Alberto Del Rio Wins The Royal Rumble

The Royal Rumble was kinda great. I knew both champions were gonna retain. Didn't expect the Fatal Four way match and it's outcome. Booker and Nash looked great out there but was quite disappointed on how long they stay in the match. Biggest shocker was Del Rio winning the Rumble and Santino being in the final two.

With Del Rio winning, it leaves some interesting questions in the weeks to come till WrestleMania.
1.Who will he face and what title is he going after?
2.Will he still be number one contender till WrestleMania?
or even Will he make it to WrestleMania?

Gotta say!! It was a smart move by the WWE.
Hold on, someone brought up the Sheamus, Miz, McIntyre, Swagger hate when they got pushed. Well did we not hate them without a reason? Where's Sheamus? Where's McIntyre? Where's Swagger? Absolutely nowhere. Miz is the only guy currently in the middle of a push, and he'll bomb too once he loses the belt, same goes for Del Rio. Don't you fucking get it? How many people must the WWE push before forgetting about them in order for you to understand that the WWE is full of crap?
Hm, I was a little disappointed with Alberto Del Rio winning. Sure, WWE has been pushing the hell out of the guy with him appearing regularly on both shows (can you say "force-feed"?), and especially with him cutting promos focused on the Rumble week in and week out; and he doesn't seem like a terrible guy - but essentially, he's the new JBL (all the way down to the car entrance) minus the gut and minus an almost 10 years tenure with WWE before they made him anything close to relevant, plus a Spanish accent & potential international appeal. Sure not a bad situation to start from, but still MUCH too soon for my liking. I just don't see him in a position relevant enough to headline Wrestlemania. I do not see why he should be in the Main Event of the biggest event of the year; I think there's quite a handful of other guys more deserving of that. Plus, the Rumble IS a big accomplishment, and important to every guy's resumé. To give it to someone who has just been with the company less than a year, where it isn't even close to guaranteed he will go anywhere or stick with the company long enough to really matter (Lesnar, anyone?) really is a bit of a slap in the face of established guys. And I'm not talking about the vets and multiple World Champions here; just guys who have been around for a while and could make the jump to the main event scene finally.

Personally, my pick would have been John Morrison of course. Sure he is not the best promo guy (but neither do I think ADR is), but he's been with WWE for quite a while, has really been working on his game ever since his "Johnny Nitro" days, and seems pretty over with the crowd and on the brink to top tier status. So his spot in the Rumble was amazing; unfortunately, they did not give him much else but a Nexus-bully-sendoff. I was hoping that at least he'd make it to the final 5 or so guys, just so people would see him in the ring at once with guys like Cena and Orton just to give off the impression that he should now be considered almost on a level with them, even if he didn't win the Rumble in the end.

In all honesty, I was expecting either John Cena to take the win, or a returning HHH, with JoMo with an outside chance. ADR I wasn't really expecting to win, though of course the massive push spoke quite loudly for itself. I think JoMo could've done more with this victory... he needs something big to get him up there - but the biggest thing he got thus far was a title match at RAW. Now while the match itself was great, it didn't have that "big match" feel to it it would've had, if it had been on a PPV card, in my opinion at least. JoMo is close to the Main Event right now, and I feel that a Miz/JoMo showdown for WM would be a bit more interesting than a potential Edge/ADR. And I think that a Rumble victory would just have been the right thing for him before putting any top title on him. But well, I hope he doesn't get lost in the aftermath now... I have literally no idea who they'll pit him against now, heading into WM?

As for the Rumble itself... nice to see Booker T (awesome shape!) and Big Kev back, though they could've stayed at least a little longer (Jacknife!!), but the rest of the Rumble wasn't that thrilling to me, and I really felt the lack of established stars a bit... Sure a youth movement is necessary and long overdue in WWE, but it somehow still isn't the same without HBK's "Sexy Boy", Taker's gong or Trips' "Time to play the game" echoing through the arena sometime during the match... But well, I'm just an old school type of guy, heh.

Now let's see where the Elimination Chamber leaves us at...
Hold on, someone brought up the Sheamus, Miz, McIntyre, Swagger hate when they got pushed. Well did we not hate them without a reason? Where's Sheamus? Where's McIntyre? Where's Swagger? Absolutely nowhere. Miz is the only guy currently in the middle of a push, and he'll bomb too once he loses the belt, same goes for Del Rio. Don't you fucking get it? How many people must the WWE push before forgetting about them in order for you to understand that the WWE is full of crap?


