Anyone else more pissed off about The Rock...oops sorry Dwayne Johnson, than me?

Rock has left a great legacy in the WWE. I mean, yeh its a bit stupid how after a loss at WM20, he hasnt returned back and the fact that he's not like HBK or HHH who would come back after an injury. But he has done alot of things and has given the world great moments to remember. I would be happy if the Rock comes back into the ring one more time. If the spoiler of him coming for Summerslam, then I can't wait to see that happening
The Rock has officially PISSED me off!! I swear, I remember him saying that he WILL be back. He says he will do this until he is 80. He says that he was just going to take a little break. Well the last time i seen The Rock in a match was Wrestlemania 20 to help Mick Foley. REALLY??? :banghead:The Rock is a big sellout. How can he betray his fans by just leaving the industry and move into acting? All the jerk wants is money. Believe me, I was a huge Rock fan before. But now i feel like spitting on his face for his sick perversion of money and fame.

I love the way you are so angry at the Rock, like he personally told You " Hey Bro I'll be back in a while".
Yes it kind of sucks that he left at such a young age, but think about this, if someone offered to pay you 10 million dollars for two months work, you would jump all over it. And don't delude yourself into thinking that The Rock was a wrestler first and foremost. He got into wrestling only after he couldn't make in into the NFL.
And as for Triple H and HBK sticking around for love of the game.... if either of them could have made it as actors, whose to say they would still be around.
What was there left for The Rock to accomplish? He won all the titles, The Royal Rumble, had legendary feuds, and sold out arenas across the world.

He doesn't owe us or anyone a thing.
The Rock has officially PISSED me off!!

I'm gonna come back to this in a bit. Fun post to quote at :D

I swear, I remember him saying that he WILL be back. He says he will do this until he is 80.

Yeah, he cut a promo. Haven't you heard that almost EVERYTHING on TV is a work?

He says that he was just going to take a little break. Well the last time i seen The Rock in a match was Wrestlemania 20 to help Mick Foley. REALLY???

Yeah, I know. I watched. It's basically him coming back for one more match to put over a group that needed the exposure more than he did.:rolleyes: It's not like he was in a desperate need for a push at that time.

:banghead:The Rock is a big sellout. How can he betray his fans by just leaving the industry and move into acting? All the jerk wants is money. Believe me, I was a huge Rock fan before. But now i feel like spitting on his face for his sick perversion of money and fame.

What, you're gonna hold the fact that he went on to greener pastures in his view, in the form of acting...against him? He reached a point that he decided that it wasn't in his best interests to wrestle since he's done it all. Evidence:

I think he came from a place that he felt like he's done it all, and he just amplified it into the "Hollywood Rock" persona.

Look at HBK. He had a life threatening injury. He broke his back. I will say that again. HE BROKE HIS FUCKING BACK. He herniated two disks and crushed one completely in 1998.but for the love of the game; he still came back for his fans and for entertainment. HHH… he had a severe knee injury and doctors advised him to sideline for a while. But the tough Son of a bitch that he is, He came back earlier than predicted. There are so many wrestlers I have in mind to mention about the love of their game and their loyalty to the fans (Undertaker, Edge, Even Randy Orton) .And then there is the Rock. Who embraces us with his presence in Wrestlemania. Rock vs. Hogan, Rock vs Goldberg (backlash 2003) rock vs Austin, and then he packs his stuff and leaves, not giving a damn about us. Screw You, ROCK. I was seriously considering looking him up and sending this to him, but he’s not worth the 30 cent postage stamp.[/b]
Oh come on, and you're mad because he left early? He wrestled Evolution, Lesnar, Hunter, Austin, etc. And YOU'RE mad because he leaves at a young age. Well, he worked his ass off and reached the top of the mountain at a relatively short climb, because he cared for the business, which includes the pissed off dude complaining about him leaving (and yes, that is you).

Now don’t get me wrong, if he comes back, it would be awesome but I’m tired of getting my hopes up.

Look, if the rumors are indeed true, he's gonna do something with WWE in the summer. It's on a report that was done earlier in the year.

He doesn't even refer to him self as the rock anymore. It doesn't even say Dwayne the rock Johnson on the movies.

Why would he? As sad as it is for WWE fans that followed him during the attitude era, that part of his life is over. He isn't Dwayne Johnson: The wrestler. He's Dwayne Johnson: The Actor. If he wants to be recognized as an actor, he needed to get rid of the nickname. Besides, I'm sure he just wanted to be seen as an actor (some shitty films aside) foremost at this time.

