Haiku Hogan's Shit List

Didn't Alex post a nude picture before of just a bass blocking his junk in an attempt to be like Flea?

Then again this guy genuinely believes Jeff Hardy could beat anyone in WZT.

I forgot I posted that pic.

Isn't the idea of the WZT to have fandom take over somewhat though??

Also yeah the thread I made. Probably should have made it seem less dick headed ish
I forgot I posted that pic.

Isn't the idea of the WZT to have fandom take over somewhat though??

Also yeah the thread I made. Probably should have made it seem less dick headed ish

Or not made it at all. You know whose job it is to make people feel ashamed of their bodies? Nobody. There is no job that comes with that description.

I understand where you're coming from because I have had similar thoughts myself, but making broad sweeping statements on the internet isn't going to win you any friends.
You know whose job it is to make people feel ashamed of their bodies? Nobody. There is no job that comes with that description.

Overzealous personal trainer? :shrug:

Shit List Entry #370: Everyone getting indignant over the Donald Sterling Saga

By now, we all know the Sterling story. It's out there, and is what it is. Donald Sterling is a repugnant asshole, and frankly is one of the most vile pieces of scum to walk the Earth.

But you know what? All of this was true thirty fucking years ago, and no one made a fucking peep.

No one.

Let me ask you, posters of WZ Forums... Where were you in 2003, when Donald Sterling was being brought to court, over some truly rancor shit? Where were you when he was discriminating against blacks and hispanics, affecting their very lives? Let me give you some quotes....

That's because of all the blacks in this building, they smell, they're not clean

I don't like Mexican men because they smoke, drink and just hang around the house

You know who said that? Donald Sterling. In 2000 and fucking three!

So, where the fuck were you, in 2006, when Donald Sterling settled with the largest housing discrimination settlement in history? Were you too busy swept in the grand playoff run of Chris Kaman?

Anyone that is piggybacking on this now is disingenuous at worst, and really fucking awful at keeping up with shit at best. And that includes, you, poster of Wrestlezone. Who do I really single out here?

*goes to look around to see who's riding the outrage train*

Oh, son of a bitch;

The Butcher

See, it's real easy to ride the high moral horse, now, Butcher. Of course we all can. See, here's the thing... This isn't even that bad, in the grand scheme of things.

Now, don't get me wrong. The statement itself is awful. I agree with that.

You know what's worse? When said racism actually hurts people. When racism causes people to get evicted from their apartment, and they have to support themselves, and their family. When they have no place to live, and wind up living on the fucking streets.

Or, when a family of four has asbestos in their apartment, but Donald Sterling doesn't fix the apartment, because the tenant is black.

That kind of shit? It fucking kills people.

What Donald Sterling said to his mistress? As awful as you may find it, it's nothing, fucking nothing compared to the awful shit this man has done. And it's all out there. This isn't in secret... People have known this for years. Fucking decades, even. And it's ruined lives.

And you want to be outraged now, and calls for protests? You want to pull your sponsorship now, nine years later (which matches pretty well with when information came out about the racial discrimination suit. So CarMax, fuck off, you and your shitty cars)? You want to make a thread expressing your outrage.

Fuck off; kiss the fattest part of my ass.
If it wasn't for the fact that this guy owns a team in a league dominated by black players, I would find him hilarious. He is like David Duke with lots of money.

I wanna know why you think you can coach these ******s.

That's because of all the blacks in this building, they smell, they're not clean.

And it's because of all of the Mexicans that just sit around and smoke and drink all day. I don't like Mexican men because they smoke, drink and just hang around the house. So we have to get them out of here.

Is she one of those black people that stink? [...] Just evict the bitch.

I'm offering a lot of money for a poor black kid.

I don't have to spend any more money on them, they will take whatever conditions I give them and still pay the rent.

Why are you taking pictures with minorities? Why? It's like talking to an enemy. Hispanics feel certain things towards blacks. Blacks feel certain things toward other groups [...] It will always be that way. [...] It bothers me a lot that you're associating with black people. [...] You're supposed to be a delicate white or a delicate Latina girl. [...] You don't have to have yourself walking with black people.

When you pay a woman for sex, you are not together with her. You're paying her for a few moments to use her body for sex. Is it clear? Is it clear? I want someone who will, you know, let me put it in or who [will] suck on it.

I want poor black boys from the South playing for a white coach.

I like Korean employees and I like Korean tenants, I don't have to spend any more money on them, they will take whatever conditions I give them and still pay the rent so I'm going to keep buying in Koreatown
And the worst thing about all of this, the one thing that should never be forgotten. That in spite of all this, of how horrendous this and how offended we all are.

The Cleveland Browns still have the worst owner in all of sports.
So it's okay for your character to turn my characters' mother's funeral into an involuntary cremation but it's not okay to be a little racist?

You have some mighty weird standards.

I also wrote a scene abusing Sandy Deserts, while working at a women's center for the abused...

On the topic of WZCW, I'm surprised Ubermensch never got an induction.

He was too easy of a choice. If you want to see the induction, you'll have to make it on the creative team. I lit him a new one, back there. But I always realized it wouldn't matter, he was too much of a bitch to address it personally.

Edit; just to be clear; Dr. Zeus did not rape Sandy Deserts. There's a lot of context needed here. Basically, we were in a feud (FalKon and I) and I hit Sandy over the head with... What, a chair? I can't even remember now.
What's even worse is that he did try to improve, only to just say "Fuck it" and post that tetanus inducing final RP (in the wrong section also)

Like, that's what always bugged me about him; he clearly knew better, you know? Some people just don't. Awesome_Miz doesn't know any better. This guy did, and was just being douchey.
In fairness, in 2003 I was only 13. I was too busy jacking it to care about anything.

The fine folks at Kleenex proudly support Mikey Stormrage. In fact, upon reading this quote, they may even wish to sponsor you in return for being their national spokesperson. I mean why worry about current events when your hands are full with more important things?

"Kleenex: Let the world worry about their own messes, while we clean up yours."

Now that is a money making ad campaign right there.
I hadn't heard of the guy before this week. I live on a different continent and don't follow the NBA, especially not the extent of looking up quotes from team owners.

But I guess you have a point. If I didn't know it then, I have no right to be concerned or annoyed by it now. Glad I finally made the list though, thanks Haiku!
I hadn't heard of the guy before this week. I live on a different continent and don't follow the NBA, especially not the extent of looking up quotes from team owners.

But I guess you have a point. If I didn't know it then, I have no right to be concerned or annoyed by it now. Glad I finally made the list though, thanks Haiku!

Not neccesarily what I said, nor what I meant. If you're going to attack racism, fine. But for the media to pretend that this the reveal of some great unknown truth and be outraged is disingenuous. And if you're outraged, are you outraged by the racism, or outraged to be outraged?

Because if it's the racism, then you prolly should have known the score, with this guy.
I'm surprised he hasn't been placed in captivity with Paula Deen. Ignorant, racist goofs like them are becoming a rarity in society.

For hitting all my favorites, all at once.

You do realize most hipsters are liberals, right? Lmao

Something tells me every woman if your life has placed you in the friends zone

Lol you are such a liberal ******

beta ass bitch :D

I've done my nice guy rant; but if you want me tear some motherfucker apart, come to the Raw thread.

As I said, you're going to die alone. Alone, and probably weeping in your loneliness. Wondering where you went wrong.

It probably went wrong somewhere amongst your misogyny. And if you can't see you're a mosogynist, then my God, you're even dumber than I give you credit for (which is saying something).

You're a twat. And I don't think I need anything more to say.

But hey, come to the Raw thread for some fun, mates.

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