Why is it so right to bash Christianity?

It's not right to bash anything. It's called having an opinion and being an individual. More to the point, why do you even care what non-believers think?

Everyone's entitled to believe what they like. And everyone's entitled to slag off what ever they want. It's not right and we should all be more tolerant but we're not.

I personally find it a lot easier to simply say 'Why should i give a fuck?' If someone comes to me and starts preaching about Christianity, i'll tell them to book me an appointment with God, and i'll discuss it with him........ and i'm still waiting.

Anyway, i wouldn't stand there and throw abuse at someone who is Christian because many decades ago a bunch of them went on a killing spree...... and then did it again...... and again...... but i realise that was those twisted bastards back then, that is not necessarily what people are like today.

I base my opinion on what i know about an individual and the actions they take. Then i'll slag them off if i feel they deserve it. But not before. It's a natural reaction to judge someone, but it's only self important cocks who think that judgement needs to be vocalised.

So next time someone bashes you for being a Christian, do what you're supposed to do. Shrug it off and let God sort it out.

Next time a Christian bashes you, take comfort in the fact that this particular hypocrite is deluded enough to believe they're right, and hopefully you'll laugh a little.
Personally, I think most religions have earned it. Including Christianity. More people have died in the name of God then for any other reason. Especially when it involves one of the three Desert Dogmas. Now there are some good things in Christianity and in most religions for that matter. Jesus' teachings were downright wonderful, and I think he was a great role model. Unfortunately most Christians, don't just go by what Jesus taught. They're involved in bigotry and hate to this very day. Take the issue with homosexuals in the United States right now....

So yes they've earned it, and I see nothing wrong with bashing Christianity. Mainly the parts that should be bashed. I still think it's complete batshit though.
Christians are bashed because we make easy targets. We don't fight back. We take it on the chin. We don't issue Jihads. We don't kill you for drawing a picture of Jesus. We are FAR more tolerant than any other religious group when it comes to being attacked. That doesn't make it right, it just makes it easier. And, unfortunately, that tolerance has led to attacking Christianity to be socially acceptable, and it shouldn't be.

That's a valid point. If any religion deserves to be bashed right now, it's Islam. The difference between Christianity and Islam is that Christians don't take their religion as seriously anymore. No one in America goes out to get the morning paper, and looks across the street to their neighbor mowing the lawn and thinks, "Working on Sunday?! I really should kill him....".

Christianity did go through a period like that though. It was called the Dark Ages.

I disagree with you, on whether it should be bashed or not, though.

The reason Christians are such an easy target is not because you don't fight back, (You do. You just use words like civilized people, instead of burning the infidels) but because you are the majority in America. There Be Lot's Of YA! ^_^ Bigger targets are usually the easiest to hit. In America bashing should be exceptable. That's the freedom of it. I don't have a problem with calling Christianity (and all religions) batshit, because Christians are the ones that told me that if I don't believe, I'd burn in agony forever and ever. I was 4 when they started pumping that shit into my head, and I see nothing wrong with standing up against something that you feel is morally wrong.
When people say Christianity has been corrupt and has killed tons of people, they are talking mostly of Catholics. Now Catholics and Protestants are COMPLETELY different. Mainly because Catholics believe the Church is the only entity that can forgive sins (which leads to great corruption) and Protestants believe you can ask Jesus to forgive sins.

So when people are bashing on Christianity for its past, they are mainly bashing on Catholics. And I'm not here to bash on Catholics, but they really do see themselves as higher than anyone else. My Muslim friend from Baghdad said that over there they specifically hate Catholics.

Also, and an atheist friend of mine pointed this out, but most "atheists" are actually "anti-theist", which are two totally different. Atheists don't believe in anything. Anti-theists believe against a God. And are the most outspoken.

And no, Christians are not supposed to bash somebody because they share opposing views. The Bible says to marry and only be associated with other Christians and try to convert non-believers but it doesn't say "go out and bash them". Nobody is perfect.

