2 Moderator Changes

Congrats to both Lee and X. And Lee, may i suggest as a celebration of the wrestling mod power, i suggest you go on a banning spree for all those who claim that Shelton Benjamin should be WWE/WHC champ/ Main Eventing/Anything but fired.

Just kidding, well partially.
Wow you guys are really dishin out the praise huh!?

And why not, people deserve it. This is probably the best Wrestling forum around.
Basically, Luther and I want to be in a position where we can show up just to take credit for things, without ever actually working.
So were getting a mod for every section?

So we're going to have 1,000 mods?
Shocky is going to be killed off in the oncoming weeks. Stay tuned for more.
So were getting a mod for every section?

We have 4 wrestling mods and only 1 NWS mod. Instead of promoting somebody to NWS mod, we decided it would be a better idea to promote mods to single sections. I guess eventually we'll do it with the wrestling sections as well, but as of now we don't need to.
Just a thought - are the majority of the "regulars" moderators?

Not really. A lot of them are but people like myself and TM for example are on here for hours and hours on end. TM has never been modded. So, No.
Honestly, I've felt the forum, especially the NWS, has been all around a lot better and more enjoyable since X returned. He definitely deserves the spot. Congrats, man.

And Lee... didn't know hardly anything about him except he ran the e-fed, liked video games, and hated Shelton Benjamin. But lurking the Board Room... I also found out he's very passionate about this forum and does a lot for it. He definitely deserves it as well.

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