Grand Final - (1) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time v (2) Goldeneye007


  • Zelda

  • Goldeneye

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
Well we're here, it's the final of the tournament, there's been some controversial match ups, but we're here now. If you'd have said at the start of the tournament that the N64 would have both games in the final I'd probably have laughed.


So here we go....


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time



Goldeneye 007

Let the battle commence
This is an extremely tough choice, two very amazing games here, but my vote goes to Bond, James Bond. I don't know what it is, maybe I'm just a gun boner, but I enjoyed Goldeneye more than I did OoT. I find it more enjoyable to shoot people with bullets than arrows, but that's just me. Both of these are classics, and you can't really go wrong with either. I went with Goldeneye, but it's just an opinion.
Like GD said, this is a tough choice. I was recently introduced to OoT by my girlfriend (that sounds weird to me), and I really enjoy it. But, I, too am going to have to go with GoldenEye. I spent hours upon hours upon hours playing this game when I was younger. I've played newer FPS games, and GE still has the best multiplayer I have ever played. The single player mode is very good also, I could go pick it up right now and still get a good challenge out of it.

I like OoT, but I love GoldenEye.
Goldeneye gets my vote here as well. I was on the fence for a minute, considering just how great of a game OoT is. But at the end of the day, I prefer Goldeneye, and I always will. Blame it on the nostalgia factor if you will, but it's true. I cherish the memories of playing through Goldeneye as a kid much more than OoT. Infact the only thing I truly remember about the first time I played through OoT was the absolutely epic final battle, which I felt like a million bucks for beating.

But can you vote against it? That multiplayer just sells it. Still one of if not the funnest game ever made.
Why did this have to happen? 2 of my favorite games of al ltime and now I have to choose between them.

After some thinking Im going with OoT due to the fact that I enjoyed it more than 007. I love 007 and still play it along with OoT to this day but like I said I'm not much of an FPS guy. Thoug if more of them were as good as 007 I would have a different opinion.
Hard choice and as seen by the poll above this is basically a coin flip scenario.

Both games are excellent. I was introduced to OoT when my grandparents bought it for their 64 when it came out. It was a very in-depth game and kind of hard to grasp as a 7 year old playing it. Years later, my brother and I went back and started playing it again and beat the whole game loving the experience of the game.

However, this being said, I voted for Goldeneye. I loved this game. This game simple defined first person shooters and had this game not came out, the genre would not be where it is today with games such as Halo and Fallout 3. Although this is a very hard choice for me, I went with Goldeneye for solely the reason above.

Goldeneye in my top 5 games ever, Ocarina of Time is in my top 10 of all time.
Both are great games but i'm going to have to go with Goldeneye. Goldeneye's singleplayer was fun in it's own right but what really made me love this game was the four player multiplayer. I use to spend hours with friends and family playing the game.

Ocarina of Time though was a fantastic game and one of my favorite games.
I was a huge fan of the N64 (still my all time favorite console), and owned both of these games. Goldeneye had an excellent story mode to play through, but multiplayer was the best part of the game. So many lost hours...


I went with Ocarina of Time, simply because of how much I enjoyed it overall. From the great combat system, to the memorable bosses, to all the side quests. This game was almost perfect.

PS: I'm not a Nintendo fanboy, though I may have sounded like one.
No contest, Goldeneye doesn't even belong here.

Fun game, good FPS, set a standard for other devs for console FPS, but no way does this game hold up right now. If you ask me the Multiplayer was bumped down once Perfect Dark came out (which I believe is a better game). Zelda on the other hand, I just beat last month and now I am currently running through Majora's Mask, it will take A LOT of time before these true N64 classics get old.

Once again....

Let The Triforce Reign
Before I get going on the games, I just want to note that two N64 games being the finalists is funny to me, and proves that the entire forum's eyes opened in 1997. Nothing prior ever happened and nothing since is good, in both video games and wrestling. Truly, the Attitude Era of gaming has won out.

I voted Golden Eye because it reminds me of happy memories. I remember skipping class to play it. I remember taking it on the road with us on debate tournaments and staying up all night. I remember the girls coming into our room late to play it and then getting naked. Nothing bad ever happened when this game was on. And I sucked at it.

FPS games really took off thanks to this game. It is a precedent starter, a nostalgic trendsetter that should remembered forever.

I love Zelda. I think that it is the best series in the history of gaming. I just feel that the weakest of the series made the final. Had this been A Link to the Past, I would have made alts just to vote for it. Bot OoT never did it for me like the preceding games in the series.
I'm going to have to go with the devil I know (better) rather than the devil I don't.

I remember playing both way back when. I never did play Zelda seriously - I never enjoyed it all that much - but I'd sometimes play it round my friends' houses or watch them play.

