Royal Rumble - Royal Rumble General Discussion & Aftermath thread

I do like that idea justin. The only problem i then have is that if HBK did give up the wrestlemania title shot, then they'd presumably have to have a tournament to determine who would get the title shot at 'Mania. This, in my mind would take gloss off the Royal Rumble match itself. I wouldn't put anything past the WWE though. Remember when Rey won a couple of years ago was all set to main event 'Mania then got bullied into losing the title shot on SmackDown! by Orton so that they could make an excuse to set up a triple threat with Angle, Rey and Randy.

IMO the winner of the Rumble should always particpate in a 1 on 1 title match at Wrestlemania, that way the Rumble always holds importnace to everyone.
OK, well seeing as this thread is for questions like this, im going to post it here, and open a new discussion. i couldnt be bothered reading 11 pages of posts so if its already a started discussion you can delete it Sid, but tell me if you do!!!!!

Ok, so far there's 4 matches on the card: Sheamus Vs Orton for the WWE title, Rey Vs Taker for the WH title, Zeke vs Christian for the ECW title and the Royal Rumble match. Now obviously they can't do a pay-per-view like this with only 4 matches, and theres a lot of big names in the rumble, with rivalaries going on.
So what my question is, is what other matches do you think we will see at the rumble?

This is the list of people who are in the rumble

So what other matches do you think there will be, based on what could most likely happen?
I'm looking forward to the Rumble. It's the one PPV that always delivers in some way. It's also the only PPV I'll be consistently ordering.

This is so true. I've been reviewing them, and they've all got fairly good scores, because there's always something good on the cards. If the undercard is shit, the main event is good and vice versa. I know people who don't watch wrestling that think that pay for the Rumble every year.

Anyway, the card for the event is now looking fairly complete, but I imagine the Divas' Title tournament winner will be there too.

I shall comment on the other matches in their individual threads, but here's my view on the main event.

This year is looking to be fairly stacked. I know that the company has made a conscientious effort to push younger stars in recent months, but I'd be highly surprised if they continued in that vain in the Rumble, there has never yet been a winner that isn't of main event calibre.

To that end, the winner is down to Cena, Batista, HHH, Michaels and maybe Orton if he bullies his way into the match. I'm expecting Jericho's elimination to be caused by Edge in some way, and I reckon The Miz will eliminatethe Big Show. Look out for that one. I'm expecting long runs for Morrison and Kingston too.

If I had to pick a singular winner, I'd go with Batista. I think DX will probably cost each other, setting in motion the chain of events leading to a match at Mania, but we shall see. Cena could win it, but I feel that his addition is ad hoc, and I don't think that bodes well for him. Kingston could win, but I really doubt it, and for those thinking that DiBiase has a chance, you have another thing coming. I imagine the night will go down with Orton being eliminated by DiBiase, or vice versa, after DiBiase costs Orton the title.
okay here is how i see the rumble playing out with how the card is now

Orton vs. Sheamus- im gunna go with orton just cuz wwe realizes sheamus isnt getting over with anyone as champ but if he does retain he will lose it at the Chamber

Christian vs Jackson- I believe christian will finally drop the belt so he can be moved to sd and get put in the title picture

Taker vs Mysterio- I see Taker winning this one with a good clean victory but if Mysterio does pull out the victory i could see batista then winning the rumble which could lead to them ending their feud at Mania for the title

Royal Rumble- Depending on the title matches outcomes, Id like to see Dibiase win the rumble which would lead to Orton demanding Ted challenge for the WHC which leads to Ted turning face and challenging and beating Randy for the title at Mania

there ya go those are my predictions
my to cents kinda goes like this

Sheamus vs Orton. I can see Sheamus winning as this hasnt had enough time to build up a rivalry, but i don't think it will be a clean win, with possibly DiBiase messing up to get Orton DQed and starting a rift with them. I wouldn't be surprised to see the loser be the 30th entrant for the rumble!

