Genesis: Hogan's PPV Debut

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
As the teaser poster shows, Hogan's pay-per-view debut for TNA will be in January, at Genesis...How do you think he will arrive? Will he be AJ's attacker? Will he form a new Main Event Mafia with Steiner? Will he use his connections with Nash to steal Eric Young's title? There's a lot of possibilities, some more horrible than others.

I'm not going to hide the fact that I wish this signing never happened. I don't see any good coming of it. The best chance for any "good" coming, is if his arrival is small, and non-wrestling oriented. If he shows up at Genesis, and closes the show with a promo, or even opens the show with a promo, and leaves it at that...I'd be fine. Fat chance at it actually being that way though.
Hmm, I doubt that he's going to come in as AJ's attacker. Putting him immeadiately into the title picture against AJ just wouldn't make much sense to me at all. I don't see him recreating the MEM either, I think that everyone has had enough of that. Simply having Steiner pretend it still exists is fine with me.

I'm think the most likely scenario is for him to come in and get involved with Nash in some way. Maybe not actually wrestle, but possibly try to fight Foley for control of the company or something like that. It'd be an interesting storyline that'd produce some badass promos and could feature Hogan without having him wrestle that often.

Honestly though, there are a million ways he could debut. I'm thinking the first one is just going to be him appearing or cutting a short promo, similar to the debut of Angle or Foley. As times goes on though, it's inevitable that he'll play a bigger role in the company, like it or not.
Anything can happen.. I just hope tna knows what they are doing and what they are getting theirselves into. Just because they signed hogan doesn't mean thats a good thing. I just wish they'd start going back into the right direction and become the tna i use to love the tna that had team canada,and a decent tag team they dont need to have other tag titles from different promotions. Like team 3d winning the iwgp i have nothing against team 3d but isnt the tna tag titles enough?.
There's no telling what'll come about when he makes his TNA debut. We're not really even sure what his actual role within TNA will be. Going by what Hogan has said himself in various interviews and press releases, he's going to be running TNA. That might be just typical Hulk Hogan bluster, which is what I'm hoping because I have little to no faith in his ability to run TNA.

If he does something like cutting a promo, announcing there are gonna be changes in TNA, how he's gonna turn the company around, and all that shit, then I'd be ok with that. If he tries to stick his nose in the world title picture by announcing that he is AJ Styles' attacker, then any minute faith I have in the man will ge gone right then and there. Putting himself in the title picture would be a classic example of Hogan's ego trumping everything else by putting himself over at the expense of others. I'd say that would be one of the worst case scenarios. I've no interest in Hogan being an active wrestler for TNA. His time is passed and its time to settle in for some sort of a different role.
As the teaser poster shows, Hogan's pay-per-view debut for TNA will be in January, at Genesis...How do you think he will arrive? Will he be AJ's attacker? Will he form a new Main Event Mafia with Steiner? Will he use his connections with Nash to steal Eric Young's title? There's a lot of possibilities, some more horrible than others.

I'm not going to hide the fact that I wish this signing never happened. I don't see any good coming of it. The best chance for any "good" coming, is if his arrival is small, and non-wrestling oriented. If he shows up at Genesis, and closes the show with a promo, or even opens the show with a promo, and leaves it at that...I'd be fine. Fat chance at it actually being that way though.

I have a feeling that Hogan will NOT debut as AJ's attacker. It might be cool if they do a storyline where AJ accuses Hogan of being the attacker but then they are able to prove it is someone else. It could lead into matches between AJ & Hogan, then AJ & whoever the attacker is. Not that I'd really want to see the AJ VS Hogan match, but it would probably get a few buys in for a PPV just because it has not been done before, and it would make it more interesting when we find out who the real attacker is.... but knowing TNA they will mess it up somehow.

