Alberto Del Rio Wins The Royal Rumble

I personally see this as a smart move. #1 it already sets up nxt years rumble by having a fresh face in the ME at mania. Now it can set up Bryan, kofi, and jomo to baby face v ADR in the future and he can help get them over having him job to them. #2 it adds a new face to the ME scene which all you wwe haters can shut the hell up. I don't understand what you all want. Last week its begging wwe not to have cena, hhh, or orton to win it since they ME the past 3-4 wm's. Now that it's happened youre pissed off??? Contradictions at their best. #3 the kids will want their parents to buy the ppv so their hero edge win, which he will. So stop complaining and let a company lacking star power build towards their stars of tomorrow.
The best thing? I'm sorry I forgot the name of the dumbass who said this, and I'm too lazy to scroll up, but the best thing?

What about John Morrisson? Miz and Morisson, so much history. Two young guys main eventing Mania. Youth Movement at its best. But nooooo. They gotta give it to Del Rio so he'll go and face that half-assing racoon-eyed jackass Edge ... a-a-a-a-AGAIN, and Miz vs Cena in the coming future .. a-a-a-a-AGAIN.

This is bullshit. The entire Rumble was absolutely dreadful. Nothing was done right. Alberto Del Rio is mediocre, it's not time for him to win a 40 MAN ROYAL RUMBLE. Anyone who disagrees is a blind piece of shit of a WWE mark. Period. Del Rio is not big enough of a star to win THe Rumble. Any Rumble. This is just another case of WWE shoving shit down people's throats and of course you're all gonna like it and ask for more because WWE said so.

What was the point of this rumble? Nexus buries half the roster, Hornswoggle buries the other half, Diesel and Booker T last 2 minutes in the ring (are you surprised?). Miz eliminates Cena when he's in the middle of a feud with Randy Orton (?) and the rest is a clusteruck.

This is absolutely dreadful.

Ummm when did Edge/ADR happen???? Cena/Miz happened 2 years ago and Miz was no where near the performer and character he is now. Also Miz eliminating Cena, creates Cena wanting a shot to go after the Miz, while Punk and Orton will still be involved in the title picture heading into the Chamber. You couldnt be more wrong with your babbling. Also Nash didnt only spend 2 minutes in the ring. Nash/Booker got awesome pops. I like the ADR decision, and considering the IWC was clamoring for so long for new faces, this is what you wanted. You sound like you're drinking the same kool aid that dixie is. So before you slam this, you should look at the cluster fuck of crap they are gonna tape tomorrow night. Tonight paved the way for what WM will be and with where we are heading, I'm in for the ride.
For all of the people who think that Alberto Del Rio is not an established superstar, dont' forget that he is one of Mexico's best some of his tapes if you are an unlearned noob and see why they are going to put him in the main event at wrestlemania. He does some of the best promo work I've seen in quite a while. He gets incredible heat, so why not have him main event the biggest pay per view of the year. It's actually refreshing to see someone who can actually wrestle and win the Royal Rumble. So for once be happy.

And for all of the John Morrison marks out there, he needs to go back and be repackaged as a heel before he gets championship gold any time. Yes he does put on five star matches but his mic work is shitty. He does better as a heel.
No way man. Rob Van Dam is a better wrestler. :rolleyes:

I like JOMO but ADR just has a main event feel to him. JOMO doesn't have that yet.

I think this is a great move by the WWE. They need new blood in the ME scene. It's about time. Now they just need to work on JM's mic skills.
What do you mean do you remember how edge became #1 contender by pinning del rio in a triple threat match so theirs history
One match is hardly what I would call "history." History would be them having a prolonged feud. A one-off match on Smackdown hardly qualifies. Saying that we'll be seeing something again implies that we'll be seeing something for the umpteenth time. Them having a SECOND match is not the same thing.
Alright, I'll bite.

First time poster, long time lurker. Some of the responses in this thread are completely ridiculous and you should be ashamed. Remember children, forums are for voicing your opinion but when you come off as a complete imbecile you're just embarassing yourself.

