RP Feedback Thread

Frank N Stein - Tony Mancini

Tony and Gino are heading to Xaitlyns pad in a cab to start the RP. Tony reveals the envelope he received at the end of the last RP to be a woman claiming Tony is the father of a little baby girl. Tony has to prove he's the dad at a future date. I hope this isn't an arc idea just to have an arc with a payoff that ends up not being worth it. Not every RP needs an arc. More on that later..

The best part of the RP happens next. Tony and Gino get to Xaitlyn's mansion and its dark and creepy. A blue snake leads them to Xaitlyn. It's a mood setter and I like the way it was done. Tony's best friend and Xaitlyn don't see eye to eye and Gino is excused. I would've liked to see Gino stand his ground a little, fearing for the well being for Tony, but its not a big thing.

Xaitlyn says she will be his tag team partner but Tony must help her find the person who killed her mento...o.k, I have to stop right there. Here's another arc that's just added for arcs sake.

Damn. I would've ended the RP a little different. But it was fine if both story arcs are going to have good payoffs. Good start for (terrible tag team name) Knights.
Prince Vee Vee A.D.Z.

The RP starts out with a bald man and a mystery person and there's mysterious motives we will learn in a future RP. (I think.)

Vee has to stay with his girlfriends cousin before the show Ida, who seems to be a kind hearted fan of WZCW....in a Batti Otaku kind of way. It takes too long to get to this point in the story, like I'm reading the directors cut of this RP. (Harsh, but true.). I hate to say it again, but there's little annoying mistakes here and there that could've been avoided with some careful editing. Anyway.....

The best part of the RP comes when Vee ADZ gets serious into the interview and speaks his mind. Vee pulls no punches and IMO has some of the strongest interviews in all of WZCW. I wish Vee ADZ would use more of his -super smart- gimmick he's used in past RPs. Plus, did his inner voices take a holiday? Has he learned to control the inner voices? Who is this mystery person at the end of the RP? I guess we will find out next time.
Spidey- Batti Otaku

I liked how the RP started, with Batti hugging the ref not really knowing how to react after her first match. It was awkward and innocent. Then shit got random, and it got random fast. (But Jeff, you're not one to judge over-the-top or random) ...guilty as charged. Yes, the antics of Batti and Saxton were funny at times, but it just seemed so random. I'll admit, I don't like 50% of Batti's cutsy, meow dialogue, its something that would irk me in real life, but she's very likeable at the same time. (If that makes any sense).

I wish Batti had a dark switch at times. Like she would turn away from everyone for a second and curse the faces and wish they would die, but quickly switch back. Then we got Daggershield and Stormrage out of the blue for a bonus. Batti's reaction to them was typical and sweet. (If not a missed opportunity for an outside the fangirl reaction.....).

There was hate displayed when Kagura was brought up. I just wish it was explored a little more. Ramparte at the end continued his part of the story. It was a good RP, I just didn't like it as much as the others did.
Numbers - Auston Reynolds

I'll tell you a secret. Your RPs are one of my favorites and I do my damnest to read them and think about how I could improve my own RPs with how yours are written. (Not in style mind you, but in structure and overall balance) . I still regard your Elite Openweight RP vs Eve as RP of the year and I stand by that.

Like I mentioned in The Discussion Thread, there's something a little gruffier (if that's a word) about Austin in the way you write him. I simply can't picture him as A.J Styles and read him more like Elias Samson or a Biker version of Randy Savage. We open the RP with VI getting out of the limo and Constantine leading the verbal march. Abel is now following Constantine and Austin seems concerned with that. The RP was focussed solely on tension between Constantine and Austin and it was good. I liked how Constantine was written and the exchanges were well thought out.

In the end, Austin gets a breath of fresh air away from VI and gets a text. Its a simple ending to display that he feels trapped with VI and truly happy with his real family. Sometimes simple is good.
Shin Chan - Xaitlyn Serpiente

A serviceable RP that obviously had a team plan behind it. A good team effort by both tag team members Frank N Stein and you and IMO that will propel both of you to Kingdom Come as number one contenders for the tag team championships. (Again, only my opinion, creative might have a different opinion.)