Royal Rumble. My money is on the 17th entrant. I like the idea of Edge returning and winning but then we did that with a Cena return and winning so i don't think it'll be him.
I do think Cena will be first or 2nd in the ring and will "battle" for ages to push his Captain America story but wont win.

and oh why not .... Jerihco to win it
I just can't help but think that Shawn Michaels is going to win the Rumble so he can challenge The Undertaker at WrestleMania. I think Christian may drop the ECW belt here and Shemus will retain. I also hope Mickie James wins the Women's title too.
Okay im seriously concerned HBK will win this thing i woulnt be happy when he does because i only wanted one match with him and Taker because the second will never be as good but i think what is going to happen could be that HHH and HBK eliminate each other and that they wrestle at Mania. So who will win the rumble you ask?

Well my ideal winner would have to be Jericho at this point. I really just like how he wrestles he is soooooooooo good, and if he was the Main Event at Mania he could def. carry it, especially if it is against Edge.

Cena better not win as i dont like him

CM Punk will have the tag titles, when they beat DX on smackdown this coming friday

Edge wont return yet

Tista for some reason is a wild card, i have no idea what he is doing at MAnia so no clue here

Orton wont win the title and wont enter rumble

so Jericho is the clear winner here
I don't think HBK is going to win the Rumble. I think this whole HBK VS Taker re-match build is nothing but a HUGE swerve. As we all saw this past Monday on Raw, there was some tension between HHH and HBK, when the Game said he would win the Rumble. I think HHH will eliminate HBK in the Rumble. This will lead to a break up of DX, and a one on one match between the two at Wrestlemania 26.

My most likely candidate to win the Rumble is John Cena. Whether he faces Taker or not, I find it hard to believe Cena won't be in the main event this year. He will either go into Mania as the Rumble winner or the WWE champion. I think it's more likely he will go in as a Rumble winner because of his back injury. Cena won't be doing to much physical stuff leading up to Mania.
It kills me to say this "it really does" but I think Cena is winning. DX will have their turmoil and eventual break up, hopefully resulting in a heel HBK. And Orton just won it last year, so yeah. Barring Edge making a surprise return and Jericho not fucking it up for him sadly I say the WWE's Poster Boy takes it again to challenge Taker for The World Title.
To me Cena v. Taker at WM is the best possible match for both men. Taker has really been there, done that, the whole HBK thing is just a serve. it will be HHH v. HBK.

but then i dont really know what to do with sheamus, the guy has to fit in somwhere. maybe this match turns into a tripple threat or fatal four way.
here are my predictions :

-Zeke won't capture ECW title cuz i see christian defending it @ WM.

-Who gives a damn to divas

-Sheamus retains via DQ or pins Randy in a dirty way.I don't see any future in Randy Orton being champ.

-Taker again reatins.but i think it will become a 3 way and batista will win the title.

-main event: I think it will be HHH.

I know the guy.since Backlash he is a loser in WWE.He couldn't regain the title,he lost to legacy,and all of us know that he is not a guy who sits aside and lets things happen without him.he has won it once,which can increase his chance,and also he was the last one eliminated for several years.I think he will win the whole rumble thing.Personally i prefer y2j .
(in a perfect world)

Could you imagine.... #30 is ten seconds away. Edge already made his comeback and eliminated Jericho and himself at the same time. All of the big guys are in. 3...2...1 "Do you smellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll what the Rock.... is cookin'"

The place would go fucking insane as Rock gets back in the ring and completely dominates. Cena/Rock are the last two left. Cena goes for the "5 knuckle shuffle, Rock moves and knocks Cena down. Epic people's elbow. Cena gets up and walks right into a rock bottom then gets thrown out of the ring. Finally, the Rock has come back... to wrestling. Cena wins the title @ EC and you have your epic showdown between Cena/Rock.

Obviously this would never happen, but in a perfect world I can dream.

The number one reason this would never happen other than Rock being too busy to come back.. is that the WWE would never want Cena to take that much heat night in/night out. Rock would be a temporary wrestler and probably be in the spotlight more than the entire roster combined.
What I think could happen at Rumble is:

1. Sheamus d. Orton probably by cheating

2. Triple H will prob win because there were rumors that it would be HHH vs Sheamus at WM

3. What if this whole TNA thing with Jeff is fake and he really didn't sign a contract with TNA? Maybe he changed his mind and maybe just maybe we could see Jeff at the RR match to eliminate Punk. You never KNOW stuff happens.