There was hate, and it's becuase of a few simple reason's, with the most obvious one being, "it's not who I want to see pushed, why not push the other guy, he deserves it more." Crap.

I doubt the Miz will bomb after his WWE Title run, because quite frankly, he doesn't seem to be slowing down at all after since winning it.

McIntrye is a current midcarder, Swagger was a bust as a champion, and Shaemus is a two time WWE Champion, and as I understand it, 2010 King of the Ring!

Yeah, I doubt Del Rio is gonna bomb, hell, he's a very good talent, with good mic skills, charisma and in-ring technique. He's not some guy they built in FCW, he was the face of a Mexican wrestling company, WWE have been trying to get him for like, 4 years. It obviously WWE see's a megastar in him and their aleats willing to give him a try.

Why don't you give WWE a try? They like to push talent, to see how people work as champions, some work, Cena, Batsita, JBL, HBK. Some don't, Swagger.
I don't mind Del rio winning this, he was one of the favourites going into this. He's clearly been built up for this moment, he's had his high profile feud with Mysterio, he's been given a lot of exposure and you would have to think he is someone the casuals fans would be looking at.

He most likely will go after Edge and the WHC. As someone said earlier Del rio took out Christian (and did Edge not use the kill switch against Ziggler?) so that's a nice story that can be worked into this feud. They may even insert Christian into the mania match and depending on how things pan out we could get the much anticipated Edge-Chrisitian feud.

Not sure if he will win at mania, but if he does he will not end up like swagger as he should be more over with the fans by mania then when swagger won.

One more thing: I want to see a Del Rio and Miz confrontation this week on Raw!
Of course they wouldn't. WWE fans jizz when Del Rio wins The Rumble, but they shat on Jeff Hardy winning the TNA title, or even Rob Van Dam, when both of them are bigger superstars than Del Rio, and Van Dam is light years ahead of Del Rio - wrestling wise.

What the fuck does Del Rio have that noone else has? A Car? A stupid grin on his face? The guy is absolutely MEDIOCRE in the ring. He does nothing. How can fans be so fucking stupid? I bet people would've supported Santino winning the Rumble.

"Well he's got a fun personality and he's not a bad wrestler and he's entertaining"

I'm mostly pissed about the fact that THE Royal Rumble, the one thing that kept its prestige in WWE is now just another prop. First the belts, then King of The Ring, now Royal Rumble.

WWE is a dead, sad company.

Incase you did'nt know, Alberto Del Rio was the face of a Mexican wrestling company for 4 years. Something Hardy, or Van Dam will never be.

How in the hell is the WWE a dead, sad company. See, I'm sorry, but it's the people like you who just piss me off. The kind of people who can't be satisfied with the WWE at all. No matter what they do. "How can fans be so stupid," why, because a guy who is deservingly (unlike RVD and Hardy) getting a World Championship shot is a bad thing to cheer for.

Oh, and Del Rio is'nt a drugged-up hasbeen living off of ECW, or a junkie who's in between court cases. H'es actaully a fairly-gifted athlete with alot of potentiel. More than Van Dam or Hardy could dream of because, you and I both know, they were giving the WWE Championship and both ruined it for themselves because of drugs. Del Rio actaully has talent, not just a hghflyer, cool spot guy. He was wrestling for a good 8 years before coming to the WWE.

Oh, and I see you so mad about the young talent and such. Well, let me give you a little fact. It's called a youth movement and it's to grow and evelop superstars for the future. Which, im my eyes, WWE has a long one with all the great young talent they have and will aquire in the future. It's called moving on. *Read Sig*
What fucking ride? The bullshit ride?

We ARE clamoring for new faces. GOOD new faces. If we're talking just new guys, why not let Tyson fucking Kidd win. Or better yet, Mason Ryan. He's a fresh new face.

Don't try and spin this into something good. This is a bad, bad decision and everyone knows it. Some will admit it, some don't. Why is it a bad decision? Let us look at the facts.

1.Alberto Del Rio has not had a memorable match in WWE. He's plain boring in the ring, does nothing special, nothing to capture the fan.

2.His gimmick consists of the same routine every time. The car, he goes out, that announcer idiot babbles, he's grinning from ear to ear (which gets on my nerves), goes in the ring, and does what he does best - be boring.

