundation for a debate and this one I find very interesting. Cheers!
Well, I dont agree with the way you choose to get noticed, but thats just me. I have gotten to know people personally through these boards and consider them my friends, despite the fact that we hold entirely different life views. Id focus on arguing the merits of your thread and what you belief to get noticed rather then insulting others. And I jumped in because several of those "morons" are people I consider friends.