He won’t even excite us one more time at Wrestlemania or even guest host RAW like he said he would. He is a traitor to the WWE and its fans. :disappointed:

Again, you're gonna hold it against him? If you were offered 10 million to appear on a movie, even though you work on an office for almost a decade, would you do it? He decided to switch to acting after dedicating almost a decade to the business.

…But honestly… I have to thank him for one hell of a time he gave to us. If he wasn’t so fucking entertaining! :worship:

So you're butthurt that he's gone, yet grateful that he gave some of the best moments of his tenure at WWE?

What do you guys think? Agree?

No not really...

SIDENOTE: Put this in the signature section on your User CP in URL tags. That way, I don't have to quote it when I respond.
look people the the problem with the the rock is that he left!!!! i see a problem with him promising he would come back. why would you say that? well it was a smart move for him, so he could get some wwe fans to watch his movies. to me that is seling out. do you guys remember when Austin left the wwe for not wanting to lose to brock lesner?? who was the first to complain about austing being ungrateful, and for not running with the ball....why did he drop the ball..ect. well it was the great one the rock, he allways said he would never do such a thing, and two years later he did the same. his a sale out to me, a real wrestling fan from 80s , 90s, .
look people the the problem with the the rock is that he left!!!! i see a problem with him promising he would come back. why would you say that? well it was a smart move for him, so he could get some wwe fans to watch his movies. to me that is seling out. do you guys remember when Austin left the wwe for not wanting to lose to brock lesner?? who was the first to complain about austing being ungrateful, and for not running with the ball....why did he drop the ball..ect. well it was the great one the rock, he allways said he would never do such a thing, and two years later he did the same. his a sale out to me, a real wrestling fan from 80s , 90s, .

Did you know for a fact that the Rock said he was going to come back to wrestling because I haven't heard anything. At least he does guest appearances during the Trump/McMahon feud, 10th anniversary of Smackdown, and the 2008 Hall of Fame. He owes you, me, and everybody else nothing. He wrestled, won championship, entertained the fans, and left to do better things. We shouldn't be criticizing him for not coming back. We should be celebrating him for the years of entertainment that he gave us.
God how many of you does it take to flame on the original poster? Admitted, it was a marky post on a smarky (snarky?) forum but the guy is only expressing what he feels. I feel it is a shame Rock will probs never come back as he was one of the best and he could (and this may be a bold statement) be the man to drag wrestling out of the gutter if by some miracle he does come back. Even all you who slate the guy who posted this thread must feel a bit of resentment for him leaving. But isn't that natural considering what a big loss him not being the the WWE is to us all?

I'm just grateful we got to watch the Rock for a few years like we did do his thing, but one match every few years isn't too much to ask to say thank you to alls his millions and millions who helped make him rich. We can only hope I guess.
God how many of you does it take to flame on the original poster? Admitted, it was a marky post on a smarky (snarky?) forum but the guy is only expressing what he feels. I feel it is a shame Rock will probs never come back as he was one of the best and he could (and this may be a bold statement) be the man to drag wrestling out of the gutter if by some miracle he does come back. Even all you who slate the guy who posted this thread must feel a bit of resentment for him leaving. But isn't that natural considering what a big loss him not being the the WWE is to us all?

I'm just grateful we got to watch the Rock for a few years like we did do his thing, but one match every few years isn't too much to ask to say thank you to alls his millions and millions who helped make him rich. We can only hope I guess.

Why does the Rock have to wrestle a match just to say thank you to the fans? He could come out there during the middle of a diva's match and in ten seconds everyone would be cheering and chanting his name. Stone Cold hasn't wrestled a match in seven years so why aren't we clamoring for him to have one more match. I guess because he appears on RAW more than the Rock has. :rolleyes:
U know what's funny! The same kidz who come on here talking about Flair and Hogan R too old 2 still be in wrestling R the ones who cry because Austin and The Rock retired early! Look Dude the purpose of life is to make the most money with the least amount of EFFORT! U urself said that HBK literally broke his back, HHH torn his quads, hell Owen Hart died in the ring so Y wouldn't U take the easy money. U know another thing that ppl seem too 4get is that THE ROCK NEVER REALLY WANTED TO WRESTLE! He honestly wanted to play pro ball. He only went into wrestling becuz he was BROKE! So it really isn't that surprising th@ h left wrestling. He is STILL my personal favorite wrestler ever and to me the MOST ELECTRIFYING MAN to ever cut a promo but sadly....


