RAW: I'm gonna try this..AGAINNN!!

Man, none of us was there 35 years ago. We don't know the amends he's made since either. Ain't none of us the judge or jury. RIP Snuka, peace to his family.
The WWE is caught between a rock and a hard place. If they didn't do something then they would be accused of being bastards since he wasn't actually tried and found guilty. If they did do something then they are considered bastards for honouring a possible murderer.

They did as much and as little as they could in this situation. He still has family members that work for them.
Did Emma get hit by a bus or something? I know it takes women a long time to get ready, but holy shit this is ridiculous.
Did Emma get hit by a bus or something? I know it takes women a long time to get ready, but holy shit this is ridiculous.

How awesome would be if when she debuted this new Emmalina character and in a huge swerve the character was a frazzled single mom who only wears baggy sweatsuits and Uggs and never wears makeup and only wears her hair up.
Did Emma get hit by a bus or something? I know it takes women a long time to get ready, but holy shit this is ridiculous.

Facial reconstruction can take awhile if she did get hit by a bus. So maybe that justifies the wait...?
How awesome would be if when she debuted this new Emmalina character and in a huge swerve the character was a frazzled single mom who only wears baggy sweatsuits and Uggs and never wears makeup and only wears her hair up.

Now that would have in laughing out loud.
Oh I'm fully aware of 205 Live. I'm sure the show is good... but they just haven't done a single thing to make me WANT to watch it.
you're gonna have to take the plunge regardless if you want to be interested in the Cruiserweights. RAW doesn't give 2 flying fucks about them and won't promote them outside a single shit match.

205 Live has several storylines going for the C.W.D. Dar Vs Alexander, Gallagher V Davari (They actually have an I forfeit match coming up) as well as an awesome C.W. Championship scene with Neville V Swann. They're also setting up a feud between TBK V Tajiri if the last couple weeks are any indacator.

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