Why is it so right to bash Christianity?

I am attached to this subject because I am Catholic and I am offended by the post Slyfox posted in acting like it’s ok to “Attack’ people because of there religion.

I can't believe there are people out there that think it's ok to attack other people's religion and there beliefs.

If people like that think it’s ok then haven’t they earned the right to be attacked?

And yes he does need to act like a adult, cause he seems to be the only one who came in here with the intent to give Christians a bad name, and then when someone brings up the good in Christianity, that is apparently a bad thing.

This isn't about people believing my religion, this is the fact that there people out there who actually agree with bashing other religions and then when it comes to there own, it's untouchable.

What makes one person ok to bash someone elses religion and not the other?
It’s still bashing no matter what you call it SLYFOX, your ignoring the good in what Christians have done and just bringing up the bad because you think, you and others have the right to bash Christianity.

Why can’t we bring up the good that Christians has done as well?

Why is it that you only want to bring up the bad? and ignore the good?

Is it because then, you have to admit that not all Christians are that bad?

Since you like to label everyone together.

Just your run of the mill religious nut, nothing to see here people.

Why is it that so many Christians cant seem to balance faith and reality, it's like once they cross a certain line there's just no turning back.

So many Christians just believe what they want to believe, science and facts be dammed. Just spew your beliefs and opinions as facts. Keep pushing that us against the world mentality, I'm sure it's really going to take you places in life.
I'm creating my post again, because it has to do with the topic. Give me one good reason why this post should not be here since it has to do with the topic.
I don't think anyone deleted your post, the forum is acting up, so it may just be hidden right now. Nobody has deleted your post. If it doesn't show up, just give it time.


I am not doing anything, I am simply stating a opinion. So now according to you everyohne who disagree’s with your opinion, is bashing you?

I’m not defending what I believe in, I’m defending the right in everyone believing what they want to believe in
And I believe in pointing out the massive flaws and incredible immorality of Christianity.

So, do you only defend the rights of those who don't question your religion?

The fact is that you can not be angry with Christians about bashing, when you come on here on a daily bases and bash posters for sharings there views etc… What makes you king of the world that you can bash and attack people but when other people do it that is wrong?
When did I ever say that Christians criticizing others was wrong? Your putting words into my posts that were never there.

All I ever said is that Christians do it on a regular basis, hell Pat Robertson has made a life out of it. And considering all the wrong Christianity is responsible for, they deserve their criticism too.

They didn’t earn anything, the only thing that they earned was the right to defend there opinions and views because of people like you who bash and attack there beliefs.

I'm sorry, but this makes you look terribly ignorant. Pick up a book and read a little history. You can start with the Crusades and the Inquisition and move on from there. Don't forget to read up on the Holocaust as well.

Do you expect them to just sit on there hands and allow people like you to walk all over them?
You mean like the Christian religion has done for over 2000 years to everyone else? Seriously, do you know nothing of your religion's history?

The fact that your mocking Christian makes you a idiot and for that you deserve to be bashed, you can’t handle it? Deal with it.
The fact you seem to know NOTHING about your religion makes you an ignorant hypocrite.

Do you even have any idea how the most celebrated practices of your religion came to be? Do you know the history of Christmas and Easter, and why they are a sham?

I bet not. You seem like a child who blindly follows their faith, never questioning why it exists the way it does. And that makes you a very poor Christian. To not understand who you are, and why you're Christian, is a very bad thing. You need to do some reading on the historical background of your religion. Then maybe you'll understand why it gets bashed so much.

You want to be respected? Try acting like a damn adult.
I am acting like an adult, an adult who has reason and common sense, and who isn't a blind sheep to the awful things that have been carried out in the name of Christianity.

Why don't you try acting like an adult, instead of a wide eyed child, being read bedtime stories?

Why can’t we bring up the good that Christians has done as well?
Because no one is criticizing that. Do you really not understand?
I am attached to this subject because I am Catholic and I am offended by the post Slyfox posted in acting like it’s ok to “Attack’ people because of there religion.

I can't believe there are people out there that think it's ok to attack other people's religion and there beliefs.

If people like that think it’s ok then haven’t they earned the right to be attacked?

And yes he does need to act like a adult, cause he seems to be the only one who came in here with the intent to give Christians a bad name, and then when someone brings up the good in Christianity, that is apparently a bad thing.

Brother, I truly believe you're taking this further than it needs to be.

There's not an intelligent poster who believes that it's okay okay to attack a religion.

