30 day song challenge

Day Seven-A song that reminds you of a certain event

This song gives so many memories of my freshman year of high school. When we warmed up for football games, this was the first song we played. This song got my hockey team up and running. This song was my sports life.
Day 7, a song that reminds you have a certain event.

I don't like this song... at all, but it reminds me of my high school prom because it was our prom song. I don't know why it was our prom song, it just was.


I enjoyed prom. I liked getting dressed up, I liked being fancy, I liked dancing and socializing and what not... but I did not like this song being our prom song. Nonetheless, it reminds me of prom every time.
day 08 - a song that you know all the words to
Korn- Here to stay

This song was one of my favorites when it came out, I had my mom get me the cd. Of course I got the fucking edited version of it. But I remember just being a zombie to this song, I loved it an had it on all the time. To this day I still know all the words, and sing along to them whenever I hear this song played.
Day 8 - A song you know all the words to.


Apparently, when I was born the first present I ever got was a Leeds Jersey from my dad. And when I was in my early teens, I'ld go over to Leeds with my brother and father and watch matches at Elland Road in the Don Revie End. This year I plan on taking my dad over to Elland Road for the last home game of the season against Burnley, for his 50th birthday.
Day Seven-A song that reminds you of a certain event
The Divine Falsehood- Jfac
This song reminds me of my whole senior year of wrestling. I had it on my mp3 player and was tuneing out before a match my Jr. Year and had this playing. I continued to play it before every match my senior year, because I won my last match my Jr year with it playing before it. Well I had it playing going into sectionals, I got beat one time playing it, I went to districs and got my first ever pin at districs with it. I love it, and owe alot of my matches to it. Because I was a shit wrestler when I went in without music, because music calmed me down.
Day 6: A song that reminds you of somewhere.

Christophe Mae- On S'attache


This song reminds me of my last holiday to France. Our holiday was nearing an end, and we were roasting marshmallow's in the fading light with a good friend who lived beside us. He said he wanted us to hear something, and he brought us a CD. We played it in the car, and loved it. It was a good memory of our holiday, eating melted marshmallows and listening to French music. I still listen to the song, it brings me back to the spectacular heat, endlesss sunshine, and just all the great times I had their, and this song brings me right back to it.
Day 7-A song that reminds you of an Event.

Garth Brooks-The Dance


The event this song reminds me of is my High School Graduation. The Leadership Council for the last couple of weeks of school were putting together a class video and asked all the students to send videos and pictures in they wanted to share on the video. So we saw very little of the video. During Graduation Day before we headed out to the football feild where we were holding the actual ceremony we stayed inside the gym where they had one of those screens/titantron things. They showed us the final version of our class video and the opening song and theme of the dvd was Garth Brooks The Dance. So now whenever I hear the song I remember graduation.
Day 8-A song that you know all the words to
Sad But True-Metallica

This was the second song I heard from Metallica. Like the first one, I became addicted to it. Whenever I hear it, I have to sing it.
Day 8- A song you know all the words to


I got into Dispatch during my senior year of high school, and I realized fairly quickly that they were one of the most amazing bands of my generation. I loved everything about them, and Flying Horses quickly became one of my favorite songs. I spent many a night cruising with friends singing along to this song, it's only natural that I learn all the words.
Day 5: A Song That Reminds You Of Someone

Pearl Jam- Last Kiss


This was an easy one for me. My Grandpa past away this past Friday and the visitation was today. The song lyrics have nothing to do with anything, it's just the song itself. I remember when it came out and my Aunt told us how it was a remake and he sounds just like tho old guy who sung it. My Grandpa really liked the original so my Aunt played it for him to which he replied, "The hell are are you talkin' about? That fucker sounds nothing like him."

Today at the visitation, my Mom had a mix CD of some of his favorite songs on it and this one came up. I had a good chuckle thinking, "You're right Grandpa, they sound nothing alike." Emotional day, but I'm glad it ended with a smile on my face.
Day 8: A song you know all the words to


Great song from one of the first albums I really loved. This is easily my favourite Offspring song and I played the shit out of it when I first got the album, and still love it to this day!
Day 8: Song that you know all the words to.

