A Broken Back? Really?

:rolleyes:I really don't get the Ryder bashing on here but hey thats another debate for another day. I applaud the WWE for giving us kind of a shock angle for once, for giving us something a little slightly different than the programming as of late but I couldn't help but laugh how it was the same old formula. I.E. Heel annoucer (Cole) acting all somber making it look like he cares about Ryder when he consistently bashes him throughout his commentary. OR the fact that we can mention from Jerry Lawler that we have never seen anything like this before...
Some time ago, someone posted a thread about possible directions for WWE films. My reply was a joke about doing a remake of 'No Holds Barred' starring John Cena. I never thought they would actually take my advice! Ofcourse, it's the identical story line to 'Kick Boxer' and the lead up to the final fight in 'Blood sport'. Rocky 4, anybody?

Maybe they plan to get really crazy, and Ryder will make a deal with the devil for a quick return and become Kane's acolyte--maybe even with a mask? They were shooting for some kind of mask wearing record at mania after all?
finally, the OVER-RATED, OVER-HYPED, NO WRESTLING ABILITY, 'my only claim to fame is my youtube show' ZACK RYDER is out of the WWE with a broken back!!!


there's NO way ryder comes back and is able to wrestle once again after lawler claimed ryder has suffered a BROKEN BACK!!

i know it's just a storyline, but unless Ryder is SUPERMAN, there's NO way a real person could ever come back to wrestle after suffering a broken back.

there's NO way.

unless you are as GREAT as RIC FLAIR or SHAWN MICHAELS------which this OVER-RATED punk kid zack ryder CLEARLY is NOT even in their league-----doesn't belong in the same sentence as these two-------NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

let's see WWE creative explain this one when and IF ryder ever returns to the ring.

here's hoping he NEVER returns to wrestle ever again

vince, let's keep the unentertaining RYDER character dead and BURIED

No wrestling ability? Well sir, unless you are a professional wrestler yourself and have gone above the level of being a former United States Champion then you really have no rights to speak of ones wrestling ability because I sure as hell am not paying to see you every night on RAW.

Only claim to fame is his YouTube show?

Last time I checked he has held the United States Championship previously worn by Harley Race, Sting, Luger, Flair, The Miz, Ziggler, Guerrero, Angle...and also held the Tag Team titles at one point.

By no means am I a Ryder mark, but incoherent bashing of talent is slightly foolish IMO.
to scofield,

yes, ryder has held the US title, but unlike its previous LEGENDARY holders (flair, sting, steamboat, austin), he NEVER DESERVED it.

what has ryder done in the wrestling ring to deserve such a prestigious title? NOTHING.

has ryder ever produced a ***** match? NEVER

has ryder ever produced a killer promo to advance a feud? NEVER

he's where he's at because of his stupid youtube show. the WWE never gave a shit about the guy until people got brainwashed by a youtube show which has nothing to do with actual wrestling.

zack ryder DOES NOT deserve the main event or the US championship just because of his 'popular' youtube show.

after all the LEGENDARY talent who have held that title in the past, its a SLAP in the face for ryder to even hold it.

that's why i DESPISE the guy so much.

and for all the talent who actually BUST THEIR ASS in the ring trying to be a success and make it to the main event,

ryder NEVER busted his ass in the ring.

i'm glad kane SQUASHED and BURIED ryder.

i know its just storyline hoopla with the broken back, but i hope we NEVER see this UNENTERTAINING, OVER-RATED, UNDESERVING RYDER ever wrestle again
to scofield,

yes, ryder has held the US title, but unlike its previous LEGENDARY holders (flair, sting, steamboat, austin), he NEVER DESERVED it.

what has ryder done in the wrestling ring to deserve such a prestigious title? NOTHING.

has ryder ever produced a ***** match? NEVER

has ryder ever produced a killer promo to advance a feud? NEVER

he's where he's at because of his stupid youtube show. the WWE never gave a shit about the guy until people got brainwashed by a youtube show which has nothing to do with actual wrestling.

zack ryder DOES NOT deserve the main event or the US championship just because of his 'popular' youtube show.

after all the LEGENDARY talent who have held that title in the past, its a slap in the face for ryder to even hold it.

that's why i despise the guy so much.

and for all the talent who actually BUST THEIR ASS in the ring trying to be a success and make it to the main event,

ryder NEVER busted his ass in the ring.

