How quickly does WWE want us to forget?


Getting Noticed By Management
Tonight Zeb Colter came out and introduced Alberto Del Rio, he said we should all join together. WWE must think we have short term memory what happen to Zeb and Jack Swagger the Real American, Zeb would talk against any non american and put them all down. Do they think we are just that stupid or that forgetful, this is what kind of irks me what do you guys think, this is just my observation. I wonder if they just want us to forget.
No they are aware. That will be some part of this angle and how us Americans turned against him or something like that.
Today's wrestling fans do have a short memory. He was legitimately hurt and away from the sport so this angle works well. It just sounds like it was a terrible match against Cena and there are never bridges burned between Vince and wrestlers, even after they sue you.
I have a weird feeling this is some kind of attempt at a political statement by WWE to make sure hispanic fans don't get mad or become disinterested when it comes out that Vince, Steph and Hunter are backing Donald Trump for president.

Lately at a lot of his events, white Americans are beating up Mexicans who attend because of the issues with immigration. Just the other day one man got dragged out and kicked while he was on the ground.

Zeb being a "true American" teaming with a hispanic man shows we should be unified and support people of all cultures, backgrounds, etc.
Zeb Colter returning was great, was not expecting Alberto Del Rio. Then Del Rio kind of beats John Cena easily. After all the hard fought , match of the year battles, he drops the belt too easily to Del Rio.
i always hate del rio. But wwe need a famous mexican wrestler. Like it or not del rio eat in silver spoon in wwe. Actually he is the one got every thing in wwe. I hate his come back. The us title gone back to trash can.
I'm pretty sure Colter along with Swagger turned face in July last year to feud with Rusev. And they kept the tea party-esque gimmick just changed it to a face role. I presume Colter is still face. It's wrestling dude, people turn face and heel all the time. Nothing out of the ordinary here WWE didn't want us to forget anything.
Here that slight alarm? That is the sound of the Brink's armored truck carrying the bags of money that Stamford paid El Hijo de Dos Caras to come back as ADR backing up into the driveway. Since he is also AAA's champion, AAA got a nice chunk of change as well. And, what bridge was burned with VKM? VKM was doing the burning. WWE was in the wrong when they fired ADR, and they knew it. If they weren't, ADR would have never been brought back, never mind winning the US strap on his first night back.
On a side note, am I the only one who finds Alberto Del Rio incredibly boring and blah?

I was happy when he left, angry he's back. Looks like a lot of fast forwarding through his matches in the future.
Tonight Zeb Colter came out and introduced Alberto Del Rio, he said we should all join together. WWE must think we have short term memory what happen to Zeb and Jack Swagger the Real American, Zeb would talk against any non american and put them all down. Do they think we are just that stupid or that forgetful, this is what kind of irks me what do you guys think, this is just my observation. I wonder if they just want us to forget.

You're ridiculously right about this but you probably should've waited before posting this. We've to wait at least till the Monday Night Raw where there probably will be rationale delivered by Zeb Colter or Del Rio regarding the alliance. IF that reason will be a rational one then your post might become obsolete.

You didn't hear Michael Cole acknowledge that on the PPV?.. He said Del Rio and Colter have had differences in the past. I'm pretty sure Zeb will cut a promo tomorrow night with Del Rio, explaining it further.
Tonight Zeb Colter came out and introduced Alberto Del Rio, he said we should all join together. WWE must think we have short term memory what happen to Zeb and Jack Swagger the Real American, Zeb would talk against any non american and put them all down. Do they think we are just that stupid or that forgetful, this is what kind of irks me what do you guys think, this is just my observation. I wonder if they just want us to forget.

I just watched the video of Del Rio's return. JBL's comment seem to show that Del Rio and Colter had their differences in the past.

I'm curious to see what they do on RAW tomorrow and if Swagger gets involved.
I think this is going to lead to Alberto Del Rio feuding with a face Jack Swagger for the next few months, with Swagger saying that he fought Colter's battles for him for months on end, but Colter abandoned Swagger after he failed to beat Rusev. Colter will counter by saying that "WE THE PEOPLE" was supposed to be about him and Swagger reclaiming America from those who didn't represent the values they believed in, but Swagger got soft and turned it into a cheap catchprase and became a "nice guy". Now Colter has a new, ruthless client who believes in the same thing Colter does.
For the most part it's not that unreasonable that people forgot about their feud, it was almost 3 WMs ago and since then both of them have moved on totally different paths. (Which is no surprise since the only direction Swagger went since then was down) It also wouldn't be the first or last time people that feuded with each other in the past became allies for one reason or another, so this really shouldn't surprise anyone that's been watching for a decent amount of time.

