2013 MLB Thread

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If I had to make a guess on why Stanton has struggled, I'd say it's probably due to the fact that he's not a great contact hitter and he's probably one of the highest 3 true outcomes players in the league (HR, K, BB). That has the recipe for some prolonged slumps. Still a great player, of course, but the outcomes is part of the package.
How much would you guys be willing to give up in order to acquire a guy like Stanton. Unless I'm mistaken, he's under contract through 2016 so if he were acquired mid-season, you'd get several years of elite offensive production. Of course a player like Stanton would require a package of players that could cost several teams all the name value of their farms system.
A lot. One of the last big hitters I remember on the trading block was Cabrera. Cost the Tigers two top 10 prospects + 4 others. While none of them rose to their potential, that has to be a logical starting point. If Miami wants two top 10-20 prospects for him + others I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Don't think the Tigers would have that much to offer though aside from Castellanos :(
As a Cardinals fan, I can't realistically imagine a scenario that would land us Stanton. We aren't going to flip Holliday and we the presence of Taveras cancels out any neccessity for a bat like Stanton. I mean hell, if the Cards acquired Stanton, I would be ecstatic, but there is zero way acquiring Stanton without giving up Taveras.

Taveras, Miller, + probably another one of our top 10-15 guys would get the job done but that is a hefty price and to be honest, not worth it because we wouldn't be getting that much more production of Stanton than we would out of the combo of our future stars. For all we know, Taveras could turn out to be more productive than Stanton, minus the homers.

Now, if we could nab Stanton without giving the Marlins Taveras, I'd probably give the Marlins any combo of our top ten prospects. An outfield of Holliday in left, Taveras in center, and Stanton in right? Sign me up. Now. But while anything is possible when you're dealing with the Marlins defunt management, I can't imagine them not requiring Taveras.

Therefore as a Cardinals fan's perspective, I pass on Stanton because of the blow it would give to our depth chart.

How about Stanton to the Rangers with a package centered around Profar?
Marlins, easily. As a reliever Rondon will only ever give you 60-70 innings a year. Porcello would much benefit a change of teams (since he can't K league average and the Tigers D kills him) but he'll be nearing free agency soon. Castellanos would be the big piece, but his defense is shoddy atm and he isn't a generational talent like Stanton. He could be quite good, possibly even an all star, but Stanton has the power to hit 50 bombs a year.

Especially when you consider that Stanton is still so young and has so many years left before FA, I don't think that deal would even be close. Smyly would surely have to be involved (as would Porcello) and I don't think the Tigers would want to give away that cost controlled lefty who in as quickly as two years may be the #3 (if we cant resign Fister/Scherzer). If you wanted fair value it'd probably be Castellanos/Smyly/Porcello/Garcia/lower tier prospect for Stanton. Considering all the big money the Tigers already have tied up with Verlander, Fielder, and Sanchez (not to mention future extensions with Cabrera, Jackson, possibly Scherzer and Fister) the Tigers probably aren't well equipped to trade for him atm.

I could see Texas making a package around Profar and Perez (their top pitching prospect) that I think would be greatly beneficial for both teams. Rangers get a bat that could potentially hit 50 Homers in that stadium and the Marlins get one of the brightest prospects in the game.
Jake, as a Cards fan would you wanna see them deal Taveras for Profar?

Also I think the Redsox could easily put together a package for Stanton. I don't think they would though and I honestly don't want them too. Don't get me wrong i'd LOVE to have Stanton in Boston and think he'd thrive big time playing there but that'd probably mean some combo of Bogarts, Bradley, Middlebrooks, Webster and Delarosa and I want all of them to stay in Boston.
Jake, as a Cards fan would you wanna see them deal Taveras for Profar?

I wouldn't necessarily be happy about it. Taveras is being described as our best hitting prospect since Pujols; I would like to see what he can do for our club. Yeah, we need a short stop and Profar will be a star at the position, but I'm not convinced that he will provide the same offensive production that Taveras will.

