Ummm when did Edge/ADR happen???? Cena/Miz happened 2 years ago and Miz was no where near the performer and character he is now. Also Miz eliminating Cena, creates Cena wanting a shot to go after the Miz, while Punk and Orton will still be involved in the title picture heading into the Chamber. You couldnt be more wrong with your babbling. Also Nash didnt only spend 2 minutes in the ring. Nash/Booker got awesome pops. I like the ADR decision, and considering the IWC was clamoring for so long for new faces, this is what you wanted. You sound like you're drinking the same kool aid that dixie is. So before you slam this, you should look at the cluster fuck of crap they are gonna tape tomorrow night. Tonight paved the way for what WM will be and with where we are heading, I'm in for the ride.
What fucking ride? The bullshit ride?
We ARE clamoring for new faces. GOOD new faces. If we're talking just new guys, why not let Tyson fucking Kidd win. Or better yet, Mason Ryan. He's a fresh new face.
Don't try and spin this into something good. This is a bad, bad decision and everyone knows it. Some will admit it, some don't. Why is it a bad decision? Let us look at the facts.
1.Alberto Del Rio has not had a memorable match in WWE. He's plain boring in the ring, does nothing special, nothing to capture the fan.
2.His gimmick consists of the same routine every time. The car, he goes out, that announcer idiot babbles, he's grinning from ear to ear (which gets on my nerves), goes in the ring, and does what he does best - be boring.
3.He's never drawn shit, ratings, money - you name it. He's not over with the fans, he's not getting huge boos, he's just getting the occasional boo which shows just why this motherfucker belongs to the mid-card.
4.Can you remember an amazing promo by him? Fuck no.
So there you have it. I'm not slamming it because I don't like WWE anymore. No. I'm slamming things that suck. I'm slamming the fact that WWE has turned The Royal Rumble in another prop. This is not the US Title. This is not a win that's supposed to "push" people, this is what MAKES people. Belts are for pushes, The Rumble is for legends.
Austin, Michaels, Rock, Triple H, Cena, The Undertaker, Orton ... Alberto Del Rio. Get it now?
Del Rio is shoved down all of your throats, and that's that. There were FAR better options for this win. Del Rio is useless. That guy will bomb like Swagger, Sheamus and any other punk WWE gave a huge push to before running into the ground.
WWE is desperate and it's just sad. It felt like Russo was booking this event, and he's doing a more coherent job in TNA. That's not how you build people up, you idiots! They're essentially saying "Here, we give the win to Del Rio who hasn't done SHIT in WWE. Like him now."
Del Rio has been in WWE for .. what .. a year? Less than that? How much time did it take Shawn Michaels to win it? How much time did it take The Rock to win it? How much time did it take Austin, Undertaker, Triple H to win it? This is the BIGGEST Royal Rumble in history, and it was won by a guy who doesn't have even 2 years under his belt in WWE. Anyone who says that this is not shoving him down people's throats is out of his fucking mind. They did it with Sheamus and he bombed. They did it with Swagger and it bombed. They do it to Del Rio and it will, once again, bomb. WWE is not going to make money off of douchebags like him, they'll lose them because noone gives a fuck about Del Rio. It was the OLDER guys who got the biggest pops of the night, and if Nash and Booker came out tomorrow, they'd still get bigger pops. And if they came out a month from now, they'll get bigger pops. BECAUSE THEY'RE ESTABLISHED!
The marks will but every PPV from now on and gag on Del Rio's cock because it was WWE who did it. The sane fans will roll their eyes, as always.
Fuck WWE, this is exactly why I stopped watching. I don't know why I keep coming back looking for something I'll like when this company is so full of shit.