Hey Look, It's Tomko


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
I completely forgot he was a member of TNA until he jobbed to Angle.

He went from a stupid promo in the middle of AJ's mystery attacker angle, and then actually came out as the attacker, and then vanished. I get that he couldn't exactly be a heel, and keep attacking a now-heel AJ, but it makes me scratch my head. Why have him be the attacker, if they knew this was coming? Why keep the attacker angle? Why keep Tomko?

At least he lost to Angle, in a tournament he had no business entering. How is he one of the 18 best in TNA (adding in AJ and Joe)?
From where I'm sitting, he is completely useless right now. Tomko has never been that good to begin with, and he looked painfully out of shape during his match on Impact against Angle. He either needs to shape up if he wants to be taken seriously or enjoy his place as TNA's equivalent to Kane: A jobber who has credibility solely due to their size.
From where I'm sitting, he is completely useless right now. Tomko has never been that good to begin with, and he looked painfully out of shape during his match on Impact against Angle. He either needs to shape up if he wants to be taken seriously or enjoy his place as TNA's equivalent to Kane: A jobber who has credibility solely due to their size.

I meant to mention that in the OP...Damn.

You're right though. He's too fat to be a powerhouse, and not big enough tobe dominant, a la Albert or Kane. He either needs to put on some muscle, so he can be taken seriously if given a push, or he needs to put on some size, and become a powerhouse freight train. The problem with either, is that those roles already exist in TNA. Rhyno is the dominator, and Morgan and Hernandez are the powerhouses.
I think the AJ turning heel thing was a Hogan/Bischoff decision. I think TNA had the attacker angle figured out before Hogan/Bischoff took over and changed things up. It's just anti-TNA to have a storyline go bad because of a heel-turn.
Tomko's return was mishandled so poorly. I said that the moment the reveal was pulled off. TNA waited until the cannon exploded before trying to cut the fuse, and unfortunately for them it exploded in their face.

The attacker angle needed to come to fruition before Genesis, and they failed. They failed to accomplish a suitable finish to the angle, which ultimately left it with no direction other than "someone keeps attacking AJ". It went no where fast.

I said then, and I'll say it again – the way to pull a reveal like that is to have Tomko side against AJ with Daniels. Tomko had all the steam at the time seeing as the three-way match AJ/Daniels/Joe had at Turning Point was focused primarily around the three of them being friends. AJ and Tomko have a history of friendship as well, which would have given a tremendous amount of heat to Tomko for betraying his friend at the PPV by revealing he was the one who had attacked him in the first place.

Had TNA put the strap on Daniels at Turning Point (2008) by having Tomko reveal at the PPV – effectively screwing both AJ and Joe out of their title shots, it'd have held meaning. It'd have established Daniels as an instant heel – something they continue to struggle trying to get him over as to this day – and the AJ/Daniels follow-up could have easily continued through to Final Resolution (2008) culminating in the blow-off match with a stipulation that Tomko was banned from ringside (with Samoa Joe as the enforcer).

TNA dropped the ball, and despite his being out of shape (due to injury), Tomko paid in full for it.
Yeah I also didn't get as to why TNA would bring back Tomko. I had hopes for him when he had his first run in TNA especially when he broke out on his own against Christian Cage a couple years ago. Now, he's gain weight, he's got man boobs, and hasn't really improved in the ring.

Then again, TNA always made him look weak for a big man. I think it's because supposedly he has an ego backstage because of his looks. He's another one of those big guys that think they can get a main event push right away because of their size. That right there has to be why he's being held back.

But how are you going to have an "attacker" angle building up Tomko's return and then have him be a jobber after months of build-up? Explain that to me.

I'm starting to believe that Tomko isn't really meant to be a wrestler. He went from the WWE to TNA and Japan and then tried to go back to the WWE. He had his chance to become a rising star and he wasted it.
Tomko is a fat piece of shit at this point, and I am in utter disbelief that TNA has signed this man in the condition that he's in. He's fat, out of shape, and is noticeably slower in the ring than what he used to be when with WWE. It's no wonder WWE cut him, however there was no reason he should have ever been re-signed in the first place, without checking the guy out for his physique before signing him.

It's rather obvious that the AJ Heel turn seemed to have come out of nowhere, because it made no sense to do this Attacker angle for weeks, only to have AJ turn Heel so fast without getting into a program with Tomko.