The only player I would consider swapping him for would Miguel Cabrera, Trout or Harper and neither of those are possible.
Cardinals call up Carlos Martinez and send down Mitchell Boggs. I'm so excited to see what Carlos Martinez does at the ML level. For those who don't know, Martinez is considered our #3 prospect behind Miller & Taveras respectively. He draws comparisons to Pedro Martinez because of his small frame and powerful arm. Not only does he flirt with 100mph, Carlos also has what's considered one of he best sliders in all of the Minors.

In other words, I'm a happy Cardinals fan today.
Cardinals call up Carlos Martinez and send down Mitchell Boggs. I'm so excited to see what Carlos Martinez does at the ML level. For those who don't know, Martinez is considered our #3 prospect behind Miller & Taveras respectively. He draws comparisons to Pedro Martinez because of his small frame and powerful arm. Not only does he flirt with 100mph, Carlos also has what's considered one of he best sliders in all of the Minors.

In other words, I'm a happy Cardinals fan today.

I'm kind of surprised they went with Martinez, to be honest. He's got the talent, but after missing pretty much all of Spring Training, I thought they'd want him to have a few more innings in the minors.

Glad to see they aren't afraid to send people down to try and get the bullpen fixed, though. I know we won the World Series in '11, but watching the bullpen during the regular season was torture and I don't need that in my life again.
I'm kind of surprised they went with Martinez, to be honest. He's got the talent, but after missing pretty much all of Spring Training, I thought they'd want him to have a few more innings in the minors.
Well this could kind of just play as the Major league exposure they wanted him to have in spring but wasn't able to because of the visa issue. Granted, now, Major League games are on the line, but I like the idea of him testing the waters.

Glad to see they aren't afraid to send people down to try and get the bullpen fixed, though. I know we won the World Series in '11, but watching the bullpen during the regular season was torture and I don't need that in my life again.

If we Motte is able to come back, that should solve things; everyone can settle into their roles. If Motte has the surgery, we have to get stability in the bullpen. But it is apparent that they are makin steps to do so. Just got to find the write equation. Mujica, thank God, is cleaning up the mess a little bit.
Well this could kind of just play as the Major league exposure they wanted him to have in spring but wasn't able to because of the visa issue. Granted, now, Major League games are on the line, but I like the idea of him testing the waters.

I don't have an issue with him getting ML exposure, but it makes me nervous. I don't know if it makes me more nervous than Boggs does at this point, but still.

If we Motte is able to come back, that should solve things; everyone can settle into their roles. If Motte has the surgery, we have to get stability in the bullpen. But it is apparent that they are makin steps to do so. Just got to find the write equation. Mujica, thank God, is cleaning up the mess a little bit.

At this point, I'm just waiting for Mujica to start imploding as well. I'm not even counting on Motte this year, because I'd rather he get himself healthy on a proper timeline than rush back and get more hurt.
So the Yankees are in First Place in the American League East. The following players are on the DL:

Francisco Cervelli - Starting C
Joba Chamberlain - 7th inning reliever
Curtis Granderson - Starting CF
Derek Jeter - Starting Shortstop
Ivan Nova - #4 Starting Pitcher
Michael Pineda - Starting Pitcher
Alex Rodriguez - Starting 3B
Mark Teixeira - Starting 1B
Kevin Youkilis - A-Rods replacement at 3B

2Combined that is 7 starters (including Nova/Pineda), 1 injury replacement starter, and the 7th inning reliever. In terms of salary it is upwards of $100M on the DL. And they have the 3rd best record in baseball.

Their starting Lineup on Wednesday was as follows:

Brett Gardner - missed all of last year, solid leadoff guy
Robinson Cano - top 2 or 3 best hitters in all of baseball, Client of Jay Z
Vernon Wells - Angels traded him in Spring Training and are paying most of his salary
Lyle Overbay - Cut after Spring Training by Boston
Ichiro Suzuki - Off to a slow start
Jayson Nix - Utility infielder who is now playing every day
Chris Nelson - The Rockies DFA'd him and the Yankees got him for cash/Player to be named later
David Phelps (Pitcher) - Yankees 6th Starting Pitcher. Prospect
Austin Romine - Good catching prospect, not ready for the big leagues yet. More glove then bat.

