Live Discussion: RAW 1/14/2008

what were they chanting at the end??? I think it was "thankyou hardy" did anyone else hear???

at the end they were chanting this is awesome. hardy is ok he gave a wave from the gurney however it is spelled. i was ready to give up on this raw it sucked i hated the whole midget battle royal thing. i think we all know that flair will win until wrestlemania then lose so i dont like being reminded week in and week out that it is a career threatening match.

i think by himself jeff hardy is saving the wwe he is showing what it takes to be a wrestler about putting risk out there and i defintely was shocked by the end with hardy jumping from 25 feet at least onto orton i dont are if it was on a mattress or not. i so expected raw to end with orton finally getting the best of hardy but i am liking this push hardy is getting. if orton isnt seriously hurt which i am led to believe he is since they got orton on the gurney first.
then i do believe orton will still win the wwe title at royal rumble but i believe hardy is showing the top brass that he deserves a run with the title at some point this year.
That was amazing. I didn't tune into Raw until the mini rumble and to be honest, when I saw that I was kinda glad I hadn't tuned in earlier. The Hardy spot made it that much better. It looked like Orton was really close to the side so I thought Hardy wouldn't be able to make it without hitting the stage and seriously injuring himself. I think that is why they cut away. Probably had Orton roll over a little to make it a bit more safe for Hardy.
just rewatched it on Tivo. Hardy is shitting bricks up on the scafold. the crowd pop is decent at the time, i wonder if they showed replays on the titon tron and that is when people were going crazy
Hardy is doing what he can but I still don't think anyone really thinks he can win. Thats the problem with this royal rumble card way to predictable. Flair over MVP, Orton over Hardy, Edge over Mysterio, and the rumble can always be narrowed down to about two to three people.
Damn near the whole episode of Raw sucked...another 10 minute wasted segment with JBL...more Hornswoggle/Khali garbage (though I did get a cheap chuckle when I saw Mini-Kennedy unable to reach the microphone) utterly pointless thing with Flair as we all know they've advertised him having a Royal Rumble match, so as if it wasn't set in stone that he'd beat Regal anyway (cause really, are they gonna have him lose to Regal? c'mon) we know he has a match in a few weeks....pointless. Plus they had to plug the same old crap for an extra 20+ minutes on the show. Add in commercials, you find yourself wondering why its 2 hours when its really only 30 minutes of entertainment.

Then the Hardy/Orton match comes on. Well, first off, let me say, Hardy's getting much better on the mic. He's no star on Kennedy or MVP or anything...but he's getting better. The near double-ring of the bell, that pissed me off, but they made up for it. That spot was sick. Aside from Candice's fall on Raw that has her still out of action, this was the first time in a looooong while that I've actually thought "oh shit..these guys might seriously be screwed". Hopefully that's not the case. I really want to see Hardy/Orton put on a good show at the Royal Rumble and impress a lot of people, as their feud's been picking up a hell of a lot of steam lately. Hopefully neither of them is injured, but man, I say give Hardy the championship asap if not just for a reward. Even if you're not the biggest fan of his, I think you have to agree he deserves a lot of respect for putting his ass on the line like that. He's like the flying version of Foley lol.

Great end spot on an otherwise crappy show. Though I'm glad they let Kennedy speak as he hasn't been able to get a word in edgewise for what, 3 months?
I liked Michaels use of the Reverse Figure 4. Orton Hardy Segment classic. All in all a decent show, I don't really complain. And Triple H tearing up the screen, yeah, we all saw that coming.
i guess your right it was nice to see michaels use a new move for him. HHH tearing up the screen is to be expected. but the mini battle royal, the 6 way womens match is really hard to watch them blotch spots but i didnt mind the melina nipple slip thats a good reason to keep them on the show. but the jeff hardy saved this show again.

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