4. Edge will make his return and eliminate Jericho

5. Kane will break his record to gain some heat and show that he is the dominant monster in the WWE

p.s: Hell if Drew Carrey, Vince, RVD, Cena, and numerous HOF can be in the rumble as suprises than why not J. Hardy
I know this is a totally flameworthy moment, but see shawn and triple h being the last 2, with number 30 still being introduced, and out comes Bret Hart, old as he is, he still looks pretty good for what he has been through, they both charge him, he pulls down the rope, or something sly-doggish, and they are both eliminated... then mcmahon agrees to fight hart at WM if he forfeits his title shot, and that goes up for grabs at Elimination Chamber.

It's one of those goosepimple worthy moments that would be totally awesome, and unexpected for most people but it all too expected at the same time.
My predictions are firstly that CM Punk will win the Royal Rumble...I thought long and hard about this and i figured amongst the favourites it would not be shawn michaels but rather shawn michaels might later on interfere in the world heavyweight title match between Rey and the Phenom and cost him the title....hence leaving shawn and the undertaker open for a possible retirement/grudge match at wrestlemania???.........I didnt think it would be Kofi either....I think might be reserving his big WWE championship contender push till Money in the for the proposed Legacy break up...i reckon Ted Dibiasie or Cody rhodes will definitely betray each other in the Royal Rumble match.........and edge and Jericho won't win because they are already practically booked for a grudge match at wrestlemania............Also CM punk may probably win as im a little bit suspicious why WWE threw away the unified tag team match just 2 days before the rumble after the strong build up and promotion......maybe they are switiching this tag team feud for a major singles one with rey for the title.....i reckon it's be a good match for wrestlemania.......i personally hope it'll be a title/mask vs. hair match scrap??

As for the WWE title match......i think Sheamus will retain simply because WWE seem to be teasing a Ted Dibiase / Orton match.........possibly leading to a Triple H vs. Sheamus bout at Wrestlemania

Not too sure about the women's title so i'll leave that blank

As for the ECW title i think Zeke might win......mainly due to the fact that Christian has held that title for aaaages and is overdue a brand change after wrestlemania.......this might possibly lead to a Zeke / Regal feud with maybe a mentor/student jealousy angle???

I'm really not 100% on any of my predictions but I'm definitely looking to forward to watching the PPV!!
ok i wanted to put some thoughts into all of this as well...

anyone wondering why the HELL the rumble is only 90 seconds this year? especially with the card they have...90 seconds means roughly 45 min for the wrestlers.. and max like 10 min after.. so 55-60 minutes total...

considering the PPV is from 8pm till 10:45pm, take away the rumble and u got 1 hr 45 minutes left....

ECW title match cant last that long.. maybe 10-12 minutes? btw i hope zeke wins so that christian can get out of ecw and on to raw/smackdown..

womens match - mickie james prolly wins but look.. that match is going 5-7min...

WWE title match... i see sheamus retaining the title... another match i dont see being too long because of who is in it...15-17 min

world title match... i see taker retaining... also see it around the 15-17 min ...

add about 5 min worth of intros for each match... so about 15 + 12 + 20 + 20..that only brings it to 1 hr 7 min... basically leaving 40 minutes left... really 40 minutes of promos for the rumble??? they really should boost up the the rumble to 2 min... meaning the rumble will last for 1 hr 10 min...even then, still have 25 minutes left..

anyways.. i think it was 90 seconds last year and the same amount of matches.. so whatever.. just my thought..

as for the Rumble Match... sooo many possible ways they can go about doing this... obvious is HBK winning to have shot at taker again... or HHH winning...possibly Cena but i hope not... personally, i would like to see a new winner this year... but considering they want to have Edge vs. Jericho, and those r the only 2 big names that havent won that i want to see win, its hard to pick... what about NOT having edge come back at the rumble and have jericho win it.. then have edge come back at elimination chamber, take out some heel that is in the chamber match (like he did to kofi) and have him win that.. then jericho takes him on...just a thought...

