**MERGED** Jack Swagger, Zeb Coulter & Swagger's Arrest (Keep it all here!!)

Despite everything I still think it could be a work, only because in the TMZ article they constantly refer to Him by his ring name, although they mention his real name once the rest of the article refers to him as "Swaggar" not Hager and wwe calls him "Mr Swaggar" I hope it is The angle has intrigued me
Quite disappointing considering the potential for a semi-edgy storyline, but Swagger has to reap what he's sown. It seems like only the top stars of the WWE were able to be busted and still keep their jobs. Since Swagger is nowhere on their level, he doesn't have much of a chance.

I'm thinking Del Rio vs. Ziggler, Del Rio vs. Orton, Del Rio vs. Henry or a combination of any of them in a multi-man match. All of the possibilities are exciting for me so this isn't too much of a loss.
OUCH, Swaggie. Great timing. You just pulled an RVD. There goes your one great chance.

There is no way the WWE can ignore this. Swagger is already in the midst of controversy and outside media attention with his angle. And now that the focus is on him, they can't make an exception to their supposedly strict wellness policy.

I smell Mark Henry calling him out soon for an impromptu match over his Wrestlemania spot and then pretty much unceremoniously squash him. Right after that Swaggie gets written off TV for the time being, if not forever. Certainly no Wrestlemania. If he does stay in WWE, it's jobberville and wearing dresses and getting pies thrown in his face by Hornswoggle.
Swagger, good luck in all your future endeavors.

WWE, PLEASE, PLEASE, keep the Zeb Coulter character. Pair him up with another young up and comer and keep the same storyline.
Agreed. I considered Coulter the one good thing in that entire storyline. Great talker. He could bring back the (almost) lost art of the wrestling manager.

The same storyline, though? Dunno. I think the whole racist American vs lovable rascal Latin thing is done for now with Swagger getting written off TV possibly as soon as next Monday Night Raw.

But Coulter can be the mouthpiece for someone else who needs one. (Not Khali though. He may sorely need one, but he's a lost cause.)
No one knows for sure if he is going to get fired or suspended or just a fine. If i was Vince i would tell him straight that he has blown his mania match *which then blows his mania payday* but i would keep him going with the gimmick. I'd have Ziggler come out and challenge him to a match where its briefcase VS mania match. Ziggler goes over and jack misses mania. simple as that.

As for Hardy didnt WWE fire him because he refused to go to rehab?
Yes they did release Hardy cos he refused rehab, the policy states after a 2nd strike they can mandate it or release - they did the same to Umaga although why they didn't to Orton is beyond me.

The problem WWE has here and those baying for Jake Hagar's blood is that Dope is now legal in some states, so the process of legalisation is beginning and is bound to go national within 5 years as more states liberalise. Also several stars have DUI's including Santino , Jey Uso and Alex Riley - that does tell you where on the totem pole these mistakes can put you.

WWE has, in it's policy singled weed out as softer than other drugs... but they have also stated Hagar would be in material breach of his contract. So where the decision lies is do you fire a guy for breaking a law in one state, which is legal in another? It's a very dodgy area for WWE to be in. Quantity will come into play, if he had a dimebag in the car that's one thing, but if he has a medical card another. As I remember it was the quantity that caused a lot of problems for both RVD and Hardy.

He's an idiot and I can see Mantell refusing to work with him after this, but I can't quite see them firing him - suspension and de-push but not firing... or they go with it and use it on the basis of We The People have decided in some states I am legal...
Agreed. I considered Coulter the one good thing in that entire storyline. Great talker. He could bring back the (almost) lost art of the wrestling manager.

The same storyline, though? Dunno. I think the whole racist American vs lovable rascal Latin thing is done for now with Swagger getting written off TV possibly as soon as next Monday Night Raw.

But Coulter can be the mouthpiece for someone else who needs one. (Not Khali though. He may sorely need one, but he's a lost cause.)

The racist American thing works though because look at your top contenders in WWE: ADR (Mexican), Sheamus (Irish), Jericho (Canadian), then you've got Khali, Santino Marella, etc.

This is an edgy character that WWE needs right now. Swagger blew it for himself but WWE can still salvage the storyline and the Zeb Coulter character.
I think they will future endeavor Swagger but first they'll write him off of TV. It's simple enough. Swagger and ADR are in the ring doing a promo. Coulter is trashing Mexicans and among other things, African Americans. Ziggler's music hits. Ziggler, AJ, Big E Langston come down to the ring. Langston beats up Coulter and Swagger(and "injures" him) for their comments then beats down ADR. Ziggler cashes in MITB and boom, new champion, Swagger is off of TV.
People are mentioning Cesaro as someone for Coulter to work with. I guess its a possibility but I think he is gone along with Swagger. I can't see a logical way for them to make this change, although the WWE can be illogical. Cesaro is a foreigner who loves America so it would they could play on that. Have Cesaro tell others how to treat the US.