The idea of him forming a new Main Event Mafia with Steiner and Nash is a lot more likely.... but I do not really see this happening. Sure, Hogan's heel turn was the most shocking moment in the history of wrestling, but that was 10+ years ago. I think that he will debut as a face, and stay that way, unless the ratings and PPV buys remain unchanged.... THEN they might turn him heel, and a new MEM group with him may form in the process.

Most likely he I think he will just come out, cut another promo about how him being there will take TNA to the top making them the best federation in the world, then some random heel like Joe or Eric will interrupt him and try to get a lot of heel heat from it. The heel will probably try to knock out Hogan with one of their finishers, then the show will continue after the announcers put over the segment as being "terrible that someone would do that to HOGAN of all people". Then once Hogan recovers, he enters a feud with that heel.

That right there, is what I can almost guarantee will happen.
I just saw the video hyping Genesis on the TNA website. Besides hyping the "TNA PPV debut" of Hulk Hogan (in whatever capacity that may be), they also mentioned that "the best wrestler in the world will be determined."

I wonder what this may bring about. Perhaps the Angle - Lashley feud we have been waiting for?
I just saw the video hyping Genesis on the TNA website. Besides hyping the "TNA PPV debut" of Hulk Hogan (in whatever capacity that may be), they also mentioned that "the best wrestler in the world will be determined."

I wonder what this may bring about. Perhaps the Angle - Lashley feud we have been waiting for?

If it's to determine the "Best Wrestler In The World", and the poster is pushing Angle and AJ, I'd bet that's the title match. Maybe AJ takes sides with Jarrett and Foley, and since Hogan "isn't stepping in the ring", these would be the two actually doing any physical work.

I'm sure it would be a classic match, but the booking is all just a big clusterfuck. I'm really hoping that Hogan just appears on the 4th, and then goes back in his little hole, hidden in some closet where cameras can't find him. Same for Hall, Waltman, and hell, even Dixie.
It has to be Aj vs Angle IMO. Which is surprising, given its been teased - I thought long term booking had been scrapped. I hope they dont drop the AJ attacker angle (even though its obvious who it is) because I think they may give that legs, when it should have been a short term angle to start the Hogan era with.

I am expecting Hogan to put himself in the ring but hopefully it will be short term. I dont want to see it but the least he can do is work with someone younger and put them over.
Hogan will probably make some huge announcement. Maybe this announcement will be about the situation with Foley and Jarrett. Seeing as a Hogan/Jarrett feud was teased, when Hogan cut that promo on him, and Foley has been itching to get a face to face with the Hulkster, I don't really see anything else he could do. I don't think he will be revealed as AJ's attacker. I hope this doesn't happen for one reason, it will put even more spotlight on Hogan. By having revealed him as the attacker to TNA's world champion, it would put even more focus on Hogan because this is a storyline that's been developing for a while.
There's only 8 matches listed, and no sign of Hogan or Jarrett in the line-up. Anyone else think that could be an extra match, or at least a segment, with the two brawling in the back?

I'm not gullible enough to believe that Hogan will make his PPV return, and not get involved physically with someone. It's just not easy to believe.
Everyone likes to jump on the Hulkster dont they. Doubting his ability to run TNA when Bishoff will really being running it along with Help from Hogan.

One of the first things they do is put a young tag team over by having them fight Hall and Nash. To the new fans who just see Beer Money Inc as rednecks with a beer in thier hand they are already put over win or loose. All they have to do is make the new fans say hey they are not that bad. We know wrestling is fake its up to Beer Money to make people interested and lets face it like so many other talented youngs guys in TNA they want be able to do it on the mic.

Hogan is even sticking to his role and stayin with fueding with old guys like Foley and Jarrett. I dont see him fighting AJ for the world title anytime soon and if he did AJ should thank Hogan for it. Alot of people who left wrestling or new to TNA have never seen AJ. Hogan is bringing in new fans its up the the young guys to bring the ring talent. Which i must say Motor City Machine Guns vs Generation Me was damn good.

please kill off Creed and Lethal they need better gimmicks.
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