30 day song challenge

So apparently I'm a few days late on this but I think I'm going to go ahead and jump on in.

Day 1- My Favorite Song

Guns N Roses- Sweet Child Of Mine


It's hard for me to outright label a song as being my absolute top pick, but as of about 2 months ago, this skyrocketed to the the top of my list.

I think the song was originally written for a chick one of the guys were nailing at the time, but this being my favorite song has nothing to do with that. This is seriously the only song that GnR ever made that can truly be labeled as a "happy" song since they usually sing about drugs, sex, violence, etc. They have a few sadder sounding songs, but this is by far the most beautiful thing they have ever written. Slash really out does his self as well, the solo in this song just fucking rocks.

Now 2 months ago, almost to the date, my first daughter was born. When I hear this song it reminds of her with every lyric and I just sit and smile the whole time. "She's got eyes of the bluest skies and if they thought of rain, Id hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain," is one of my favorite lyrics ever. I know it's simple, but it's beautiful.

The mushy stuff is out of the way now and I'm sure tomorrow I'm going to have to trash something hard.
Day 4- A song that makes you sad.

Rather than having any negative emotions attached to this song, this song makes me sad simply because of that it's about.

Tears in Heaven- Eric Clapton


This song may have the most depressing story in music history behind it. Eric Clapton's four year old son was playing near a window on the 53rd floor of a building, and he fell out and died. The song is a tribute/apology to him, with the most poignant message being, "I want to see you again in heaven, but I don't deserve it." It's an amazingly beautiful song, but extremely depressing. As such, I rarely listen to it even though I find it to be a fantastic piece of work.
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Day 4- A song that makes you sad.
Johnny Cash- Hurt


I think of my dad alot with this song. I've posted it before, but Cash was his favorite singer for years. I just can't help but cry every time I hear the man in black sing this song. It reminds me of my dad so much, and now it reminds me of my friend alot to. My friend as some of the guys on here died in a car accident on tuesday. She took treatment last year for drugs, and was one of the leading factors to help me get off the junk I was on. She saved my life even though her life was in shambles. It was never about her, it was allways about me. Now I regret the last time I talked to her, because I told her I was tired and would text her later. And a week later she's gone and I never texted her back.
Day4-A song that makes you sad
Nothing Else Matters-Metallica

By the end of this song, I am close to tears. It always makes me think of passed opportunities. That you had gone on, and it didn't matter anymore.
Day 4: A song that makes you sad.


Aerosmith- Don't wanna miss a thing.

One of my favorites songs of all time. I just love it. Yet, it makes me sad sometimes. I don't know why. I guess it's the losing someone, not wanting them to go, sacrafice, love, and everything else that this song can mean. Sill though, it's a great song and it's incredibly written, and occasionally, it stirs up some sad emotions, and no other songs that I listen to regualry do.
Calle 13 is a latin alternative rap group. They are socailist, so their lyrics are very political. This guys have traveled all Latinamerica and the know every social actor that every country has. With that being said, this song right here explains the "story of my life" about all Latinoamérica. All the way from a battered continent, onto the endless dictatorships. It's almost a very hopeless song until the chorus:
You can not buy the wind.
You can not buy the sun.
You can not buy the rain.
You can not buy the heat.
You can not buy the clouds.
You can not buy the colors.
You can not buy my happiness.
You can not buy my pain.
This one right here gives me the chill. it makes me sad this song. Enjoy it even if you don't understand spanish.

day 05 - a song that reminds you of someone
The Acacia Strain BTM FDR

This song reminds me of my last ex girlfriend so much. It makes me laugh alot, because from the time we broke up till now. She's gone through like allmost twenty boyfriends. She just wants to fuck, and I've actually told quite a few of them.

Your life just fucking disgusts me.
No need for you to discuss me.
I understand exactly why you don't trust me.
I find you fucking disgusting.

Drama from the drama hating drama queen.
Time to suck today's dick.
I hope you choke on it.

You spread disease when you spread your legs.
Time to suck today's dick.
I hope you choke on it.