3.He's never drawn shit, ratings, money - you name it. He's not over with the fans, he's not getting huge boos, he's just getting the occasional boo which shows just why this motherfucker belongs to the mid-card.

4.Can you remember an amazing promo by him? Fuck no.

So there you have it. I'm not slamming it because I don't like WWE anymore. No. I'm slamming things that suck. I'm slamming the fact that WWE has turned The Royal Rumble in another prop. This is not the US Title. This is not a win that's supposed to "push" people, this is what MAKES people. Belts are for pushes, The Rumble is for legends.

Austin, Michaels, Rock, Triple H, Cena, The Undertaker, Orton ... Alberto Del Rio. Get it now?

Del Rio is shoved down all of your throats, and that's that. There were FAR better options for this win. Del Rio is useless. That guy will bomb like Swagger, Sheamus and any other punk WWE gave a huge push to before running into the ground.

WWE is desperate and it's just sad. It felt like Russo was booking this event, and he's doing a more coherent job in TNA. That's not how you build people up, you idiots! They're essentially saying "Here, we give the win to Del Rio who hasn't done SHIT in WWE. Like him now."

Del Rio has been in WWE for .. what .. a year? Less than that? How much time did it take Shawn Michaels to win it? How much time did it take The Rock to win it? How much time did it take Austin, Undertaker, Triple H to win it? This is the BIGGEST Royal Rumble in history, and it was won by a guy who doesn't have even 2 years under his belt in WWE. Anyone who says that this is not shoving him down people's throats is out of his fucking mind. They did it with Sheamus and he bombed. They did it with Swagger and it bombed. They do it to Del Rio and it will, once again, bomb. WWE is not going to make money off of douchebags like him, they'll lose them because noone gives a fuck about Del Rio. It was the OLDER guys who got the biggest pops of the night, and if Nash and Booker came out tomorrow, they'd still get bigger pops. And if they came out a month from now, they'll get bigger pops. BECAUSE THEY'RE ESTABLISHED!

The marks will but every PPV from now on and gag on Del Rio's cock because it was WWE who did it. The sane fans will roll their eyes, as always.

Fuck WWE, this is exactly why I stopped watching. I don't know why I keep coming back looking for something I'll like when this company is so full of shit.

Belts are for pushes! Yeah if they're the mid card belts fine, but Swagger was given the World Title to help elevate him and it didn't help for reasons I'll point out later. As for you saying the Rumble is for legends, are you saying you only want established main eventers winning the rumble, as in the same old guys. This year it was widely theorised that a first timer would win the rumble and out of the guys that never held a world title him, Barrett or possibly Morrison were the only realistic choices in that group.

A guy doesn't have to be established if they've been built up correctly. A lot of people were clamoring for Barrett to win the title at night of champions, bragging rights etc... he hasn't been in the company much longer than Del Rio, would you have any issue if he won. Barrett was put in a prominent storyline against the "face" of the wwe and was pretty over with the crowd.

Del Rio had a high profile feud with Rey Mysterio, (whilst maybe not as prominent a storyline as Barrett's) it was there to help him get noticed and get over with the fans. He also had the mini-feud with Christian and taking out two fan-favourites are bound to get you noticed, not to mention the recent exposure he's had on raw. I've digressed to much anyway.

If we compare Del Rio to Sheamus and Swagger, it's quite clear that Sheamus and Swagger were out of left field. Sheamus was barely on raw before becoming number 1 contender, and hadn't done anything of note before on ECW. Swagger had done nothing of note on Raw for a while and was not seen a hell of a lot in the lead up to mania. The crowd was in a position where they couldn't care about these guys. Oh and BTW I don't think Sheamus has bombed, and I don't think Swagger is finished either.

Del Rio on the other hand has had his exposure and feud's and also has a couple of months more to get over with the fans in the lead up to mania.

As for guys like Michaels and the Rock etc... it was a different time period and not really comparable with what's going on in this day and age.

Obviously, you have your opinion and I have mine, but i'd like you to consider what I said and compare it to your original thoughts.
The best thing? I'm sorry I forgot the name of the dumbass who said this, and I'm too lazy to scroll up, but the best thing?