In any case glad to see that Zeb is back, kinda interesting to see him get paired up with someone I would assume they actually want to have mic time but more than happy to see where they take this.
I think this post is incredibly impatient. The guy only arrived back in WWE last night.

Any road, who cares if WWE wants us to forget. WWE is entertainment and fun, folk ruin it for themselves by over thinking things! We have seen McMahon and Stone Cold allign, Triple H and Orton, Rock and Mankind so anything is possible.
You didn't hear Michael Cole acknowledge that on the PPV?.. He said Del Rio and Colter have had differences in the past. I'm pretty sure Zeb will cut a promo tomorrow night with Del Rio, explaining it further.

Pretty much this.

WWE doesn't want us to forget anything in this case. Coulter introduced Del Rio tonight because they had differences in the past. Cole mentioned their past and JBL even made a big deal about their handshake at the end.

Not sure why this is even a topic, this is one of the rare occasions where WWE is using some continuity for once.
On a side note, am I the only one who finds Alberto Del Rio incredibly boring and blah?

I was happy when he left, angry he's back. Looks like a lot of fast forwarding through his matches in the future.

No I think he's boring and bland as well. Never really liked the guy and maybe that's why they put Colter with him. Make him more appealing to the audience. Yea well that won't work with me.

If they wanted a top Latino star what's up with Kalisto. The little guy can go like a mofo, and he's one hell of a spitfire in the ring. The kids love him but I guess Vince doesn't.

it remain to be seen what happens with Del Rio. I'm imaging that some in the locker room won't be too pleased. Here is a guy that was fired, basically trashed the company for a good long while in every interview, and now comes back and wins the US title in his first match.

If I was Neville, Cesaro, Ziggler and a few more I'll be right pissed off. They've been busting their asses for months and not even got a sniff at hit. Like I said on the review thread we as fans are the worse off though. One of the most entertaining parts of RAW, the US Open Challenge is now gone. Can't see Del Rio keeping that up.
The entire point of bringing Del Rio back was to help us to forget something, and it had nothing to do with assuming that we had forgotten about the context of his feud with Zeb Coulter and to a much lesser extent Jack Swagger.

Del Rio was fired because he slapped a racist sack of dog-shit for asking him to bus his dirty dishes, and because HHH is a fucking moron who can't see any farther than the end of his nose (which isn't as insulting to him as it would be to most people).

Recently the WWE -- and to a lesser extent HHH -- realized that it was pretty fucking stupid to fire someone for standing up for themselves when confronted with racist bullshit at the workplace. So they hired him back, which seems like an act of desperation in that Del Rio was already being pushed to the stars by AAA. I don't think that Del Rio was desperate to come back to the WWE.

This occurrence reeks of a symbolic apology that doesn't have to supplement a verbal admission of guilt. It's like "We're not sorry that we conceivably supported racism, and now in a completely unrelated event we're going to hand a popular Hispanic performer a clean win against our biggest star and let him hold one of our belts while he's still obligated to perform for a rival company".

I'm not a Del Rio mark, but I'm glad that the WWE at least tried to make things right between themselves and reality. I honestly thought it was cool to have a surprise entrant in the US Championship Open Challenge, so that made the match good for PPV as far as I'm concerned.

The WWE wants us to forget that they patronized racism by buttering up Del Rio's character, which was a knee-jerk decision if I've ever seen one. Now that Cena has paid one hell of a penance; I'm pretty sure that Cena will be getting the world title before WrestleMania, I'm absolutely certain that Cena will be in the main event of WrestleMania. Del Rio will likely carry the US title with the same amount of prestige as Sheamus or One Man Gang.
Here that slight alarm? That is the sound of the Brink's armored truck carrying the bags of money that Stamford paid El Hijo de Dos Caras to come back as ADR backing up into the driveway. Since he is also AAA's champion, AAA got a nice chunk of change as well. And, what bridge was burned with VKM? VKM was doing the burning. WWE was in the wrong when they fired ADR, and they knew it. If they weren't, ADR would have never been brought back, never mind winning the US strap on his first night back.