in the end, ill have to say HBK is gonna win, although i really dont want that to happen :(
I have put a lot of thought into this Royal Rumble match for a while now. Everyone seems to be going, HHH,HBK,Cena or one of the guys that has the lime light on him right now. The way Raw has been going it seems that those three would be the right choice, BUT on the other hand for the last couple of PPV's the WWE hasn't really followed what the fans thought was going to happen. Actually its been the complete opposite. Whenever the wrestling sites get filled with "sure locks" the WWE throws the curve ball, just so they think they got us on the edge of our seats. They want us back for more and really i'd say it's worked 50/50. Cena losing the title was a plus Sheamus gaining the title was a negative. Kofi and Orton fued was nice, but got stale quick. I think I can say this for everyone. Kofi isn't ready right now. He showed this during his matches with Randy. Though he did have some high spots he had a lot of low spots as well. Not being able to keep flow and well botching almost every single finish.

So I'm going out on a limb here and saying. It won't be HBK. It won't be Triple H. Shucks it won't be Cena, Jericho, Big Show, or even Kofi. None of these guys will make it. Let's be honest with each other for a moment. None of these guys have to win the rumble to get lime light at WM.

Yes it would be a easy set up for Michaels to win to make it Taker Vs. Michaels rematch at WM(personally I think it can't live up to the last one) but wouldn't it be something if between now and WM Bret Hart somehow gets involved and for some reason he gives Michaels his wish? I dunno it would be interesting. Also Triple H doesn't need to win the Rumble to be in the title picture. Seriously he bangs the owners daughter. He don't need a win to get what he wants. Jericho won't win just because I am 100% positive Vince will keep Edge Vs. Jericho for Mania.
This leads me to two things I think will happen in the rumble and this is a huge long shot...really not even a situation that will happen. I just want it to happen plus by elimination these are the only guys I see that could win it.

1) Ted Dibiase wins. It comes down to Hunter, Shawn Michaels, Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase. Hunter throws out Cody, Shawn Michaels Superkicks Hunter out, Ted dumps Shawn. OR reverse. Hunter dumps Ted. Shawn Superkick to Hunter. Rhodes dumps out Michaels.

2) The Miz wins it, I don't know. Miz can def. be a main event star. it's odd from seeing him on Real World on da MTV, but honestly the kid has it all. Great mic skills, great in ring performer and he can sell like a son of a gun. Probably one of the best up and coming stars that WWE has found in a long time.

Those are my picks

The following is what will DEFINITELY happen.

Shawn Michaels will make it to the last two, again he wont win, but he will be the last man eliminated.
Someone other than Edge is going to return. I don't think its going to be someone who will stay long, but someone is coming back. Kind of like an RVD thing.

Last not sure if I should put this here, but I didn't see any where else to put it. This is Royal Rumble related cause it starts here.

Everyone says Legacy will split and I honestly believe it will happen. At the Rumble nope it sure won't, but this could be a way to get it done.

Cody wins the Rumble, he gets his shot at WM. He can hold the match so he could get it. At WM. MONEY IN THE BANK. Ted wins that. Cody goes on to win at WM. WOW what Cody World champion. NOT FOR LONG..right after the match, here comes Ted coming down the ring to celebrate? NOPE, he cashes in his brief case right there on the spot. BAM attacks Rhodes and gets the title. Legacy split. The further ahead star gets the title and Dibiase takes his spot as world champion. It could happen, highly doubt it, but damn it would be nice

OH YES I DO KNOW I RUN ON WITH MY SENTENCES AND I BABBLE...ITS MY ADHD DANG lack of education. Damn I did grow up in Lynn,MA
Being a huge Shawn mark, I would love for him to win the Rumble this year. It's been too long since he's been in the Main Event of Wrestlemania. It also gives us an excuse to see The Undertaker vs. Shawn v.2 at Wrestlemania this year. I think this would ctually be a good move by the WWE, Shawn hasn't really been in the spotlight for a while, and it'd be nice to see him Main Eventing the biggest show of the year, despite the fact he won't win the match, I'm a big fan of his build-ups.
i dunno why have the michaels vs taker rematch at mania the next year...