Furthermore, I don't think people are bashing Christianity as much as they are bashing Christians. The Bible does teach great morals and values. If you read the Bible, it teaches you how to live an easier and happier life. My atheist friend teaches stories out of the Bible to his children because he wants them to grow up to be better people, he just doesn't teach them about God. He teaches them stories like "look at the splinter in your eye before you tell the other man about his splinter" and stuff like that.
That's a valid point. If any religion deserves to be bashed right now, it's Islam. The difference between Christianity and Islam is that Christians don't take their religion as seriously anymore. No one in America goes out to get the morning paper, and looks across the street to their neighbor mowing the lawn and thinks, "Working on Sunday?! I really should kill him....".

Christianity did go through a period like that though. It was called the Dark Ages.

I disagree with you, on whether it should be bashed or not, though.

The reason Christians are such an easy target is not because you don't fight back, (You do. You just use words like civilized people, instead of burning the infidels) but because you are the majority in America. There Be Lot's Of YA! ^_^ Bigger targets are usually the easiest to hit. In America bashing should be exceptable. That's the freedom of it. I don't have a problem with calling Christianity (and all religions) batshit, because Christians are the ones that told me that if I don't believe, I'd burn in agony forever and ever. I was 4 when they started pumping that shit into my head, and I see nothing wrong with standing up against something that you feel is morally wrong.

What a load of horse shit...

Christians don't take their religion seriously? Have you no understanding of the social struggles of homosexuals in the United States – a country who's populous is 85% Christian in some denomination or another – a struggle primarily based on the precept that homosexuality is an abomination as set forth by the Bible?

Furthermore, you don't think there are Christians in the United States (a substantial number of them, that is) who would willingly kill again in Gods name? Have you ever heard of Fred Phelps? The Disciples of Christ's Army? The Neo-Conservative Republican party?

Worse yet, you don't think people die vicariously in the name of Christianity anymore? Maybe if our leaders weren't devout Christians themselves who actually believed that our soldiers would all die and go to heaven, then they'd be less inclined to send our troops to die, yeah? Sorry, but I've got a serious lack of confidence in anyone who's willing to bet my life on the concept of an afterlife like this is all one giant chess game where pawns are expendable.

Christians may not be as brute as they once were, but by no means does that equate a lack of seriousness in any sense.

And no, Christians are not supposed to bash somebody because they share opposing views. The Bible says to marry and only be associated with other Christians and try to convert non-believers but it doesn't say "go out and bash them". Nobody is perfect.

Actually, it says to kill non-believers.

"They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman." (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)
When people say Christianity has been corrupt and has killed tons of people, they are talking mostly of Catholics. Now Catholics and Protestants are COMPLETELY different. Mainly because Catholics believe the Church is the only entity that can forgive sins (which leads to great corruption) and Protestants believe you can ask Jesus to forgive sins.

So when people are bashing on Christianity for its past, they are mainly bashing on Catholics. And I'm not here to bash on Catholics, but they really do see themselves as higher than anyone else. My Muslim friend from Baghdad said that over there they specifically hate Catholics.

Also, and an atheist friend of mine pointed this out, but most "atheists" are actually "anti-theist", which are two totally different. Atheists don't believe in anything. Anti-theists believe against a God. And are the most outspoken.

And no, Christians are not supposed to bash somebody because they share opposing views. The Bible says to marry and only be associated with other Christians and try to convert non-believers but it doesn't say "go out and bash them". Nobody is perfect.

Furthermore, I don't think people are bashing Christianity as much as they are bashing Christians. The Bible does teach great morals and values. If you read the Bible, it teaches you how to live an easier and happier life. My atheist friend teaches stories out of the Bible to his children because he wants them to grow up to be better people, he just doesn't teach them about God. He teaches them stories like "look at the splinter in your eye before you tell the other man about his splinter" and stuff like that.
You know, if you're going to post on this topic, at least have some semblance of an idea of what you're talking about.

First of all, until the 16th century, Protestants WERE Catholics, it was the same religion. And that was the Christian religion, so don't try and distinguish between the two, as if Protestants are above that type of behavior, because they weren't. To be honest, as a Catholic, I'm highly offended at you trying to make such a distinction. Second of all, to say Protestants haven't been morally corrupt is beyond laughable. Protestants have killed in the name of their religion just like Catholics. And, of course, also did so when all Christianity was one big umbrella religion, before the Protestant Reformation.

