The [Official] Royal Rumble General Discussion

What I don't understand is before the Rumble loads of people were saying "this is the most unpredictable Rumble in many years, I have no idea who will win" then Orton wins and it's "oh that was too obvious". Well I say the WWE did a great job. Orton HAD to win, yes, but they put so much doubt in people's minds. It seemed so obvious he would win we were all expecting a shock, which never happened, and yet still people complain. The right choice was made and it was well booked.

And to those who complain Cena and Orton has been "done to death", they had a programme over a year ago when Cena was THE main event, but Orton was still not considered a top drawer. It never reached a natural conclusion because of Cena's injury, then at NWO last year there was a DQ finish, before their next matches involved HHH at Mania and JBL at Backlash.

They are the two top drawers in the business, they should headline the biggest Mania in history.

Oh and to those cmplaining about no Christian, you were all expecting it and it didn't happen, if it did would you all have complained like you are Orton winning? And did anyone REALLY think an old wrestler, who was never a world champion, would return at the second biggest PPV and instantly return to the main event just in time for Mania? The audience is largely kids, and most wouldn't know who he is. He is not in the same league as Rock and Stone Cold who are the only wrestlers who could return after a long absence and go straight to the Main Event.
I was pleased with the show overall. It had no bad matches to speak of with the worst to me being the Women's match due to its length or the Rumble itself due to it being rather predictable with RVD being the only true suprise. I ranted in the LD about Duggan taking up a spot that could have gone to a younger guy and I stand by the notion that he was a waste. Big Show at #30 was nothing special as no one thoguht he had a chance of winning. My biggest issue with the match was there being no other real contenders for the win other than Orton. It was relatively obvious that he would get the win, which is ok, but after Cena's stunning intro last year, this was a bit of a letdown. This show did a great job at what it was supposed to do though in setting the ground work for Mania. We have Taker vs. HBK building, as well as Matt vs. Jeff. With the chamber matches coming up there's no way of telling who will get the title shots, so either way things should go very well.
I liked the show. Matt's turn took me totally off guard and I wasn't expecting it. Weird thing was I never read any Matt turn angles or anything at all. Read many Christian return ones as well as everyone else. That turn itself saved the show. The rest to me was predictable. Solid Rumble match. Go Orton!

8/10 for me.

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