The RP continued the story started in Frank N Steins RP with both Knights talking strategy about their opponents. I'm liking Xaitlyn's character more and more (as long as she doesn't transform into a damn snake again....urg..) and her interactions with Tony are light hearted. I even liked how this RP ended with Gino running scared of the snake. This tag team has many USB slots to stick ideas into and that's a really good thing to have.
Dagger Dias - Blackjack Theron

The RP opens in movie script format, I'm not the biggest fan of this kind of formatting but you're the only one that really does it in WZCW and that makes it unique. (Sometimes it goes a little too in depth, like Tiffany's leather seat and a big plant near the window next to her, but it doesn't drag on that much)

We get Tiffany's version of things as she's talking to a therapist about recent events. I like Tiffany as an NPC....but I kind of didn't care about what she's talking about here for a bit. I like her more as a supporting role and not the centerpiece of the RP.

Theron is out in the lobby and his imaginary wizard enemy (I say imaginary as its implied that others can't see him, the guy didn't see him exit the room....) Platinum. He picks at Theron a bit over recent events and says he has an artifact for him that will help him defeat Titus. But he has to beat Tastic first. I liked this exchange.

A good RP. I'd like a little more background info on Platinum though as I don't have a clue why he's harassing Theron, what he looks like or where he comes from.
Mark Keaton

Your RPs are hit and miss with me but I really enjoyed this one.

The different settings, Staying a heel while showing that Mark is still human was very well written and it made me smile.

The conversation with Devil and Angel Keaton reminded me of watching Looney Tunes as a kid although I don't remember anyone biting heads off.

Not to many people can make me feel so many different emotions in one RP but you made me feel anger, I laughed and was a bit grossed out and it ended with me feeling some major feels.

There's a reason your the front runner for RotY and this is a prime example of why.
Jeff Deliverer of Mail - Kingdom Come 8 RP

Loved the Star Wars theme you had going in this RP. Star Wars tributes combined with your usual silliness worked very well together. You had me laughing many times as I read it, especially at the "Tony Mancini and (Name I hate spelling)" line or the silly line about the bread that the NPC woman dropped that literally "bounced on the ground and was never mentioned in the RP again".

Not entirely sure what "EVERYONESAWSTARWARSEVERYONESAWSTARWARSEVERYONESAWS TARWARSEVERYONESAWSTARWARSEV" was supposed to be. I know it reads "Everyone Saw Star Wars" but I don't get why it's all one long word. Might be a joke I somehow missed.

Having Darth Keaton travel to a planet of Salvific supporters only for the NPC's to all end up getting hit by the Stormtoopers' lasers was an interesting way to go about addressing your opponents and keeping true to the Star Wars theme. Then how it turns out it was all a movie shown by Keaton to Constantine was a great way to transition from one piece to another. Your work flowed with Constantine. I did vote for you guys and enjoyed both RP's.

The main thing I would have changed was the conversation between Darth Keaton and Emperor Constantine about the laughter. It reminded me a bit about the infamous awkward laughter cut-scene from FFX. That wasn't the bad part about it though. There was a little too much dialogue in a row here without enough descriptions in between the lines in the string of spoken dialogue before the camera angle pans the dead crowd. Did both of them just stand there laughing not doing anything else? You could have had them both doing poses as they practiced their maniacal laughter.

All in all, this is the best RP you have ever written. Something as out there as this might not work in most rounds, you nailed it here though.
Vee A.D.Z.
(Prince Vee)

I'm going to start out by saying that your RP is good. Please don't take what I'm about to say the wrong way.

I read your RP twice and both times it left me confused after I read it. It's obvious that your a very intelligent man and that comes through in your RPs which is a good thing but what I think the problem is no one really gets them. What you should try to do is keep the intelligence in your RPs but at the same time make it so the not so intelligent among us can understand what you're going for and trying to accomplish

Another problem is that in this particular RP Vee cam off as a bit of a heel. He should be upset that he's been on a losing streak but here he came off a bit like a jackass while he was talking to his wife.

The last thing that took me out of this RP while I was reading it was the grammar. English is not your fist language which is fine but it is the first language of just about everyone else. I really think if you let someone proof read your RP and get an opinion before you post it then there won't be any problem any more. I'm always just a PM away if you decide to go this route.

My Prediction: Kagura wins and continues her momentum as mid card #1 contender

I've noticed quite a few things that I would like to point out here. Firstly, many words were misspelled in your RP. For instance, sense instead of since, to instead of too and such. Those made it a little tough to read it in a flow. Sometimes sentences were tough to read as well. I had to read it more than a couple of times to comprehend it.