I prefer it if you used the quote feature.

Ryder never busted his ass in the ring? So i guess you were there by his side right from the start with New York Wrestling Connection all the way from DSW to OVW?

Last time I checked regardless of whether your Henry Godwin or Eugene, you have to give something to this business called WWE to even be hired there in the first place. Your argument of Ryder not busting his ass in the ring is invalid and I am sure peers alone of his own would vouch for that also. Theres a reason why we are behind the TV set and they are on it :)

People got brainwashed to like the YouTube show. I am pretty sure if someone doesn't like what they are viewing they can simply not watch it?

Has Ryder produced a 5 star wrestling bout? Has Stone Cold Steve Austin or John Cena?

Produced a killer promo? Granted he hasn't done that yet, but have creative given him a fued to do so. Time will tell.

Quit being so negative.

here we go, it's just a "herniated disc". I expect him to be back in a month or 2 to go after kane or the US title

i expected the reports to be changed. a broken back was too unrealistic for him to return from.

so a slight herniation of the disc can be recovered from within one month. enough time for john cena to beat kane (and move on to hyping a match with the rock) and then kane v. ryder at WrestleMania
Easy fix:

WWE apologizes. Initial reports were wrong from either wwe error(micheal Cole announcing it wrong which wouldnt surprise me or doctors error. Also announces he's still injured but not as bad as initally thought. Could easily claim he had a severly bruised back/ribs and sprains that can put him out for weeks.

Or WWE just forgets about it like usual, he comes back next week and no one notices....:shrug:

FLAIR , STEAMBOAT, STING, AUSTIN, GUERRERO, MALENKO, all previous US title holders, have all had ***** matches. even as stunning steve in WCW. so i don't know what the hell you are talking about.

and to all you ryder fans out there who are blinded by the wwe marketing machine, face the truth for once:


ryder CAN'T ACT.

ryder CAN'T cut a SOLID promo.

'WOO WOO WOO you know it' is the only thing he says that gets a reaction.

he CAN'T be taken seriously with a GOOFY, JERSEY GIMMICK which in my opinion, ROBBIE E from TNA pulls off 10X better than ryder ever could. (he's a much better performer all around too, and a believable champion)

his backstage segments with eve and kane were some of the LOWEST watched segments in the history of RAW.

the WWE is trying to milk every last penny from his internet fans by shoving him down our throats, but i'm NOT FALLLING for his UN-ENTERTAINING, OVER-RATED, OVER-HYPED act.

you ryder fans need to get off the imaginary bandwagon that the wwe is trying to market with piped in cheers and over-exposure of an UNDESERVING talent like zack ryder .
5 Star Matches are overrated, Johnny Ace produced two of that "legendary matches" and we all know how Meltzer hates American Wrestling, so this argument about Austin or Ryder accomplished that is stupid.

Zack Ryder needs that break to not get stale, to start an emotional involvement with the Universe, to garner some hype and to get his US Title Match again.
I'm almost 100% sure that if Ryder manages to be part of WrestleMania a US Champion, he would probably defend it against Kane.
I'm not sure why there is such a debate on Ryder's future. The one thing I haven't seen in this thread is how strong they made Ryder look during the match, not that anybody believed he would win, but he kicked out many times, and occasionally got a few good shots in. It seemed as though they were trying to create a belief that he just had too much heart to lose. Cole and King were in agreement that he should stop kicking out. I think WWE actually has big plans for Ryder. I see him coming out of this as a top 3-5 face, a guy you could not imagine ever tapping out.
maybe just getting rid of the over done jersey guido gimmick.

But the kid can wrestle. ultimately Id like to see him and Hawkins get back together and actually get the tag division going. Or maybe have him, hawkins & reks work under Kane as his disciples or something. they could have Ryder in a mask or something so the whole "broken back" thing isn't blown away.