Second of all, most Catholics DON'T see themselves as greater than everyone else, and for you to say otherwise shows how ignorant you truly are to Catholicism. Are there Catholics who feel they are superior? Sure, just as there are Protestants. I've been to community picnics where the local Baptist church handed out little flyers which stated, in no uncertain terms, that being a Catholic would send you to hell, and the only way to be saved was by converting to the Baptist faith. So, you can kindly take your opinion on that and go fuck yourself.

Finally, the Ten Commandments themselves say you should worship no God but the Christian God, which if that isn't a condemnation of every other religion, I don't know what is.

I suggest you back out of this conversation now, because you clearly have zero idea of what you are talking about.
You know, if you're going to post on this topic, at least have some semblance of an idea of what you're talking about.

First of all, until the 16th century, Protestants WERE Catholics, it was the same religion. And that was the Christian religion, so don't try and distinguish between the two, as if Protestants are above that type of behavior, because they weren't. To be honest, as a Catholic, I'm highly offended at you trying to make such a distinction. Second of all, to say Protestants haven't been morally corrupt is beyond laughable. Protestants have killed in the name of their religion just like Catholics. And, of course, also did so when all Christianity was one big umbrella religion, before the Protestant Reformation.

Second of all, most Catholics DON'T see themselves as greater than everyone else, and for you to say otherwise shows how ignorant you truly are to Catholicism. Are there Catholics who feel they are superior? Sure, just as there are Protestants. I've been to community picnics where the local Baptist church handed out little flyers which stated, in no uncertain terms, that being a Catholic would send you to hell, and the only way to be saved was by converting to the Baptist faith. So, you can kindly take your opinion on that and go fuck yourself.

Finally, the Ten Commandments themselves say you should worship no God but the Christian God, which if that isn't a condemnation of every other religion, I don't know what is.

I suggest you back out of this conversation now, because you clearly have zero idea of what you are talking about.

I'd actually contend that all religious affiliations and denominations that refer to their religion as the "right" religion see themselves as "greater than everyone else", Sly – what else could you possibly infer by referring to yourself (you playing the role of modern Christian) as "saved" while the others are "lost"? It's incredibly condescending to do so – as if those who aren't "saved" are inferior for their failure to be – and most Christians do so. At least a good portion of the ones I know personally, that is.
You know, if you're going to post on this topic, at least have some semblance of an idea of what you're talking about.

First of all, until the 16th century, Protestants WERE Catholics, it was the same religion. And that was the Christian religion, so don't try and distinguish between the two, as if Protestants are above that type of behavior, because they weren't. To be honest, as a Catholic, I'm highly offended at you trying to make such a distinction. Second of all, to say Protestants haven't been morally corrupt is beyond laughable. Protestants have killed in the name of their religion just like Catholics. And, of course, also did so when all Christianity was one big umbrella religion, before the Protestant Reformation.

Second of all, most Catholics DON'T see themselves as greater than everyone else, and for you to say otherwise shows how ignorant you truly are to Catholicism. Are there Catholics who feel they are superior? Sure, just as there are Protestants. I've been to community picnics where the local Baptist church handed out little flyers which stated, in no uncertain terms, that being a Catholic would send you to hell, and the only way to be saved was by converting to the Baptist faith. So, you can kindly take your opinion on that and go fuck yourself.

Finally, the Ten Commandments themselves say you should worship no God but the Christian God, which if that isn't a condemnation of every other religion, I don't know what is.

I suggest you back out of this conversation now, because you clearly have zero idea of what you are talking about.

Never did I say that Protestants weren't morally corrupt. But as a church, the Catholic church IS and HAS BEEN. And guess what, the Ten Commandments say worship God, yes. Not the Christian God, but God. But who believes in that God? Jews and Christians (Catholic and Protestant). It's in the Old Testament and we share that same view.

My dad's family is Catholic, and my mom's is Baptist. I take no denomination because I see myself as just a Christian. I know for a fact that all of the "traditions" Catholics have to do are man made.

