Am I In The Wrong?

Super Crazy

A friend of mine that I used to work with, while she worked me, her and I spent a ton of time together, and became really good friends. When she quit and went to work at a different store, she changed completely. We kept making plans, but every time, she would blow me off. A prime example is, we were supposed to hang out one day, and leading up to it , she kept ignoring me. She came into the store I work ( the one where she used to ) to meet up with someone, and was standing like right next to me, and never said a word to me, completely ignored me, and then that night, she told me she could not hang out because her mom was coming to town to get her for some stuff. Then, the day we are supposed to hang out, I am at work, and she comes in with a friend, comes right up to where I am with someone else working, talks to them, and totally ignores me yet again. On msn, she talks like we are still friends but yet still ignores me in person. Yesterday was her birthday and a while back before she got a new job and all that she invited all of us from where we work to go out, then she mentions to me something about only having her friends from her new job hang out with her. I am okay with it, I can understand her and I are drifting apart at this point. But last night, when I was going to my friends place ( she lives down the road from my friend now because she moved ), she is sitting outside, and calls me over, so I pull in the parking lot to her apartment, and she invites me in. I go up and she says one thing to me, that being that it is her birthday and I have to come out tonight with her and her friends, and I can even bring the people I am supposed to hang out with. The rest of the short while I was there, she says nothing to me the whole time, ignores me, all of her friends that I had met before didnt even remember me. So anyway, I leave, and go meet up with my friends, and I didnt go meet up with her and her friends. Today she signs on msn, and asks me what my deal is like I am the one causing the problems.

I know this is just one big rant but it really pisses me off for her to be like that when she knows I am not the one causing the problem. Anyway, I just wanted the opinion of some of you guys to see what you think of it.
so you blow off your friends to hang out with someone who has blown you off loads before?
No I didnt blow off my friends, I was waiting for the guy I was meeting up with last night to get home as he was on the other side of town, so I figured I would be nice, but after last night, I knew she would never change.
No, because I was always the same person around her all the time, so I have no clue what I could have done to even possibly have put her off if that is what you want to call it.
This is probably not my place to say this but this girl dosen't sound very nice mate. Not very nice at all!
Ah, she was nice at first, that is why her and I became so close. Then she quits her job where I work, gets a new one, and suddenly she is a different person. Oh well, this is just another case of people changing I guess. The worst part was, she has constantly made it sound like I am just a friend from where she worked, even though we were friends outside of work.
I'd let things cool down for a while, be cool about it all and see what happens. And she'll realise that she was clearly in the wrong and apologise to you.
She sounds crazy. Stop communicating with her and avoid her at all costs. You don't need someone causing drama in your life.

Let it go.

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