FLAIR , STEAMBOAT, STING, AUSTIN, GUERRERO, MALENKO, all previous US title holders, have all had ***** matches. even as stunning steve in WCW. so i don't know what the hell you are talking about.

and to all you ryder fans out there who are blinded by the wwe marketing machine, face the truth for once:


ryder CAN'T ACT.

ryder CAN'T cut a SOLID promo.

'WOO WOO WOO you know it' is the only thing he says that gets a reaction.

he CAN'T be taken seriously with a GOOFY, JERSEY GIMMICK which in my opinion, ROBBIE E from TNA pulls off 10X better than ryder ever could. (he's a much better performer all around too, and a believable champion)

his backstage segments with eve and kane were some of the LOWEST watched segments in the history of RAW.

the WWE is trying to milk every last penny from his internet fans by shoving him down our throats, but i'm NOT FALLLING for his UN-ENTERTAINING, OVER-RATED, OVER-HYPED act.

you ryder fans need to get off the imaginary bandwagon that the wwe is trying to market with piped in cheers and over-exposure of an UNDESERVING talent like zack ryder .

Maybe...you should calm down. Ryder makes money. Good for him. Ryder draws. Good for him. The kid works his ass off and he's involved in a Main Event feud. You people with the "PIPED IN CHEERS OHMAGAWD" bullshit sickens me. There's really no reason for a troll on a thread about Ryder's injury.

In other news, I bet Ryder's gonna be back soon. He's still a tad green in my opinion, but he still draws and the youngins love him. There's definitely gonna be a "mix up" and he's gonna be back soon, unless we hear of a legitimate injury, violation of wellness policies, or something else significant.
What if Kane resurrects Ryder as a heel? I mean, like say at the Rumble Kane comes out for the match against Cena. If SOMEHOW Cena wins Kane gets out of the ring, grabs a mic and laughs and says:

"Cena, you were too late to save your friend Zack Ryder from the hate. Now look at the new man he has become since his resurrection!"

Then POW!, the stage explodes, a dude in a red cloak walks down to the ring slowly, takes off the hood and shows A BALD RYDER. And now he's big time bad and is Kane's little voodoo doll boy basicly. And he'll probably snub everyone who tries to talk with him. Hell, it'd be interesting to watch and Cena's face would be priceless!
What if Kane resurrects Ryder as a heel? I mean, like say at the Rumble Kane comes out for the match against Cena. If SOMEHOW Cena wins Kane gets out of the ring, grabs a mic and laughs and says:

"Cena, you were too late to save your friend Zack Ryder from the hate. Now look at the new man he has become since his resurrection!"

Then POW!, the stage explodes, a dude in a red cloak walks down to the ring slowly, takes off the hood and shows A BALD RYDER. And now he's big time bad and is Kane's little voodoo doll boy basicly. And he'll probably snub everyone who tries to talk with him. Hell, it'd be interesting to watch and Cena's face would be priceless!

And what's more you got a masked Kane and a bald Kane right there. I dunno say Zack Ryder is Kane's son, nephew, pool cleaner, or something. If Kane can be `Taker's brother Zack can be his son. :lmao:
Jesus Christ, of ALL the ridiculous things we "believe" in pro wrestling every week, every day, EVERY MATCH, this is what bothers you? didn't orton "break his neck" or something equally as ridiculous on smackdown. Didn't Mae Young birth a hand? Didn't Kane and Undertaker take turns shooting lightning bolts at each other? Didn't King Kong Bundy reach into Hogan's sternum and pull out a 5 year old hulkamaniac and eat him (pretty sure I heard that in a Hogan promo)? Fuck man, what next? You're telling me that if I push you into 3 cables suspended on the edge of a ring that you won't actually grab the top rope, pivot on one foot, lean into the ropes, then run back dumbfounded (despite just doing a pretty coordinated act) and allow me to clothesline you? WHAT IS PRO WRESTLING COMING TOO!!!!!

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