Additionally, It's not about punking you or making you look like a fuck bag. I promise you, this is a political issue that you'll have different viewpoints about than other people.

I believe that pointing the good as well will say that Christians are not all that bad and that they do have Morals.

No, I’m defending the right that no one should bash like you do. You can state your opinions and views without having to offend every Christianity out there.

I am not putting words into your mouth again, you came in here with the intent to bash Christianity because they also criticize other religions, yet when you do it, it’s supposedly suppose to be ok.

Not All Christians do it on a daily basis and infact all Religions do it, not just Christianity.

You’re a perfect example

I don’t need to pick up any book, because rather you like it or not, everyone, has the right to defend there beliefs.

This isn’t about Religion’s History, so I’m not even going to go in that with you.

I know nothing about my Religion?

Again this isn’t about the history of Christianity, this is a whole different topic.

So do us all a favor and get off your high horse and actually stay on topic.

People are criticizing that when they bash Christianity and make them look bad, I think we have every right to defend our religion and bring up the good as well.
Brother, I truly believe you're taking this further than it needs to be.

There's not an intelligent poster who believes that it's okay okay to attack a religion.

Additionally, It's not about punking you or making you look like a fuck bag. I promise you, this is a political issue that you'll have different viewpoints about than other people.

No Slyfox took this further then it need too, there was no need for him to label every Christian together, there was no need for him to come in here with the intent to bash a certain religion.

When it's your religion that is being bashed, I would like to see if you would not defend it.

Slyfox actually believes that it's ok to bash Christianity.
I'm pretty sure that they've stayed on topic.

Look, dude, religion is, at the end of the day, a blind faith. that's all it can be. I'm pretty sure that you don't know the history of Christianity. You'd like to think that you do, but you do no have any formal scholastic training in the matter.
Again bashing me for the simple assumption that you guys think I don’t know the history of my religion proves how hypocritical you all are being.

You cry when people bash you, but then look what you are doing to me?

Hypocrites and double standards I tell you.

Again this isn’t about the History of Religions. This is about bashing Christians so yes it’s going off topic.

Again bashing me for the simple assumption that you guys think I don’t know the history of my religion proves how hypocritical you all are being.

You cry when people bash you, but then look what you are doing to me?

Hypocrites and double standards I tell you.

Again this isn’t about the History of Religions. This is about bashing Christians so yes it’s going off topic.
People are criticizing that when they bash Christianity and make them look bad, I think we have every right to defend our religion and bring up the good as well.

Of course you have the right to defend your religion and the good that it has done, particularly if someone is attacking you simply for being a part of a religion.

However, you cannot turn a complete blind eye to all the bad things that take place in its name or are deliberately hidden by religious authorities.

The Catholic Church has been and still is a prime offender and therefore a prime target for ridicule. For decades, there have been jokes/innuendo regarding the sexual perversions of Catholic priests. So much so that a lot of people inside and outside the Church considered them to just be slanderous rumours but now numerous cases have emerged and it is has been proven that the higher-ups worked to conceal gross sexual misconduct on the part of its members. If that is not worthy of ridicule, I do not know what is?

I won't even go into the detail of the Catholic Church's role in the establishment of 'Holy War' - no, it was not an Islamic invention - or its failure to act against the Holocaust.

It is these elements that the rest of the world has every right to bash and if you do not see that then you are indeed a blind sheep.
People are criticizing that when they bash Christianity and make them look bad, I think we have every right to defend our religion and bring up the good as well.

Of course you have the right to defend your religion and the good that it has done, particularly if someone is attacking you simply for being a part of a religion.

However, you cannot turn a complete blind eye to all the bad things that take place in its name or are deliberately hidden by religious authorities.

The Catholic Church has been and still is a prime offender and therefore a prime target for ridicule. For decades, there have been jokes/innuendo regarding the sexual perversions of Catholic priests. So much so that a lot of people inside and outside the Church considered them to just be slanderous rumours but now numerous cases have emerged and it is has been proven that the higher-ups worked to conceal gross sexual misconduct on the part of its members. If that is not worthy of ridicule, I do not know what is?

I won't even go into the detail of the Catholic Church's role in the establishment of 'Holy War' - no, it was not an Islamic invention - or its failure to act against the Holocaust.

It is these elements that the rest of the world has every right to bash and if you do not see that then you are indeed a blind sheep.

I believe that pointing the good as well will say that Christians are not all that bad and that they do have Morals.
Who said they don't? I'm not bashing individual people, I'm bashing the religion. Are you really not able to distinguish between the two?