Tonight I've done something I haven't done in over 5 years, I purchased a WWE Pay-Per-View. Why choose now? With all of the exciting cards over the past 5 years.. why pick this card? I mean come on. Edge vs Ziggler, Miz vs Orton, Laycool vs Natalya and a Royal Rumble that just has 10 more superstars?

Well, I was hoping for the outcome that I saw this evening. The WWE is showing the signs that they need to. A youth movement. I'm sorry, I stood up out of my seat cheered like I was watching a football game when I saw Diesel and Booker T out there. It's GREAT to see some of the old faces that we haven't seen in ages. But, at the same time I'm more than happy to see the youth winning most of the title matchups tonight.

There were only two disappointing matchups for me and that was the Edge vs Ziggler and the divas match and that was only because we didn't see Awesome Kong appear. I love Edge. I always have enjoyed the guy his is magic on the mic... as a heel. Though, let me point out right now that I dont believe Ziggler is anywhere near ready to WHC status either.

Anyways, in the case Edge lost... I was hoping this was their chance to reunite Rated RKO as they were considering. I mean, Randy lost and if Edge would have lost earlier.. wouldn't it have been the perfect time to reunite them? I know that Orton has potential feud possibilities with the New Nexus, but I'm sorry. Seeing two more already established stars like them going at it for no clear purpose is disappointing. CM Punk was in a stable with the Straight Edge Society last year at Wrestlemania and the last thing I want him to be in is another Stable match where his stable ends up losing in some ridiculous fashion.

I was loving during the Royal Rumble that possible tag-teams were being previewed, most notably "The Celtic Connection". The WWE has a chance at the moment to revive the WWE Tag Team Division and rescue it from the joke that it's been. The Uso's, Rated RKO OR E&C, Celtic Connection, The New Nexus, The Corre, Santino and Kozlov, Cena & Swoggle. Ok, so I was joking about that last one. But, they have some established teams right there and they could create so many more just from some of the chaos and action that happened tonight.

Anyways, I'll stray away from being that giddy and get back to my point. Tonight was worth my money. Tonight brought forth the Youth Movement. Del Rio is a talented wrestler and for those of you who are saying otherwise: you're wrong. He has the mic ability. He has the look. He has the talent to put others over. He is a great heel. He is a great choice. The WWE has been pushing him like no other. For those of you comparing him to Swagger, I'm falling out of my chair laughing. Swagger never had a push. He just randomly out of the blue won the MITB and had that small title run. He never was pushed before hand. in fact, he was disappearing and I was disappointed. This guy has been pushed hard and got what they were pushing him for. I would not be surprised to see him lose at Wrestlemania, but I know for a fact an Edge vs Del Rio won't sell and they'll need to have Edge drop the title between now and the Elimination Chamber. Establish a storyline between Del Rio and somebody else. Ziggler would be a terrible choice, but they'll need to work fast to find somebody that interests the crowd.
Ummm when did Edge/ADR happen???? Cena/Miz happened 2 years ago and Miz was no where near the performer and character he is now. Also Miz eliminating Cena, creates Cena wanting a shot to go after the Miz, while Punk and Orton will still be involved in the title picture heading into the Chamber. You couldnt be more wrong with your babbling. Also Nash didnt only spend 2 minutes in the ring. Nash/Booker got awesome pops. I like the ADR decision, and considering the IWC was clamoring for so long for new faces, this is what you wanted. You sound like you're drinking the same kool aid that dixie is. So before you slam this, you should look at the cluster fuck of crap they are gonna tape tomorrow night. Tonight paved the way for what WM will be and with where we are heading, I'm in for the ride.

What fucking ride? The bullshit ride?

We ARE clamoring for new faces. GOOD new faces. If we're talking just new guys, why not let Tyson fucking Kidd win. Or better yet, Mason Ryan. He's a fresh new face.

Don't try and spin this into something good. This is a bad, bad decision and everyone knows it. Some will admit it, some don't. Why is it a bad decision? Let us look at the facts.

1.Alberto Del Rio has not had a memorable match in WWE. He's plain boring in the ring, does nothing special, nothing to capture the fan.

2.His gimmick consists of the same routine every time. The car, he goes out, that announcer idiot babbles, he's grinning from ear to ear (which gets on my nerves), goes in the ring, and does what he does best - be boring.