That team should not be a winning club. They have the 3rd best record in baseball. Joe Girardi and is probably the early favorite for Manager of the Year. He's got the Midas Touch right now and is winning with a sub-par club.

And all the experts pick for AL East Champs (Toronto) is sitting in last place, 9.5 games back. They should have learned last year that winning the offseason does not equate to winning the season. Everyone was high on the Marlins last year, and the Blue Jays got the same people the Marlins had.
Anthony Rizzo strikes a 7 year/$41 Million extension with the Cubs, with two years of club options after. Yet another piece to the rebuilding puzzle for the Cubs is fulfilled. With Castro and now Rizzo locked in for many future years, the Cubs should have some of their core for the next winning Cubs team. You may wonder why the Cubs would want to extend a relatively unproven player like Rizzo so quickly, but it shouldn't be that much of a surprise. Rizzo gets that guaranteed money and is set for life, and if it pans out and he becomes a superstar the Cubs make out like bandits. Fair deal for both sides, looking at it right now.
Knuckleball in slow-mo:


That shit is raunchy.
I'm not one to boast about your traditional fantasy baseball numbers, but this statline I saw on a Tigers website I visit just astounded me:

Longer term, he's batting .355 / .424 / .668 with 50 home runs and 159 RBI in his last 162 games.

That's just... that's just incredible. A 1.092 OPS in a full seasons worth of games is above every single major leaguers career mark aside from Ruth and Williams. Not that Cabrera is nearly as good as those two or that he can even keep it up, but I thought I'd like to highlight how good the best hitter in the game has been over the past calendar year.

And to follow up on Smizzy's fun with gifs, here's one featuring Miguel Cabrera hitting 6 HR's over top of each other:

This Miguel Cabrera character is pretty good, fortunately Chris Davis has been pretty good, too. O's had to squeak by to earn the series win over the Tigers, but I'll take it. I'm still liking my boys chances of making a lot of sportswriters eat their words. No flukes in Baltimore anymore.
Must give them credit, they're much more legit this year than they were last year. Still think they'll need to acquire an arm at the deadline (perhaps someone like Lee if they take his contract) but they are much more legit, even though some guys regression I'd bet on (Davis mainly).

As for my Tigers, they're slumping and quite underperforming so far. They really should be about 35-20 if you go based on their Pythagorean projection, but they've been awful hitting late in games (2nd worst run production from 7th inning on) and haven't been very good in close games. I expect them to bounce back once Jackson comes back (which should be soon since he's finally taking some BP) but treading water with their lead for now isn't awful. They'll have a bunch of games against the Central to regain their ground.
I'm not sure how the Indians are only half a game back given how terrible we've been lately. We were on fire for a few weeks and then the bullpen got us again. I don't know what team most of the writers have been watching, but my head hurts from shaking it so much when I read them say we have a strong bullpen. They almost always give up two or three runs and it usually costs us a game. I watched them against the Reds last week and I was sitting there waiting on them to give up home runs and that's exactly what they did. If we had even an average bullpen, we'd have a game and a half lead minimum.
Yeah, I don't think Gausman (who's done a respectable job) or the highly-touted Dylan Bundy are going to develop into the ace the Orioles need soon enough to compliment the offensive talent we've got right now. If they could acquire a quality arm to improve their rotation, I'd be a lot more confident myself. As currently constructed, though, I think the Orioles are fine. It was a given that the AL East would be ultra-competitive this season, I just don't think many of us thought that Boston would be leading the pack.

All things considered, I'm just glad that the Orioles are relevant again. That's as gratifying as last year's playoff berth was.
Big news coming out of ESPN that MLB's prepared to suspend 20+ players for the Biogenesis documents, including guys like A-Rod, Ryan Braun, Melky Cabrera, Jhonny Peralta, and others. It would be the biggest drug suspension in American pro sports history.