No, I’m defending the right that no one should bash like you do. You can state your opinions and views without having to offend every Christianity out there.
If Christians get offended by the truth, that's their problem. Did Catholic priests not prey on young boys? Has Christianity not taught intolerance of other religions? Was the Spanish Inquisition not carried out in the name of Christianity?

I don't speak anything that isn't true, and if Christians get offended by that, then it's their problem, not my fault.

I am not putting words into your mouth again, you came in here with the intent to bash Christianity because they also criticize other religions, yet when you do it, it’s supposedly suppose to be ok.
Good fucking Lord, do you even pay attention? I bash ALL religion, because religion is an impediment to spirituality. Religion is merely a political tool, or a tool to make the wealthy even wealthier...that's all it's every been. Do you know why "church" exists? It exists because in the old days, the common people couldn't read, and so they had to have someone read the Bible to them, since the Bible was written in Latin.

THAT'S why you go to Church. But since most people can read now, why go to Church? Do you not also realize that, in the name of religion, wealthy and powerful people used God to keep the common people subservient,? Religion is a tool, nothing more. In this day and age, anyone who bows to the confines of religion will never achieve the informed spirituality of those who do not. Religion binds you, not guides you.

I don’t need to pick up any book, because rather you like it or not, everyone, has the right to defend there beliefs.

This isn’t about Religion’s History, so I’m not even going to go in that with you.
No, you do need to read, because the criticisms the Church receives comes from their historical actions. But see, you don't want to read about all the evil that has come from the Christian religion, because then you'd have to admit there is a very good basis for Christian bashing. The Christian history is full of unspeakable evil, the basis for which the criticisms come. Has there been good? Absolutely, untold amounts of good. But there has also been a lot of bad.

I know nothing about my Religion?
No, you don't. Do you know why you celebrate Christmas on December 25th? Do you know why you celebrate Easter in the spring?

Again this isn’t about the history of Christianity, this is a whole different topic.
No, it's very much about this topic, since the history of the Church is the reason people criticize it. I don't know how to say it any more plainly than that.

So do us all a favor and get off your high horse and actually stay on topic.
I'm very much on topic, and if you weren't so ignorant to your religion's history, you'd understand.
I believe that pointing the good as well will say that Christians are not all that bad and that they do have Morals.

So your defense is that Christians have done some good, so we can't criticize the bad they've done? It doesn't work that way. Feeding the homeless doesn't make up for slaughter and torture.

No, I’m defending the right that no one should bash like you do. You can state your opinions and views without having to offend every Christianity out there.

If you can't handle an adult conversation, get out. There is no "right that no one should be bashed", where did you pull that crap out of? Yes, you have a right to defend yourself, but your defense should be more than "You're hurting my feelings, I have beliefs and you can't make fun of them!".

I am not putting words into your mouth again, you came in here with the intent to bash Christianity because they also criticize other religions, yet when you do it, it’s supposedly suppose to be ok.

Can you not read? Do you choose to just not see what is really being said, and just make up things that fit your needs? He didn't come in here to "bash Christianity because they also criticize other religions". He came in to voice his opinion on the topic at hand, and stated that with all the suffering, persecution, and murder done by or in the name of Christianity, there is plenty to criticize about it. You are the one getting your panties in a bunch and only hearing what you want to hear.

Not All Christians do it on a daily basis and infact all Religions do it, not just Christianity.

Does that make Christianity any less responsible for it's actions? No, it doesn't. Two wrongs don't make a right.

I don’t need to pick up any book, because rather you like it or not, everyone, has the right to defend there beliefs.

This isn’t about Religion’s History, so I’m not even going to go in that with you.

I know nothing about my Religion?

Again this isn’t about the history of Christianity, this is a whole different topic.

No, it's not a different topic. Read the title: "Why is it so right to bash Christianity". Not "Why is it so right to bash Christians". And with the ways Christianity has conducted itself over 2000 years, it's safe to say they deserve some criticism. If this thread was about making fun of Christians you could get away with knowing nothing about your religion beyond what you want it to be. Since the thread is about whether or not Christianity has earned criticism, I'd expect you to at least know what you are talking about. Do some research, it's not that hard.

So do us all a favor and get off your high horse and actually stay on topic.

Slyfox has been on topic the whole time. Do us all a favor and actually know what you are talking about when it comes to your religion. And please read posts thoroughly before you respond.

People are criticizing that when they bash Christianity and make them look bad, I think we have every right to defend our religion and bring up the good as well.