Oh and yeah I feel that if he quit teasing his fans they would accept it more....
Why are you pissed on the Rock?He accomplished a lot in wrestling and when he saw the opportunity in doing the films and be accomplished in that area he quit.I dont blame him.I m sorry that he left but its his decision.Wrestling is here to entertain us but can we blame them when they quit because of possibility to get injured and geppredise their health or if they want to do other things with their lives?Its like when someone quits the band to start the solo career,its just right time to do it and thats it,nothing more and nothing else
Why does the Rock have to wrestle a match just to say thank you to the fans? He could come out there during the middle of a diva's match and in ten seconds everyone would be cheering and chanting his name. Stone Cold hasn't wrestled a match in seven years so why aren't we clamoring for him to have one more match. I guess because he appears on RAW more than the Rock has. :rolleyes:

Does The Rock even appear live at an arena? No he doesn't and has not for many years. I wasn't putting it like he OWES us that. I said I don't think its too much to wish for. In case you haven't noticed there is ALWAYS demand for Austin to wrestle one more match. Think before having a go :rolleyes:
Finally, someone who feels the same way I do!!! The Rock, or Dwayne Johnson (whatever he calls himself now) is nothing but a lying piece of crap......i mean, why can't he just humor us and guest host RAW one time, but apparently he's too big of a "star" to even do that....Don Johnson, Cheech and Chong, even Ozzy hosted, so why not him...After all, if it weren't for WWE, nobody would probably even know who Dwayne Johnson is
Finally, someone who feels the same way I do!!! The Rock, or Dwayne Johnson (whatever he calls himself now) is nothing but a lying piece of crap......i mean, why can't he just humor us and guest host RAW one time, but apparently he's too big of a "star" to even do that....Don Johnson, Cheech and Chong, even Ozzy hosted, so why not him...After all, if it weren't for WWE, nobody would probably even know who Dwayne Johnson is

Because he doesn't have to fucking humor us. AS it has been stated MANY times in this thread alone and the million other threads made about this, Dwayne Johnson owes us wrestling fans absolutely nothing. He entertained for damn near a decade, that's enough for me and it should be enough for you.

He did the smart thing and walked away while he was still at the top, he didn't let himself become a joke like Hogan, Flair, Hacksaw and may other legends. He's still a legend and we don't groan when we hear even the slightest rumor of a return of sorts, we mark out. He also left before he got beat up and broken down. Look at him, he's fit as a fiddle, look at Austin, he looks good still, but I bet he is in pain everyday of his life, look at Foley, Hogan, Edge, Taker, Michaels, HHH. They've all sacrificed more than they should have to entertain us, they will never know another pain free day and do we, do you care? Obviously not. Look at Dwayne, he wakes up, no pain, no aches and gets to live a happy, healthy life, where we still want him to come back. That's not stupid, that's smart.

I don't blame him one bit for leaving when he did, I wish many others did the same too, I almost feel bad to see what they have put themselves through, to keep people like me entertained. I feel like shit, knowing my greediness has helped keep these guys in pain. Dwayne doesn't owe his health and his body and we have no right to demand it of him. Just be happy with the memories of The Rock that we have.
The Rock owes us nothing, and he is by no means a sellout. First off he gave us a decade of classic matches and rivalries and its not like he has completely closed the door on occasional appearances. In the past few years he appeared on the RAW 15th Anniversary Show live and he made a promo segment for the 10th Anniversary of Smackdown! where he teased a guest host role on RAW. The Rock will never truly leave the WWE unless Vince really screws things up. Look at it this way as long as they are on good enough terms were he has a page on the WWE Alumni section of the roster page on he will always be willing to make an occasional appearance for a big show. Hell if Bret Hart is willing to come back and do an angle why is it so far fetched the Rock may do a quick thing when his movie career gets a little slow.
Also I know that people say that he sold out when he went from action movies like The Rundown to all the Disney movies like The Game Plan but come on when you are in a job like that you go where the money is and come on Disney pays boats loads of money. We should all just be glad that we still get to see him in his movies unlike some guys we love who retire and are never heard from again.
Does The Rock even appear live at an arena? No he doesn't and has not for many years. I wasn't putting it like he OWES us that. I said I don't think its too much to wish for. In case you haven't noticed there is ALWAYS demand for Austin to wrestle one more match. Think before having a go :rolleyes:

There is always demand for Austin to have one more match but do you think Austin is going to do it? I could care less if he doesn't appear live. He could appear via satellite for all I care and the crowd will still pop for him. The Rock may never wrestle again and it is time for everybody that still has that slim chance he will to give it up because he doesn't need to.
Great mic worker, ok wrestler but certainly had an amazing presence and air about him. That said he doesn't necessarily owe us anything. Although noble, I see the logic in getting paid more for a single movie than for an entire year of possibly dangerous matches. I get it and am ok with it overall.