And I don't care that I offended you. I have the right to say what I want. And Catholics ALWAYS get offended. It's a stereotype and all stereotypes blossom from somewhere. And here we have it folks, another Catholic who is trying to be superior by acting like he is better than me.

For the record, my sister and her close group of friends are MAJORING in Christianity and I help them study all the time.

So I am not going to back out of this forum. Just because you added big words to your post and tried to say I have no idea what I'm talking about, that doesn't mean you do either.

And yes, Baptists are notorious for saying that whoever doesn't join their group will burn in hell. That's how all the Baptists I know act. But in all reality it isn't up to us humans to decide who burns in Hell or who is saved (even the Pope), because it's up to GOD.

So, sir, I will politely decline your assertion that I should back out and that I should take my opinion and fuck myself, because I live in America and my opinion is regarded on the same level as yours.
Actually, it says to kill non-believers.

"They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman." (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)

I disagree. You can't really look at one or two verses and say the Bible says that. You have to look at the story around it. God never told them to kill the nonbelievers, they did it as a sacrifice. Plus it's in the Old Testament. We don't have to do horrific acts to please God anymore.

John 3:16-18

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son."
The Protestant Church in my neck of the woods is far, far worse than the Catholic Church.

Catholics are more likely to keep their faith and guilt to themselves, while Presbyterians, including the bigoted Free Presbyterian Church of Ian "No Surrender" Paisley, would be the ones appearing at your front door trying to convert you and preaching hell, fire and damnation to those who do not believe or worse still Catholics.

On top of their pathological hatred of anything remotely papish and their evangelical attempts at converting the masses, comes the absolutely ridiculous idea of being "born again."

It was my poor fortune to end up in a meeting of such people who had invited a former NFL player called Chuck Ebron to take to them. What I heard was 20 minutes of the most hypocritical, emotional blackmail. He had young kids crying over the prospect of their immortal soul spending eternity in damnation. It also turned people I know into someone totally different, like they thought that if they were nice enough to me that I would come back again. One girl who I considered a friend was particularly sicophantic with the "I'm glad your here" and "that was so inspiring" chat. When she asked me what I thought, I told her it was the biggest pile of shite I had ever heard.

Experiences like this have led me to believe that being "born again" is more akin to a cult rather than following a Christian way of life. That kind of personal and emotional manipulation is the dark side of religion and demands scrutiny, criticism and perhaps its own damnation.
What a load of horse shit...

Christians don't take their religion seriously? Have you no understanding of the social struggles of homosexuals in the United States – a country who's populous is 85% Christian in some denomination or another – a struggle primarily based on the precept that homosexuality is an abomination as set forth by the Bible?

Furthermore, you don't think there are Christians in the United States (a substantial number of them, that is) who would willingly kill again in Gods name? Have you ever heard of Fred Phelps? The Disciples of Christ's Army? The Neo-Conservative Republican party?

Worse yet, you don't think people die vicariously in the name of Christianity anymore? Maybe if our leaders weren't devout Christians themselves who actually believed that our soldiers would all die and go to heaven, then they'd be less inclined to send our troops to die, yeah? Sorry, but I've got a serious lack of confidence in anyone who's willing to bet my life on the concept of an afterlife like this is all one giant chess game where pawns are expendable.

Christians may not be as brute as they once were, but by no means does that equate a lack of seriousness in any sense.

As if. Yes you have maniacs like Westboro, but they are few in number comparing the proportionally to Islam's extremists. And yes I do doubt whether Christians would be willing to die for what they believe in, Sure some would, but not the ones I know. And if they did take their religion AS seriously as the Muslims, they'd be killing alot more people. Have you ever read the old testament? Look I'm not really defending Christianity here, I'm just pointing out that they're a shit load more civilized culturally than Islam.

And I defitely agree with that last bit. I hate the idea of, "Well I'm not sure how or whether I should conduct this War......I think I'll pray about it."
Btw, Kickass Bill Maher quote.
I disagree. You can't really look at one or two verses and say the Bible says that. You have to look at the story around it. God never told them to kill the nonbelievers, they did it as a sacrifice. Plus it's in the Old Testament. We don't have to do horrific acts to please God anymore.

