Oh come on, and you're mad because he left early? He wrestled Evolution, Lesnar, Hunter, Austin, etc. And YOU'RE mad because he leaves at a young age. Well, he worked his ass off and reached the top of the mountain at a relatively short climb, because he cared for the business, which includes the pissed off dude complaining about him leaving (and yes, that is you).
Now dont get me wrong, if he comes back, it would be awesome but Im tired of getting my hopes up.
Look, if the rumors are indeed true, he's gonna do something with WWE in the summer. It's on a report that was done earlier in the year.
He doesn't even refer to him self as the rock anymore. It doesn't even say Dwayne the rock Johnson on the movies.
Why would he? As sad as it is for WWE fans that followed him during the attitude era, that part of his life is over. He isn't Dwayne Johnson: The wrestler. He's Dwayne Johnson: The Actor. If he wants to be recognized as an actor, he needed to get rid of the nickname. Besides, I'm sure he just wanted to be seen as an actor (some shitty films aside) foremost at this time.
He wont even excite us one more time at Wrestlemania or even guest host RAW like he said he would. He is a traitor to the WWE and its fans.
Again, you're gonna hold it against him? If you were offered 10 million to appear on a movie, even though you work on an office for almost a decade, would you do it? He decided to switch to acting after dedicating almost a decade to the business.
But honestly
I have to thank him for one hell of a time he gave to us. If he wasnt so fucking entertaining!
So you're butthurt that he's gone, yet grateful that he gave some of the best moments of his tenure at WWE?
What do you guys think? Agree?
No not really...
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