However being a little on the selfish side I do wish we got to see him every so often. I wish he never officially retired and just came in for a short program every so often. Give me a 3 month feud every two years and I'd be a happy camper. I also think that it would serve his movie career too. No disrespect intended here, but the bottom line is that more people care about the Rock than they do Dwayne Johnson. I do think that he'd be more successful if he stayed relevant in the medium that brought him to the dance. Alas...its his life.

and don't call this a dumb thread, it's got a reasonable amount of post in one night. thanks, and thankyou to guys like "deanerandterry" for displaying your opinion without calling me dumb for my opinion.

Hey, I sympathize. There's never a justification to take shots at someone for expressing their opinion. But, it's the internet. The whole thing is just a giant rage dump.

Personally, I think the Rock did the right thing. He was still a relatively young guy, and he opted for a change in career before he got too old or committed to the wrestling business. How many times have we seen an old wrestler touring indie shows long after their body and careers have broken down? How many do you think wish they had chosen a different career path while they were still young? I'm sure the Rock saw a lot of that. He also saw a lot of his friends and co-workers and mentors die within a short period of time.

Another thing to remember is that you just get one life. You have to decide what you want out of it and figure out the best way to get those things. Just because the Rock was successful in the wrestling industry doesn't mean it's something he would want to do for the rest of his life, or that he was content. As so many others have posted, he was lucky enough to get himself into a career where he could make more money with less risk of permanent injury. And lets not forget the fact that by the time the Rock got out of wrestling, he had already done everything there was to do. On multiple occasions. Lets face it, the Rock conquered pro wrestling. He had a legendary career, will likely go down in history as one of the greatest of all time, and he managed to get out before the business could destroy his life or tarnish his legacy with scandal.

As for whether or not he should return for a farewell tour or do a match every year or two, the fact of the matter is that doing so would be detrimental to his new career and life. Pro wrestling is not looked upon favorably in the rest of the entertainment industry. Dwayne Johnson already has an uphill battle to the top because of his affiliation with the industry and the negative connotations that it brings. Why would he spend so much time and effort distancing himself from the medium only to return to it?

He made the right call.
the rock doesnt need to give us any more matches in my opinion..he gave his all to wrestle for us in the years he was wrestling! i think it is too much to ask for to ask him to wrestle again....he is just too busy to all of a sudden come back and have 1 match then not come back until another couple of years! i mean i would love to see him in the ring againi just dont think it will happen...sorry!:shrug:
what in the blue h*** is wrong with you?
Dude Im sorry but you are so out of line on this. Put yourself in the rocks situation despite being one of the most insanely popular wrestlers ever you never beat stone cold for the title you make less then stone cold your essentially being used to sell merchandise but you arent getting the 6month title reigns that some of the other big time stars are getting and then movie executive calls you up and says you can make two movies a year and probably make four time as much money per picture then what you are making as a wrestler. Your telling me you arent bolting? Im sorry the rock doesnt owe us anything he always gave it his all when he stepped into the ring he did his job to the fullest while he was in the wwe and thats all you can ask of him. If you dont want to get your hopes up then stop assuming hes comin back because in all likely hood he isnt ever wrestling again. And as for him not going by the rock anymore in movies how can you blame him he wants to be taken seriously as an actor and that will never happen if hes still going by his alias as a wrestler. I want the rock to come back and wrestle again I wanna see him lay the smackdown on cenas candy ass but I kno its not gonna happen and Ive accepted that. Im just glad I was able to grow up watching the rock and Im forever greatful for all the great memories I have
I am another one who doesn't think "The Rock" owes us anything. He loves his fans (still does).. and if you follow closely.. Just because he doesnt necissarily go by "The Rock" anymore, he still does acknowledge it for the fans who call him that. He doesn't mind being called The Rock.. he just doesn't use it for credits in his movies, and I can't blame him considering The Rock isn't his name.....
hamler i commend you for sticking to your principles and saying what you feel is the truth............ they said this topic has been done to death and it's no point with getting into it? well i'm here to tell you that maybe it bears repeating to those of you who are so quick to open their BIG ASS MOUTHS and say he doesn't owe us or wrestling anything...... because it's BULLSHIT!!! HE DOES OWE WRESTLING A HELLVA LOT!!! had he not use wrestling as an stepping stone, he would have never gotten into hollywood.... cause i can assure had hollywood not came knockin his ass would be right in that ring, and y'all know that's the god honest truth, not only that his looks has alot to do with it too, but you know what they say beauty can only get you so far, and trust his ass ain't getting any younger.