I had said this once before in a feedback thread and I would say it again. Don't get offended by that though. Your character lacks emotions. Not just Tony but most of the characters. Some scenes doesn't make sense. I always like to vision RPs as stories and I always do realise it's easy to frame a story in mind but tough to replicate it in words. I dislike when the scenes don't make sense. In one scene, Tony and Melanie would drink vine whole holding the baby or so.

Melanie is an unrealistic character. Oh well, I'm the not the one to say about unrealistic characters but well, it's quite unrealistic that someone would agree to babysit a new neighbour's-who has a troubled past-baby without any terms and conditions. It's quite obvious that Melanie is going to be the love interest of Tony if not, a very significant character in your future RPs. I would like to see the character grow.

This maybe a minor one, Melanie and Father Meloni sound a little similar. You could've used some other names. But this is just my personal thought.

I'm very much confused in the last part of the RP. Tony wants to be the bad guy? Right after confessing his sins? I could only know that Tony will still be the heel from Dave's podcast not from this RP. Because the entire RP made Tony look like a face but confused us at the end.

Little more details of everything would've made your RP a better one. Little more of his love for his daughter, little more of his failure with holding Xaitlyn.

Hope this is helpful.
Anthony Mancini

Anyone But You, Anthony. ;)

The picture in the start of the RolePlay was perfect. You should do it more often. Just find something related to Anthony as you did in this RolePlay. Good addition.

I guess that I could look repetitive but the absence of commas, too long sentences etc make my reading experience less enjoying.

Vee made a good point about the confusion between names. I agree with him about it. It's almost significant but a person like me doesn't take this as negligible.

About Melanie, I didn't get the whole thing. Why would Anthony trust a lady who he has just met? He knows nothing about her as the RolePlay suggests but has no problem giving his most valuable daughter to her while he's wrestling? That makes Anthony look like an innocent guy while We know that he ain't so. Even more he looks like somewhat dumb.

I liked the conversation with Father Meloni. Mentioning Xaitlyn indirectly was an icing on the cake. ;)

In all seriousness, it shows that you do have continuity. You didn't just forget Xaitlyn just after she left. That's a commendable action. I would've liked to see more in this conversation with Father. But still it's good.

And I'm intrigued in what's the future with Anthony and Logan. That's a plus point.
I decided to drop some feedback for Dave as a way to repay him for the banner. And due to the RP being a collaboration, with Keaton being both his partner and opponent for the round, I decided to give some to Jeff too.

Mark Keaton's RP

I loved your narration and the plot was well crafted. Keaton's carefree nature and cocky and flamboyant attitude works well to counterbalance John's serious and professional nature. You blend an interesting mix of lighthearted and situational comedy while keeping Keaton serious when he needs to be. Because of that I can take Keaton seriously as a dynamic character and not write him off as merely a clown with a cocky attitude.

What I liked most about the RP is the narration. Very smooth. You paint a great picture and your portrayals are great. John seems spot on. Keaton is colorful. There's no wasted dialogue or interactions here. And there's a consistent theme with Keaton retaining a "steel focus" as well.

What I could offer for improvement is maybe separating the dialogue from the narrative descriptions. You seem to blend both together. If it weren't for the color coding the dialogue wouldn't stand out as much.

John Constantine's RP

This piece shows how great of a narrator you are, with Constantine's almost pessimistic portrayal here blending well with Keaton's optimism. You two really are a great team because the characters work so well with each other. And you've done well not to place John on a pedestal in the narration like I would have expected. He comes across as having 100% faith in Keaton and views him as an equal instead of a tool. And that's one of the big reasons why I found myself so invested in the second half of the RP. John seems to genuinely like and trust Keaton, so there's greater weight to his words.

Funkay let me in on the whole GLIL angle, which helped me craft the backstory for Celeste's Kingdom Come RP, and I like it when different characters present different viewpoints on the same angle. Constantine is crafty and sly. He's knows his enemies just as well as his allies. The fact that you labeled Holmes as his best friend instead of Keaton speaks volumes about how the character operates on an emotional level.

There's real depth here, and it's a great developmental piece. I think you approached the match between John and Mark perfectly. It's friendly fire. From a fans perspective I'd expect a count out or draw. It'll be interesting to see what creative decides to do, and how Vis Imperium moves forward having to deal with the emotional fallout.

Great work.
Frank's match he wrote for Meltdown.