What about John Morrisson? Miz and Morisson, so much history. Two young guys main eventing Mania. Youth Movement at its best. But nooooo. They gotta give it to Del Rio so he'll go and face that half-assing racoon-eyed jackass Edge ... a-a-a-a-AGAIN, and Miz vs Cena in the coming future .. a-a-a-a-AGAIN.

The only time Edge and Del Rio have fought in the same match is during a tripple threat that included Mysterio and a Fatal Four Way ladder match that saw Edge the victor. The two have yet to fight one on on.

And you're jumping the gun. The Miz won't be champ after EC, so we can all rest easy. Edge very well might not be, either. For all we know, Cena will be champ at EC and Del Rio will choose to challenge HIM. The road to WM is far from set in stone at this point. EC exists almost exclusively to get the belt on different guys to prepare for WM.
Who the fuck is alberto del rio? He isnt even doing his job right. He doesnt anger me. He bores me to tears. The crowd was dead silent when he won. They didnt even boo him because they were sleeping. How the hell does WWE expect him to draw at wrestlemania? He doesnt get any heat. I dont want to see him fight anyone ever. I dont want to pay money to get his ass kicked. Id rather pay money to see him taken off TV.

He's the most boring wrestler ive seen in years. He walks to the ring and smiles like an idiot. His little announcer buddy introduces him. Then he does fuck all in the ring. He sucks at wrestling.

Im losing interest as to why i should spend $50 on wrestlemania. Del rio will be my second pee break(after the womans match of course).
Its not often that I agree with TNA fans...and even rarer when I agree with Zevon...but the way this Rumble was booked to end was utter shit. Even if I bought the argument that outside of the WWE, Del Rio was an established superstar, so fucking what? He is hardly the first WWE wrestler to have spent a significant amount of time in an independent league. Shit, the Rumble started with two such men, CM Punk and Daniel Bryan Danielson. Given his extremely limited WWE body of work, why would Del Rio get the nod over these guys, if its all about what he did previously? But, I am willing to even look past all of that, and for the sake of argument, accept that the WWE genuinely thinks Alberto Del Rio is a wrestler on the fast track to main event stardom...

It doesn't change the fact that the way that it was booked was still shit. Having Santino Marella be the last guy to be eliminated? What the fuck was that? If the WWE wanted to establish Del Rio in the fan's minds, have him toss out Orton, Cena, Sheamus, or someone like that to actually win, not Santino. What does tossing out Santino prove exactly? Is eliminating Santino Marella such a seemingly impossible feat that I suddenly have to respect Del Rio? Fuck no. If they wanted to get Del Rio over as a main event level talent, then have him eliminate main event level talent to win. Not a comedy jobber. Don't get me wrong, I love Santino Marella, he is one of the funniest wrestlers I have ever watched...but he doesn't deserve to be one of the final two men standing in the Royal Rumble. The entire ending was shit.
Of course they wouldn't. WWE fans jizz when Del Rio wins The Rumble, but they shat on Jeff Hardy winning the TNA title, or even Rob Van Dam, when both of them are bigger superstars than Del Rio, and Van Dam is light years ahead of Del Rio - wrestling wise.

What the fuck does Del Rio have that noone else has? A Car? A stupid grin on his face? The guy is absolutely MEDIOCRE in the ring. He does nothing. How can fans be so fucking stupid? I bet people would've supported Santino winning the Rumble.

"Well he's got a fun personality and he's not a bad wrestler and he's entertaining"

I'm mostly pissed about the fact that THE Royal Rumble, the one thing that kept its prestige in WWE is now just another prop. First the belts, then King of The Ring, now Royal Rumble.

WWE is a dead, sad company.

TNA marks shouldnt even post here, you clearly dont know what wrestling is, because del rio is awesome in the ring, he was one of the biggest stars in mexico, and he is doing great in the wwe.

Sure Van Dam is light years away, because he's fn old, he cant even run anymore, are you for real man?? i dont take anything away from rvd but lets face it he was great, but he's too old these days.
Its not often that I agree with TNA fans...and even rarer when I agree with Zevon...but the way this Rumble was booked to end was utter shit. Even if I bought the argument that outside of the WWE, Del Rio was an established superstar, so fucking what? He is hardly the first WWE wrestler to have spent a significant amount of time in an independent league. Shit, the Rumble started with two such men, CM Punk and Daniel Bryan Danielson. Given his extremely limited WWE body of work, why would Del Rio get the nod over these guys, if its all about what he did previously? But, I am willing to even look past all of that, and for the sake of argument, accept that the WWE genuinely thinks Alberto Del Rio is a wrestler on the fast track to main event stardom...