3.He's never drawn shit, ratings, money - you name it. He's not over with the fans, he's not getting huge boos, he's just getting the occasional boo which shows just why this motherfucker belongs to the mid-card.

4.Can you remember an amazing promo by him? Fuck no.

So there you have it. I'm not slamming it because I don't like WWE anymore. No. I'm slamming things that suck. I'm slamming the fact that WWE has turned The Royal Rumble in another prop. This is not the US Title. This is not a win that's supposed to "push" people, this is what MAKES people. Belts are for pushes, The Rumble is for legends.

Austin, Michaels, Rock, Triple H, Cena, The Undertaker, Orton ... Alberto Del Rio. Get it now?

Del Rio is shoved down all of your throats, and that's that. There were FAR better options for this win. Del Rio is useless. That guy will bomb like Swagger, Sheamus and any other punk WWE gave a huge push to before running into the ground.

WWE is desperate and it's just sad. It felt like Russo was booking this event, and he's doing a more coherent job in TNA. That's not how you build people up, you idiots! They're essentially saying "Here, we give the win to Del Rio who hasn't done SHIT in WWE. Like him now."

Del Rio has been in WWE for .. what .. a year? Less than that? How much time did it take Shawn Michaels to win it? How much time did it take The Rock to win it? How much time did it take Austin, Undertaker, Triple H to win it? This is the BIGGEST Royal Rumble in history, and it was won by a guy who doesn't have even 2 years under his belt in WWE. Anyone who says that this is not shoving him down people's throats is out of his fucking mind. They did it with Sheamus and he bombed. They did it with Swagger and it bombed. They do it to Del Rio and it will, once again, bomb. WWE is not going to make money off of douchebags like him, they'll lose them because noone gives a fuck about Del Rio. It was the OLDER guys who got the biggest pops of the night, and if Nash and Booker came out tomorrow, they'd still get bigger pops. And if they came out a month from now, they'll get bigger pops. BECAUSE THEY'RE ESTABLISHED!

The marks will but every PPV from now on and gag on Del Rio's cock because it was WWE who did it. The sane fans will roll their eyes, as always.

Fuck WWE, this is exactly why I stopped watching. I don't know why I keep coming back looking for something I'll like when this company is so full of shit.
I do somewhat agree with Zevon_Zion. Miz and Morrison had a great championship match weeks ago and I feel they could've easily topped an already very good match at the biggest ppv of the year. Ever since the two of them split up, I felt that they were the faces of the youth movement and in turn should have a long drawn out feud that would culminate at a big ppv.

That said, I have mixed feelings about Alberto Del Rio winning the Rumble. The guy is obviously having a big push that is strangely mirroring the one Sheamus had when he first arrived on RAW. The guy is on the roster for less than a year and now he's gonna headline the WWE's biggest show of the year. WWE must have a lot of faith in the guy to have him do that this early in his WWE career. I'm not going to get angry about this because I do like ADR. But I feel it's waaaaay too soon to do this. WWE is taking a pretty big risk. But I am interested to see the direction ADR goes from here. For him, this is make or break time.
Bravo! BRA-VO!!!

The WWE creative/bookers/writers...whatever the hell you want to call them, they proved me wrong...and I couldn't be any happier. I've been saying this for as long as I can remember: The WWE has been stale, with champions having short title reigns and the biggest problem was being predictable. They proved me wrong tonight.

I'm not going to say the road to Wrestlemania will be great, or the event itself will be good. But for one night only, tonight...the Royal Rumble was booked to PERFECTION.

Alberto Del Rio winning the Royal Rumble...did ANYONE see that coming? Hell no.. it was unpredictable and I love it. This coupled with the fact that BOTH champions retained their titles tonight was great. Finally...right when you think the storylines are starting to get stale...they give us a swerve: The Miz and Nexus??? Seems like something is brewing there. Can't wait for Raw!

What the hell did I just say? "I can't wait for Raw"? Don't know the last time I said that.

To all the haters out with it! Alberto Del Rio is the winner of the Royal Rumble!!