It was a well written match, good mixture of action and commentary. There were small wording slip ups but you can find tiny amounts in nearly every show. I think you did both wrestlers a good service with this match.
Logan McAllister
(K Web V3)
I loved how you incorporated everything going on in your life and the fact you haven't been AS up with WZCW as you should have into this RP. It was well written and something I enjoyed. Adding an advocate for Logan wasn't something I expected but I'm excited to see how it goes personally.

Is it enough to beat Lee and take the Eurasian Title? I don't know but I do this this one being a fight.

Yemrez Reqonic

I enjoyed it. It was a very decent RP for a first time character and it looks like all the feedback you've gotten with Xaitlyn has been taken to heart. The broken English is a pet peeve of mine when there are so many native english speakers around but again you made it work by having her be from Estonia.

It sucks FWR didn't RP but that's on him, not you. I think you would have won regardless. Keep up the good work man.
Anthony Mancini

The commas and grammar mistakes continue. I know that it might frustrate you but just get it checked from someone or rather me myself before posting it. That's a small advice.

I liked how you managed Anthony to get some advice from another father in form of Logan McAllister. The idea was a good one.

The dialogue between Anthony and Logan should've been much longer. The picture at the start was a nice touch so continue doing so. Also, where's the acccent with Logan?

The part in start and end about Anthony and Amelia was well done. But I would've liked some more deep conversation between Logan and Anthony.

The RolePlay seemed more of Logan than Anthony's. Just a point of view. That's all.

First off, I really liked the character rap sheet and thought the idea was original. Plus that entrance music fits the wrestler and its a great song. Now, to the RP. We get Lynx in his apartment in AZ watching Aftershock to start out. He's shocked to learn that Theron Daggershield has retired so he's off to WZCW to prevent the apocalypse from happening.

I liked the way the RP started, it's a fresh new character so we don't need ALL the information crammed at us to begin. Keeping some of his motivations on the backburner in the first RP is a good move IMO.

There's some fourth wall breaking and a sprinkle of comedy here and there that kind of reminded me of Theron a little bit. Same with the writing style, if you changed up the movie script format just for your first few words of a new paragraph then it wouldn't seem too much like a Theron RP...the same with that last paragraph. That's just my tinyiest of tiny nitpics but overall it was a good start and looking forward to see what Lynx has in store for WZCW.
Callie Clark
I don't know if this what you're going for but when I read a Clark Sister RP and Callie especially I get this modern day valley girl type vibe that just makes me hate her.

This RP I was excited to read after you asked us all for help over on Discord and I have to say you didn't disappoint. It really made me not like Callie which is a good thing in this case. You joined as a team with Jam and although sadly that was right when we got rid of the tag titles you guys have kept the team dynamic instead of saying "well fuck" and going your separate ways.

All in all I love reading your RPs as you seem to have a good grasp of who Callie is and it shows in your RPs. keep up the good work man.
Callie Clark

First of all, I like that you tried t think of an original way to shoe horn a Q&A into the RP. Most people go for the basic interview with Leon or Johnny but this is a little bit different. However, I have to say that it is STILL a Q&A for the most part. I think the people who do the best in this Fed are the ones who can be creative enough to have a Q&A without it feeling like one. I mean, you could have accomplished the same questions by talking to Gabi or something else. It's a small complaint but something that I think you should address going forward.

A major positive I have picked out from your work is how well you stick to your character. I guess, in a lot of ways, Callie reminds me of Alexa Bliss in WWE. She is the sort of person who is repulsed by the thoughts of others and the way they are/live. To that end, I think you have something there. When I read the work, I can actually see her reactions when she finds out things about people that she doesn't like. That's a strength.

In terms of where you can improve, I guess I don't have a lot of feedback. The relationship between Callie and Gabi is really good and you should be proud of how well you both use each other. One thing I would say is that you should try and make your RP mean something. At the core of this piece, Callie is answering questions from people but it kinda goes nowhere. I always try and have some stakes in the RP and have some development towards that. And whilst this is a well-written piece, nothing really happens (if that makes sense). Where are the stakes? What are the challenges Callie faces? For a throwaway match, this is really good. But there's a bit of room for development for sure.
Yemrez Reqonic

free feedback for looking over my RP​

I liked it. You talked about your win which is good and while you the handler were unhappy with how you won the character is, I was afraid you would have Yemrez be unhappy with it as well which would have made no sense.