It doesn't change the fact that the way that it was booked was still shit. Having Santino Marella be the last guy to be eliminated? What the fuck was that? If the WWE wanted to establish Del Rio in the fan's minds, have him toss out Orton, Cena, Sheamus, or someone like that to actually win, not Santino. What does tossing out Santino prove exactly? Is eliminating Santino Marella such a seemingly impossible feat that I suddenly have to respect Del Rio? Fuck no. If they wanted to get Del Rio over as a main event level talent, then have him eliminate main event level talent to win. Not a comedy jobber. Don't get me wrong, I love Santino Marella, he is one of the funniest wrestlers I have ever watched...but he doesn't deserve to be one of the final two men standing in the Royal Rumble. The entire ending was shit.

*Ahem*. The final four was Randy Orton, Wade Barret, Alberto Del Rio, and Cena. (Oh, and Santino.) So apparently you were not watching close enough. Randy Orton eliminated Barret and then Alberto eliminated Orton which caused the rumble to 'prematurely end'. Then when Santino came in he tossed him over too.

If you read spoilers, at least try to take in what they're telling you what happened.
What fucking ride? The bullshit ride?

We ARE clamoring for new faces. GOOD new faces. If we're talking just new guys, why not let Tyson fucking Kidd win. Or better yet, Mason Ryan. He's a fresh new face.

But we're not talking just new guys... we're talking about a guy who's been on a tear since he debuted on Smackdown. A guy who gets bigger pops than most of the popular faces on Smackdown. A guy who cuts promos better than half of the SD roster, and yet he has a heavy Spanish accent and somehow makes it work to his advantage.

Tyson Kidd and Mason Ryan tried a promo once... I remember my first beer, too.

Don't try and spin this into something good. This is a bad, bad decision and everyone knows it. Some will admit it, some don't.

Actually, I don't know it. Matter of fact, I disagree with you in every way. But I must be an idiot, right?

Why is it a bad decision? Let us look at the facts.

1.Alberto Del Rio has not had a memorable match in WWE. He's plain boring in the ring, does nothing special, nothing to capture the fan.

What planet do you live on?!? Seriously... the guy is solid as hell in the ring. His enziguri's and his finishing maneuver are plenty exciting for me along with his ability to make solid matches with everyone he wrestles.

2.His gimmick consists of the same routine every time. The car, he goes out, that announcer idiot babbles, he's grinning from ear to ear (which gets on my nerves), goes in the ring, and does what he does best - be boring.

HAHAAHHAHH isn't that the point of a signature entrance? Did you just start watching wrestling? Every wrestler has the same exact entrance every time they enter the ring. That includes TNA.

3.He's never drawn shit, ratings, money - you name it. He's not over with the fans, he's not getting huge boos, he's just getting the occasional boo which shows just why this motherfucker belongs to the mid-card.

NO REACTION?!? What show are you watching?!? Seriously, your opinions are getting really annoying now. How could you possibly say he gets no reaction?

And you have proof of the fact that he doesn't draw "shit", right? No, you just keep barking and bullshitting your way into our minds, spewing nothing that constitutes a rational thought or god forbid any factual evidence.

4.Can you remember an amazing promo by him? Fuck no.

Name one that Jeff Hardy has done... or Matt Morgan...

It's not JUST about his promos, or JUST about his entrance... it's about the fact that Del Rio, as a package, just works. The fans react to him, the WWE is obviously high on him, and whether you like it or not, he's the next big thing.

So there you have it. I'm not slamming it because I don't like WWE anymore. No. I'm slamming things that suck. I'm slamming the fact that WWE has turned The Royal Rumble in another prop. This is not the US Title. This is not a win that's supposed to "push" people, this is what MAKES people. Belts are for pushes, The Rumble is for legends.

Austin, Michaels, Rock, Triple H, Cena, The Undertaker, Orton ... Alberto Del Rio. Get it now?

But Del Rio is a new face. Give it time.

Del Rio is shoved down all of your throats, and that's that. There were FAR better options for this win. Del Rio is useless. That guy will bomb like Swagger, Sheamus and any other punk WWE gave a huge push to before running into the ground.

