How quickly does WWE want us to forget?

I think this is an opportunity for them to bring back the LwO. Albert as leader. They'll recruit the Dragons, Bullfighters, Garcia twins and Rose Mendes. Colter can make sporadic appearances as Coltero, with his hair and stache dyed black.

But I doubt he'll be Al's manager, they're just too different. WWE had to do this since 45% of their worldwide audience is Hispanic. Look it up.

Things are coming to a head with Trump's racism and Spanish people's backlash. WWE does not want to be on the wrong side of that clash. Expect more Latin stars and synergy with Latin wrestling organisations.
I think their duo works as zeb colter is good as mouthpiece for him...... and del rio is good at wrestling so why not?
Actually I remember Colter turning face at some point and actually accepting non-Americans. I'm sure that happened sometime.

Also the WWE is acknowledging the fact that Del Rio & Colter is an odd pairing, which means that some kind of angle is going down. So for once the WWE seems to be using continuity in their storylines.

Even before that happened, Colter accepted non Americans when he brought in Cesaro to be part of the real Americans teaming with Swagger. After Cesaro left (to join Heyman) eventually Colter turned face as part of the Russev feud.
Thank you for the input guys, I know heels turn face and faces turn heel it happens all of the time. I remember Vince and Steve and HHH and Shawn being with each other and against each other but my main point was this just seems like a very unlikely pair. It just makes it unbelievable to me but it is very good to see them both back even if Alberto is boring in the ring and does not deserve John's Title.
Sgt Slaughter and Iron Sheikh/Colonel Mustafa...Slaughter heel turn and it's best buddies, Slaughter face turn and it's back to being sworn enemies again.

Michael Hayes who's heel persona was a redneck racist, but he won the NWA tag team titles with Otis Sistrunk and joined the Yamazaki Corporation with Matsuda and Butch Reed.

When Orton was back with the Authority/Evolution, was a single mention given to the fact that HHH turned on Orton, turned his first title reign into a joke and buried him for a good couple of years?

Colter's real American gimmick was ludicrous to begin with in that they had a Swiss guy in the stable.

As for Del Rio deserving the title, does it matter? I have long said the US title/IC title that used to mean something now mean shit all, the real IC title is the MitB briefcase, and even that's being turned into a joke with the "I'll cash it in, wait no I won't" rinse spot. The way Michael Cole has to put over "the bell never rang so therefore it wasn't cashed in" is so bad you can even hear Michael Cole choking back the bile.
Well they are covering their butts on almost every major
Ireland..lynch, shaemus, Balor
U.K..Barrett, Neville, Paige
Mexico..Del Rio, sin Cara, kalisto,Fernando , Diego,
Canada..a gold mine Jericho, edge, Christian, Natalya, Kidd, hart, Owens, Zayne, Viktor
Russia..Rusev, technically Bulgaria
Then we have undertaker from Death Valley, and Warrior was parts unknown..
The islands..Rreigns, Jimmy and jey use, tamina, the rock,
West Africa ..Jodi Kingston
Bahamas....Adam rose
Costa Rica..rosa mendes
Then stardust is fifth demension lol...

I'd say vkm is spread out pretty good...
It doesn't bother me as much, because you never know what character development these guys have gone through. Do I think this angle is good? No. Do I think it's awkward seeing Zeb be the bad guy while not being able to walk at this time? Yes. I still want to know what happened with Jack Swagger.

But stranger things have happened in the WWE.

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