seriously.. they should put it off for 2 years... have it when they r both gonna retire...have it when taker is 19-0 and going for a crazy 20-0... sounds like a better plan then having them wrestle the next year and having hbk just lose again....better to have Taker fight whoever he hasnt over the next 2 years at mania... have him fight Cena or something this year...or jericho... or both of them over the next 2 years... those r the 2 big ones that havent been at the rumble.. i know they "ruined" taker vs jericho by having it on smackdown...but still, if he has those 2 and beats them.. then he will have beaten everyone meaningful at mania that is still in the company...and then have HBK come out in 2 years saying how he can beat taker and wants one last shot.. and make it a retirement match... have it be a crazy match and have taker end up winning and making it 20-0 and BOTH of them retire...sounds like a good idea to me...

as for the rumble... only like 56 hrs away...cant wait for the rumble match
I have said this in a few threads already but I am going to say it again.....HBK will walk out of the Rumble the winner. Edge will be the 30th entrant but will end up taking out Jericho and himself over the top rope. HBK will eliminate HHH, just to add a little spice to the situation. Dibiase will be in the final 4 and Orton being pissed from earlier in the evening will cause him to be eliminated in one fashion or another(Might even force himself into the match after losing to Sheamus). Thats enough on the Rumble itself.

Orton vs Sheamus.....Orton will lose unfortunately for futere storylines.

Undertaker vs Rey....Rey will lose because honestly I dont see Taker losing the belt before he does at Mania.
Looking down the list, of the 25 people that have been announced so far for the Rumble, all of them can go. They're all, outside of maybe Masters and Khali, good to decent wrestlers that I don't mind watching in a match. I'm not saying that 23 people have a chance of winning, but I am saying that whereas Rumbles in the past have been mostly jobbers, this Rumble line up is great.

We have a lot of guys that have a good chance of winning, and thats what makes this Rumble so exciting. Can't wait.
Alright guys I have been thinking about this ALL week because WWE truly stumped me this year, I had absolutely no idea who was going to win the Royal Rumble this year. A week ago I had narrowed my guesses down to about 5 guys.

Cena might win, he said he won't lose another match until he reclaims the WWE title. Edge might be a surprise entrant and win. Jericho might win so that he could get a world title and have his feud with Edge be for the world title. Batista could win and go after either world title. HHH could win to help start a feud with HBK, or HBK could win and use it to get his rematch with Taker.

Then by thursday I had narrowed it down to either HHH or HBK. I might be wrong, but Raw convinced me one of these two is going to win it and we will see a feud between the two of them, or HHH getting yet another world title, or HBK might win and get his rematch with Taker. I ended up having to pick early for my thread in the predictions contest section, and went with HBK. I figured he'll be my guess in the end unless Smackdown changes my mind. It didn't. It makes perfect sense for HBK to win now and we will get the rematch.

The Rumble match itself will 100% for sure be the match of the night. The announcers weren't kidding when they kept putting it over as an exciting match full of WWE stars. I think it will be even better than last year's because there are a lot of guys in it this year who should put on a cool show and it would be interesting if we have a couple of surprise entrants. Edge might make his comeback, that'd be awesome! I'm looking forward to the Royal Rumble match!