PS. Anyone recognize the Warrior-Hogan double clothesline between the two BIG faces: Cena and Orton? Good stuff.
Great choice giving Del Rio the Rumble win. He's a guy that nobody really expected to win but wasn't totally unbelievable either. When looking at raw talent alone he is clearly a main event level star. He's gold on the mic, his wrestling skills are top notch, and he's got a fantastic gimmick.

The only problem is whether or not Del Rio is a big enough name to main event Wrestlemania. The WWE seems to think he is, and he'll probably attract a huge Latin-American audience, and he's not exactly chopped liver in the USA either. After the terrific match Edge put on tonight, I have no doubt that Del Rio and Edge will be able to put on at least a 4 star match at Mania.
He's never drawn shit, ratings, money - you name it.

This is my issue too. Sure the guy might be getting over some, but this is Wrestlemania we're talking about. Would it have made sense to at least test the waters with him a bit? See if he can actually deliver on a Main event level, than stick your neck out and see if he is someone to put your money on. I mean, the guy has been there for such a short period of time yet your going to give him a Rumble win followed by headlining Wrestlemania? I'm all for pushing new guys, but maybe stop and think for a minute before you decide who and how fast.

Oh well, maybe he will exceed my expectations.
They couldn't have gone into Mania thinking that Miz/Orton or Cena #15 would draw much. They needed to change things up and hopefully Del Rio will do that.
I am happy with this result and I hope he goes on to win the Championship at Wrestlemania. I did not think it was obvious either and believe it or not. I actually thought that Santino had legit chances of winning it after he hit the Cobra. Alberto Del Rio is a future World Champion.
I love how people are saying that Del Rio winning is igniting the Youth Movement. HES FUCKING 33 Years OLD. THATS NOT YOUTH. I dont really have a huge problem with ADR winning but there are so many better picks. I would have rather seen Cena win.

And now JOMO getting eliminated before #16 comes out. Thats horseshit. Fucking horrible, the push that there giving him and not even have him in the top 5 is rediculous. They have fucking santino in the Top 2. Thats just unbelievable what they did to Morrison, and I'm just slowly giving up on the WWE. Its just horrible how they had ADR win against Santino. Why couldnt they give it to Morrison to be in the top 2, because we all know that Santino is not going anywhere near the Man Event scene.
I saw him winning coming for the most part. He was booked on every TV show leading up to the Rumble and cut a promo on the Rumble on each show. I was surprised somewhat simply because he's in his rookie year for WWE but at the same time I'm not.

I agree with the show being damn well, though. Probably one of the most exciting Rumble matches I've ever seen.
Austin, Michaels, Rock, Triple H, Cena, The Undertaker, Orton ... Alberto Del Rio. Get it now?

Jim Duggan, Big John Stud and Yokozuna.

The WWE threw us a swerve....and I'd take that anyday than have another predictable John Cena #1 babyface win the Rumble and then go on to Wrestlemania to win the title in the main event.

Unpredictability is what keeps things fresh and more realistic...something this company sorely needs.

It's a discussion forum so you have all the right to voice your opinion....but I'm backing the WWE every step of the way here.

This year's Royal Rumble was a roller coaster. I must have changed my predictions for winner 6 or 7 times. Just when I thought this guy would win, he'd be eliminated.

I got to watch the formation of a few new storylines, I got to see Morrison do something close to impossible, and the title matches were very good. Completely unexpected ending. Even though he himself had said so over and over again.

Props to creative for having Santino 2nd to last. Made it up to him for his 1 second elimination and gave me another surprise.

Booker T. Can you dig it?
I don't know what I am supposed to say on this thread, but I do agree that it was a good Rumble. It was full of exciting great moments. I think the storlines between Miz, Cena, Orton, and Nexus just got mixed. Cm Punk screwing Orton and Miz screwing Cena. I think this means Cm Punk vs Orton at mania and The Miz vs Cena. I was hoping they continued the storyline between Cena and Punk, but this is fine. I am excited for Raw as well and want to see where everything is going.
As Calderownz said way back on the 2nd page of this thread, the Alberto Del Rio hate has begun. Jesus Christ, what is it with the IWC and fresh talent actually getting pushed into a prominent position? It happens with every single young and/or fresh talent in the WWE. It happened with Sheamus, it happened with McIntyre, it happened with The Miz, now it's Del Rio's turn. I dunno, I mean is it some sort of rite of passage or something?