Toby Keith: How Do You Like Me Now?


This is the last song that I remember knowing all the words to. I'm sure there are plenty of songs that I do but this one popped up in my head. I remember this song when I was going through my Toby Keith phase. I listened to everything from Toby Keith. This song was my anthem at the time and I wanted to just sing/shout this song down the hallways between classes. One of my favorite songs even today.
Well I've seen some people post twice in one day. Plus I was late and I missed a day, so I'm going to do another one.

Day 6: A Song That Reminds You Of Somewhere

Tech N9ne ft. Brotha Lynch Hung & Dalimma- Welcome To My World


This is my shit right here. This was the song that introduced my the Brotha Lynch and made me the huge fan of his I am today. Funny story though, the second verse was actually supposed to be Eminem. That shit would have been unreal.

Anyways back on topic. This song reminds me of my old job when I was around 18-19, Ryan's Steakhouse. My best friend Fej and I both worked there and we each just got brand new systems in our cars. This CD came out right around the same time and this was the song that blew us away.

Fuck I miss that place. Shit work, shit pay, but no responsibilities and getting high in the parking lot on every break. Good times. Every time we hear this CD or rather this song in particular, it always takes us back to that blessed hellhole.
I don't know if I can do this but I couldn't post anything these past 2 days, I'm on exams so... Oh yeah, as I was saying, since I'm late for 2 days I'm going to post two videos.

Day 06 - a song that reminds you of somewhere


This song reminds me, as the the title says, HOME. While I was in Miami, I hated to be there, and everytime I started to listen to this song I almost cried because I was missing my home. Since then everytime I listen to this song, all I can think of is my house, my bedroom, my guitar, my friends and eveything that this beatiful city has ever offered me.

Day 07 - a song that reminds you of a certain event


Again, just like the chorus says, I think of "all the crazy shit I did last night". Well not exactly last night. But like 2 months ago I went to a party and it became completely crazy, in a great way. We went to a bus, everybody was drinking (except me of course) and dancing until we pass to a certain street and we stop. Then someone got up, yep, it was a stripper. Crazy night, all I can say is that the stripper was fucking horny for me and a friend of mine. Obviously I didn't do anything with her besides dancing. Still... what a crazy night, great memories.
I was forgetting

Day 08 - a song that you know all the words to​

Well I have like 3000 songs that I know all the words of, let me see... I know!


"A little piece of heaven" is a great, great song! The lyrics are almost funny and really well written. This song, is hard to sing, not only because of the vocal range, but also the rythm is pretty fast. That's why I'm proud when I sing this song :)
From the Start.

Day 1 - Your Favourite Song.
Marching On Together. Apparently, when I was born the first present I ever got was a Leeds Jersey from my dad. And when I was in my early teens, I'ld go over to Leeds with my brother and father and watch matches at Elland Road in the Don Revie End. This year I plan on taking my dad over to Elland Road for the last home game of the season against Burnley, for his 50th birthday. Sorry for copy and pasting.

Day 2 - Your Least Favourite Song.
Rebecca Black - Friday. This girl gets a lot of criticism, and I feel kind of bad ganging up on her but my god that song is awful. No need to post the awful video.

Day 3 - A Song That Makes You Happy


More like a song that makes me laugh.

Day 4 - A Song that makes You Sad.


Day 5 - A Song That Reminds You Of Someone.
You'll Never Walk Alone. A song my now deceased Grandfather used to sing, that was later played at his funeral. He will never be forgoten.

Day 6 - A Song That Reminds You Of Somewhere
Akon - Beautiful. I don't care for the song, but it was constantly played in clubs while I was in Santa Ponsa.

Day 7 - A Song That Reminds You Of A Certain Event.
U2 - Bloody Sunday. When at a U2 concert this song more than any other, really stood out.

All my days have been rushed but in the coming days, I will give better acounts.
Day 7: A song that reminds you of an event.

Sean Brennan- Come on you Lilywhites.