Huge news. Could really taint the legacy of a guy like Braun, who really got off of a suspension last year based on a technicality. As for the Tigers, Peralta is their starting SS and is having a great year. A loss of him for 50 games and placing someone like Santiago or Danny Worth in his place will really hurt this offense. Hope it's not true, but I'm anticipating the worst here.
Big news coming out of ESPN that MLB's prepared to suspend 20+ players for the Biogenesis documents, including guys like A-Rod, Ryan Braun, Melky Cabrera, Jhonny Peralta, and others. It would be the biggest drug suspension in American pro sports history.

Huge news. Could really taint the legacy of a guy like Braun, who really got off of a suspension last year based on a technicality. As for the Tigers, Peralta is their starting SS and is having a great year. A loss of him for 50 games and placing someone like Santiago or Danny Worth in his place will really hurt this offense. Hope it's not true, but I'm anticipating the worst here.

This is going to be long and ugly and not really accomplish anything. A true testament to Bud Selig's reign as commissioner.

Kidding aside, this really could be a drawn-out affair, and if so, it could really leave a black eye on this season. I'm all for suspending PED users, but this is something unprecedented. It has to suck to be one of those accused who essentially got away with it, but that's what they get. In any case, between the suspensions, appeals, and any other legal proceedings that may ensue, this is going to be very interesting to watch play out.
I don't know how the MLB got Anthony Bosch to cooperate, but this will be a big blow to Braun, A-Rod, and company. A-Rod may never have another at-bat again -- his legacy has deteriorated MASSIVELY over the last few years. In 2007, I thought he'd be remembered as one of the all-time greats, but now I don't even know of he'll make the Hall of Fame. I'm really bummed about Ryan Braun, too. He always seemed like such a good guy, and then this steroid saga began. The MLB just can't get over the hump with PEDs, man. A mass suspension like this isn't going to help the perception that major leaguers are a bunch of juice-monkeys.

I feel bad for Matt Kemp, too. Thankfully, he's not connected to this, but the guy who beat him out for the 2011 MVP is, and you know he's got to have a chip on his shoulder about that. That award should be his if Braun cheated, but I doubt we'll ever see an MVP taken from a player. Still, I don't think anybody's ever going to look at Braun and say, "Oh, he was the MVP." Their first thought will always be that he juiced.

I'm just so tired of PEDs tainting the game. Baseball's going to have a cloud hanging over it for decades because you'll never be TOO sure that the top stars of the era aren't juicing. That's why guys like Ken Griffey Jr. and Miguel Cabrera are so special; Griffey and Cabrera don't get mentioned in steroid conversations, they just talked about for being amazing hitters, and rightfully so. I wish we'd see media outlets going crazy about how great they are/were, but it seems like the media coverage is always about the negative stories.

Things like this always disappoint me. I love baseball because it's just so fun, no guys who cheat like this -- in the face of so many guys who do it the right way -- take away from that. I can only hope there will be a cultural shift in baseball that dissuades players from juicing, but I can't see that happening any time soon. So, while I'm tired of PEDs constantly taking the spotlight in the MLB, I'm happy that guys who cheated will finally get their proper punishments.
Let's be careful before we start assigning suspensions to anyone. To be frank, we have no idea if Bosch's testimony is enough to actually suspend players. MLB may well want to, but the MLBPA is one of the most powerful sports unions in existence, and I doubt they're going to stand idly by and let MLB suspend people based on one guy's testimony - one guy who poses a severe conflict of interest, by the way, since without any corroborating witnesses as of yet he could well lie if it meant avoiding a lawsuit or criminal charges. In an era where drug testing is as advanced and stringent as it is, the only way we can really start accusing people of being cheaters is if they legitimately fail a drug test, or admit to it straight up. We can call Alex Rodriguez a cheater, we can call Melky Cabrera a cheater, but as a result of the era he's playing in and the conditions of the game, it's not fair to call Ryan Braun a cheater, unless MLB can make a sufficient case to overwhelm the MLBPA and actually push through a suspension.
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