I think a huge problem right now is that lots of fans had preset ideas in their minds who they should should win, which means that he absolutely should have won, the Rumble and are pissy because what they wanted to happen didn't happen. If Del Rio wasn't worth a shit, I'd be all up in arms as well. The guy has been red hot on SmackDown! since his debut. He puts on entertaining matches, he's got loads of charisma & personality and he's solid gold on the mic. In all honesty, what else can you possibly expect or want from someone?

I'm thrilled to see a guy win the Royal Rumble this year that actually got something out of it. This will elevate Del Rio's career to a new level.
The only thing I would have changed is Morrison. I would have kept him in till the very end...instead of Santino. It should have been Morrison being eliminated by Del Rio at the end to really piss the fans off and get more heat on ADR.
I'm not all that surprised to see Del Rio win and I've got no complaints that he did. In Rumble after Rumble, how often are the winners wrestlers that have already been main eventers or have won numerous titles in the WWE? I'm thrilled to see a wrestler win the Royal Rumble that will actually gain huge benefits from it.

Del Rio has been a red hot heel on SmackDown! since his debut. He's a lot of fun to watch and listen to, he's got charisma and he's as natural as can be in his character. Like a lot of people, I also wouldn't have minded to see John Morrison win the Rumble but I can't complain about this. I think it's a great decision.
This Royal Rumble was HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!! I don't even have the words to describe it. I'm so glad i only put in 10 dollars with my best friends on that crap. Alberto Del Rio???????? Randy Orton got screwed. Dolph Ziggler got screwed. Even the Diva's match had a screw job. If you are defending that it was exciting........YOU GOT MAJOR ISSUES.
Un-fucking-believable. After going through the rest of this thread, I cannot stop but have my mind boggled at some of the resposnses I'm hearing. Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with some of you?! It's as if nothing can ever satisfy you.

First, you all complain about seeing the same shit over and over again (i.e. 2009). Then you guys get what you want and have a whole shit load of new guys come into the mix. Now, you're all complaining because these same guys are getting pushed? Sheamus becomes champion - people complained he wasn't ready. Miz went to become champion - people complained HE wasn't ready. Morisson gets a long awaited title shot - people start complained some more. Del Rio becomes Royal Rumble winner - the complaining reaches a new world record. The contradiction is unbelievable...

Del Rio was a fine choice to pick to win the Rumble. Like I stated earlier in this thread, after all the hype they've made on Del Rio, it was only perfect to have him win the Rumble. He has a tremendous history outside of the WWE; he is the nephew of the legendary Mil Maskaras; has been incredibly over from the start; has amazing promo skills; has amazing in ring skills; has an amazing look; and best of all, has what it takes to be a future world champion.

Sure, he may have only had a short time in the WWE thus far; but considering how much of a build/hype the WWE has given him since his contract signing, one can only imagine that the WWE feels he's ready to venture to the World title scene. And I for one, am extremely pleased.
that was crazy, just got back from it actually. When Del Rio thought he one the first time, the place went absolutly crazy, as did I. The second time after he threw santino out wasnt as big of a pop. I love that Del Rio won seeing that he is one of my favorite wrestlers in the WWE. Oh also must say I havent heard a crowd cheer so loud live like they did when booker t entered the rumble, the place went completly nuts, as they should. Overall what a great ppv and i am glad that i could be in attendence.
Ok, here are my two cents on it.

People say WWE took a big risk with Del Rio. Yes they did; but WWE is a business. There is the old saying no risk, no reward.

You can go ahead and say Del Rio doesn't do it for you. He does it for me. What does he have? He can put on a good match in my eyes. I am entertained by Del Rio's matches. He was good in the TLC Fatal Four Way match that was the best match of the night. I like his style of wrestling and I see him carrying a match.

You can say he is boring on the mic. That's what are so good about opinions. I like Del Rio's promos and his charisma. He has the look and is marketable. And like someone said about Duggan, Studd and Yokozuna winning it. WWE needs to build up new stars. Del Rio is 33 but I see him as someone you could stick on a PPV poster. He was huge in Mexico and I could see him being huge here, especially with the rising Hispanic population. Edit: Need I also mention that he interrupted SHAWN MICHAELS? Arguably the greatest superstar EVER?!?!? Sure he got superkicked but they let him cut a promo on HBK OF ALL PEOPLE!!! The buildup he got from his vignettes to saying it's his destiny. He was rated #1 as the superstar to look out for in 2011 by So he has been the beneficiary of HUGE buildup.

