Recent content by hawaiianbulldog

  1. H

    WWE Roster Cuts, Should Be Released, and "Future Endeavored" Discussion

    Yeah this doesn't come as a shock to me, not only the arrest, but the fact that the Wwe is sending all ECW stars to raw or smackdown and I knew that there would be releases that I wouldn't agree with. Though I would have liked to see him have a feud or two with superstars who can cut a good...
  2. H

    Theo's Request Kingdom!

    For some reason the sig you made me is not visible by my computer. is there any way you could repost it ? thx.
  3. H

    Theo's Request Kingdom!

    Damn I can't see the sig you made me, thx to my computer. I'm sure its good, I'll check back soon and hopefully I can see it.
  4. H

    Theo's Request Kingdom!

    Okay I would like a TNA sig: With a cool background and the text should be: "Cross The Line" the wrestlers in it should be: the Pope, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Mr. Anderson and Matt Morgan. Thanks, I will give you credit.
  5. H

    Hey Look, It's Tomko

    I have no idea why TNA brought back this guy. He is out of shape, sells moves like a 6 year old and his in ring work is poor. I can name a good amount of guys who should have had Tomko's place in the 8 card stud. All this guy has going for him is a cool name and a past with TNA. If you ask me he...
  6. H

    You pick the IC and US Champions

    IC: I have to go with someone who really deserves it and that person is... Matt Hardy. He is hard working and has the skills in the ring to put on good matches for the title. Plus I hate his current role as jobber. (runner ups: Kane and R-truth) US: This one for me could go a couple ways. I'll...
  7. H

    Exercise- PPV's One Year Later- Compare the matches

    Okay, I'm going to do something a little different. TNA Genesis 2010. Here goes: Amazing red v. ? (x division title) hmm they must have pushed red as a spot monkey face. cause there is no way he could pull off a heel character. i hope whoever the mystery guy is beats him. Sean Morley v...
  8. H

    How do you like this ???

    I give your TLC one a 7-8 but i agree it needs a border.
  9. H

    Would You Welcome Another Rey Mysterio World Title Reign?

    I like Rey don't get me wrong. His in ring work is fun but every time he is champ I hate him on the mic and he can't be taken seriously. I would not welcome him as a World Champ. He belongs as a top mid carder or having a feud with someone like Batista but not for the title. For the world...
  10. H

    Turning Point 6-Man Tag: Team 3D & Rhyno v. Matt Morgan, Hernandez & D'Angelo Dinero

    At first I most say I was surprised by the choice of the Pope teaming with Morgan and Hernandez but I have a theory. Team 3D and Rhino attack the Pope taking him out of the match and Jesse Neal steps up but ether way this should be a good match, with all the mix of styles and gimmicks.
  11. H

    What young talent on Raw should be pushed to face Cena?

    It was an easy choice for me I am a huge Swagger fan and I really want to see this feud happen Jack has all the skills and good mic to have a long feud with Cena. At this point it seems that the whole "unbeaten" thing could push Jack into the main event scene witch I would love to see happen...
  12. H

    Is a Mark Henry/ MVP feud on the way?

    I see 1 of 2 things happening, 1 MVP/Henry feud with Ted/Cody for what should show some strong matches and maybe a few nice promos or 2 one of them turns on the other and they have a dreadful feud. if situation 1 happens it will be very good for both teams because although Henry should turn...
  13. H

    [Official] Team Samoa Discussion Thread

    You have to pick Samoa in this. Italy is a joke Puerto Rico just is not on the same level as Samoa. So with that being said the Samoa team of: the Rock, Umaga, Samoa Joe, and maybe the headshrinkers that would be awesome so I have to give my vote to Samoa because they are the only team I...
  14. H

    Which Was The Best Iron Man Match?

    I picked HBK vs Bret Hart. The match was such a landmark it was simply awesome and when you think about an iron man match it is the gold standard of all and is by far better then any other iron man match in WWE history with all the elements how could it not be? it had 2 great in ring...
  15. H

    MD31 - Lethal Lottery Qualifying Battle Royale (Development Only)

    We see Duke Miles backstage with Stacey Madison. Stacey: So Duke, I bet your not so thrilled about coming to WZCW now are you. Duke: You know something, Stacey, your damn lucky your not a man because if you were I would mold your skull to my fist!! *Duke takes the mic from Stacey's...