Alberto Del Rio Is The NEW WWE Champion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE

ADR is the Mexican Randy Boreton circa 2007, except Orton is actually the best performer in ALL of WWE right now. How is it Orton is on a show nobody watches, while ADR gets to walk around being called the undisputed champion?

Orton should be headlining RAW, not ADR! ADR is BORING, you can tell his whole schtick is an act because it's the same crap every week
ADR is the Mexican Randy Boreton circa 2007, except Orton is actually the best performer in ALL of WWE right now. How is it Orton is on a show nobody watches, while ADR gets to walk around being called the undisputed champion?

Orton should be headlining RAW, not ADR! ADR is BORING, you can tell his whole schtick is an act because it's the same crap every week
Actually you can tell it's an act because there's no way if I threw you towards some steel cables strung up between 2 posts that you'd grab the top rope, pivot, push back and lean on the ropes with your lats and hips, then run back at me. It's all an act and it's pretty obvious.

You are complaining about the WRITING for ADR, not the guy himself. The guy himself gets as over as anyone else could with what the writers give him. It's like if the catcher keeps having you throw a fastball over and over. Sure it's not as effective as mixing in some stuff, but if you're stiff effective, then the pitcher isn't the one at fault is he? ADR is doing the best with what he's given.

Not only that but despite what the hearing impaired say, he's over. Which is really all it comes down to. If a guy cuts promos where he stands there and scratches his balls for 20 minutes and has matches where he comes in and uses voodoo so the other guy is hypnotized and lays down for him and he's the most over guy on the roster, then he is doing a good job. Doesn't matter if I don't like it, if you don't like it, if a guy is over, he's doing a good job and deserves a push. ADR is over and is doing a good job, he deserves the push.
i think it is best for wwe right now,,

i was thinking back in the days, wwe used to cross-reference storylines with each other,
like the one hour iron match b/w randy orton and john cena, where legacy interrupted the match to help randy, and kofi showed up who was previously beaten by legacy in a bragging rights match, which led to the feud b/w kofi & orton..
cashing of ADR & involvment of Kevin in Cena/Punk feud is what i was hoping for..
Thats the entire point of putting the belt on him.. Cena doesnt need he belt.. and now Punk is a bonafide main eventer and doesnt need the belt..

Del Rio needs the belt right now however to solidify himself in the main event picture.. He just came out without Rodrigo.. and was drawing pretty good heat.. He was getting a reaction with everything he was saying to the crowd..

..after he beats Rey tonight.. hes going to get even more heat... I honestly believe the WWE nailed this one again..

..just sit back and enjoy the show man.. kick back, relax.. and let everything play out.

Well, I did write my last post before RAW came on the air but that aside I still do not look at ADR and see a champion. I cant believe I am going to say this but I actually cheered when Cena came out at the end to save Rey. I havent done that in YEARS. That is how much I think of Del Rio. If there is a Cena/ ADR match at NOC I am going to be on Cena's side.
Well I feel Del Rio needs to be champion a hell of a lot more than Punk does at this time. Him being champion will strengthen his character, I just wish he wasnt such a cowardly heel. The promo he cut on Big Show the week after he got runned down was amazing, it was intimidating and made you fear the man. Thats the del rio I want running around as my WWE Champion

I'm sure Punk will get a rematch at Night of Champions with Cena aswell. Nash better not step a foot close to Punk. Thats not a match I want to see at all.
Alberto Del Rio is easily the best heel in WWE, with the exception of CM Punk (if he still is a heel ? ) Del Rio brings it on the mic and the ring, consistently performing at a high level pretty much every week for the last year. Yeah the Miz is good on the mic but his in-ring work is crap. That along with his promo style/character make it hard for many fans to take him as a legititmate main event player. Del Rio puts on great TV matches with the top stars all the time. Miz will bust out maybe one "good" match like every couple months. Miz may draw a little more heat than Del Rio but some of that is b/c Miz is generally not liked to begin with (x-pac heat). Outside Punk, I dont think anyone has worked as hard to warrent a push than Del Rio. Although I didnt necessarily agree with how fast he got his push, he took the keys and ran with it. In contrast to Miz, who didnt produce anything of value in the ring before he won the strap, Del Rio's fueds and matches with Mysterio and Christian were some of the best of the last year. His match with Edge was a pretty strong showing for a relative newcomer. Id say with good performances and wins over guys like Edge, Christian, Mysterio, and Show, WWE has done a good job to build up his resume as a legitimate main eventer. This along with his promo work being among the best warrant Rio's push.
I'm not a huge fan of Alberto, but now that I see that he'll be feuding with Cena, I'm down with him being champion. Cena working with a guy who can put on a fantastic match? I just sat through 2 months of something similar and I'm not complaining. Cena will make him a star. Look at what he did for Miz and Miz isn't nearly as good as Del Rio. The matches they have will be an awful lot better than the ones Cena and Miz had.

I hope the title reign isn't too long, honestly. I would like to see Mysterio be the one to take the title off of him somewhere down the line while Cena moves onto something else. But for now, I like what they're doing.
I dont think his in ring abilities is an issue. The guy is a better wrestler than someone like Miz. I get why some people dont like him. He has been cutting the same promos since he got drafted on Raw.