Swagger and Cesaro were working well and it is a shame that it has to end. Swagger could have been world champ. Everyone has to remember that Zeb would leave eventually - its just a bit premature.
Sheer Tomfoolery by Swagger in the midst of the biggest push of his career. To even contemplate taking such a risk with Wrestlemania round the corner is plain idiocy. With WWE already under scrutiny over Swagger's xenophobic character, this could spell the end for Swagger's monster push. If that indeed does happen, I hope the E keeps Zeb Colter around and have him manage Swagger's replacement. With one's departure, the window of opportunity opens for another, and someone more deserving can take the next step and seize the Mania opportunity while undertaking an exceptional heel gimmick.

The ball was in Swagger's court and he dropped it big time. This incident is definitely a career altering one, and it's probably heading in a wrong direction, at least for Jack Swagger. He has only himself to blame and he gets no sympy from me.
look guys, i used to think Swagger was kinda dull when he came in to the WWE..even as champion. but now he has a new awesome character...but he screwed things up in his personal life. and this is his 3rd strike now. now he has a DUI. he screwed up. he should pay, big time!
From the beginning I felt Jack did not deserve to go to WM for the title and I personally have never cared for him even with his new gimmick. Yes he's more intense and was trying to look more impressive but still he's a bore. But even more than that there are other much more deserving guys who should get that spotlight and all I could think is this just shows how little WWE thinks of the World title.

Jack had a sweet ticket to a huge paycheck and now that idiot has put himself back on the shelf. It's like some of these guys just don't learn. You wanna get blunted, get drunk, go crazy then ok do it but not during the biggest and most crucial time of the year for the company when all eyes will be on you especially if you're working on a comeback.

Good thing there's programming for stupid people who do stupid things. Just ask Jeff Hardy.
The biggest thing that someone mentioned that no one is talking about is if Swagger continues the storyline and does wrestle at 'Mania, will Dirty Dutch want to be anywhere near him?

The full story was Mantell's 16 year old granddaughter was killed by a drunk driver just last year in August. And the words Mantell used to describe his hatred for the person, who later died, were very scathing (Which I don't blame him one bit)

"The piece of scum who crashed into my granddaughter doing 70 MPH died on the operating table last night. I'm not a vengeful man but that bastard got what he deserved. He was a life long criminal who was running from the police when he hit my baby. Amelia was going to dance practice, he was running to get away from the police. We are going now to go claim her body back to our family. God Bless you sweet Amelia. This the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Pray for my wife and daughter."

In November, Mantell held a benefit:

Dirty Dutch Mantell presents November 18 memorial show in Murfreesboro, TN for granddaughter killed by drunk driver

If I'm Mantell, I give Swagger a big F*CK YOU and tell the WWE he wants out. So even if somehow Swagger continues this storyline with ADR, he may have to do it alone. Either way, Swagger is F'd.
The "man" that hit Amelia was worse than scum. He was a worthless piece of trash who spent his entire life hurting people. I am grateful he is dead. He was not drunk, but when his tox screen came back it showed lethal levals of Oxycontin and Xanax, as well as meth. And he was driving at 3:45 in the afternoon, right when school was getting out. For more information on what happened to Dutch's granddaughter, you can see www.ameliaslaw.com. Tennessee laws WILL change because of what happened to that sweet girl.
What....the fuck, Swagger??? I honestly couldn't believe this shit, when I first read the article, and my jaw almost hit the keyboard.

So you're jobbed out for a lengthy stretch, have a shitty WHC run after cashing-in on Jericho a few years ago (still can't believe they had him lose clean to Undertaker on Raw that one time), and then you go on a pretty long hiatus. You come back. WWE pushes you to the moon in a matter of weeks. Revamps your entire character, they give you the perfect mouthpiece, AND on top of all that, you win the Elimination Chamber for the #1 contender's spot for the WHC at Wrestlemania. How can someone fuck this up so quickly?

Yeah, I know, in life people make mistakes, but fuck man, you just blow everything so quickly, and you pissed away the chances of winning a world title at Wrestlemania? Sorry, but it's hard to have sympathy for someone like that. It's even harder to feel for that said person, when they come back out of the blue, and receive a monster push after fading away into obscurity for so long.