Fair enough, but don't think that missionary work is going to make up for the sour feelings many have for Christianity. Having a right to defend yourself and your religion doesn't mean that the criticism will stop.

As for more reasons why people bash Christianity, look at politics: here in America at least we have Christian groups who feel that their beliefs and morals should be superimposed onto all Americans. Their two-dimensional view of life has no room for homosexuals and other persecuted minorities, and their archaic views on abortion and safe sex all but guarantee generations of children to homes that can't afford to support them. They are entitled to their beliefs, but they have no right to enforce those beliefs on others.

Oh, I know I can’t change any one from believing what they want to believe but to say that we can’t bring up the good but people can bring up the back is just stupid.

I mean look at this thread a “Mod” and a poster are trying to attack me because I’m not discussing the “History of my religion” when it’s not even what the topic is about.

They are accusing me of being stupid etc.. For what?

Because I’m defending my Religion and the fact that if you bash Religions, you deserve the same in return?

It’s just crazy and people say Christians are bad?

I just think a lot of people need to look in the mirror.

The labeling also amazes me.

I should have known mod’s will defend mod’s on here no matter how wrong they are. Who am I? I am just one of the posters who post here like the other posters to keep this forum a live.

If you and Slyfox have such issues with Christianity/Catholics, why don’t you banned them all from this board then?

Also can you stop putting words into my mouth please and actually read what I’m saying which is that if people have the right to bring up the bad then we have the ring to bring up the good as well. Comrehend?

Ummm again, please show me where I said he was hurting my feelings? Yes I am offended by mod’s who think attacking other people’s religions is “OK” when this is suppose to be a open forum for everyone.

So yes it does not sit right me, you don’t like it? It really isn’t my problem or my issue now is it?

Also I can handle a adult convo, which is why I am still here.

No he came in here with the intent to make Christianity look bad and it proves it in his post and then when people defend it, you and him can’t handle it. Am I suppose to care that you and Slyfox can’t handle when we defend our religion?

I did read the topic, maybe you need to reread it because where is the topic talking about “Christians History”?

The history behind religions is different from the topic.

Again, no but he should not complain when we bring up the good in defense to his bashing.
There's absolutely nowhere that it states that it's right to bash Christianity. Nor does it say that it's right to bash the guys who bash Christianity, or those who don't believe in it. There's another thread in the Cigar Lounge about freedom of speech. And this is what it's all about. We're in our full right to believe what we want. And to utter the words that we feel we want to utter.

The fact that Christianity is a widespread religion in the majority of the countries practicing freedom of speech allows us to bash it much more than any other religion. A Christian or Atheist cannot simply bash Islam for anything due to the fact that it would as well be seen as a racist act. As well as the Islamic people cannot utter bad towards their own religion just as well. Not because it's against the law of their religion. But because of the hatred and shame they would suffer.

Christianity doesn't have this. Sure it might have within the families. But there's nothing wrong with me going out on the open street and yelling "Christianity sucks. It's just a damn myth". But just as well there's nothing leaving out the possibility of a Christian replying "I love Christianity because it gives me something to believe in *insult insult*"

There's no right or wrong in this matter. It's all about what you choose to do. If you want to bash Christianity. Don't hesitate because some Christian said it's wrong, and vice versa.
Thank you Ferbian.

I've stated that before, that this isn't about Right and wrong that this is about a simple case of defending what you believe in and your religion.

Also though if someone chooses to bash "Chritians" they need to suck it up and realize that people will defend there religion.

Can I also ask, why a mod is emailing me asking me about my age?

Is that proper?

For A mod to ask another poster there personal info?
Unbelievable, I’m being bashed now for simply stating that bashing any Religion is wrong and you guys claim Christians are bad?

Some of you need to look in the mirror.

I should have known mod’s will defend mod’s on here no matter how wrong they are. Who am I? I am just one of the posters who post here like the other posters to keep this forum a live.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm no mod, but thank you. I like the thought of being amongst that group of great posters. The Doctor, D-Man, Dave, Ferbian, xfearbefore, Slyfox....yeah, that's a great group to be associated with.

If you and Slyfox have such issues with Christianity/Catholics, why don’t you banned them all from this board then?

Because that would be silly. And I'd have to ban myself. Yup, baptized Catholic right here.

Anywho, I can't even begin to state how stupid such an action would be, and I'm sure I don't need to tell Slyfox that either. Having issues with a religion doesn't mean that you hate everyone who follows it, and that's what you've had the hardest time understanding here. I don't hate you because you are Christian; it has nothing to do with it.