It's been one week in the making, and we now finally have my official prediction for the 2010 Royal Rumble match:

Shawn Michaels will win the Royal Rumble.
Excerpt from my full prediction blog (link's in my profile):


When you run the statistics, entries 0-10 have had 7 total wins, entries 11-19 have only had 2, and entries 20-30 have had 14 total wins. The average comes out to 18.2, and if you just do the average for the past 5 years it is 19.6, however one of those was Hacksaw Jim Duggan during the first Royal Rumble. Now, on this event, there were only 20 competitors instead of 30, so this means Duggan's #13 spot, when adjusted for inflation, is really the equivalent of the #19.5, which obviously rounds up to 20. That means there's only ONE legitimate case of someone winning in the 11-19 range - HBK, at #18, which is still pushing it to the limit. Thus, you can conclude that there's between a 4 and 8 (ie, 6) percent chance that someone wins from this section. Still, within the past five winners, we've seen two from #30, one from #28, one from #8, and one from #2, which pretty much guarantees that the winner will not be 1-10 or 28-30 this year. Couple all these factors in together, along with how #27 has been given the distinction of the most winners, and you've got a projected winning spot between 17 and 26.


Now, this is pretty much a shot in the dark, but after running a few comparisons, I'm going to guess that this is how the Royal Rumble will go. If I'm right, someone owes me a steak dinner lol. The way I see it:

1) Evan Bourne, 2) Drew McIntyre, 3) Zack Ryder, 4) Chris Masters, 5) John Cena, 6) Cody Rhodes, 7) John Morrison, 8) CM Punk, 9) Chavo Guerrero, 10) Jack Swagger, 11) Shawn Michaels, 12) Chris Jericho, 13) Finlay, 14) Kane, 15) William Regal, 16) Ted DiBiase, 17) Matt Hardy, 18) Triple H, 19) R-Truth, 20) Big Show, 21) Dolph Ziggler, 22) MVP, 23) Batista, 24) Khali, 25) Shelton Benjamin, 26) The Miz, 27) Yoshi Tatsu, 28) Carlito, 29) Mark Henry, 30) Kofi Kingston

Why this order? Well, for one thing, there are patterns. For instance, the first two entries aren't going to be two heels, usually it's a face for #1 and a heel for #2. Entry #30 is always someone important. They like to group people where their current enemy is close to them, so that would explain the McIntyre/Morrison and MVP/Miz spots in relation to one another. The fifth entry is normally someone who can make a splash. There's almost always a "big man" in the last three spots, and he's usually preceded by at least two people that don't matter that much. I'm not going to bog you down in too many more details about this, as I could be completely off 100%. One little change effectively alters this entire list, so I'm not expecting to get any of them correct lol.


* If they book something to be "funny", it'll involve Hornswoggle. Though rest assured, it won't be funny.

* Zack Ryder will be the quick douchebag elimination. They did it last year with Kendrick and Ziggler, they've done it with the Miz in the past, etc. Basically, it's when someone has a grand total of like 2 minutes tops.

* If DiBiase costs Orton his match against Sheamus, rest assured DiBiase will be eliminated because of something Orton does

* I don't think there will be a shocker in terms of entrants this year. Edge returning wouldn't make much sense as he could rest more and return at a later date and still have his match with Jericho. He won't win the Royal Rumble if he returns anyway. Booker T says he's not under contract. RVD...they did that last year. I'm just hoping they don't add Hornswoggle into it.

* John Cena or Triple H gets the most amount of eliminations. Easily. You know those two.

* Batista will be eliminated by John Cena. This will spark a feud between the two.

* The allies turning on each other to watch are Rhodes and DiBiase or Jericho and Big Show.

* If Drew McIntyre is in it, he'll most likely last a very long time and eliminate someone important. I'm really suspecting that he'll eliminate Kane, for some reason.

* If you're looking for Chris Masters, Yoshi Tatsu, Evan Bourne, Zack Ryder, William Regal, or Carlito to get in pretty much any'll be sadly disappointed. These guys will be amongst the "Royal Rumble Rejects" this year and are not going to make a splash whatsoever.

* Michael Cole will not only say "vintage" a hundred or so times, but also "in his own right" and "shades of". The three will be so frequent that making a drinking game out of it is not recommended.


There's only a few people that have the slightest chance of winning this year. It isn't as clear as it was last year, but there's no real question that there's a short list. In no particular order...