Actually, I look forward to seeing him in every show. He's one of the main reasons why I watch.

WWE is desperate and it's just sad. It felt like Russo was booking this event, and he's doing a more coherent job in TNA. That's not how you build people up, you idiots! They're essentially saying "Here, we give the win to Del Rio who hasn't done SHIT in WWE. Like him now."

Desperate? Man, if you hate it so much then turn it off because you really don't have a clue as to what you're talking about. They've put on the best television they've had in YEARS. It's pretty much common knowledge that you despise everything WWE. Good for you... let US enjoy it then.

Del Rio has been in WWE for .. what .. a year? Less than that?

Who cares?

How much time did it take Shawn Michaels to win it?

Who cares?

How much time did it take The Rock to win it?

Who cares?

How much time did it take Austin, Undertaker, Triple H to win it?

Who cares?

Where are the rules that state someone needs to have a specified amount of tenure with the company before they win the Rumble? Why does everything need to be cookie-cutter and in accordance with YOUR standards? WWE is finally moving towards pushing new faces and it doesn't seem like there are many boundaries with this. Wrestlemania is the time of the year when the best storylines, biggest pushes, and the most interesting television happens. You don't think they have major plans for him?

Anyone who says that this is not shoving him down people's throats is out of his fucking mind.

I say it's not. So fuck you, too. I don't need to be insulted because your ego doesn't agree with the experts.

They did it with Sheamus and he bombed.

He did?

They did it with Swagger and it bombed.

Bomb wouldn't be the proper word. It failed. But then again, so did Benoit winning the title. He had the belt for five months and did shit with it while Swagger had it for three. And people are still sucking up to Benoit's dead corpse on this forum.

They do it to Del Rio and it will, once again, bomb. WWE is not going to make money off of douchebags like him, they'll lose them because noone gives a fuck about Del Rio.

Except for me and a bunch of other posters/fans.

It was the OLDER guys who got the biggest pops of the night, and if Nash and Booker came out tomorrow, they'd still get bigger pops. And if they came out a month from now, they'll get bigger pops. BECAUSE THEY'RE ESTABLISHED!

Well, DUH?!? They're Booker T and Kevin fucking Nash, for fucks sake.

The marks will but every PPV from now on and gag on Del Rio's cock because it was WWE who did it. The sane fans will roll their eyes, as always.

No, ass hole. It might be a good idea for you to stop insulting everyone that doesn't agree with you. Last I checked, your views on things aren't the most popular. But I won't call you stupid, insane, or any other names.

Fuck WWE, this is exactly why I stopped watching. I don't know why I keep coming back looking for something I'll like when this company is so full of shit.

Me neither. Please, stop watching and go away.
So there you have it. I'm not slamming it because I don't like WWE anymore. No. I'm slamming things that suck. I'm slamming the fact that WWE has turned The Royal Rumble in another prop. This is not the US Title. This is not a win that's supposed to "push" people, this is what MAKES people. Belts are for pushes, The Rumble is for legends.

Austin, Michaels, Rock, Triple H, Cena, The Undertaker, Orton ... Alberto Del Rio. Get it now?

Was Austin a legend the first time he won it? No. How about Shawn Michaels? No. What's your point here? Also, Royal Rumble winners have included Duggan, Studd, Mysterio, and Lesnar.

Del Rio is shoved down all of your throats, and that's that. There were FAR better options for this win. Del Rio is useless. That guy will bomb like Swagger, Sheamus and any other punk WWE gave a huge push to before running into the ground.

That guy Sheamus really has bombed hasn't he? Two-time champion, wins over Orton, HHH, and Cena, and King of the Ring winner. He's doing terrible.

Del Rio has been in WWE for .. what .. a year? Less than that? How much time did it take Shawn Michaels to win it? How much time did it take The Rock to win it? How much time did it take Austin, Undertaker, Triple H to win it? This is the BIGGEST Royal Rumble in history, and it was won by a guy who doesn't have even 2 years under his belt in WWE. Anyone who says that this is not shoving him down people's throats is out of his fucking mind. They did it with Sheamus and he bombed. They did it with Swagger and it bombed. They do it to Del Rio and it will, once again, bomb. WWE is not going to make money off of douchebags like him, they'll lose them because noone gives a fuck about Del Rio. It was the OLDER guys who got the biggest pops of the night, and if Nash and Booker came out tomorrow, they'd still get bigger pops. And if they came out a month from now, they'll get bigger pops. BECAUSE THEY'RE ESTABLISHED!

