Alastor Whines and Lies

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Championship Contender
Your lying stops now. If you continue to lie in the basketball thread, you will receive an Infraction, if not worse (such as temp ban and/or Prison term). Habitual liars like yourself have persuaded me to leave other forums in the past, but I'm Administrator here and I don't have to put up with it. I've dedicated my time, effort and my own money to making this place better and I'm not going to deal with someone constantly lying about what I've said.

If you wish to debate the basketball with me, feel free. If you wish to say I'm stupid because I dare think the best player in the league and the best player in the Finals got cheated out of an award, go for it. But if you continue to lie, you will receive discipline. This is your first, last and only warning.

I angered a fanboy.
Yes, how awful for you to not get away with lying anymore. Poor, poor Alastor.

I find it hilarious it's not enough you have full permission to call me stupid or a dumbass (or even your laughable accusation of a fanboy) or whatever else you want to call me. Nope, you have to throw a childish fit because you no longer get to be a liar.
Ok you win.

I will not argue with you anymore in fear of an infraction from someone who couldn't stand being called out on his fanboyism.

I got an infraction from that? And the post deleted? Clearly I angered a fanboy.
I got an infraction from that?
You got an Infraction for lying. As you were told you would.

I can imagine your surprise when you received an Infraction for lying after you were told you would get an Infraction if you lied again. I mean, who could have seen that coming?
You got an Infraction for lying. As you were told you would.

I can imagine your surprise when you received an Infraction for lying after you were told you would get an Infraction if you lied again. I mean, who could have seen that coming?

What lie was in that post?

Ok you win.
Damn...I got caught lying in the first line. :*(
What lie was in that post?
You accused me of threatening you with an Infraction because you challenged me about LeBron/MVP. That's a lie. I even made it expressly clear (in the PM you posted in the opening post of this thread) I had no problem with you challenging me on the subject of LeBron/MVP, even telling you I didn't care if you insulted me about it. You were, however, threatened with an Infraction for your constant lies and if you were to lie again. Thus your statement you were threatened because of LeBron/MVP was a lie and hence you ended up with an Infraction.

It always amazes me how habitual liars seem to never even realize how much they lie.
As someone who has been to war with Sly as much if not more than anyone else, allow me to give you a bit of advice:

Leave now. You're not smart enough to pull this off.
You accused me of threatening you with an Infraction because you challenged me about LeBron/MVP. That's a lie. I even made it expressly clear (in the PM you posted in the opening post of this thread) I had no problem with you challenging me on the subject of LeBron/MVP, even telling you I didn't care if you insulted me about it. You were, however, threatened with an Infraction for your constant lies and if you were to lie again. Thus, your statement you were threatened because of LeBron/MVP was a lie and hence you ended up with an Infraction.

It always amazes me how habitual liars seem to never even realize how much they lie.

When the argument in the Lebron/MVP discussions is based on the lie that you think I lied...well... I don't know.

Who used the playoff performances to justify criticising the regular season award? Who used points scored to criticise Iggy getting the Finals MVP award? :shrug:
When the argument in the Lebron/MVP discussions is based on the lie that you think I lied...well... I don't know.
You did lie. You continued to ascribe to me a position I never took, even after I explained why your interpretation of what I said was inaccurate. That makes it a lie. Combine that with at least two other lies you were telling in that thread, it makes you a liar.

Who used the playoff performances to justify criticising the regular season award? Who used points scored to criticise Iggy getting the Finals MVP award? :shrug:
See? You're STILL lying about what I said. You just can't help yourself, can you?
You did lie. You continued to ascribe to me a position I never took, even after I explained why your interpretation of what I said was inaccurate. That makes it a lie. Combine that with at least two other lies you were telling in that thread, it makes you a liar.
How is that any difference from the stance you took? You ascribe to the people that disagreed with you a position they never took, i.e hating on Lebron.

See? You're STILL lying about what I said. You just can't help yourself, can you?
And you can't help yourself repeating the same lie too.
Guess you just can't admit being wrong.

What did I lie about? You threatened me with an infringement because I dared to call you out for ranting because Lebron didn't get all the praise you think he deserved.

Hiding it behind infringement due to lying is a cope out.
Guess you just can't admit being wrong.
Again with the can I be wrong about something I said when I know exactly what I meant?