John 3:16-18

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son."

And yet we're still following the Ten Commandments.....along with all the other, smaller laws Moses recieved from the Almighty directly following that. (Right? Or is all of it Negated Now?) Stuff like killing disobediant teenagers, deflowered women, and as some southerners so eliquently put it "****". Those weren't sacrifices. They were a disgrace to the Lord Our God.

You can't really look at one or two verses and say the Bible says that. You have to look at the story around it. -but of course it's always fun to ignore the horrific stuff God did, and just pay attention to the good stuff. ^_^
As if. Yes you have maniacs like Westboro, but they are few in number comparing the proportionally to Islam's extremists. And yes I do doubt whether Christians would be willing to die for what they believe in, Sure some would, but not the ones I know. And if they did take their religion AS seriously as the Muslims, they'd be killing alot more people. Have you ever read the old testament? Look I'm not really defending Christianity here, I'm just pointing out that they're a shit load more civilized culturally than Islam.

And I defitely agree with that last bit. I hate the idea of, "Well I'm not sure how or whether I should conduct this War......I think I'll pray about it."
Btw, Kickass Bill Maher quote.

Correct, based purely on the fact that Islam is the little brother of the three major monotheistic religions, but I still don't think that negates Christianity as a religion of, by and for the sword either.

Christians smartened up – they learned new ways to allow for their religion to flourish. The Christians of old killed non-believers – the Christians of now use far more socially acceptable tactics like indoctrination, political influence & clout and media to accomplish the same ends they did prior.

Islam will eventually do the same when social concepts like moral relativity (moderate) and technology are caught up to.
Correct, based purely on the fact that Islam is the little brother of the three major monotheistic religions, but I still don't think that negates Christianity as a religion of, by and for the sword either.

Christians smartened up – they learned new ways to allow for their religion to flourish. The Christians of old killed non-believers – the Christians of now use far more socially acceptable tactics like indoctrination, political influence & clout and media to accomplish the same ends they did prior.

Islam will eventually do the same when social concepts like moral relativity (moderate) and technology are caught up to.

Unfortunately I think you may be wrong about that. Islam is spreading through Europe like a cancer. Shiria law is already seeping it's way into their goverments. One of the men on the Dutch congress was taken to court for "hate speech" against Islam for simply being critical of them.
Never did I say that Protestants weren't morally corrupt.
No, you just insinuated it strongly with your comment.

you said:
When people say Christianity has been corrupt and has killed tons of people, they are talking mostly of Catholics.
Don't play word games bullshit with me, because you will definitely lose.

But as a church, the Catholic church IS and HAS BEEN.
Which includes the ancestors of Protestant families, so take this nonsense that it's mostly Catholics who have done wrong out of the discussion.

It's been Christianity as a whole that has done wrong. And, as a I pointed out to CanadianFan earlier, it's not just Christianity, it's religion as a whole. Which is why I'm firmly against religion, and why I'm not a practicing Catholic.

And guess what, the Ten Commandments say worship God, yes. Not the Christian God, but God. But who believes in that God? Jews and Christians (Catholic and Protestant). It's in the Old Testament and we share that same view.
That's great, but are you really saying the only divine being ever worshiped has been your God? I certainly hope not. Many civilizations had their own divine beings long before Christianity ever became popular.

So, again, the Bible and Christianity (and all of its offshoots) condemn any other religion.

I know for a fact that all of the "traditions" Catholics have to do are man made.
Uhh...yeah? Who else would have made them? ALL religious customs are man made, what the fuck is your point?

And I don't care that I offended you.
Of course not, that would imply you have some sort of compassion and desire to better yourself, which you obviously do not have, considering your religious views.

I have the right to say what I want.

And Catholics ALWAYS get offended. It's a stereotype and all stereotypes blossom from somewhere.

I never in my life have seen someone so fucking clueless. Well, I have, but he was a drugged out loser, who dropped out of school and took up having gay sex to make money.

Congratulations, you keep great company.