The marks will but every PPV from now on and gag on Del Rio's cock because it was WWE who did it. The sane fans will roll their eyes, as always.

Fuck WWE, this is exactly why I stopped watching. I don't know why I keep coming back looking for something I'll like when this company is so full of shit.

Everyone knew HHH was going to win the Rumble in 2002 and you're kidding yourself if thought otherwise.

Austin was only in the WWF a little over a year before he won the Rumble. So is there a certain period of time a wrestler is in the WWE before he can win the Rumble?
I had no problem with Del Rio winning the Royal Rumble. I'm not a huge fan of his but he's decent in the ring and I believe could give Edge a great match. For all the people (especially you Zeven) crying about Morrison not winning, there's two months until Wrestlemania. It's not set in stone who's going to face the Miz, assuming he's still the champion, at Wrestlemania. For all we know, Morrison may be the #1 contender when April rolls around. It's irrelevant who Del Rio eliminates to justify him as main event talent. We'll know that at Wrestlemania.
I'm down with this move. Like, way down. No, I don't really care for Alberto Del Rio. I don't hate him as strongly as some people. I don't resent him because he's getting shit done (I hate when people pull that on the guys I like, so I can't play that). To me, he's just "there." But shit, he's a new guy who the WWE hasn't gotten tired with or decided to ride with nonsense about "dues paying." Let me say that again: They decided to build a new face and strike while the iron is hot rather than let the juvenile and insecure locker room leaders sink their teeth into him before the company got tired and went onto the next thing while staying with the usual suspects in the main event. It's about time. This move is all business and I love it. Viva Del Rio!
I'm really not sure what ADR winning the Rumble means. I mean the last I saw of him, he was feuding with the likes of R-Truth. There was no significant storyline going on for him expect for his obvious heelish claims that he was going to win the Royal Rumble and that he was going to be the next Mr WrestleMania.

None of ADR's possible opponents make me want to jump with joy either. We have Edge, but there is no reason why they should fight other than the old I-am-a-heel-You-are-a-face-I-have-a-title-shot-Let's-fight scenario. We have Mysterio whom ADR just finished feuding with and frankly ADR vs Rey Mysterio sounds more like a midcard match than a World Title match to me. I'm also assuming that he won't be jumping over to Raw given the fact that there are storylines already in place on that show.

Overall this might have been the most unpredictable Rumble in years but it was also one of the most anticlimatic ones. There is plausible reason why Del Rio should win a Rumble. I think that he might be the most random Rumble winner ever. He is not a star and he does not have a storyline going either which might suggest that he deserves to win.
WHAT I LIKED: The New Nexus dominating just like Diesel in 94! Speaking of which, Diesel and Booker T return! Woo hoo! And how awesome was John Morrison's walking the guardrail and jumping back in the ring? Clever spot.

WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE: Cena's stale superman act versus Nexus. Instead of having SuperCena clean house, Nexus should have beat Cena down. THEN Orton comes out next at 23. He and Cena team up and clear Nexus leaving Orton and Cena alone for a staredown. That would have made more sense than having Cena do it all by himself, thus burying the new Nexus as he did the old one. Not to mention the agonizing 10 minute comedy routine between him and Hornswoggle. Pfft. Poor Tyson Kidd, having to job to hornswoggle. He'll be in TNA in no time now. What a waste.

As for the finish, I like Del Rio's win. Thank goodness it wasnt Triple H, Cena, or Orton. The only problem with the finish was that Santino was in full comedy mode. He should have played it for real. Drop the comedy schtick for 5 seconds and show a real human emotion for once. This is the chance of a lifetime for a jobber for life and he's wasting time doing a trumpet dance. Show Santino nervous, serious, something, anything! Just take it seriously. Alberto should still win in the end, but they could have at least played it for real instead of ending on a comedy segment.
This is a great move on the part of the WWE, I think.

What I will say though, is that everyone was touting this Rumble to be one of the least predictable in years but I had Alberto Del Rio pegged for the win for a couple of weeks. His appearances on Raw and Smackdown over the last month have showed me that the WWE has a lot of faith in Alberto Del Rio and he has gone onto show me that he deserves to be on that sort of level. Not only is he a great in-ring worker, he has the amazing ability of getting people to root against him despite not being in the company for that long. He has the confidence that is not usual for someone that is that new to the company and perhaps it is because he knows he is very good at what he does.