She's fucking nasty now, she gained a lot of weight. Now I'm not hating on fat chicks, but she's like 5'2 and huge. She died her hair black and started hanging out with her fucking emo friends again. She just makes me sick to look at her. I still try to talk to her, but don't really go over to her house unless she finds me walking or something. Then it just turns into her telling me her problems and trying to cuddle up to me. Fuck that! I don't know what you have!
Day 4: Song that makes you Sad

Joshua Radin: Winter


This song I actually heard on Scrubs. This is the one they played during Ben's funeral. During the actual scene in Scrubs I definately had a couple tears in my eye. Every time I listen to this song now I just get sad now; I can't help it.
Day 5-A song that reminds you of someone
Welcome to the Black Parade-My Chemical Romance

This song reminds me of my Grandfather,who passed away when I was 12. He was one of the wisest people I know. All the things that he said helped everyone.

Day 2: Your Least Favorite Song

Halestorm- It's Not You


My Lord do I despise this fucking band. That song, "I Get Off" is one of the most atrocious pieces of music I have ever heard, but somehow this tops it. I vividly remember the first time I heard this song. I was driving home from work and the DJ on the radio said this is the newest track from Halestorm. I figured, "well it couldn't be worse than the first one." I got to the line, I don't see your name on my tattoo, and I turned that shit off.

I hate it because the music is so obviously targeted at rednecks with the obvious ****eish lyrics. Also they target the women who seem to now think it's ok to be a ****. Like it's some form of liberation.

I know everyone is listing these teeny bopper songs but I can look past that shit since it's so obviously directed at kids. It isn't for me. This shit is played on rock stations which is my music tastes. So I especially hate that they would think I, as a person with a shred of self respect, would listen to this garbage. Fuck Halestorm.
Day 5- A song that reminds you of someone.

D'yer Mak'er by Led Zeppelin


When I was a junior in high school, a friend of mine died suddenly after an undiagnosed heart problem finally got him. I don't know if anyone knows the cause for sure, but I believe he had an enlarged heart, and he just dropped during football practice. He was pronounced dead when he arrived at the hospital.

We were much closer in middle school than we were in high school–in middle school he and I were part of a very tight group that sort of disbanded when we went our separate ways in high school–but we were still fairly close. I know that everyone says this about their friend that dies in high school, but he was literally the last kid you'd expect it to happen to. He was like, number four in our class, captain of the basketball and baseball team, probably would have become a captain of the football team in his senior year. He was friends with everyone, and he just seemed to have everything going for him. He probably would have gone to like, Colombia or Yale or something after he graduated.

I was on my way home from work when I got a call from my friend who was hysterically crying about how she heard he died. I figured it was just a terrible rumor that was circulating, and even though most people took it as fact, I refused to believe it until it was confirmed. After hours of checking the local news channels and websites, something was finally published about him dying. I was upset, but I didn't really know what to do. I didn't cry, I didn't get angry, I didn't get mad or feel guilty or anything, I just needed something to let out my emotions, so I just listened to this song over and over again. I don't know why, I just did.
I like this thread. I'm going to try and stick with it, no promises but I'll try.

Day 1: Your favorite song.
Jeez, starting off with a tough one! My "favorite" song changes daily, pretty much, but I always get back to thinking about this little beauty:

Cliche, maybe, but man I love everything about the song. The sound, the instruments, the lyrics, the voice. Bon Jovi's best song, and it pumps me up every time. I just love it. I can put this on my headphones and get totally lost in my own world, and come out of feeling like a million dollars. What a song.
Day 5- A song that reminds you of someone.


We all have that one song that we think about out respective couple, the person we probably care the most. For me, my girlfriend is this person. I love her and I am in livon with her for almost 3 years and a half now. Obviously we both had our problems, weak moments and sometimes even doubts about this relationship, but when you know it's right, it's right; you only need a little slap to remind you that you love her/him. This song is beatiful and way before I knew the "Chinese democracy" album, I told my girlfriend something like the chorus says: "I've searched the universe and find myself within her eyes".

There are many songs that I can relate to someone, specially to my best friend Juan who was horribly murdered, but that makes me really sad. I prefer to think in someone that I love and is here today.
Day 3: Song That Make You Happy

Len- Steal My Sunshine


May be a but of a weird choice, but it's just fun to me. The music is just really upbeat and I can't help but bob my head whenever I hear it. The lyrics are pretty stupid, sure, but it's really catchy. I actually heard it on the radio the other day and my girlfriend looked at me like I was an idiot for turning it up and singing all of the words.

Be happy I spared you your sanity people, I was really close to posting a song by LFO.
Day 5-Song that Reminds you of someone.

Isreal Kamakawiwo-Somewhere Over The Rainbow.