You talked about your opponent and which is always a good thing because at the end of the this is a promo, I feel there was a lot of missed opportunity here. You could have talked about the Clark Sisters dependence on each other or how they lived an easy life while Yemrez worked her ass of for her country and family. Things like that I feel would have added a bit more depth.

Why was I reading Greek & German words? Shouldn't they be Estonian instead seeing how that would be her native language? It just bugged me for some reason and was the main thing that took me out of the story.

not bad but a step down from your last RP.
Tony Mancini

First of all, I'm not wild on the picture at the top of your RP all the time. I think it would be neater and tidier if you just made that into a written quote. Truth be told, it's kinda hard to make out sometimes. Second of all, there are quite a few grammatical errors in your first paragraph. Traditionally, as the piece goes on, I get a little bit more forgiving about those because they are harder to spot amongst the wall of text. But for Christ's sake, proof read the first few paragraphs at least. The first sentence is far too long to begin with and needs broken up with a comma. And there is a pretty big break in the last sentence that makes it nonsensical:

--Tony loses track of time until a few hours later when his front door slams open letting, thanks to Gino Rizzoli walking in like he owns the place.

Again, this is the first paragraph of your work. You need to proof read, mate. You can also find grammar editors around the net if you so desire. But that's not a good impression to start with.

Another thing that I have to bring up is the lack of emotion from Tony. Bare in mind that this is the son of a Mob Boss, who learned from the school of hard knocks. But even when he is telling off Gino, there is no emotion to him. He's like a robot. Use exclamation marks, or even capital letters more when Tony gets heated and it'll pay dividends. I promise.

I know we give you some grief about the baby thing but it's actually a nice little angle you have running. Did you ever see Dexter when the Mom got killed in the bath and Dexter was left with the kids after she died? You could tell that he wasn't equipped for that mentally or emotionally and it made a lot of sense. But with Tony, he's adapting too well. I want to see the struggles of Mancini with the baby. Having a kid is hard when you work 30 hours a week, never mind being a full-time wrestler. You get what I am saying here? Raise the stakes and cause some friction. But most importantly, give Tony a fucking personality who deals with struggles etc.

You know, I like the continuity of Mancini going to church to get things off of his chest. It puts a nice little bow on what you have been saying through the RP but I feel as though your RP is missing some drama. The relationship between Tony and Gino is disintegrating, so play that shit out. Have them fight over what is important and have Gino be the bad guy. Even with Father Meloni, there needs to be something more going on than explaining shit to the reader. It needs to mean something but I am willing to wait for that.

All in all, it's not a bad piece at all. You just really need to focus on better defining Tony and giving him a personality. Reread your work and you'll see.
Vee A.D.Z

This is a decent enough piece of work. But I have to bring up the spelling and grammar. Now, I know that English isn't exactly your first language, and I try to be a little forgiving of that most of the time. But some of the language in the piece is just down-right confusing to say that least. I really think you ought to consider running it through a program with a grammar check to solve these problems because it can, and almost did, take away some of the sheen from an otherwise decent RP.

The content of the RP is good actually. I like the relationship you have with Sara and I liked the setting of the RP too. It makes sense for Vee to be a little more reserved following, probably, the biggest win of his career – thanks to how all of that went down. To that end, I'm glad you played it down a little and got right back to preparing for what should be a grueling match against Garth Black.

Following on from that, I have to commend you on having a go at trying to put Black down as much as possible. It was a reasonably good assessment of the character of Black and, actually, it was a good read too.

The only other negative I have for you is the altercation at the end. It didn't make a lot of sense if I am being honest. I know it was nothing more than a tool to get out what you needed to say but it came off as a forced segment. You could have accomplished the same thing with Sara but you chose to introduce another character that seemed unnecessary. Still, like I said, it's pretty good all in all.
JamJam Winner of the prediction contest RP Feedback.