And here we have it folks, another Catholic who is trying to be superior by acting like he is better than me.
There's a difference between acting better, and being more knowledgeable. I'm clearly the second. And I don't have to act at the first.

For the record, my sister and her close group of friends are MAJORING in Christianity and I help them study all the time.
Then how the fuck are you this clueless?

So I am not going to back out of this forum. Just because you added big words to your post and tried to say I have no idea what I'm talking about, that doesn't mean you do either.
No, I know exactly what I'm talking about, which is the clear difference between the two of us.

And what big words? Condemnation? Distinction? Those are big words??? If you consider those to be big words, then your vocabulary must not exceed three pages of a small book.

And yes, Baptists are notorious for saying that whoever doesn't join their group will burn in hell. That's how all the Baptists I know act. But in all reality it isn't up to us humans to decide who burns in Hell or who is saved (even the Pope), because it's up to GOD.
Which just proves my point, thanks.

So, sir, I will politely decline your assertion that I should back out and that I should take my opinion and fuck myself, because I live in America and my opinion is regarded on the same level as yours.
No, it is. Why do so many people confuse their right to speak, with the quality of what they say?

Just because you have the same right to speak, doesn't mean you come anywhere close to having the same value of opinion. You're talking out of your ass about stuff you clearly don't understand, or don't comprehend. I'm here proving that ALL of Christianity has done wrong and ALL of Christianity deserves the criticism it receives. Your assertion that Catholics are the apples which spoiled the barrel is just absurd, for so many reason.

So, do yourself a favor, and do a little thinking before your next post, and figure out how to sound less ignorant, and more rational. Thanks.
In Ireland, it's a touchy subject. I don't think anyone should bash a single religion or religion in general if people from those religions leave you alone. Bashing someone's beliefs without being provoked or being just plain intolerant for no reason is fucked up. But over here, we never got much of a choice. We were told from a young age that we had to be devout Catholics or we'd go to hell. It was hammered into us from the time we were born. We were baptised, then went to Sunday school, then went to primary and secondary schools where we're taught by very religious people, many of them former clergy. Many Irish people didn't get a Catholicism-free atmosphere until they finished secondary school, and by that time it was too late for some to even make an unbiased decision on what faith, if any, they wanted to have because it was forced into their minds for 17 or 18 years. If you're only taught one thing for so long, something new will scare you.

That's why there's so many youths here who are outspoken against Christianity. Because it's forced onto us, and it just becomes overkill. The church doesn't have a grip on the youth like it used to, so instead of todays youth becoming devout Christian due to being taught nothing else, we now have strong resentment towards the chursh due to being taught nothing else. I can't speak for the rest of the world, but over here, Christianity is bashed out of anger and resentment. Thanks to internet, television and occasionally a teacher who breaks the mold, we know there's a choice. But it's not a choice that we're given.
Well the short answer is that it's not right. However, Christianity gets bashed more than the other major religions for a few reasons. Firstly because in most western countries, christianity (of one sort or another) is the major religion. If you're going to bash a religion, you might as well go for the one everybody's heard of. Secondly, everybody knows what Christianity's done wrong. Everybody knows that the Catholic Church was rediculously corrupt, everybody knows that christians have killed thousands of people. Everybody knows about the Spanish Inquisition. Not to mention that there are enough ******ed christians (e.g. Westbro Baptist Church) that you can tar the rest with the same brush. However, could you tell me what any Zoroastrians, Sikhs, Hindus or Budhists have done to merit a bashing?

In addition, for every other religion I can name there's a reason that it goes largely unbashed. People are afraid to slate Islam in the media because they don't want extremeists to go 9/11 on their ass. All I know about Zoroastrians is they're from Iran/Persia and are the only monotheistic religion with fewer followers than Judaism. Why bother bashing a religion nobody's heard of and fewer believe in? All I know about Sikhs is that males don't cut their hair, carry knives and wear turbans. None of which makes me want to bash them. That Hindus believe in reincarnation have many gods which are all faces of the one true god is as far as, and my knowledge extends. and what about that can be bashed? Budhism (in spite of it being rediculously powerful and corrupt in feudal Japan) is thought of as being a philosophical religion. What exactly is there to criticise about thinking? And aside from stereotypes, the Jews have spent so long being oppressed that (outside of Israel's current war) they haven't done much that can be bashed. so they don't get bashed.