How were they in the wrong exactly? Del Rio assaulted a guy and while I understand and might personally agree with why he did it, it's still something that can't be tolerated. At the time, all they had was Del Rio's word that the guy he slapped made a joke with racist implications, meaning they had to do some digging to find out if his story had any merit based on this other person's past actions and interactions with other employees. What they did know for a fact was that Del Rio slapped a guy in front of a room full of witnesses, which meant action had to be taken. Real life doesn't play out like something you see on TV where the righteous guy is allowed to get away with assault just because the guy he smacked happened to be a prick. WWE did launch an investigation into this other person and learned that the allegations of Del Rio did match up with stories told by other employees, and he was fired as well.

As for why they brought him back, it was obviously all about business and Del Rio is a business man. WWE obviously made him some sort of offer that Del Rio thought was more than fair and went for it. I don't know what sort of arrangement AAA had with Del Rio, but he obviously didn't have an exclusive deal with them and essentially "jumped ship."

I'm curious to see how this plays out and I doubt that WWE wants or expects fans to forget about Colter's anti-immigration persona, the commentators were talking about it during Del Rio's match with Cena after all. One possible explanation, one that's logical, is that they could go down the road of Zeb simply having a change of heart. Zeb was "injured" severely and had time to think about the important things in life, including his own personal beliefs and philosophies. I know what it's like to be injured, lying flat on your back unable to walk with nothing to do but ask yourself the important questions. I'm not saying that'll be the explanation, of course, but it's one that's the simplest and makes the most sense.
You didn't hear Michael Cole acknowledge that on the PPV?.. He said Del Rio and Colter have had differences in the past. I'm pretty sure Zeb will cut a promo tomorrow night with Del Rio, explaining it further.

For sure. That Del Rio was at first reluctant to shake Zeb's hand showed that the company hadn't expected us to forget what went before.

As it is, I presume (and hope) that Zeb isn't really restricted to a motorized cart and that his new program will be different from the first......maybe the polar opposite from what he did before. Frankly, I think that's a good idea; the 'self-professed Real American' stuff has been done before and I'm sure Zeb has the ability to present himself in another manner.

In addition, many folks on this forum have stated the company's need to bring in a few managers.....and Zeb surely qualifies. At any rate, if he's to work with Del Rio, I'm sure they can work a better program than did ADR and Ricardo Rodriguez.
I'm willing to give the pairing a chance. Let's just see where this goes tonight. One of my biggest gripes with Del Rio was how stale he was on the mic, so HOPEFULLY this means I don't have to hear him talk that much anymore.

I'm sure Zeb will explain himself tonight. I feel like WWE is going to portray him as the Paul Heyman to Del Rio's Brock Lesnar in the sense that Zeb will be the only one that Del Rio listens to. The outcome of this pairing really all depends on the explanation Coulter gives tonight. If it makes sense, than they'll be good to go.
Actually I remember Colter turning face at some point and actually accepting non-Americans. I'm sure that happened sometime.

Also the WWE is acknowledging the fact that Del Rio & Colter is an odd pairing, which means that some kind of angle is going down. So for once the WWE seems to be using continuity in their storylines.
It's easy to explain away - WWE treated ADR like shit, fired him when he was the wronged party and they just have that as the moment Zeb realised what was really going on in the company and America, and that he was fuelling it... I can imagine Zeb being all "I'm sorry that my actions made people thing how this man was treated is OK and how a Real American behave..."

WWE will play off what happened, it's the best way to get ADR face almost immediately as most casuals won't know the full story... Cody whatever doesn't work there anymore so they can throw him under the bus in the story... they aren't gonna ask you to forget, but to forgive them, as ADR being back at all brings it all up again... especially after Hogan...
Zeb and Jack turned face when they feuded with Rusev. so this is sort of the next step showing the multicultural america.

plus it helps give alberto a mouthpiece which is an area he has tended to struggle in.

we need to wait for raw as they can still take him either way but id imagine a survivor series match with Alberto, Swagger, Ryback, Neville and Cesaro against a group of foreign elitists consisting of Rusev, Sheamus, Barrett, Owens and stardust (bit of a stretch but the fifth dimension might make it work)
Here that slight alarm? That is the sound of the Brink's armored truck carrying the bags of money that Stamford paid El Hijo de Dos Caras to come back as ADR backing up into the driveway. Since he is also AAA's champion, AAA got a nice chunk of change as well. And, what bridge was burned with VKM? VKM was doing the burning. WWE was in the wrong when they fired ADR, and they knew it. If they weren't, ADR would have never been brought back, never mind winning the US strap on his first night back.

That's what I was saying. No matter how bad it looks Vince never burns bridges with wrestlers if their parting is business related.

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