Did I vote for you? YES

If I was ranking the RP's it would have gone Matrix, Jamjam, Wren then Requonic. You and Matrix were very close though. Very symboinic RP's that is tag team championship material. I liked how you didn't stray far from the wrestling aspect of the story (Something I do alot) and reminded everyone that this an important homecoming for The Clark Sisters. You have to be careful when tag team RPing though as you and your Clark sister said alot of the same things making it seem repetitive at times. I like how you and Matrix have a similar writing style and kept both RPs in first person perspective. I like the valley girl, over the top attitude and fun dialog. It was easy to read, never boring and it made sense. I wasn't close to being lost as you directed me to the end of your Rp, its a simple style and it works. I'd suggest when moving forward; doing some tweeking to your character to try and stand out from your Clark sister. Both are alot alike and it's just me but....the tag team division has died right when you guys came in with this great sister team. Looking forward to reading future RP's.
Gabi Clark (Jam) - Apocalypse 2017

Let's start with the positives. I voted for you guys as your RP's flowed well together and told the better overall story. That's important in tag team matches. Matrix's RP was a bit better in formatting as well as in content although you were both better than your opponents'. It was good that you separated the sisters so that we got Gabi's story in your RP with only part of it having them together. Jeff gave a great piece of advice that I agreed with. Work on making Gabi stand out from the Clark Sisters alliance. How is she different from Callie? Build on that. Developing Gabi more on her own like you did here (while still coming back to the alliance with her sister) would be a good idea in future RP's. What can she bring to the table that Callie might not be able to during the times they are not together? This RP was a step in the right direction (for me anyway) for that reason. The story you told was good. Having Gabi be rude in her responses to the flight crew and how heelish she was in how she got back at Molly was something I want to see more of. Having her grab Bates' phone just to send a text rant to Callie is another example of this, and it was funny too.

Alright so now for some suggestions on how this RP could have been improved. The intro before Molly comes, there is too much dialogue there without enough description. I think the script style would have helped here, such as if you had written out the names of who spoke like Matrix did in his. Gabi and Callie speak similarly. The reader needs to know who is talking. Some actions/descriptions in between all that talking would have really helped that scene out. You had 6 lines of dialogue, a one word description "silence", then 5 more lines of dialogue before Molly appears. What was going on while Gabi was silent? Did she do anything while she sat there? Did she sit still the whole time? Even if she sat still she could have looked around at the other people or fixed her hair or something. Try to not have so many lines of dialogue without at least one sentence of descriptions to show us what is going on while Gabi's talking to someone. I would also have used a different color for Molly. She spoke in a font color quite similar to Callie's. Maybe Magenta or Teal would have been better.

I would avoid awkward things like when Gabi said "This is worst than my period.". You've had Gabi say awkward things in other RP's too. Might want to stay away from anything like that. Give us more of the arrogance in her. She "knows" she is in the right, so show us why, and in a way that Gabi would but Callie wouldn't. In the conversation with Bates you had some strings of dialogue without descriptions again, though not as bad as the one with Callie at the start of the RP. Find little things for her to do in between talking. Things as small as heelish body-language could be done in between her lines in lengthy talking portions to improve them.

Hope this helps. Keep it up.
Eve Taylor (FalKon)
I have a soft spot for webcam/simple speak-to-the-camera RPs, probably because I did them a lot in another fed as a tribute to one of my favorite eFed characters of all time. There's a real rawness to them, which is something I appreciate, and as that's clearly what you're going for I commend you on using that format.

As someone weighing the benefits of a stage persona myself, the themes present in this RP of the power of a name really struck home. There's a wistfulness to how she talks about it, an ache that I really connected with. Fake it 'til you make it is something I hear a lot of, every day, and the complicated discussion of what that actually means is something I ask myself every time it comes up. (As an aside, you did typo that as 'fake it to you make it, but I'll gloss over that.)

I love how poetic this speech is. It's emotional, it has ups and downs, a pure wrestling promo at its finest, a real roller coaster ride. The clean-clean makes sense, it humanizes Eve even more than ever, and how you tie her personal identity crisis and all the things that have happened to her since the Lethal Lottery into Matt Tastic's personalities and how he is now is just so beautiful. Also, shoutouts to using fuck in a genuinely impactful way.

I don't really have a lot of criticisms. I think this one just struck me, both in its simplicity and in its subject matter. It sets up a lot for the future as well. It broke when it needed to and sucked me in using dialogue alone. I guess on a personal level it almost lost the atmosphere you had built when she became super focused on Mikey when she first said his name but you regained it fast and finished strong. Great work.

Titus Avison (Lee)
I hope Titus never loses the belt ever.

