The Value of Faith and Christianity's Impact on Modern America

I think the big concept we are looking at here isn't pro religion or anti religion, but how it impacts lives in America and around the world. A lot of people misinterpret the bible and other religious books. No matter how educated a person is, there is no way to really understand the true message of the bible or the true meaning of life or death. Even Scientists don't have all the answers. One thing I would ask of people is if they were read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and Noah's Ark, could you tell the difference?

If no one heard about Noah in the bible, then would there be a difference between the tales of Noah and Jack? Even better could anyone tell the difference between Jonah and the whale or The Sword and the Stone? It really depends on what you believe which everyone has freedom to do such. I just think if one system is flawed then the others aren't far behind. People of different religions make fun of other religions and their traditions, but isn't it really the same?

A person may not believe in speaking the language of the tongue or using snakes, but they believe that growing your hair longer makes you holier? People that use the bible for discrimination, hate, and intolerance for homosexuals should really read it again. The Jewish people forbid men and women to sleep with each other because they needed to repopulate the nation. The Jewish people also said don't match linens with cottons or eat meat on Friday. Does that mean we shouldn't it meat on Friday in today's age or have sex with a member of the opposite sex? No

Also as far as everyone looking down on immigrants and women, Ruth was proof of a strong immigrant woman that shouldn't be looked down on. Ruth was a Moabite that married a Jew and she gave birth to a son. Ruth was the great grandmother of Jesus. If it wasn't for her, Jesus wouldn't of been born.

For me personally I have faith in the greater good and I believe in helping others. I don't think that we just magically existed one day, but I also find it hard to believe in an ominous jealous God that loves us and hates depending on our actions. Some people may use religion and faith for private, but too many people use it for hate, war, and segregation. Some people even believe that President Obama is responsible for the signs of the Apocalypse for the end of the world. Some even want to kill him because of that misconceived knowledge.

If you don't agree with the President that's fine, but is there any logic to believe that the President is the Antichrist?

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