A plea to the bar room.


You don't want it with me.
I want to thank you guys all of your awesome work in the Lounge. I think that the section is chugging along very well. When I was modded, the most important duty I was given was to drive discussion and get some more people in there. Thank you for your help.

I would love it if we could drive some discussion in the other sections as well. I have found some topics in each section which would make for some great debates and discussion. I guess we can call this the NWS newsletter. :lmao:

In the Sports Stadium, http://forums.wrestlezone.com/forumdisplay.php?f=11 football season is starting up, and the NCAA and NFL threads will be going off. That's fine, but here in America, we now have unprecedented access to the EPL, La Liga, and Serie A. ESPN shows EPL and La Liga games on weekends, and the Fox Soccer Channel shows games on weekend and during the week. Whether we agree or not, ESPN's decade of shoving soccer down out throats is working, and some of our more passionate sports fans, I think, would enjoy soccer a bit more if they got the chance.

Champions League
World Cup
Jozy Altidore
Europe's finest leagues
Come talk about NBA reffing.
Come compare NFL Quarterbacks. This one is sure to be of full of homerism, and that's always fun.

Movies and TVhttp://forums.wrestlezone.com/forumdisplay.php?f=72

Now, my hope is that the Sitcoms Tournament drives some more discussion in the section, but we still have like 32 months of the tag tourney to start, so let me point out a few threads that I have enjoyed.

We have a nice long list of movies that people refuse to watch.


I've started a couple of threads, and I would like to see what you guys think. The first one is a bit of a fun one. Let's see what movie you would remake. Hollywood has run out of ideas, and everything is a remake or adaptation, so what would yours be?


My other pet project is a bit of sentimental one. What moment from your TV viewing history sticks with you to this day?


I think the best show going today is True Blood. I'm only through season one, so I avoid this thread, but it gets mentioned time and again in here, so go get some post count and have a real conversation.

JMT, the most underrated poster, and mod, on the boards has an important topic about African Americans contributions to moving pictures.

Inglorious Basterds
and District 9
are tearing up the box office. Simple statistics say more people have seen them than are posting.

We are all wrestling fans. We enjoy combat. Why does the MMA board not get more attention? I am calling you all to it, and I will participate a bit more too. http://forums.wrestlezone.com/forumdisplay.php?f=127

MMA is just as full of personalities as wrestling. Come talk about two of the biggest, Rashad Evans and Rampage Jackson.
Randy Couture is the most overrated athlete ever. (My opinion) Someone with a career record of 15-10 is not an all time great. Come agree with me, and talk about the beating he got from Minitauro Nogueira.
Gina Carano has a fan club around here, yet the thread about the beating she took has not gotten enough attention.
I met Kimbo, there's a thread about him. Go post.
Is Anderson Silva the best in the business?
Or is it Fedor?

Lee does a lot of work in the Video Games and Technology Section and some more people need to come in and appreciate his efforts. The tourney was good for the section, but lets keep the activity going.

Smackdown vs. Raw has a new edition coming soon. Come talk about the ch-ch-changes for the year.
I know there are some Batman fans around here. Arkham Asylum sure looks like it warrants some conversation.
Lee thinks kids should have to play some retro games to truly appreciate today's games. Do you disagree?
Our fearless, and most active admin, Sly offers his technical expertise. The first rule, use Firefox!! Sly knows his shit.
Come get a listing of everyone's gamertag. You all talk nonstop on MSN, might as well try and back up your boasts, head to head.

Finally, The Music Section, located at http://forums.wrestlezone.com/forumdisplay.php?f=77, is an awesome section, that has been getting some great work done in it lately.

The Original vs. Cover thread is leading to some great debate.
NSL likes concerts. I hate them. Come tell us why we're wrong.
Nas and Jay-Z may have made up, but their fans haven't. Whose debut was better. I'll give you a hint. It was Nas. Think I'm wrong? Tell me why.
Some of us old guys were remembering grungs. It happened before 1997, so according to most of the boards, it didn't happen. I swear, there really was a year called 1992. Come see what happened musically before Stone Cold.

The Lounge is doing fine. But if you want to drop by, there is some great debate going on. Here's a friendly reminder link.

Come on guys. Lets leave the bar room and get some action going in the NWS.
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You are the man, FTS. I am proud to call you my mentor who decided he wasn't worth of having a protoge so he passed me to NorCal but has reclaimed me in NorCal's absence.
It makes my eyes a bit sore to look at, but it's impressive.

Maybe linking the descriptions instead of putting the link below the description would help...

Just a thought, man.
Thriller, you never needed a mentor, you're the shit. You just needed some rub, and my rub pales in comparisons to NorCal. It was the best thing for you to let you go.
Thriller, you never needed a mentor, you're the shit. You just needed some rub, and my rub pales in comparisons to NorCal. It was the best thing for you to let you go.

This really means a lot to me Southy. Thanks, and this is sigged
Wait. Did FTS really just list one of my threads?! Awesome. And yes, these threads are well worth the checking out.
It makes my eyes a bit sore to look at, but it's impressive.

Maybe linking the descriptions instead of putting the link below the description would help...

Just a thought, man.

Yeah, probably. But I can just open two tabs and drag them from one to the other.
Instead of going through an bb coding links, I just click and drag a thread title from tab 2 to tab one, if firefox, SLY, and I can drop it into the text.
Bump for my European friends. Help me out. Let's get some traffic in all of the NWS. I enjoy the response in the lounge, but let's get it like that for all of the sections.
Good point.

Or saying you like something popular. That always gets a response......in every section on the boards.
I should do one of these for the General Wrestling Section too. I like that section. I need to make more of an effort there too.
Shameless plugging? Leave these cheapies to the experts like Mick Foley... which there just so happens to be a thread discussing his existence as the greatest jobber of all time in the wrestling section! :suspic:
If it was shameless plugging I did a terrible job. I am responsible for the Lounge, and I didn't mention it, except at the end. I was plugging everyone elses sections. I guess that is shameless, because I feel good about it.

I guess I shamelessly plugged a couple of my threads though.
Did you happen to notice the :suspic: at the end?

Wow... plugging my own post in the same thread on the same page.

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