Welcome all New Members (If You Are New Post in Here)

Hi everyone,

I forgot to post in here when I first joined, so I figured I'd do it now. My name is Jeff Mirro. I'm 25 years old and I'm from Northeast Pennsylvania. I've been watching wrestling, mostly WWE/WWF, since around Wrestlemania 5.
Hello New people.

I am FTS and I am one of the mods of the WWE section and the mod of The Cigar Lounge, which is our politics, current events, philosophy, etc. section. If you have any questions about those sections, or anything else on the forums, please, don't hesitate to contact me. I do have a job, so if I don't get back to you right away, I am likely working, but I am more than willing to get to your questions as soon as I can.

Please, read the rules (Rules Bitches) and enjoy yourselves.

Happy Posting!
hey all i've been looking around this forum for a while know and finally decided to join hope to post some awesome threads in the future :lol: :icon_biggrin:
Hi everybody, the name’s Trigger and I’m new here but I’m no stranger when it comes to being a fan of pro-wrestling. There are individuals I know who see it as ‘too violent’ or ‘so fake’. Me? I watch them for entertainment, and I highly respect the wrestlers because they put their bodies on the line and that they spend a lot of time away from home.

As much as I enjoy serious wrestling by Sabu, RVD, Styles, Flair, Stone Cold and such, I mostly enjoy comedy wrestling because I’m a big fan of… well, comedy. Let it be known that I’m not just some ‘happy-eater’ when it comes to wrestling. Some point or another, you’ll read my opinions, predictions and made up stuff (No rumours from me though).

So, enough about me. Who, what and how are you?
Hey guys what's up I'm TheBigOGivr I'm new to these forums and I will be putting in my two cents in a good amount of threads that are opened up here at wrestlezone. I have read so many threads and posts on wrestlezone for a while now(about 2 and a half years), and evetyone is so articulate and inteligent in their responses, I hope I can one day be half as good a poster as the likes of Norcal, Slyfox, Sidious, FTS, Y2Jake, Theo, Doc, and many others.:worship: See you guys in the threads!!!
Hey im not really that new but I need a question answered, How do I make my own Forum on a particular subject or can I not create one..Thanks :)
Hey everyone, I'm WIGGE from Sweden. Been a wrestling fan for a little more then 5 years now. One of my first episodes I watched was when Carlito debuted. Watched it on TV for half a year maybe, then they stopped broadcasting it in Sweden, and instead I had to go to the internet to find it. I've been part of many wrestling forums, only to see their downfall in membership and quality. I've been lurking around on WZ-forums for a while and you guys have many good posters so I thought why not? :) Anyways, hope I have a good time here, and if u're wondering anything, just ask.
Hey im not really that new but I need a question answered, How do I make my own Forum on a particular subject or can I not create one..Thanks :)

Become established/respected/moderated then ask the admins.

So realistically no, you can't.

Hello All! Was anyone else here at the cow palace on 3/14?


Hey everyone, I'm WIGGE from Sweden. Been a wrestling fan for a little more then 5 years now. One of my first episodes I watched was when Carlito debuted. Watched it on TV for half a year maybe, then they stopped broadcasting it in Sweden, and instead I had to go to the internet to find it. I've been part of many wrestling forums, only to see their downfall in membership and quality. I've been lurking around on WZ-forums for a while and you guys have many good posters so I thought why not? :) Anyways, hope I have a good time here, and if u're wondering anything, just ask.

Cool welcome to the forums, just don't ask us for streams
hey everybody.. my name is christian representing new jersey.. im 22yrs old n been watching wrestling all my life been to many local events n traveled to wrestlemanias 22-25.. highlight of my life lol since bein a lil kid wrestlemania was my disney world n since never been to disney world, dream come true being able to witness the gran daddy of em all.. more than once sooo i could die happy man :p..
. I have read so many threads and posts on wrestlezone for a while now(about 2 and a half years), and evetyone is so articulate and inteligent in their responses, I hope I can one day be half as good a poster as the likes of Norcal, Slyfox, Sidious, FTS, Y2Jake, Theo, Doc, sickjames and many others. See you guys in the threads!!!----- i second that
Welcome aboard, there are a large amount of New Jersey posters on here, so maybe you know one. Read the rules and have fun!
Ayy whats poppin WrestleZone. I'm Rick...I'm 21 from NY....new here. Been a wrestling fan since a little kid my pops got me into it. I really got into it during 97-98 though. Flicking back and forth between RAW and Nitro....watching the nWo, the first DX, and Stone Cold is really what got me hooked then....I've been hooked since...on Monday's that is. Monday is my wrestling day...I dont think Ive even watched a full SmackDown on TV since Cena was first coming up in his heel rapper gimmick. These days I just watch on Mondays...and am grateful TNA is on now for some competition. I have been watching NXT since it's debut too. I am a fan of Daniel Bryan and David Otunga. IMO they will both be big players.
Help I put 4 answers in 1 topic(I clicked 4 times by mistake).Please delete 3.I am new and I tried to edit it but just made a mess.Topic is Triple H and wretlemania.

Sorry,as I said I am new

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