So yeah, it's a big fat, obvious easy to hit target in a field of targets that are harder to hit. And honestly why criticise the things nobody's heard of?
In this world we live in, more specifically our country, a lot of people are Christians in a variety of church forms and beliefs, and yet, every single denomination has one thing in common- They're always getting bashed.

Hear ye, Hear ye:

Captain Insano wishes that we should not bash any Christians ever again. Not only should I not be able to point out glaring hypocrisies in the way that Jesus taught versus the way various "Christians" practice their faith, I should be disallowed that First Ammendment right to do so. Because I have something to say that he doesn't like. :(

It's perfectly fine to say that God is Fake

If you can say one side of the coin, why can't, say Dave, take the other? Oh, and saying God is fake kinda argues with all religions. Not just you. Stop being so self-defeatist.

or that Jesus never lived

That's just silly. Yeshua of Nazareth really existed. He was killed by Rome as a Jewish Rabbi and rebellion leader. At least, they thought he was a rebel leader.

and yet when we (Christians) stand up for ourselves we are looked upon as stubborn and narrow-minded.

It depends on how you do it.

Prima: I believe in the Bible and Jesus' teachings. While you may disagree, that's just where I personally stand on the matter.

Is generally accepted as a nice way to say things.



And then, when we try to put off the undeniable facts that can be proven about their God having no power,

I would really, really like to see this proof. This "undeniable" proof, as it were.

it's always wrong and "racist" in religion style.

Are you saying that the Abrahmaic God (the same you worship) doesn't exist for the Muslims because they're brown skinned? Because yeah, that's racist. Really racist.

God isn't fake, just so you all know,

Wow. Is this the "undeniable fact" that you promised me?

and I'm not going to be open-minded because I know he isn't.

But....Jesus said all those things about forgiving and being charitable. He has a huge part of the New Testament to "forgiving trespasses" and "He without Sin casts the first stone."

Are you without sin? Then why are you refusing to be open-minded, and judging, therefore casting the first stone?

This really isn't directed to anyone on the forums because I haven't seen it, but just a tip, before you go bashing on a faithful and proved religion, don't get sensitive when someone bashes your statues. Just saying.

Oh come on. You're not even playing right. A proved religion? How is religion proved? It's whole basis is that it's not proven. That's where faith comes into play.

Look. I don't care what you believe. You could be a Jew, a Christian, a Rastafarian, a Hindu for all I care. But practice what you preach. Do that, and I won't taunt you from the sidelines where I'm, you know, volunteering, loving, and being charitable. Like your own God said to be.

That's where there is a growing backlash to Christianity in today's America. Jesus preached love, charity, and forgiveness. All that the Evangelists preach nowadays is damnation and hellfire. Churches are making millions and building these huge, grandiose buildings while their own parishioners are out fucking male prostitutes and cheating on their wives. And while I don't care what you do on your own free-time behind closed doors, don't do what amounts to a glaring sin in your own eyes while yelling at me about being damned because I happen to believe that everyone believes in their own God, which is just as correct as the next.

At least I, you know, follow my beliefs. The glaring majority of Christians I'm around (in Arkansas at least) are so far beyond what Jesus taught in his days on this Earth that I treat them as little less than imbeciles on the subject. That's why I taunt them. Not because they happen to believe in Jesus as their savior. That'd be ******ed to taunt them for.
This one is aimed at all of CanadianFan's posts, so I'm not going to just quote one in particular:

Your central point throughout the entire thread is that "two wrongs don't make a right." Well that's fine and great, but I don't think you understand that having an anti-religious opinion on an internet forum hardly amounts millions upon millions of people oppressed and even killed in the name of religion, whether it be Christianity, Islam, or what have you. You can't sit there and call someone wrong for having (barely) harsh feelings about your religion, and then compare it to mass murder.

I'm not going to even get into your name-calling. I've decided to quit arguing about and with people who degenerate their arguments into insulting another's intelligence and name calling.

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