Its still too early to judge him. You have to give him a couple of more weeks as champion. See how he does with his angle with Cena. The WWE gave him the title because they feel like he can be a draw for them during the Mexican tour.

Both Sheamus and Swagger were given titles quickly and were criticized for it. Swagger failed, but Sheamus has become a legitimate wrestler for the WWE. Del Rio could go either way.
Generally speaking I have no problems whatsoever with Alberto being champion. With a guy like him it really was only a matter of time.

Well, time may be the only tiny issue I have with this. Alberto is still so new. For years now the WWE has been hotshotting superstars and giving them their first title run way too early in their careers. This trend goes all the way back to Brock Lesnar who was a green-as-grass kid when he won the belt the first time. Next was Randy Orton who got the belt way too early and was far from ready for it.
This unfortunate trend has continued over the years and far too many wrestlers have held one of the two big titles early on in their WWE careers, leaving them without a long term goal. (I'm sorry, but "winning the WWE title for the 7th" time is a sucky long term goal!)
And now here is Alberto del Rio, who won the Royal Rumble, Money in the Bank and the WWE title in his rookie year. He can be in the WWE for another 10 years and his list of accomplishments can hardly become any more impressive.
Before I start there's something I need to do. Don't mind me for a second.


I'm done!

As much as I really hate to say it, this is great for Alberto's career. This is his first title EVER and it just happens to be the WWE title? Good for him.


YEAH RIGHT. We all know who SHOULD be champ (anyone who says Cena gets their mouth taped) and that's CM Punk. He needs to get a rematch, get it back, and end this title run. Let's make this like Jack Swagger, shall we?
That line was good but in no way is awesome on the mic. He was amusing tonight but his delivery isn't the greatest at all he is extremely repetitive. He stil doesn't show the it factor at all on the mic imo. Nothing that makes him stand out as something special. I love his in ring style but he needs to improve on the mic and have some more charisma and meaning so he can get the crown emotionally invested in him. Him having the title now will get him heat from Cena and Punk fans so it will be good for him but if he doesn't have more substance and show more then he will go back to being irrelevant once he looses the title.
This could be good. May be the WWE championship will help Del Rio get over. Till now he has been talking about his destiny which is to become a world champion. Now that he is the World champion, it would be interesting what he has to talk about in the ring. First night as champion was good though.
As much as I rallied for Punk to be champ throughout the entire year, not just the last couple months, Punk's current character is better suited not being the title holder. Some have already pointed out and I think by listening to Punk's promos every week, you see that his character is better off without the strap. Punk is also complaining about something and that's when he comes out his strongest on the mic. He really bests fits the mold of the anti-champion, at least the champion Vince/HHH wants. His tweener like persona is perfect for a title chaser and opens up the WWE title / Main event picture to a broader scope of possibilities. I think Del Rio winning helps both of them. The strap in my mind actually holds Punk back.
A big questions I have about crowning Alberto Del Rio the WWE Champion @ Summer Slam is how long are they going to allow him to carry the championship?

I hope its a lengthy reign (now-a-days that means 2 months). With the WWE set to tour Mexico in mid October I would expect him to be champion, although the WWE could go in a different direction, but I'm not sure why they would. So that gives him at least 2 PPV's to defend his championship. Night of Champions and Hell in a Cell

Based on the ending of Raw I'm willing to bet he will face John Cena at Night of Champions, might see Punk inserted into the match since he got screwed out of the WWE Championship. Although hopefully not, I don't care to see Punk-Cena again for a little while. Hope to see Punk feud with Management. So if I am right we will have Del Rio vs. Cena @ NOC, which I would except Ricardo to help Del Rio retain. Which would set up a HIAC match at HIAC. Which I think Del Rio will also find a way to escape with the title. This will lead him to tour Mexico with the WWE Championship and with 2 wins over John Cena he help establish Del Rio as a household name in the WWE.
I am a big Del Rio fan but i was disapointed that he cashed in at the moment,we all know it was gonna happen because of the tour of Mexico but it should of been done at night of champions or hell in a cell.After punk (the hottest current thing in WWE) won the match 'in a great match' it was a huge mistake for del rio to cash in,WWE have ruined the steam of CM PUNK
I don't have a huge issue with Del Rio walking out as champion. Though I think the timing was way off. The whole Cena/Punk issue needed to be settled at Summerslam so they we come off the event with just the one champion. After all the build up as to which one would it be between the two it seems odd to introduce a third man into the mix up.

I'd also say the Money In The Bank is being weakened every time someone cashes it in and we don't even see any kind of match what-so-ever ! The first time it was cashed in with Edge was awesome as it was a huge surprise. After that one the only cash in I've really enjoyed was RVD at One Night Stand and the whole event that came along with it.

And maybe The Miz just for the reaction of the crowd - that was pretty awesome too.
I actually love Del Rio as Champ he after CM Punk is the most entertaining guy on Raw, hes young, great future, great heel, and Cena will put him over the top

GREAT CHAMP FOR WWE at this point in time

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