The Sports Bar

Well Special Teams isn't as important as the credit it recieves.

Go ask the 2010 San Diego Chargers how important special teams are.

Yes, it takes a lot of skill to get into the end zone of a return, but it's a lot of luck. A lot...of luck. Teams like the Browns who get those lucky points to stay in the game, they're now taking that luck away, and focusing the game on what's most important, skill.

How does a kick or punt return td involve any more luck then a 50 yard run from scrimmage for a td? Both require great execution blocking the opposing team and both require a skillful runner finding a seam and hitting it hard. Don't fucking tell me that guys like Josh Cribbs and Devin Hester and retired guys like Desmond Howard and Brian Mitchell were just lucky. You are completely wrong about something football related for about the 10th time in the last week.

Apparently Terelle Pryor, or however you spell his first name, got drafted by the Raiders in the Supplemental Draft today. They gave up a third round pick. If they expect him to play quarterback, it's a terrible move. If they drafted him to move him to receiver, it's not a horrible idea. An idea that's not horrible is much better than the Raiders usually do.

A third round pick is too much to give up no matter what position they have him play. There's the senile Al Davis for you.
I remember when they drafted Darius Heyward Bey in the top 10 over Maclin, Harvin, Nicks, Britt, Crabtree (and that was only the first round) because his 40 was under 4.3.
Fuck you guys, I was pumped when I woke up to the News that the Silver and Black got T-Pain.

Fuck it. We have by far the coolest looking team getting off the bus, not debateable. and shit. We are signing Batista and Brock Lesnar next week too.
Also, we are gonna have to revisit the whole College football is simply a million times more entertaining to watch than the NFL after a season of teams having to make 80+ yard drives every time out in the NFL

Except they arent even remotely alike
The level of talent is similar. Most college players won't ever sniff the NFL.

Colleges biggest problem is that the discrepency between individual talent is so damn immense that one individual player can very easily carry his team over most opponents, since the one guy is more talented then the entire other team conbined.

In the NFL, even though some teams are better then others, the worst team is much, much MUCH closer to the best team then the difference between even the middle of the road teams and the major teams.

Oh, and in the NFL, the champion is never disputed, since it is decided not by computers, or polls, but by play on the field.

Except they arent even remotely alike

Both games are based on gimmick offenses and defenses and the talent level is far inferior to the NFL. If I'm going to spend my time watching sports, I'm going to watch the best players in the world do battle, and that's in the NFL.

As long as there is a BCS, and numerous other things I don't want to get into, I will never care in the slightest about college football.
Colleges biggest problem is that the discrepency between individual talent is so damn immense that one individual player can very easily carry his team over most opponents, since the one guy is more talented then the entire other team conbined.

Which is hilarious, and damn fun times to watch. As is the opposite situation, were one team is superior overall, but the other team has one incredible player who carries them to an unlikely victory.

Go ahead and watch the best players do the best things, if you like teams trading punts all day between the 30s. Great fucking times. the average NFL team scored 22 points a game last year, and that was before every KO became a touchback, or worse.
Which is hilarious, and damn fun times to watch. As is the opposite situation, were one team is superior overall, but the other team has one incredible player who carries them to an unlikely victory.

Go ahead and watch the best players do the best things, if you like teams trading punts all day between the 30s. Great fucking times. the average NFL team scored 22 points a game last year, and that was before every KO became a touchback, or worse.

I'm surprised it's as high as 22 points a game. I guess people just want all offense and no defense. My all-time favorite game is the Monday Night game when the Jags beat the Steelers 9-0. It was one of the most physical, intense games I've ever seen and it was amazing to watch. I love defenses battles. Love 'em.
Its also funny you guys tout the talent level as opposed to the NCAA.

And were, exactly, do all the players in the NFL come from? :lmao:

and no its not "oh you just want to see offense" um no, I want to not watch punt-a-thon 2011 every time I watch a football game. Its rarely great defense, its a lot more shitty offense and fraidy cat play calling.

You can have the best horses in the world, but if they are unmotivated and you dont let them run, then it doesnt fucking matter
Can't we all just agree that American football is the best damn sport in the World and that Saturdays and Sundays are about to be 10x better now that football season is BACK and better than ever?
And were, exactly, do all the players in the NFL come from? :lmao:
The worst NFL team is an NCAA All Star Team.

And in case your wondering, yes, the worst NFL team could beat the best NCAA team.

Can't we all just agree that American football is the best damn sport in the World and that Saturdays and Sundays are about to be 10x better now that football season is BACK and better than ever?

This exactly. Football FTMFW
The worst NFL team is an NCAA All Star Team.

And in case your wondering, yes, the worst NFL team could beat the best NCAA team.

Not always. Stacked up roster vs roster in 00, 02, and 01, The U of Miami teams could have taken the Browns or Bengals. The entire Offensive lines, skill players and front sevens are all starters in the NFL, some of them the best in the league at their positions, if not currently, then at some point in their NFL carreers.
Not always. Stacked up roster vs roster in 00, 02, and 01, The U of Miami teams could have taken the Browns or Bengals. The entire Offensive lines, skill players and front sevens are all starters in the NFL, some of them the best in the league at their positions, if not currently, then at some point in their NFL carreers.
BUT they weren't the best at their position in the NFL when they were 18, 19, 20, or 21. They were kids still learning to play at the higher level.
still, level of talent....if it were a big bet, I would take them.

We are talking teams that consisted of Jonathon Vilma, Vince Wilfork, Sean Taylor, Ed Reed, Andre Johnson, Willis Mcgahee, Clinton Portis, Kellen Winslow, Bryant Mckinnie, Eric Winston, Jontathon Beasley. Just fucking sick, man.
With football being the big dog right now, I think it's time for a shoutout to the best pitcher in MLB this year - my boy Justin Verlander. He continues to be a boss and should garner some MVP votes (not win it, but I don't think a top 5 finish would be an oversight) and has to be the favorite in the Cy Young this year. Plus, should Weaver get another poor outing like he did against Toronto, JV would have a good chance to win the triple crown for pitchers (Wins, ERA, K's) since he has a stranglehold on K's and Wins he's 2 above everyone else.

Where my Tigers would be without him, i don't even wanna know.

EDIT: They're all bad, I just find it funny that with all of the talent around them (the U) the QB they had was Ken Dorsey. Ken fuckin' Dorsey. Sure, they won the title, but I'm baffled someone better didn't come there.
EDIT: They're all bad, I just find it funny that with all of the talent around them (the U) the QB they had was Ken Dorsey. Ken fuckin' Dorsey. Sure, they won the title, but I'm baffled someone better didn't come there.

Funnier still, its kind of the tradition. They have never really had any major QBs come out of there, save for Bernie Kosar. and thats uh, not exactly the modern era lulz

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