Radical Extremism: Why is this so appealing?

Deexter Jorgan

Has a Dark Passenger on board...
It's no secret that i am a muslim by choice, I was raised that way, but embraced some form of the religion an till this day use it as a guideline.

Extremism for me has come to light from September 11th and is being embraced by more and more people in todays society, they are voicing their opinions as the true islamists even shuning individuals like myself who do not fully embrace the religion taking it to more and more extreme measures.

but this issue is not just effecting the islamic religion it just months ago an individual known as pastor Terry Jones burned the quran stating that the book itself is responsible for anger and agression in todays society, he used september 11th as an excuse to burn something which is valued by another religion and does nothing but create more distance between two religions which are like minded at heart.

Three questions i want answered here

- Is extremism wrong?

- why is hate being promoted in religions that are supposed to promote unity?

- will we see an end to extremism?

my opinion:

Is extremism wrong:

Yes, i do not believe that any individual should be pressured or even forced to join something that they do not believe in, we all all apart of the human race, our life's, loves and passion's and opinions are our own, the fact that people see islam or any religion in a manner where they shun others and call all who do not believe in their faith infidels is wrong, no matter how you think of feel about something doing something to promote it in that manner or teaching hate via religion is just promoting the one thing that we are supposed to be fighting against, its promoting segregation and seperation of race's, cultures and countries.

why is hate being promoted in religions that are supposed to promote unity?

it is nothing but gang mentality, people who express opinions such as those of extremism are violating one of the laws of islam, do not judge anyone, the fact is by promoting war with no option of peace unless we join their cause.

Will we see an end?:

I doubt it, when their are gullable people out their willing to embrace something that they have no actual idea about, then there will never be an end to it, and sadly it may never end without us as a society finding common ground and a way to actually resolve our differences.

whats your say?
- Is extremism wrong?

Well, as far as religious extremist go, I think you summed it pretty good there. Of course it's wrong for anyone to force their beliefs on anyone who refuses to accept them. There is nothing wrong with faith. There is nothing wrong with holding strongly to your beliefs. There's nothing wrong with believing there's only one way to the 'promise land'. But most people have tolerance. They know for a fact that others do not and will not always believe what they do. They show tolerance with other faiths and beliefs, recognizing that there are many ways to for each person to reach their own enlightenment, I guess you could say.

This is where extremist break off. All it takes is one extremist to start treating others with bad attitudes and huge amounts of disrespect. They start here, then move to arrogance (believing I'm right, you're wrong) then moving to hatred, then finally violence. One man says something, confused others will take interest and follow. That's how easy it is to spread religious extremism. In short, no one should ever take um...extreme measures to force beliefs on anyone, therefore, you damn right it's wrong (lol).

- why is hate being promoted in religions that are supposed to promote unity?

Hard question. Like you said, it's either our way, or you die. If you want peace, you have to conform to our way and religion. They want people to believe what they believe. Basically, Peace cannot be achieved without war.

- will we see an end to extremism?

Hell no! There's no way. There are always going to be those select few who believe they are elite and highminded. All it takes is for one to start and one who is confused and dumb enough to follow. Sadly enough, no way it's going away anytime soon.
- will we see an end to extremism?

While there is organized religion we will not see an end to it at all i don't believe. It's because of the way religion is written, really how many religions does someone read through and not come away with the feeling of "you don't think like me so fuck you?" that's the feeling i get someone is saying anytime they try to convert others to their religion because it's always high and mighty for the believers and doom and gloom for the non believers.
Extremism is wrong, no matter what. I do not believe in forcing a viewpoint upon others. They need to be able to make choices on their own. Hate is being promoted in religions that are supposed to spread unity because corrupted leaders are going about things the wrong way. It's not about making sure everyone falls under their religion's label, it should be about spreading the values that the religion teaches. We will probably never see the end of extremism due to the fact that there will always be hateful people out there who insist on everyone else following what they believe.
there is extremism in every religion. Christians firebomb abortion clinics and stand outside my university and yell "****e" at girls. To me they need to be punched in the fuckin face.

Extremism is very wrong. it's typically done by brainwashing a charismatic, intelligent kid at a young age (watch jesus camp) to be the speaker, who then convinced a lot of dumb people to follow. So you have a brainwashed person leading a bunch of dummies. It's not a tolerant viewpoint at all, which creates friction. Friction creates war. War creates death.

Hate is being promoted in religions because people feel strongly about it. A lot of dumb people are the extremists. I mean that as an abjective, not an insult. When you don't have the cognitive ability to see something from someone else's viewpoint, you are dumb. go to a bar, say something, even jokingly, at the dumbest looking redneck there, he'll try to start a fight with you. In a nutshell, that's an extremist. They're dumb and passionate and mistake confusion or sadness for anger. That's another part of the "non developing brain" not non-developing as in half formed, just not "mature".
- Is extremism wrong?

- why is hate being promoted in religions that are supposed to promote unity?

- will we see an end to extremism?

1. If people are prepared to go to extremes to defend their faith, as in Islam today, or to aggressively promote it, as with virtually every version of Christianity (which has now waned off for the most part), how can we say they are on the wrong, especially if you happen to be on the same religion as the extremist?

2. Hate? What is thought of and termed here as 'hate' is seldom that: extremist movements start by a few people stressing on the populace, or the few they control, to adhere to a few commandments they think have been neglected by what they presume to be worldly authorities.

3. Haters hate, but I don't think we will see an end to extremism unless every religion in existence prevents the existence of splinter groups differing only from the main by a few dogma or so. In other words, if you think the extremism is a bad thing, there is no reason not to think why moderation is bad, since their only difference is in the intensity and focus of the former.


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