Comparing Del Rio to Jack Swagger.

Let's see, before Swagger became World Champion, he feuded with Santino. Before Del Rio won the Royal Rumble he feuded with future Hall of Famer Rey Mysterio and semi-feuded with potentially another one in Christian if you include E&C together, but also there have been midcarders such as Valentine and Hennig who made it as well and others like Rude and Bulldog deserving of induction.

Hmmm....Santino or Mysterio, which to decide? Who would make you look more credible in a feud?

I'm so glad it was not Cena or Orton...again. Stephanie McMahon said in order to become a maineventer in WWE, you have to connect with the crowd. Del Rio I think does that. Del Rio doesn't have to be Bret in the ring, or the Rock on the mic. He doesn't have to have Vickie heel heat. I have seen him generate heel heat and he does a very good job at it.

While a Sheamus fan, it was premature, though I no longer see him as HHH's buddy who came out of nowhere. I just see him as somebody taking a break from the main event scene but also is still a threat to anybody and I see him main eventing again in the future. Swagger I am not too sure about. It's not looking good. Drew McIntyre's problem is that he can talk, he can cut a promo; but the character WWE stuck him with just sucks ass.

The Miz did get some sort of buildup before becoming champion.

But who is to say Del Rio will even become champion? Shawn Michaels challenged Bret at Survivor Series 1992, Cena challenged Lesnar Backlash 2003, Orton was in the 2003 Elimination Chamber. Everybody must start somewhere. While it isn't THE biggest event, I believe the 03 elimination Chamber as at Summerslam and that and Survivor Series are two of WWE's big four. None of those guys won it but later became huge. Del Rio lost at TLC. Maybe he'll lose at Wrestlemania and then win it at a later date. Del Rio doesn't have to win just like Ziggler didn't win tonight; but I see both as World Title material.

Yokozuna broke in to the WWF in October 1992. When did Bret Hart win the WWF Title? October 1992, two months after dropping the I.C. belt to British Bulldog at Summerslam. Yokozuna, with even lesser time than Del Rio, won the 1993 Royal Rumble and the main event for Wrestlemania IX was a first time champion vs an extremely fresh face. Some say WM IX sucked ass but I think considering the size of Yokozuna and all, I enjoyed that match.

Though I'm not an Edge fan, he DOES deliver good matches. He has been in THE main event before at Wrestlemania (WM 24) He may have been against the Undertaker but now Edge has experience in closing out Wrestlemania. I doubt it will close out the show but if Del Rio faces Edge at Wrestlemania, I am counting on a good match.

And don't tell me for one second about all of you who want Christian. Yes, I love Christian. Terrific on the mic and I would say at the very worst IMO the second best in ring performer WWE has today. I am convinced Christian could carry anybody to a good match. If Jeff Hardy can leave for TNA and then receive a big push by WWE, so can Christian. I would love to see him with the strap.

But you know what would happen then? You would COMPLAIN! Like you ALWAYS complain. People said Jack Swagger should've been in Sheamus' spot. Swagger gets a push. People complain. How I heard for the longest time Morrison is a future champ and is main event material and I agree; but when Morrison became #1 contender, what did I see? Morrison hatred came at an all time high. Not here but on the WWE Universe forums.

IWC, make up your minds!
But, of course wait for the few hundred people who'll all the sudden hate Del Rio becuase he's not who they want to be pushed, say Christian or CM Punk. It's sad really.

The same thing that hapenned to Miz, once he won the MITB last year, they was a slowly, building hate for him.

I wish people can enjoy wrestling without the the bitching, whining, and fantasy booking, but since we have the internet, it'll never happen.

Watch, I'm guaranteeing there will be atleast one " Does anybody hate Alberto Del Rio," topic on this forum, or any wrestling forum.

I'm so happy that Alberto Del Rio won the Royal Rumble

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