His mic skills are second to none right now and his in-ring skills are top-notch too. You can totally expect that he is going to be pushed to the high heavens over the next couple of months and by the time that WrestleMania rolls around, he and Edge (likely) will have a great match.

I like this decision and think that Del Rio is someone that can run with the ball. He has enough talent to make this work and It is obvious that the WWE love him and that sentiment is echoed by the fan reaction that he gets around here and the WWE Universe too. The best part of Del Rio winning the Royal Rumble was that it was someone new and if it wasn't going to be John Morrison, then it was refreshing to see someone who wasn't John Cena and Randy Orton take home the cake.

Great choice.
For alot of people on this thread, I'm going to quote the man in my sig: "Boo frickin' hoo". Del Rio was one of the BEST people to have win.

Why? Because for one he was bragging about doing so the last few weeks, making some people think/want him to be eliminateed not long after he goes out there. It wasn't a cheap win or anything, he done it like a pro, cause that's what he is, pro.

That Zevonziggler guy, annd many others, say he don't/won't draw, the hell is wrong with you? I'm sure he'll get every amigo in Mexico to buy that Rumble, and that's alot of people my buddy.

Del Rio was the best guy who was not a top guy to win, like it or not, you gotta deal with it. I, for one, am going to enjoy it.
I'm not really sure about this. In one way I am happy to see a fresh star win the rumble, but ADR, For some reason I'm not sure if I am truly satisfied with him winning. I like a guy as a speaker. He is solid, e!ven better than most on the mic. He has an intresting gimmick, nothing special's not totally origional but he is making the most of it.

The main thing that bugs about him is his wresting ability. In my opinion anyway that he is nothing special inthe ring. His finisher just doesn't cut it for me, especially for main eventing WM. I just don't see someone tapping to an armbreaker being a special moment. Though I do say that others like his in-ringwork and think he's great in the ring but for me there is something lacking. Then again, in saying this there have been world champions that are nothing special in the ring either. He doesn't get huge amounts of heat, but that will pick up now with constant bragging about his victory in the
rumble. I do have confidence that del rio will take the ball and roll with it, and if he can step it up abit in the ring, i can definately see him becoming a big player in WWE and can be for a good long time.
When Ziggler entered the Rumble I thought he might win it but didn't. Actually it would have made sense "a backdoor" win continuing the feud between Vickie and Dolph vs. Edge.

However Del Rio winning it was a mark out moment for me, I'm sure people think he's too soon but all signs pointed to a Del Rio vs. Edge WM match. The only way for Del Rio to get some credibility was to win the Rumble. Cena, who will probably challenge Miz, has nothing to gain by winning the rumble.

Also this is the classic road to WM. And I kind of like this a mid-carder winning the Rumble and rising to the main event scene.
I'd much rather have Rey take the title from Edge at E.C. and face Del Rio for the title. Christian can cost Edge the title at E.C., setting up a feud for them and a match at WM while DelRio takes the title from his longtime rival Rey Mysterio
I'm still marking out following last night. I am incredibly excited to see Del Rio moving up in the pecking order, and making his way to the Main Event of WrestleMania. Del Rio has impressed me so much since his debut and has been a great addition to the WWE roster since debuting. He's had an excellent ride thus far and the Rumble victory sets him up to be a big star in the forth-coming years. Alberto is going to WrestleMania, and I have a feeling that won't be the final time I say that.
I was the same with alot of you guys, i wanted Del Rio to win because Del Rio is one of my favourites but i never expected it. I thought that maybe they would bring back an injured superstar to win the Rumble and had my bets set on HHH but it was a total shocker when no injured superstar returned and with the final 4 being Barrett, Cena, Orton and Del Rio the eventual winner was the most unlikely of the 4 (well 5 if you count Santino at the end!) So it was a huge shock but this is what i truley admire about the WWE is the unpredictability, i mean would WWE be so popular if the outcome was always predictable? I can easily see Del Rio going on the 'Mania and beating The Rated R Superstar as he does have great in ring ability as well as good mik skills, so overall even though it wasen't one of the best rumbles in the past few years the outcome was one of the better ones as for the first time in recent history it wasen't a poster boy!!!!!

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