What are you getting on about? He can thank Vince for the opportunity with which he was presented. Other than that, he doesn't owe anyone shit. We paid to see him entertain us in the squared circle for 10 years. Hell, if he didn't get injured in college maybe he would've been playing in the NFL instead of wrestling. He doesn't owe us shit. An appearance every so often is great, but even that doesn't need to happen. He moved on to a better career for him. He can make all the crappy films he wants, they still make a nice amount of money, and he is still getting paid big time. He still entertains, just not in the ring.
I've thought about answering to this thread that has been done to death 20 times over. People are going to be stubborn in thinking that he owes us something. Well he doesn't. Get over it.

People sound like whinny little bitches crying about how much the Rock left them high and dry. I agree with CH David in that he would probably be a NFL star if not for his injury. So what if he left? You want him to be like Hogan, beat up old man? Then you could complain about him staying too long? Damn people just it go.

Seriously I could understand if you were pissed at first. But its been a while. Get over it. Be concerned with your life instead of his.
The Rock can thank the wrestling industry for giving him the ball, but it was the Rock who ran with it and made it into something. When the Rock was done carrying the ball, he passed it to someone else so they could have the same opportunity he had to make a name for themselves and alot of money in the process. The Rock doesnt owe anything to the wrestling business. He paid his dues with blood, sweat, and tears, putting his body on the line every night for years on end just to make the fans happy. He earned his success and his talent is simply too great to be limited to wrestling just because people miss marking out for him.

So you would rather see the Rock become a shell of his former self like Flair? You'd rather see the Rock limping around like Hogan? You'd rather see the Rock be the next Randy the Ram who just cant give it up because thats all he has? No, sorry. Dwayne Johnson has more to offer the world than just wrestling in his underwear for your amusement. That chapter of his life is over. He's moved on; you should too. Its the healthy thing to do.

Or we could all just get angry because we dont get to mark out for the Rock anymore. Some of you guys are starting to remind me of that South Park episode with Britney Spears and the Harvest. Go watch it if you dont get the reference.
hamler i commend you for sticking to your principles and saying what you feel is the truth............ they said this topic has been done to death and it's no point with getting into it? well i'm here to tell you that maybe it bears repeating to those of you who are so quick to open their BIG ASS MOUTHS and say he doesn't owe us or wrestling anything...... because it's BULLSHIT!!! HE DOES OWE WRESTLING A HELLVA LOT!!! had he not use wrestling as an stepping stone, he would have never gotten into hollywood.... cause i can assure had hollywood not came knockin his ass would be right in that ring, and y'all know that's the god honest truth, not only that his looks has alot to do with it too, but you know what they say beauty can only get you so far, and trust his ass ain't getting any younger.

THANK YOU, FINALLY, someone who agrees. i agree with you candy girl 100%!
This is just pointless. The Rock moved on to bigger and better things. You probably couldn't find one wrestler who wouldn't trade in his/her wrestling tights and boots to star in mainstream movies. Rather than being banged up The Rock chose a better career for himself.
Eventually you'll see the Rock back in the E when they decide to induct him into the Hall of Fame. There is NO doubt in my mind he'll be back someday, but probably just once to get inducted by Stone Cold Steve Austin into the Hall of Fame(Maybe Mick if he and Vince settle any difference created by the TNA experiment). But dead horse...he doesn't owe fan's anything. He's a cordial guy. I had the opportunity to meet him a few years back and he was very nice. He took the time to sign an autograph and for everyone that yelled "HEY ROCK," he smiled, waved and said hello. So will he ever be in a WWE ring again? probably someday, but not for more than a one or two appearance occasion. I also remember reading somewhere he wanted to be on one of the post WM Raws in the guest GM role which I think would be pretty cool. Will it occur? Probably not.

BTW, Stamps don't cost 30 cents. :)

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