Also can you stop putting words into my mouth please and actually read what I’m saying which is that if people have the right to bring up the bad then we have the ring to bring up the good as well. Comrehend?

I never said you didn't have that right, in fact, if you look closer, you'll see that I agreed that you have that right. Bringing up the good, though, doesn't erase the bad. Comprende?

Ummm again, please show me where I said he was hurting my feelings? Yes I am offended by mod’s who think attacking other people’s religions is “OK” when this is suppose to be a open forum for everyone.

Right there, buddy. You are getting butt hurt that he dared take a differing opinion than the OP. This is an open forum for everyone (that can follow the rules), and it is for open discussion of a great number of topics. The topic at hand is whether it is ok to knock Christianity. Did you expect only no answers in here? That's not what open discussion is. Take it on the chin and move on.

So yes it does not sit right me, you don’t like it? It really isn’t my problem or my issue now is it?

And yet you can't handle being told this very same thing yourself.

Also I can handle a adult convo, which is why I am still here.

What the fuck is a "convo"?

No he came in here with the intent to make Christianity look bad and it proves it in his post and then when people defend it, you and him can’t handle it. Am I suppose to care that you and Slyfox can’t handle when we defend our religion?

Notice the bold type? Christianity, not Christians. You took this as a slap in the face because you can't handle adult conversations. He read the OP, and responded in a valid manor. You took it upon yourself to call him out for it, and single him out to debate him on the matter, only he actually showed up prepared while you keep essentially posting the same thing over and over. I don't mind you defending your religion, dude, but if you can't handle the heat of the Cigar Lounge, get out.

I did read the topic, maybe you need to reread it because where is the topic talking about “Christians History”?

Well, to criticize something like Christianity properly, you must aware of it's actions throughout the course of history. In order to defend it properly, you also must be aware of it's actions throughout the course of history. So yes, I think someone with more factual knowledge of the history of Christianity is in a better position to make his/her case than one who does not possess the knowledge or the will to seek it out.

The history behind religions is different from the topic.

The history of Christianity, and whether or not it warrants criticisms, is indeed the very heart of this thread. I'm sorry that you can't understand that.

Again, no but he should not complain when we bring up the good in defense to his bashing.

He's not complaining about you mentioning the good that has been done. He, like many others, simply feel that missionary work and charity don't make up for all of Christianity's past. If he's complained about anything, it's that you are coming into this emotionally charged and as such keep overlooking the message in favor of getting agitated by the criticisms.
wow... just wow, first off not that he needs ANY help from ME, but CF you have been accusing Sly of shit he never even came close to uttering from what I've read ( as he has stated multiple times) and before I begin, yeah got no f'n idea why this on a wrestling thread but I'ma go ahead n run with it

the thread topic is "why is it so right to bash christianity?" soooo... by default answers to the questiona re going to be ...well... negative =) so that being in mind, let's begin, the people of the inqusition, witch hunts, crusades, the stealing of relegious holidays and beliefs from other relegions ( jus cuz you don't like a fact doesn't mean it isn't a FACT) all these things are some reasons why people bash christianity.... the second biggest reason is christians themselves, not all christians ofcourse... jus the ones that gotta do the following... spew hatred (the KKK for example, all christians =) ... hatred against women, blacks, mexican, gay, jews, muslims, the list goes on... which amazes me since half those people I can't even find an argument for hating in the bible... or taking pity upon which is another thing christians are good at, and going to other countries to make them see the light.... I find it pathetic you go on missions to countrie with NOTHING and then miraculously villages in the region start to see the light.... god forbid they see some water n food

what pisses me off most tho is you claim to follow a man ( or god) depending on your belief that preached compassion, understanding, tolerance, and PEACE.... and yet you can't even seemingly TRY to aspire to his level, it is sickening.... that being said, relegionof ALL kind has done some wonderful things for our world.... but with all things, does the end justify the means?

Oh, I know I can’t change any one from believing what they want to believe but to say that we can’t bring up the good but people can bring up the back is just stupid.

I mean look at this thread a “Mod” and a poster are trying to attack me because I’m not discussing the “History of my religion” when it’s not even what the topic is about.

They are accusing me of being stupid etc.. For what?

Because I’m defending my Religion and the fact that if you bash Religions, you deserve the same in return?

It’s just crazy and people say Christians are bad?

I just think a lot of people need to look in the mirror.

The labeling also amazes me.

