1 Ocarina of Time (N64) v 33 Grand Theft Auto IV


  • OoT


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Went with Ocarina of Time, great game, probably one of the best ever made.

I would of voted GTA IV but it so happened to draw Ocarina of Time.
OOT is amazing. I've only played some on my emulator, untill some stuff happened...but yeah its an amazing game already...and i hate GTA games...therefore i choose OOT
Another incredibly tough match up. Both are amazing games, true masterpieces (despite what Little Miss Ellis thinks) and voting for either would be justified here.

In the end I had to go with OoT. It's just such a towering legend of gaming. I love GTA IV to death, but it's not my favorite in the series (San Andreas FTW). OoT gets my vote here.
Yeah OoT takes this. GTAIV was a very solid game, even if I do prefer San Andreas over it, but that's what really sets the tone for this match. Here you have arguably the best Zelda game, and the best N64 game ever made, vs. in my opnion the 2nd or 3rd best GTA game to be made. Pretty easy choice considering Zelda: OoT is a legendary game in the gaming world. Hell it even spawned a re release when the Gamecube came out.
I really had a tough time with this one. Both are called the best of their franchise, but I don't think so for either. That being said, the one game from both I liked best did not make it this far. So I had to really choose on the games themselves. OoT was a fantastic game, it was incredible. But its legacy has been beat by rival games. GTA 4 however is the biggest reason people bought the PS3 in my opinion. That is the only reason I give it the vote here.
I went with OoT here. I really did enjoy Grand Theft Auto IV, but it just didn't compare to Grand Theft Auto III for me. OoT holds chapters of my life, in its hands. GTA IV holds a few weeks, at most. Now if this were GTA III, it'd be an entirely diffrent ballgame. Vote, OoT!
Ty basically said what I wanted to say. OoT is considered the best Zelda game and probably the best N64 game ever created. While on the other hand you have a solid game but doesn’t compare to others in its franchise. I thought San Andreas and GTAIII are both better games than GTAIV. The problem I have with GAIV is that one would think it’s better than the ones that came out before it but once you play it is solid but it’s not better than 2 of the ones that came before it. Then Oot was actually better than any other game in the Zelda series. I just don’t think GTAIV delivered and I don’t think it’s better than Oot. So I have to vote for arguably the best Zelda game and best N64 game created.

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