2 Moderator Changes

I always thought Xfear was a mod already, man congrats to both of you guys, you certanly deserve it.
Lee is now a wrestling mod. He will also remain moderator of video games.

XFear has returned to the staff to moderate music, tv, and movies.

Congrats on getting what you wanted Lee! And, congrats to X!

We're not done yet, either.

Now I just need to finish my push for FTS...

At least two more spots to go.

Shit. I only have 1 person to push...Someone, find me a second...
I'm thinking Wes...He's the most consistent of the NWS posters, and rarely has a shitty post. Although, he is a Cowgirls fan...
I think Gelgarin would be great if he was on more often. Tastycles or Tdigle would also be great choices, especially for the ROH, Indies, and International sections.
I think Gelgarin would be great if he was on more often. Tastycles or Tdigle would also be great choices, especially for the ROH, Indies, and International sections.

They had said 1 for wrestling, and 2 for NWS, which is why I assumed it was for NWS only they'd still be looking. If they need a wrestling mod, Tasty would be a good choice...

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