Tomko needs to be cut pronto. I honestly don't know what TNA sees in the guy.
I thought Tomko could have been a decent midcarder for TNA or WWE. When he was tag champ with AJ, I really thought Tomko would break out. That obviously didn't happen and he went back to the E. When I heard that I thought he could have made himself a nice place and become ECW champ or one of the midcard guys. Then he gets hurt and is released. Then he goes back to TNA. This time I didn't expect much and obviously it looks like that is what is going down. It looked like he was going to get pushed as AJ's attacker and potentially fight for the world title, that obviously failed and now Tomko is pretty much an enhance talent to make others look better.
I have never been impressed with Tomko. I have tried to like him but I could just never get into him. I know he's a pretty decent wrestler and is pretty damn good in Japan teaming with Giant Bernard. I don't see a place for him on the roster anymore and in my oppinion they should just let him go, cut their loses, and attempt to put someone else in his spot or try to aquire a mroe talented big man if they want to go that way/
I think it's pretty safe to say that Tomko is a waste of time. He just feels out of place now among the new guys, as well as having no USP (Unique Selling Point for you non-business fans out there) He can't be a Powerhouse because they have that covered with Matt Morgan and Hernandez, and they have giants like Abyss.

And even worse so considering the big reveal for Tomko was done so poorly it killed any momentum for him coming back. Trim the fat TNA, he has no place among the roster.
I think it's pretty clear what happened. The "mystery attacker" angle was something from the old regime, before HOgan-Bischoff. They had no interest in making that a big deal, so they decided to just blow it off on an Impact, to at least give closure to the angle, and not just mysteriously drop it. Bottom line, in Hogan-Bischoff's eyes, AJ Style is a main event player, and Tyson Tomko isn't, so they minimized their interaction, let AJ get a relatively easy, clean win over Tomko, and now they could move on from that angle. Pretty cut & dry stuff, IMO.
I have no idea why TNA brought back this guy. He is out of shape, sells moves like a 6 year old and his in ring work is poor. I can name a good amount of guys who should have had Tomko's place in the 8 card stud. All this guy has going for him is a cool name and a past with TNA. If you ask me he won't be around for long.
Tomko has never impressed me in the slightest bit. Not his look, not on the mic, not in the ring, nothing. If Tomko were 5 inches shorter, nobody would even know his name.

When WWE resigned him, I was worried that they'd actually use him. Thankfully, that didn't come to pass. As far as his standing in TNA with the attacker angle, well, as stated by others above, that was poorly done and the AJ heel turn completely changed the game for it. But really, would any of us bought into Tomko being a possible person to take the title away from AJ anyway? He'd have been down to the position he's at now or a tag team wrestler in no time even if they went ahead with the angle.

Really, Tomko just needs to be released. He'd probably be ok in the indies with the other guys that can't really perform at the required WWE/TNA level, and he should just go ahead with trying to make the rest of his career in that type of location.
I think Tomko had a bright future back in 2006-07, when he and AJ were part of the Christian Coalition and the Angle Alliance, while holding the tag team belts for a good while. He had some singles matches on Impact where he completely destroyed the competition to the delight of the crowd. If there was ever a time to pull the trigger and give him a real push, it was then.

But this is now. After leaving the company, pursuing an "MMA career" in Japan or whatever, then coming back to the States only to get released by the WWE after having an underwhelming dark match...it's apparent his best times have passed him by, and he is lost in the big man shuffle in TNA. As NSL and others have pointed out, they already have the services of Abyss, Morgan, Hernandez, Rhyno, and Nash. Tomko just seems to be filling out a roster spot and going through the motions.
Tomko's sole impressive thing in his career is saying "no" with perfect comic timing 5 years ago. That's literally the only thing that I have ever given a shit about that he has done. His return seves only to prove that TNA doesn't really have a cohesive plan going forwards - he'd never have been attacking AJ, if AJ would turn heel a week after he was revealed. A totally bizarre situation, and I think his stay in TNA will probably be barely longer than his recent foray into WWE.
I too had forgotten completely about Tomko. I've never been impressed by anything he's done. I didn't care about him in WWE. When he joined TNA, I didn't care. When he left TNA to re-join WWE long enough to work one dark match, I didn't care. When he was revealed as AJ's attacker, I didn't care. When he jobbed to Angle, I didn't care. When NSL's thread reminded me that Tomko is still with TNA, I didn't care.... oh, and did I mention I don't care about Tomko? lol

I don't get why they brought him back honestly. TNA has so many new people who came in recently and Tomko would have gotten lost in the shuffle even before Hogan etc arrived. The attacker should have been Daniels, however that's a topic for other threads. There is no reason to keep the attacker angle unless Tomko is turning face (Please, no!!!!) plus even then AJ has better faces to feud with. There's also no good reason to keep Tomko unless he is going to be a jobber. They could always use more jobbers. I don't see him getting another push, but then again I didn't see him retuning to TNA either. I never liked him and chances are I won't anytime soon because he's boring enough that I completely forgot he was a member of TNA at all.

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