This is a very local song, very few people outside of my home county will have heard it. So anyway, the song was made when my county reached of the final of the Gaelic football final many years back, the Irish sporting version of the super bowl, though a completely different sport to American Football. The song became the song to be singing if you were from Kildare. We lost the match, so the song went away, as our team went downhill. As CD's came in, the song was all but lost. Last year, our team made it all the way to the All Ireland semi-final, and the song was uploaded to YouTube. I went to that match, and the song just rang through my head, the lyrics setting the scene for anyone from my home county to win, and bring home the trophy, the point of the song. We lost sadly, by an absolute minimum, in an epic match, with an epic atmosphere. Even listening to the song now, I go back to the final moments of the match, where my team hit the post, which would have won the game, so the song is indeed a sad one since we lost, but hopefully it will be a song that makes me happy this year. :)
Day 9- A song you can dance to
Gs Boyz- Stanky leg

No bullshit, my senior year at basketball games the cheerleaders would start doing dances. Well about halfway in the year the whole student body would get into them. A rival school one time came over and during half time their guys and girls started doing the Solja boy dance or whatever it's called. They had it playing on the system, some were dancing. Our cheerleaders went and put on stanky leg and our whole fucking student section was doing it, it was so fun and we put the other school's kids to shame.
Now, I'll be the first to admit, I not the most frequent dancer. Actually, I barely dance at all. This is one of the few songs that can get me to dance. Not "The Dance", but dance. When it was played at my graduation, all of us were dancing.
Day 9-A song You can Dance to
THRILLER-Micheal Jackson
Day 9- A song you can dance to

I can pretty much dance (white boy dance, minimal movement, just enough to not look like an idiot) to any rap song with a good beat, but there are a few that I find myself able to loosen up with. California Love is one of them.


With a beat that solid it's hard not to move your body. Hell, it's the type of song that I almost need to get up to dance to, that's how great the beat is, it's one of those tracks where you can feel the rhythm flow through your veins.
Day 7: A Song That Reminds You Of A Certain Event

Atomship- Withered


Straight to the point, this song was playing on the radio while I was deflowering my ex girlfriend. I had a mix CD playing and we were fucking around, but it happened to be this song playing when the actual act started. Normally, I wouldn't remember such an obscure event, but when the lyrics, "There's a girl in my bedroom, don't you worry she's not breathing" played, we both started laughing since her best friend was literally sleeping right next to us.

I went through a period of time when I wasn't able to even listen to this song since, as women tend to do, I got my fucking heart ripped out and I couldn't handle anything that reminded me of the girl. But over the past 2 years I've finally been able to get over it all and I can once again appreciate this song. It's really quite awesome.

The trim wasn't half bad either.
Day 9- A Song You Can Dance To


Now I am not gonna lie and say I am a good dancer, because I sure as hell am not. I am your typical bloke to moves a little bit while holding a beer bottle in one hand haha, but I am going put the one Oasis song that it is possible to dance to.

I have heard this be played in Indie nightclubs a few times and as soon as it comes on, the dancefloor fills. A great beat, fantastic guitaring, Gallaghers' vocals on top form and its so catchy. I cannot help myself from moving to this tune. Pure attitude, rock 'n' roll swagger and coke fuelled mayhem.

I also am not a good dancer, the only times I actually atempt to dance is when I'm really drunk. The other times are when this song comes on. Something about the song just can't stop me from getting centre stage, and scream the lyrics while jumping up and down. Don't really know if you could consider it to be dancing, but I do. Unfortunatley, The Artic Monkeys were wrong, I don't look good on the dance floor :disappointed: Just hearing it now, makes me wish I was in a club.
Day 8: A song you know all the words to.

The Killers- Losing Touch.

I love the Killers, and I love this song. It was the first song I downloaded onto my phone a few years back, and of course, when you get a new song, you listen to it more than once. I picked up the words rather easily as they are epic. Love the song, know every word.
day 10 - a song that makes you fall asleep
System of a down- Hypnotize
I got this cd and this song a few weeks after it came out when I was younger. I was a pretty big system fan from one of the songs I first seen on tv. I had my mom go out and get mesmorize and then get this cd. I wore that damn thing out, but this song was played alot when I went to sleep. You could cite allmost any song by system as a song that I've fallen asleep to. Countless times this put me to sleep.

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