Okay, with that sentiment out of the way, time to talk about the actual RP. One thing I find kind of funny is that while I always love your RPs, I'm prepared to be at odds with how you actually write them. Things always move too abruptly for me, and yet the content is always so strong that I'm sucked in nonetheless. I suppose you've really nailed that screenplay style of giving us just enough to draw our own conclusions of the scene before hitting us with the dialogue, so I get it. For example, it feels the scene very quickly jumps from Titus backstage to Becky's office to Georgia. It's like being on a roller coaster. I think at the very least I wouldn't have minded a little more scene-setting for the toast.

But my god, the content never fails to blow me away. You have a knack for using imagery to completely destroy an opponent while weaving in ten years of history and well-thought-out references. My favorite bit about the RP is that the speech Titus makes on Will McKay sounds like a horror film. It builds that dread and completely eviscerates Will's character. there's something about targeted character dissection I absolutely love, especially when it builds to a crescendo like that. It's relentless and it slows down exactly when it needs to.

Hey, maybe that's what you were going for, yknow? Make the beginning punchy and fast so that when the RP slows down it hits you like a punch in the gut. If that's so, I dig it. Great stuff.

Tony Mancini (Milenko)
Man, your RPs are weirdly soulless.

That's like, a super negative thought to start off with, huh? I don't know, the opening just feels like you're building with blocks and putting stuff in because you feel you have to. Something about how you cite things like sources and songs just...there's no rhythm or flow or beauty to them, yknow? You always use the full name of the Bible you're quoting from, or you very specifically name exactly what contemporary song is playing in the church complete with brackets. It just really disrupts your flow and makes the whole thing feel like less like a piece of writing and more like a robot assumption of what an RP is.

It feels like the entire opening is just an excuse to get to the Father Meloni conversation when you probably could've just started at Father Meloni and explained everything else in the conversation itself. I guess that's just my own writing preferences coming into play, though.

It's actually kind of funny. In scene-setting and description you often use a lot of short sentences but in dialogue you use a lot of run-ons. Weird.

I don't really find Father Meloni super convincing or human as a character, honestly. He just seems like a plot point. It's like your intro, except in character form. Father Meloni exists in this weird microcosm where WZCW is the only thing anyone cares about, including an actual man of the cloth, and he only exists to be all "Hey Tony, here's some weirdly specific advice". It's also weird how you built up all that for a five-line conversation.

Also, seriously, learn to use punctuation. You don't use any sometimes, like in the sentence "That's great Anthony now what does this have to do with me?". It always tosses me out of the scene when I'm trying to understand what you're saying rather than focusing on what's being said.

So, that's all my writing gripes out of the way. In terms of content, I think it told me who Tony was decently well. He's a father, a devout Christian, and he used to be in a tag team with Xaitlyn. That said, everyone in your RP speaks the same, so I can't say anyone made much of an impression on me, including Tony. It's adequate. It tells a story, it builds to a match with Constantine, it gives Tony a tangible and viable reason as to why the match is important, and I think all that is positive.

You have a long way to go, but I admit that this RP definitely made me want to see the match. My biggest issue with the content is that the quote didn't at all connect with the rest of the writing. If I were you I would have went with a verse on forgiveness. That would've been a lot more thematically appropriate. So yeah, it did its job and I think you have to be commended for that because you've improved a lot in terms of actually telling a story that makes sense and advances multiple plot points. Definitely the best work I've personally read of yours.
Andrew Adonis

Descriptions are on-point. They are quite lavishing, and as you continue reading, the words are as smooth as you would read them. Having description so smooth allows the story to be painted well, and keeps the reader interested. However, considering how 'astonishing' (great use of the word in your RP, btw) Andrew is, I feel he is more of a character that would be the one describing the scene in his tone. You could create some amazing atmosphere with Adonis reciting the scene through his own eyes with the descriptions you've got currently.

You can really feel the character here. Businessman through and through. The cockiness, the locker room talk, the actual business side of things... what struck me was the delivery of Andrew demanding "More" from the waitress without even breaking a glance. That's a nice cocky intensity from Adonis. Loved it.

I am getting some Paul Heyman vibes here with how you've protected your client. I love how every motivation you have is purely to make Xander the best. Adonis might have his own morals, wishes, and wants, but ultimately, you come back around to make it all about Xander. That's exactly how a manager should be portrayed.

Really good RP here. I would decide whether you wish for Adonis to narrate the scene, or have an invisible narrator. I saw you crossing paths between the two, and with your writing skills, you can pull off Adonis narrating and create some excellent perspectives. Get the readers invested in the world Adonis sees, because he is a good character. Let us see what he sees. Let us think what he thinks.

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