Goldeneye, however, was a truly awesome game. I haven't had so much fun with a multiplayer mode since, well, what I mean to say is I haven't had so much fun with a multiplayer mode until Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Isn't that what videogames are all about? Fun? Goldeneye gave me that in copious amounts and so it earns my nod for tourney champion.
I had to vote for Ocarina here. I'm not a big FPS person at all and I usually stick to adventure games, some rpgs, and a lot of RTS. Goldeneye in it's own respect I'm sure is a great game, just not my cup of tea. I can see how it really is one of the best multiplayer games of it's time, and still holds up there today. Like I said I just never was a real big fan of FPS games.

In my opinion the Zelda franchise hit it's peak with Ocarina which is part of the reason I'm voting for it. Zelda as we all know has a lot of history behind it since the NES and OOT did nothing but add to the prestige that Zelda already had going for it. It changed the series and inspired many similar games, but none of them come close to OOT. If this was a newer Zelda game say.... Windwaker, I would vote for 007 in a heartbeat.

Overall though it comes down to the game that we enjoy the most. I enjoyed OOT a Hell of alot more than I did Goldeneye.
I cannot believe Goldeneye is going to win this, it shouldn't even be close. I own both games so I know which is better, and it is easily OOT. I don't want to sound like I am bashing Goldeneye, I love that game, but it just doesn't compare to Zelda. Since this is the final round, I'll compare the two games in multiple categories:


In Goldeneye, most areas are very dark and gloomy, the far-off mist in most missions(Jungle, ugh...) is very annoying, but the game still looks good.

Ocarina has many vibrant areas bursting with color and the landscape is very memorable, which is expected from a fantasy adventure game. The various bosses are also unique and epic in their own way.

Winner: OOT


Goldeneye obviously follows the movie, but not very well, I'll cut it slack since it does a better job than most movie-based games. In short, people didn't play this game for the story.

Ocarina's story was special because it is the foundation of the Zelda storyline, it makes sense of why everything happens in the franchise, but also leaves many questions unanswered. You also cannot deny that Link vs Ganon gave you a lot more goosebumps than Bond vs Trevelyan.

Winner: OOT


Goldeneye had some good music and the sound effects were satisfying, but didn't have as much variety as OOT.

Ocarina's music was brilliant from beginning to end. All of the music in this game rocks, especially Gerudo Valley's theme and the fight with Ganondorf. The sound on the other hand isn't that great, Navi bawling in your ear every 10 seconds is OOT's only kryptonite.

Winner: OOT for music, GE for sound


Goldeneye's biggest weapon against OOT is it's multiplayer, it was Godly at the time, but most gamers today would rather play with 30 people they don't know online than play with a couple of real life friends in the same room. The single player campaign is OK, but the difficulty is ridiculous(although it is a cake walk compared to Perfect Dark), the most I can do is beat every mission on Secret Agent, and only a few on 00 Agent. I have been playing this game On and Off for 12 years now and I had to finally put in the codes in order to beat every mission on 00 Agent. Maybe I just suck, but it is never a good thing when you are forced to cheat in a game.

Ocarina's gameplay speaks for itself, the difficulty is right on, the items are fun to use, the collecting adds more to the gameplay and isn't over the top, and the overall adventure never gets old. This game doesn't need multiplayer since it is the King of all single player games. I would say the same for Goldeneye and multiplayer, but there are people who sadly don't have real life friends or their friends don't like Goldeneye(for some ungodly reason).

Winner: OOT

So, there you have it, my reasoning why OOT is the better game and why you should vote for it, but if Goldeneye wins, I wouldn't care, it is still one of my favorites.
I have to go with 007 on this one. I just loved it more than any other N64 game I played. It gave me endless hours of enjoyment and in fact, this tourny and seeing this game again, makes me want to buy a N64 on ebay, get this game again and play the hell out of it.
I've voted OoT, if you want to know my reasons read any previous round it's been in. That being said Goldeneye is a great game made pretty damn good by its Multiplayer options, many an hour were and still are wasted playing that game. A game that my sister enjoys playing must be good :p

Vote Zelda

Winner of the WZ Video games tourney is Goldeneye 007
Huzzah! Goldeneye takes it. Nice. OoT, great game, but it goes to show the appeal of Goldeneye that so many of us turned out to vote for it. Goldeneye gets the win, and I'm damn glad to see that. A great game truly won this tournament.

Everyone should thank Lee for his hard work during this entire tournament, he did a damn good job, and we started some really good discussion here. It's good to see that alot of us on here are big video game nerds as well.

Congrats to Goldeneye, thanks to Lee, and damn good tournament everyone! Another one in the books...
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