What did I lie about?
You lied when you said I tried to use James playoff performance as argument for MVP. You lied when you claimed I only talked about scoring for Finals MVP. You lied when I showed you why the previous statement was a lie, by trying to turn the conversation to something it wasn't to protest your innocence. You have lied by continually claiming I'm putting other players down. And now you're lying about...
You threatened me with an infringement because I dared to call you out for anting because Lebron didn't get all the praise you think he deserved.
...this. This is another lie. As clearly stated in the PM you posted at the beginning of this thread, you were threatened with an Infraction for lying, not for arguing about basketball/James/MVP (I even told you you could argue basketball/James/MVP, so long as you don't lie about what I've said). Even now you can't stop lying, even though it's obvious you are based on comments of mine you've already posted.

You're a liar. Plain and simple. And I highly recommend you stop lying immediately. Consider that a warning.
You lied when you said I tried to use James playoff performance as argument for MVP.
That was literally your first post in the topic. You

You lied when you claimed I only talked about scoring for Finals MVP.
Except I didn't. I said it was your first argument for saying Iggy didn't deserve the award.

You lied when I showed you why the previous statement was a lie, by trying to turn the conversation to something it wasn't to protest your innocence.
Now you are claiming I am doing something you did when called out for using playoff performances by Lebron to argue why Curry didn't deserve the regular season MVP.

You have lied by continually claiming I'm putting other players down. And now you're lying about...
No matter how many times you try to hammer this home, just admit you were called out for being a fanboy and is desperately trying to change the argument.

...this. This is another lie. As clearly stated in the PM you posted at the beginning of this thread, you were threatened with an Infraction for lying, not for arguing about basketball/James/MVP (I even told you you could argue basketball/James/MVP, so long as you don't lie about what I've said). Even now you can't stop lying, even though it's obvious you are based on comments of mine you've already posted.
That is just a denial of liability talk.

You're a liar. Plain and simple. And I highly recommend you stop lying immediately. Consider that a warning.
I recommend you do the same as well.
Are you tired of grown-up fans arguing over the best player of basketball?
Are you tired of watching basketball?
Are you looking for a sport that requires just the right dose of skill and athleticism, while avoiding malafide physical contact?

If you answered Yes, then you are reading the right post.

Let me introduce you to Cricket.
The gentlemen's version of Baseball, where the batter has a realistic chance of hitting the ball, and the pitcher (or bowler, if you will) has a realistic chance of not dislocating his shoulder.

No underarm deliveries, no blinder hits, no climbing on other people's rear-end doggy-style with full armour, no racing round and round for 200 laps in a closed circuit, no running around from this end to that end while being surrounded by 7 ft giants, no hockey in the ice with CM Punk in the audience...
You can avoid all of that if you give Cricket a chance.
The modern form of the game lasts for only 3 hours, with non-stop action, except only one short break in between.

The USA Cricket Association is recruiting players for the upcoming T20 World Cup.
Unless you mind the idea of money, fame, ladies on both ends of your sofa, or the stars and stripes rising to the top...
Enlist yourself, your son and your nephew, Today!
Are you tired of grown-up fans arguing over the best player of basketball?
Are you tired of watching basketball?
Are you looking for a sport that requires just the right dose of skill and athleticism, while avoiding malafide physical contact?

If you answered Yes, then you are reading the right post.

Let me introduce you to Cricket.
The gentlemen's version of Baseball, where the batter has a realistic chance of hitting the ball, and the pitcher (or bowler, if you will) has a realistic chance of not dislocating his shoulder.

No underarm deliveries, no blinder hits, no climbing on other people's rear-end doggy-style with full armour, no racing round and round for 200 laps in a closed circuit, no running around from this end to that end while being surrounded by 7 ft giants, no hockey in the ice with CM Punk in the audience...
You can avoid all of that if you give Cricket a chance.
The modern form of the game lasts for only 3 hours, with non-stop action, except only one short break in between.

The USA Cricket Association is recruiting players for the upcoming T20 World Cup.
Unless you mind the idea of money, fame, ladies on both ends of your sofa, or the stars and stripes rising to the top...
Enlist yourself, your son and your nephew, Today!

Did you get a job in ICC? :lmao:
That was literally your first post in the topic.


it was your first argument for saying Iggy didn't deserve the award.
And there you go lying again, even after I've told you numerous times the untruth of your statement.

When you feel like you can quit lying, get back to me.
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