This was played for my Grandma. She passed away a few years ago. This was one of her favorite songs. We played it at her funeral. This song makes me think of her.
Day 6-A song that reminds you of somewhere
Machine Head - Aesthetics Of Hate

This is a song that my friend Kyle showed me a few weeks after it came out. I loved this song, and the powerfull message it sent to William Grim. He wrote a editorial a few days days after Dimbag dying basically calling metal fans barbaric idoits. He went on to say that Dime did nothing for the music community and basically was a terrible artist. Well beyond that, I along with Kyle would lisiten to that song about daily. So this song reminds me of Kyles room.
Day 6- A song that reminds me of somewhere


Oddly enough, Surfin' USA by the Beach Boys reminds me of my basement at home. It's a furnished basement, and my sister and I had all our toys down there, so you could only imagine how messy that place would get. When my mom made us clean it up, our dad would help and his biggest contribution would be by putting on an old record on his record player. He'd ask my sister and I what we wanted to listen to, I'd always say Beach Boys, she always said Beatles. Now since then I've come around on who the better band is, but this song still reminds me of cleaning up my Legos and trying to make sure my creations didn't get destroyed as I put them back into the bin.
Day six-a song that reminds you of somewhere

This song reminds me of a place with a time. My first year of hockey camp when I was 12, I went to UNB(University of New Brunswick) and had the time of my life. A couple of people I met there loved nickleback, as did I. During lunch, they didn't believe me that I knew this song by heart(a sad fact).I sang it,and the first thing out of there mouth was, that's how that goes. They loved it, and so did I.
ill try to do this every day i might forget about this but hey ill do my best!

heres my favorite song at the moment:


im not the biggest Linkin Park fan but this song is just amazing i cant get enough of it lol
Day 6- A Song That Reminds You Of Somewhere


I do not usually like Akon, but I love this track. It reminds me of last summer when I was on holiday in Egypt. Lying round the pool, there was a big soundsystem that was playing music throughout the day and this was on the playlist, and came on pretty often. I thought it was a perfect song to have playing while sipping a cold beer from the pool bar, surrounded by lots of hot women in their bikinis. Ahhhh that was the life!
Day 6: Song That Reminds Me Of Somewhere.

The Zac Brown Band: Chicken Fried


This song reminds me of a couple places actually. First, a couple years ago I was visiting my sister in Denver, Colorado and that's when I was completely addicted to this song. When I visited I would be constantly listening to this. So it reminds me of my visit to Colorado a couple years ago.

It also reminded me of being at home in Kansas that same summer. This song had me wanting to go to the store get some chicken and have a beer. This song would play in my head whenever I did have chicken or beer or both.
Day 5: A song that reminds you of someone.


This song reminds me of a friend who was down in the dumps awhile back. He hated the way he looked, thought he was weird, thought no one cared for him, and that he'd never fit into normal life. He's much better now that everyone really tried to show him that, there's nothing wrong with them, and people do appreciate what they have to offer. Aguilera, who I don't particularly like, sums up what so many people go through, like my friend, and that everyone, is great, just the way they are, and don't be afraid to be yourself.
Day 4: A Song That Makes You Sad

The Offspring- Kristy, Are You Doing Okay?


Ugh this one definitely pulls the old heart strings. I was 20, 21 years old when this came out and even though the relationship ended when I was 15, it still reminded me of my first real girlfriend in High School. I was with this girl for almost a year and she lost her virginity to me. After a doctor's appointment, her Dad found out about it and proceeded to beat the shit out of her for it. She told me about it and begged me not to tell anyone and like an idiot, I listened to her.

I'm happy to say that about a year later, she smartened up and got herself out of that house and actually made something of herself. I'd still like to punch that useless cunt of a man in his fucking mouth, but she hasn't seen or heard from him in like 5 years so I guess shit worked itself out.

I know it's cliche to say, but if you ever know someone who is going through this shit, tell someone. You don't want to have the guilt on your shoulders if something happened to them.
I may not be a music coniouseur, or a good speller, but I will go for this cause I have nothing else to do. My favorite song is a tough one considering I mostly only listent to the shit music my brother plays on his Ipod in the car or the shit songs on the radio. I got a pretty solid choice though.

Now I like the original version of this song, but this cover is what really made me fall in love with it. Great vocals. She really made it her own and it makes me smile everytime I watch it.


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