1) Triple H - Obviously he either wins, is the last person eliminated, or is at least in the final four. The guy is never going to take a step backwards and let someone else take some of the spotlight. With the HHH vs Sheamus rumors, I wouldn't be surprised at all to see him win, but he may just challenge him without winning the Royal Rumble. Either way, if we have HHH vs Sheamus and it's for a title, I'm going to be disgusted and it will ruin my WrestleMania.

2) HBK - They're teasing the match he'll have against the Undertaker. For some reason, I just don't feel it. I think it's a swerve. Why would they do it twice in a row, especially for a world title, knowing that HBK can't beat Taker's streak and that they'll both be taking time off afterwards? One rumor says that they may have Triple H and Michaels "tie" and both win, but I don't think that will happen either. That seems too much like a false flag. My guess is that HBK doesn't win it, or if he does, he'll be facing Triple H at WrestleMania, not the Undertaker, as Undertaker will drop the title to Jericho in the Elimination Chamber and Sheamus will drop the title to HHH as well.

3) DiBiase - If Orton doesn't win the title, then you can bet your ass DiBiase doesn't win this. If Orton does win the title, you can bet your ass DiBiase has a 75% chance of winning this. It all depends on that. Right now, though, I'd say because of the HHH/Sheamus bullshit, DiBiase is the third most likely winner by a VERY long distance behind Triple H.

PREDICTION: Triple H will, unfortunately, convince everyone that him being on top of the world again is the best decision. They'll all listen like sheep and he'll win and beat Sheamus at WrestleMania while the commentators go on and on and on about how Sheamus is so powerful but the Game is the best in the world and we should all suck his cock.
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I don't know if it's thoes by the numbers montages they have been showing this week, but I'm excited about the Royal Rumble being just over 24 hours away. Maybe it's knowing that Wrestlemania is right around the corner.

After watching smackdown I am now pulling for a Rey Mysterio upset over the phenom known as The Undertaker. If Rey can use his high flying abilities to his advantage he just might be able to steal a win. Rey needs to keep the match moving at a fast pace to ware The Undertaker down, then hit him with some high impact moves while he can. I would like to see this match end with a clean finish, so not to take anything away from it.

I see the Shamus/Orton match ending in a disqualification due to interference from Legacy. This will cost Orton the win and will not go over with him. He will try to get in the Rumble its self by demanding Cody or Ted give him their spot in the battle royal, but both will decline and at some point Orton will come down and cause one or both of the to be eliminated.

as for the rumble its self I expect it to be great. Hopefully Edge returns as that is what everyone seems to be speculating at this point in time. I hope when we get down to the elite eight we have a mix of young stars and and veterans. More younger ones would give them a good rub and could elevate them to the next level.
The royal rumble itself, while often an entertaining match, is for me usually ruined by the fact that the winner is always still one of the "usual suspects", i.e., one who is usually involved or not too far removed from the title picture anyway. Or in other words, one who doesn't really need a royal rumble win to have a main event.

While I do understand the need to have the winner be someone grand in order to sell tickets for an upcoming wrestlemania, I have to admit I am usually disappointed by the win. Not to say that we should see someone like masters or yoshi tatsu or regal etc. win this thing either, but it would be nice to have some sort of surprise. That is why I honestly believe (and I know it won't happen) but I think it'd be cool if the royal rumble was booked so that the winner didn't receive a wrestlemania title shot, but instead, have the royal rumble be for a "money in the bank" briefcase/contract.

Face it, the wrestlemania ladder match for money in the bank has kind of lost its steam. And having the winner of the rumble win money in the bank would also open up a lot more possibilities for potential winners of the rumble instead of the usual ones.

As far as who will win this year, the likelihood of someone from ecw is nonexistant, and someone from smackdown is barely better. There just hasn't been anything going on with the title on smackdown recently outside of batista and I don't see him winning this one.

That leaves raw, and because of the stories and feuds around it, our possibilities: 1. hhh; 2. hbk; 3. cena. It also wouldn't surprise me if orton found a way in too. Other posters have mentioned dibiase, which seems like a long shot (although he seems like a better suit for winning this than say an upcoming elimination chamber) right now, but it probably would be the biggest "surprise".

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