With all that said, I DON'T think Swagger will lose the WHC spot Wrestlemania. I highly doubt he'll win the title, because that's just a no-brainer. But Swagger's going to receive the Daniel Bryan treatment at Wrestlemania. Del Rio should embarrass him in a matter of seconds. Swagger will probably tap out to the cross arm breaker in under five seconds, or Del Rio will hit his kick to the back of the head, and pick up a quick one-two-three to win the match. Swagger is going to slide back down the totem pole again after Mania 29, but this time, I won't feel sorry for him.
The part that annoys me is that Swagger is going to be jobbed out. But they're only going to job him out to the people that they were already pushing anyway and absolutely no one will benefit from Swagger's fuck up.
Dutch Mantel had a shot at becoming known among today's fan and Jack Swagger blew it for him. I could care less about Jack Swagger's pot problems, its just unfortunate Dirty Dutch had to get taken down with him. They shouldn't have wasted Dutch's talent on Jack. Maybe he'll follow him to the impact zone.
The most mildly amusing part of this is the fact that the DUI took place now, of all times. The dude's been employed since 2008 and hasn't had any problems with drugs as far as I know, and he chooses now of all times to go on a fun marijuana-fuelled ride around town. At literally the worst possible time. Couldn't you have done that while you were at the bottom of the food chain, Swags? People probably wouldn't have batted an eyelid.
Too bad, he could be something with this new storyline. Now, he could be scraped off on Wrestlemania card just for this. And he would deserve it, so much negative publicity about this that WWE could easily swing to that route...
Swagger's an idiot. Hopefully he gets 'deavored, and instead the WHChamp can feud with Orton. I won't mind a face-face feud of mutual respect. Not everything has to be about hatred. Hogan-Warrior worked.

To the poster above who agreed with Zeb's views:The racists' views are hypocritical, because it was the white settlers who came here illegally and took from the natives, not to mention killed them too. So who are they to say what they say, especially over stolen land to begin with? Not only that, most of their venom is aimed at people of indigenous blood, who were on this continent way before the white man. So they're not even immigrants.
It's all up in the air at this point. I've read that they're considering, possibly, putting Ziggler in the title match with Del Rio at WM.

However, there are signs that WWE MIGHT be staying the course with Jack Swagger as they've uploaded three more Swagger/Coulter videos on youtube.com. If WWE planned on scrapping the angle altogether, I doubt they'd have uploaded those promos. However, they could always do something even worse by simply killing Swagger's push and jobbing him out to everyone on the card. I'd rather they just scrapped this angle altogether than see it wasted in such a way.
It's all up in the air at this point. I've read that they're considering, possibly, putting Ziggler in the title match with Del Rio at WM.

However, there are signs that WWE MIGHT be staying the course with Jack Swagger as they've uploaded three more Swagger/Coulter videos on youtube.com. If WWE planned on scrapping the angle altogether, I doubt they'd have uploaded those promos. However, they could always do something even worse by simply killing Swagger's push and jobbing him out to everyone on the card. I'd rather they just scrapped this angle altogether than see it wasted in such a way.

They might keep the angle through Wrestlemania and then Future Endeavor him afterwards. He wasn't going to win the belt anyway. WWE will have a mess on their hands if the main stream media outlets who were already reporting on the Swagger-Coulter angle, get wind of this arrest. Then WWE will ridiculed and that's exactly what they don't want going into Wrestlemania.
They might keep the angle through Wrestlemania and then Future Endeavor him afterwards. He wasn't going to win the belt anyway. WWE will have a mess on their hands if the main stream media outlets who were already reporting on the Swagger-Coulter angle, get wind of this arrest. Then WWE will ridiculed and that's exactly what they don't want going into Wrestlemania.

I can't see Swagger having a WM match - especially with this current gimmick. For the Swagger/Coulter angle to get better it should get more passionate and conversational each week. Surely that is not possible now.

The WWE can't have this much attention on a guy who is demonstrating controversial political views. It would be stupid.
Words cannot describe how disappointed I am in Jack Swagger right now. He picked the worst possible time to make such a mistake. It was questionable if he was going to win the World Heavyweight Championship in the first place, but now it's rather to safe to say he will not. I just hope that the match will still take place. They could still give it a significant amount of build and then have Alberto win by being booked to be much stronger. Not quite the extreme of Bryan VS Sheamus last year, but something where Alberto comes out looking far superior.

If the match doesn't take place they could always throw in Mark Henry or Orton. The likely route is Ziggler though. He was probably going to cash in his briefcase at Wrestlemania anyhow, now he has more of a reason to. If the match will no longer be taking place Ziggler can announce that he is cashing in at Wrestlemania, so that we get a match. It's too early to tell for now what will happen but unfortunately due to Swagger making such a huge mistake the outcome will surely be vastly different now than what was being planned. I really hope the match and feud still happen. The worst result would be if the feud gets cancelled and Zeb is given no one else to manage.
Meltzer's sheet is claiming that Swagger was indeed supposed to win the WHC at WrestleMania. Moreover, if he misses WrestleMania, this little fuck up is gonna cost him "upwards of $250,000."

So, you know, if you thought he was a dummy before, now you know for sure.

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