Sorry, CanadianFan but if you get involved in the question as to whether it is right to bash Christianity, then you have to expect the bad things that have taken place in its name are going to come up. But it is the same if you had asked about Judaism, Islam or any other religion. Christianity is no more victimised than any other organisation.

And of course, Christianity has done many good things such as humanitarian missionary work, bringing people together in a sense of community through worship and influencing some of the world's great architecture. However, as has been mentioned, that does not negate the bad things that have occurred under its auspices.

That said, scrutiny is not a bad thing for as long as the Church hierarchy do not ignore the and learn from those passed mistakes such as the sparking of religious war during the Crusades, the Inquisition (which I believe has been apologised for), the failure to denounce the Holocaust at the time, the intimidation and molestation of vulnerable children left in its care or more day-to-day problems then it can help root out the troublemakers who would besmirch its name and standing.

History is very important to Christianity as it is to all religions, organisations, governments, groups, companies and individuals for the simple, irrevocable truth that if you do not learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it. That is why it is right to scrutinise and perhaps bash Christianity for all the things it has done wrong for if we did not then it would not learn.

Oh, I know I can’t change any one from believing what they want to believe but to say that we can’t bring up the good but people can bring up the back is just stupid.

I mean look at this thread a “Mod” and a poster are trying to attack me because I’m not discussing the “History of my religion” when it’s not even what the topic is about.

They are accusing me of being stupid etc.. For what?

Because I’m defending my Religion and the fact that if you bash Religions, you deserve the same in return?

It’s just crazy and people say Christians are bad?

I just think a lot of people need to look in the mirror.

The labeling also amazes me.

Sorry, CanadianFan but if you get involved in the question as to whether it is right to bash Christianity, then you have to expect the bad things that have taken place in its name are going to come up. But it is the same if you had asked about Judaism, Islam or any other religion. Christianity is no more victimised than any other organisation.

And of course, Christianity has done many good things such as humanitarian missionary work, bringing people together in a sense of community through worship and influencing some of the world's great architecture. However, as has been mentioned, that does not negate the bad things that have occurred under its auspices.

That said, scrutiny is not a bad thing for as long as the Church hierarchy do not ignore the and learn from those passed mistakes such as the sparking of religious war during the Crusades, the Inquisition (which I believe has been apologised for), the failure to denounce the Holocaust at the time, the intimidation and molestation of vulnerable children left in its care or more day-to-day problems then it can help root out the troublemakers who would besmirch its name and standing.

History is very important to Christianity as it is to all religions, organisations, governments, groups, companies and individuals for the simple, irrevocable truth that if you do not learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it. That is why it is right to scrutinise and perhaps bash Christianity for all the things it has done wrong for if we did not then it would not learn.

Oh so your just sucking up the mod’s then? I see.

You are a catholic and think it’s ok that people bash your Religion?

WOW some Catholic you are.

I don’t think it’s stupid at all, if you and Slyfox think that Christians and Catholics are such horrible people, then why have them on a forum?

Pretty simple if you ask me.

Where did I say it erased the bad? Please show show me?

That isn’t getting butt hurt. It does not seem like it’s a open forum for everyone when people being criticized and judged by there religion. How is that open forum for everyone?

I can handle it, I’m here aint I?

LOL figure it out, if you can’t figure it out then you really must be stupid.

You damn right I will especially anyone who claims that it’s ok to “attack” religions when it was clearly stated by Slyfox that Christians deserve.

I am really surprised your not offended considering it’s saying you deserve to be attacked when he is labeling you together.
I did read the topic, maybe you need to reread it because where is the topic talking about “Christians History”?

The history behind religions is different from the topic.

No, the history is NOT different, it's the very heart of this topic, since the history is why Christianity gets criticized. How do you not understand that?

And no, you know NOTHING about your religion. If you did, you wouldn't defend it like you do.

Can I also ask, why a mod is emailing me asking me about my age?

Is that proper?

For A mod to ask another poster there personal info?
For fuck's sake, I'm not a mod, I'm an Administrator. I'm the top dog around here when it comes to how the forum is run.

Please at least learn the difference.
everyone has read what ya said CF, you're full of shit... no one is going out of their way to attack christians, oh wait thas the topic!!! wondering why christians get bashed... people are merely informing you of the reasons.... genocide, brainwashing, torture, secret trials, leeching of other beliefs, degradation, lies, superiority complexes, ignorance, denial of fact, preying on the weak and the young and the starving, bigotry, racism.... remember how ya felt on 9/11? ... christianity has done as much if not more damage with their time on this planet, other relegions aren't excused from their abominations, and there's no reason why christianity should be either

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