WWE RAW LD 3/14/2011 - A Career Could Be Washed Ashore

Nothing makes sense about avoiding getting fired by invoking a mental illness the company apparently knew about, revealing that you somehow faked the illness, and then still not getting fired. Not one thing.
I can't be arsed to think in those terms. People like who they like and sometimes people are attracted to assholes.
I'm a little late to the dance on this one, wasn't home all day.

But on the topic of facial expressions, Orton is just goofy. Come on, Nick.

Come on, Nick? You didn't think he looked fucking insane last night? Like he was ready to kill someone? It's called acting. I'm fairly certain I've read that you study acting, no? Facial expressions are important while performing, and it's part of an on-screen character. It worked.

And yeah, he gets great reactions. He's just clueless as to how to take advantage of that once the match actually starts though. He's still working the same formula he was a heel, all slow and "Viper" like, it's the opposite of how a babyface should work to get the crowd fired up and involved in the match.

The only problem I have with this is you believing Orton needs to adjust his style. They started cheering him for doing heelish things. Why would anyone who likes Orton want him to change? I'm obviously in the minority about this around here, but I'm definitely in the majority among all fans. If I weren't, he wouldn't be getting the reaction he's getting.

It doesn't help that he's been booked as fucking unstoppable, I can't remember the last time he was pinned clean or dirty, the guy constantly goes over. Which is another problem with his feud with Punk, every week he beats the fuck out of all of Nexus and they never get the better of him. How are we supposed to take Nexus and Punk as a threat to Orton if he disposes of them with ease on a weekly basis? They should be taking cues from how Miz and Cena has been booked, with Miz beating down Cena each week leading up to their match. That's how you book a damn feud.

Unless, A. They plan on having Punk win at Mania, or B. Punk takes control starting this week.

ICM Punk has been dragging that thing to relevance for 3 months now. I'm honestly glad they cut the fat, because those 4 guys are so damn green their painful to watch.

Totally agree. This thing has been stale and nearly dead long before Orton started punting them back to FCW.
And if he wouldn't have gone a bit over the top, he would have been called robotic and unemotional. With certain people, the guy can't do anything right. Amazing.
I'm sure there's a healthy middle ground. But you're right, Randy Orton just won't be able to find it.

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